The Pack: Mercy's Choice (Born to be Were series book 2)

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The Pack: Mercy's Choice (Born to be Were series book 2) Page 15

by Flynn, Donna

  “Good morning,” she answered softly, feeling oddly bereft when he let her hand go so she could eat. She studied him as he ate wondering why he bothered with her, but decided not to question her good fortune. They ate in silence until the clock chimed the hour, and he pushed his plate away, thanked Lucan for breakfast, and helped her get her things together before pulling her out of the back door. She expected him to walk her to his car, but instead he walked her to the forest line and pulled her against him kissing her with more passion than she had ever felt from him before. It was overwhelming, and she was so swept up in the moment that all of the problems of the past disappeared as he held her in his arms. He pulled back, smiling at her dazed expression, satisfied he had been responsible for it, and escorted her to the car.

  “Are you alright?” he asked as she pulled on her seatbelt.

  “I’m just fine, but I really don’t want anyone ruining my good mood today.”

  Alec smiled. “Don’t worry about it. I have the feeling today will be a good day.”


  As they arrived at school, Mercy noted other pack members seamlessly blending in with the students around them and shook her head in wonder. They looked as if they belonged amongst the teenagers there and if she did not attend such a small school where everyone knew each other, she might have never questioned their presence. Alec’s friend Rich was heading towards them when Amber pulled up in her convertible Corvette. Rich looked to Alec who nodded, then changed direction and walked to where she parked, opened her door, and helped her out, leaning close to talk to her. She frowned and pierced Alec with a dark look, but took Rich’s arm and allowed him to escort her inside.

  “That’s odd,” Mercy said as Alec took her hand and walked her in. “I got the impression Rich didn’t really like Amber all that much.”

  Alec feigned a look of surprise. “He never told me that. As a matter of fact, last night he offered to help her around school so I can be with you all day.”

  Alec smiled down at her lovingly and suddenly nothing else mattered, but the fact he was going to be by her side without Amber’s interference for the entire day. Happily, she walked along side of him through the crowded halls until they reached her locker where Gina waited with a friendly smile.

  “Mercy, you look great,” Gina said supportively.

  “Well, we do heal rather quickly,” she answered. Honestly though, she hadn’t been sure how bad she would look when she woke, but to her surprise the worst of the bruising had faded and what was left she had masterfully used makeup to conceal.

  Reminded of how she had suffered just the day before, Alec felt uncomfortable and guilty. It had been his choice to leave her with Amber, and every injury she had suffered was his fault. “We had better get to class, or we are going to be late,” Alec said, closing her locker and pulling her alongside him towards their first class. Rich peered across the hall at them over Amber’s head and quickly pulled her in the other direction as per his instructions. Alec had met with Rich the night before and decided for the time being to keep the two girls separated until they figured out exactly what had happened between them. He wanted to believe Amber had done nothing to cause Mercy’s injuries, but if he found out that wasn’t the case, he would make sure she paid dearly for harming his mate.

  Gina watched their exchange suspiciously, wondering what was going on, but Alec glared at her when she opened her mouth, which stopped her from asking the questions she had.

  With Amber out of the way and Gina silenced, Alec focused his attention on getting Mercy to class. He led her through the loud throng of teenagers hurriedly, keeping his eyes open for Amber and Rich, breathing a sigh of relief when finally they reached the classroom.

  “Why the hurry?” Mercy asked as she settled her things on the desk in front of her.

  “I didn’t want you to be late,” he answered quickly, probably a little too quickly because she became immediately suspicious.

  “Alec, what is going on?” she whispered, sure he was keeping something from her.

  “Nothing,” he said, squeezing her hand before turning his attention on the teacher who was now in front of the room trying to get everyone’s attention.

  Mercy cast him sideways glances for the rest of the class, trying to figure out what he was up too, but he kept his focus on the teacher and refused to meet her gaze, so she got nowhere.


  The morning had flown by with Alec constantly at her side and Amber, thankfully not. Mercy was thanking her lucky stars for the change of fortune when Amber finally found them in the lunchroom. She wasted no time pouring on the charm for Alec as Mercy stood by his side wanting nothing more than to call her out for leaving her alone with the black wolf the day before. As difficult as it was though she held her tongue out of deference for Alec, knowing he would be hurt by Amber’s betrayal.

  Amber placed her hand on his arm with a pout, ignoring Mercy completely. “Alec, where have you been, I thought you might be trying to avoid me.”

  “Of course not, I was just making sure Mercy got to all her classes safely,” he told her with a smile. “After what happened yesterday, I am not taking any chances with her safety.”

  “Well as long as you are not mad at me,” she said, batting her eyes at him.

  Mercy gritted her teeth while staring at Amber’s hand with contempt. The wash of rage that came over her was unexpected, and came so quickly she had no control over her possessive response. A low growl erupted from her throat, and Alec placed his hand on her waist and smiled down on her, his eyes capturing hers, their wolves melding together. His wolf dominated hers, and she felt it give way, falling back until she was back in control again.

  “I’m not mad at you, I just wanted to spend time with Mercy,” he told Amber, looking to Rich who walked into the cafeteria looking frazzled. Obviously, Amber had managed to duck away from him at some point, and as he walked towards them, he gave Alec an apologetic look.

  Mercy watched Alec as he bantered on with Amber, calming her ruffled feathers with his easy words while she flirted outrageously with him, despite Mercy’s presence. It was all too much, and Mercy knew she had to get away before she screamed or worse went for the girl’s throat. She pulled her hand from Alec’s and turned to go so quickly she nearly lost her balance.

  “Hey, do you want to get some lunch while Alec talks with Amber,” Rich said grabbing her arm to keep her upright. Alec looked his way with a growl, and he let go immediately, taking a step back.

  “Go ahead with Rich,” Alec told her. “I’m not hungry right now anyway. I’ll just sit with Amber until you get back.” He turned away leaving her no choice, but to follow Rich to the lunch line.

  Seeing her upset, Rich tried to use his charm to try to make her smile as he piled his platter high with Salisbury steaks and mashed potatoes while she grabbed fruit and a salad, which made him laugh. “You know we are carnivorous, right?” he teased, but she was too distracted by the sight of Alec and Amber sitting together across the lunchroom to notice he was speaking to her.

  Hurt and anger raced through Mercy as she stared at Alec with Amber. The girl was practically sitting on his lap as they spoke quietly to each other ignoring everyone around them. She focused on their conversation hearing them as if she were sitting right next to them and decided that the awesome hearing being a wolf had blessed her with was a plus.

  “I’m sorry Mercy got away from me yesterday,” Amber told him, sounding sincerely apologetic.

  “It’s alright, she can be a handful,” he replied with a sigh.

  “I don’t know how you do it, Alec. She’s obviously never going to fit in with a pack. How can you even think about bonding with her?” She said it so sympathetically that one might actually believe she felt sorry for him, but Mercy knew it was all a ploy to make her look pathetic.

  “She’s my mate, Amber, so leave it alone,” he commanded, praying she would leave it alone. He planned to explain to her that Mercy was his mate
and that she had no chance of changing his mind about that, but the school cafeteria was not the place he wanted to hold that conversation.

  “Alec, you know sometimes mates are not compatible. There is no law that says you have to bond with Mercy, you can choose another.”

  “Mercy has been mine since the first day I saw her. I do not plan to walk away from her. Besides that, her brothers are my friends and will hopefully be my second and third in line when I take over the pack,” he told her, thinking she would get the hint.

  “There are others who would gladly take that position. Don’t make a mistake like taking her as your mate based on loyalty,” she told him, rubbing her hand over his back.

  Mercy felt her cheeks flush with growing rage. Her hands trembled, and the hair on the back of her neck stood up as her wolf bayed loudly inside of her, demanding release.

  “Mercy, are you alright?” Kirk asked, coming to her side taking her tray from her and tossing it on the table next to them, ignoring Rich’s low growl of disapproval. He followed her gaze to where Alec sat with Amber and looked back at her with unease, his Alpha side acutely aware of her wolf’s unsettled nature.

  “I just need a minute,” she murmured, her body trembling uncontrollably despite desperately trying to calm herself down. She knew if she did not settle her wolf something bad was going to happen, but just seeing them so close, and hearing Alec try to justify being with her was too much. She closed her eyes and whispered to herself that it was not what it seemed, but her wolf howled with anger, disbelieving her words. Her bones seemed to turn to Jell-O, and she tensed, fearing she was going to shift right there in the cafeteria, when Alec’s arms slid around her waist and his lips pressed against her ear.

  “This is not the place, Angel, calm down,” Alec whispered, his own wolf commanding hers to back down.

  She wanted to ignore him, and her wolf was in full agreement, but as his hands ran over her she felt his wolf push its dominance over hers and all of the rage she had been experiencing began to fade.

  Alec stiffened when she opened her eyes and looked up at him. The hurt he saw there was agonizing, and he realized immediately she must have been listening to his conversation with Amber.

  “You are an idiot,” Kirk said next to them earning snarls from both Alec and Rich.

  “This is none of your concern, so back off,” Alec hissed tired of his interference with his mate.

  “We need to move now. We are starting to attract attention,” Rich said.

  “Come sweetheart,” Alec said pulling her along beside him to the outdoor picnic area knowing as cold as it was no one would be there. When they made it outside, he pulled her to him wrapping her in his arms and apologized. “I know you’re mad I was talking to Amber, but I was trying to make her see I have no interest in anyone but you”

  “You made it sound like you’re with me out of obligation, not because you want to be.”

  That was exactly how he had wanted it to sound to Amber, but he hadn’t counted on Mercy listening in on their conversation. “That’s not true. You know that, right?”

  Mercy shook her head unsure what she believed. “I can’t do this here. We can talk later. For now let’s just get through the day without any more problems.” She pulled away from him, placing her hands at her sides, denying her need to touch him, knowing if she did she would forgive everything, and she wasn’t in the mood to be forgiving. In fact, she wasn’t in the mood to be the weak-willed, easily swayed girl she had always been. It was time to step up and become what she was meant to be, and for once, she felt ready to accept the hand fate had dealt her.

  “Don’t do this, you have to believe in me,” Alec said reaching for her.

  “I don’t know what to believe anymore,” she replied, biting her lip. “Just give me some space.” She turned and walked back into the lunchroom where Kirk and Rich waited, both looking anxious. Her gaze met Amber’s and the girl smiled triumphantly gathering her things and running to Alec’s side as soon as he walked inside. His dark look did not seem to bother her and she latched on to his arm pulling him along with her.

  “Come on, I’ll take you to class,” Kirk offered.

  “It’s my job to watch over her when her mate can’t,” Rich told him sharply.

  “I am a good-natured guy and I know you are following Alec’s orders, but if you force me on this, I can pull my Alpha in a second,” Kirk told him, his eyes glowing yellow as his wolf surfaced.

  “I don’t believe this,” Mercy shouted, turning to them both aggravated by the testosterone that surrounded her. “Look, both of you can walk me to class since I am obviously too inept to do so myself, but no more arguing, I can’t handle any more today.” She stomped to the table and retrieved her books then left with both of them following close behind, stunned by her outburst. By the time she made it to class, she was fuming, and when Alec sat next to her, she refused to look his way. At the bell, she stood and quickly gathered her things walking out of the room, ignoring his attempts to talk to her. Tired of the cold shoulder he grabbed her arm and turned her to face him in the middle of the hall. “What is your problem?” he asked furiously.

  “You’re the problem Alec! I’m just a pawn in your little game, waiting to see if I am good enough for you, but guess what? I don’t care anymore.” She jerked her arm out of this grasp and stared up at him with disdain. “You are worried I am not good enough for you, but I have news for you buddy maybe, just maybe, you are not good enough for me!” She turned and walked away, Rich following behind closely to keep an eye on her while Alec stared after her in disbelief.

  “She is not good enough for you, Alec, when will you see that?” Amber said next to him.

  “Not now!” he growled crossly, his gaze focused on Mercy. It took all he had not to follow her, but he knew Rich was there and Kirk was close behind. Add them to all the other of his pack who was watching her and he knew she would be safe enough.

  “It’s such a shame,” Amber said with a sigh.

  “What’s a shame?”

  “That your very own mate can’t understand what you are. I mean your Alpha. You don’t have to explain anything to her, your word is law.” She put her arm through his smiling up at him adoringly. “If I were your mate I would certainly listen to your every command and not show you the disrespect she does.”

  He pulled his arm from hers and frowned. “Amber, you are not my mate, Mercy is, and I am happy with that.”

  “I didn’t mean to make you angry. I was just saying there are other women out there.”

  “None like Mercy,” he said before walking away.

  Mercy spent the rest of the day ignoring Alec completely. His words to Amber had made it clear even he doubted she could ever be what he needed in a mate, and that was just not something she could let him go on believing. As he drove them to her house after school, she stared out of the window at the forest they passed thinking about how he was going to take the surprise she had waiting at home, but for once she was confident in what she was doing, and had no doubts.

  “Are you going to be mad at me for long?” Alec dared to ask, breaking their silence.

  She turned and looked at him, keeping her face passive and her hands clenched tightly in her lap. “I’m not mad, Alec, I just finally understand the position I am in.” She turned back to stare out of the window as he pulled into the driveway, unwilling to share any more than that with him.

  As Alec pulled up to the house, he quickly noted Gina stood on Mercy’s front porch, Nina and Hailey behind her, all staring at him nervously. He parked the car and immediately looked to her for an explanation. “What’s going on?”

  “Girl time,” she told him, grabbing her bag and opening the door, wanting to get away before he tried to talk her out of her plans.

  “I wanted to talk to you about this afternoon,” he argued getting out of the car and coming to her side.

  “I’m done talking, Alec. I have decided that now is the time for action.” S
he saw the hurt look on his face and immediately wanted to console him, but hardened herself. If she was ever going to be a good pack member then she needed separation from him to find herself. The only way they were going to have a chance as a couple was if she became one with her wolf. That meant spending time working with her wolf until they formed a bond and an understanding about who was in control. For that to happen she needed someone who would be tougher on her, someone who could control her wolf and guide her through the process with the eyes of a leader.

  “I don’t understand, what’s going on?” Alec asked as Gregory walked outside to join the three women who waited patiently for Mercy. He lost the thin thread of control that was left upon seeing his father. “What the hell is my father doing here?” he asked, grabbing her arm, spinning her around to face him.

  “Gregory is going to help me learn how to be part of the pack,” she said softly, knowing he was going to be hurt she had chosen his father over him to help her.

  “The hell he is! You’re my mate, I will teach you,” he argued his grip tightening on her arms.

  “I will never learn with you hovering over me, protecting me from everything you think is dangerous. You say you love me and that I am the only girl for you, but you need to let me grow Alec, let me find myself, or I am not worth anything to anyone.”

  “You are worth more than anything to me. I don’t care if you ever embrace the pack, I would love you just the same even if I had to step down and leave them.”

  “But you do care, Alec. I heard you say as much to Amber this afternoon.” She pulled her arm from his grasp and straightened her shoulders. “I thought it would be Lucan who held me back, but it’s you, Alec, your worries for me and my feelings, that have stunted my growth as a werewolf.”

  “I never meant to hold you back from anything,” he said solemnly.

  “I know. That is why your dad and the girls will be helping me from now on.”


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