Dangerous Delusion (O'Connor Brothers Book 6)

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Dangerous Delusion (O'Connor Brothers Book 6) Page 9

by Rhonda Brewer

  Lora hadn’t moved from the chair as she stared at him with wide eyes. Her lips were pressed together but he didn’t know if they frightened her, or if he did.

  “You know the procedure.” John reminded him.

  “Was it procedure when you let Stephanie into the apartment of the person you thought was trying to kill her? Was it procedure to let James be involved in the team to find Marina?” Nick tried to keep his anger under control as he spoke, and Cory moved across the room to close the door he’d left open.

  “Keep your voice down.” Steve snapped.

  “No, it wasn’t procedure, and we broke it. Yes. Nick, I know how you feel, trust me, but if you’d listen to us.” John took a step toward him, but Nick held up his hand.

  “Why are you so angry?” Lora’s quiet voice broke the tension.

  Nick took a deep breath and let it out slowly. He crouched in front of her and captured her hands in his. She didn’t appear to be scared, but her hands trembled.

  “They’re pulling me off the case,” Nick kept his voice calm.

  “Why?” Lora’s gaze moved to John.

  “Because we want him to be safe,” John replied, and Nick rolled his eyes.

  “You don’t think he’s good at his job?” Lora stared at his older brother, and Nick turned his head because he wanted to know the answer to that question as well.

  “It’s not that, Lora. Nick’s a damn good cop, but sometimes when you care for someone, and they’re in danger, it clouds your judgment.” John sat in the chair next to her.

  Lora turned to Nick and cupped his face. A tear slipped from the corner of her eye and ran down her cheek. It broke his heart to see one tear fall from her eyes. Especially because she seemed almost afraid to speak.

  “That’s why I tried to keep you at arm’s length for so long.” Lora sniffed. “I don’t want you to get hurt.”

  A war raged inside him. What was more important to him? Being with Lora or working a case. He knew his feelings for her were more than he’d ever expected to feel, but he wanted to be her hero.

  “There has to be a middle ground here.” Aaron slapped his hands on the table startling everyone in the room.

  “If you have an idea let’s hear it.” John shrugged his shoulders.

  Aaron paced the floor for what seemed forever. Nick didn’t release Lora’s hand, and she’d dropped the one she’d touched his cheek with to cover his hands.

  “Is he talking to himself?” Lora whispered as they watched Aaron mumble.

  “I think so.” Nick snorted.

  “How about for this case, Nick takes over protection detail?” Aaron spun around to face everyone.

  “Isn’t that what Hulk and Crunch are doing?” Nick reminded his younger brother they’d already dealt with that problem.

  “Not really. Hell, I don’t know.” Aaron threw his hands up in the air.

  “How about we do it this way? Nick, you can stay on this, but if I see you putting yourself in danger, or jeopardizing your safety more than we already do, then I’ll pull you.” John raised an eyebrow.

  For a moment Nick contemplated Aaron’s idea. He’d be with Lora all the time. Then again, he didn’t plan on leaving her side anyway.

  “Deal,” Nick held his hand out to John, and his brother tugged him into a hug.

  “Am I forgiven now?” John smirked.

  “For now.” Nick laughed.

  “Can we continue now that the drama queen is happy?” Cory grumbled.

  “Fuck you, Asshat.” Nick tossed a pen at his friend.

  “Nice language to be using in front of your lady.” Aaron sat next to Lora and gave her a wink.

  “So, what we learned so far is all this started after your dad died.” Aaron glanced down at the notebook in his hand.

  “Yeah, but only cards like you’d send to a girlfriend. I thought it might be a mix-up.” Lora met Nick’s eyes.

  “But your name was on them?” Nick wasn’t sure if John was asking or confirming.

  “Yeah, but I tried to brush it off.” Lora glanced down at her hands.

  Nick tried to stay at a distance to prove that he could keep things professional while they were there. He wasn’t giving John any reason to pull him off the task force. If what Kurt suggested was right, Lora was in a lot of danger if that crazy fucker found her.

  “How long was it before this guy started to get creepy?” Aaron motioned with a nod of his head to come closer, and Nick crouched next to Lora’s chair as he captured her hand in his.

  “The first thing was a doll.” She shivered.

  “A doll?” Aaron glanced back at John and Nick knew why.

  “It wasn’t a baby doll or anything. It was a Barbie doll with homemade …” Lora peeked at Nick under her lashes.

  “Lingerie?” Nick ducked his head to see her face.

  “It wasn’t stuff I’d ever wear.” Lora lifted her head, and as if she’d decided not to let this guy affect her anymore she looked Aaron right in the eye. “I would say it’s probably something you would see on a prostitute.”

  “Why isn’t the doll in with the other gifts you received?” Steve dug through the box Wayne had given them.

  “It was the first weird thing. I tossed it out before Molly saw it.” Lora sighed. “I didn’t think…”

  “It’s okay, Lora.” Nick squeezed her hand.

  “Nick’s right. Why would you keep that, but I do have a picture of something sent to another woman. Could you look at it and let me know if it’s similar?” Cory held up a picture in his hand.

  Lora nodded, and he placed the picture on the table in front of her. She released Nick’s hand and picked up the photo. Nick had seen it. He’d seen all five of them. There was a doll sent to each of the dead women, and if Lora received the same one, it would prove what they suspected.

  He’d give her one thing; Dulce Ross was one tough nut to crack. He’d beaten her every two hours for the last three days, and she still wouldn’t tell him anything. He was beginning to think all his trouble was for nothing. Dulce was useless to him.

  He poured a glass of whiskey and stared out through the kitchen window. The backyard needed mowing before he could move his love into the house. The little girl needed a place to play, and overgrown grass would not do.

  As he scanned through the phone book for a company to do yard work, he noticed the neighbor poking around at the back of the yard. The broken fence needed repairing, but he’d buried the couple who owned the house close to where the bitch currently stood.

  He opened the door that led to the backyard and shouted to the woman. She jumped, and her eyes grew large.

  “Can I help you with something?” he forced a smile.

  “Oh… I didn’t… I was looking… I thought I saw my cat come through here.” She stammered over her words as she backed into her own yard.

  “I haven’t seen a cat, but if I do I'll be sure to let you know, but if you don’t mind, I’d rather you didn’t trespass on my property.” He started to head down the back steps.

  “I apologize.” She walked quickly to her back entrance.

  “I’m a very private person.” He nodded as he picked up the part of the fallen fence and leaned it against the opening.

  He glanced toward the neighbor’s house, but she’d already entered her residence and was peeking through the curtain. She must think he was a complete idiot if he couldn’t see her big nosey snout between the thick drapes.

  “Guess I better find someone to build a privacy fence as well.” He mumbled to himself. “I think I’ll try to break Dulce one more time, but if it doesn’t work, I have to find another way.”

  With a heavy sigh, he picked up the knife from the counter and headed back to the basement. If she didn’t give him what he wanted she’d have to pay the price.

  Chapter 11

  Lora’s hand quivered as she picked up the photo. She didn’t exactly want to see it, because if it was the same as the doll that was sent to her, it would give he
r the creeps. She examined the whole picture before she allowed herself to focus on the doll in the center.

  A traditional Barbie with dark hair, cut in long layers and side bangs lay next to a yellow ruler. It was clear it had been cut, it wasn’t a typical style seen with the famous toy. It was however the way Lora wore her hair.

  When she finally allowed her eyes to move to the clothing, her stomach filled with acid, and she felt it bubble up into her throat. Black vinyl or leather wrapped around the doll's neck and chest, resembling a bra with the front open. He'd drawn nipples on the breasts as well as hair between the legs. It was visible through the black crotchless panties.

  Not that all that wasn’t creepy enough, but the doll's hands and feet were tied together. Similar to what she’d seen in Calgary when she went to the Stampede about ten years earlier. The guy next to her at the time called it hogtied. The last thing she noticed was the ball gag painted across the mouth.

  Lora tossed the picture on the table and backed away with a shudder. Instantly, strong arms wrapped around her from behind and she turned into them. Lora knew instinctively it was Nick.

  “It’s the same. Exactly.” Lora confirmed as she tucked her head into his chest.

  “Is that the only one you threw away?” John's voice sounded apologetic.

  “Yes. When the flowers came with the first drawing, I called the police.” Lora turned her head in order to see John. “These women were murdered because he couldn’t get to me, weren’t they?”

  “We don’t know for sure, Lora.” Aaron’s hand squeezed her shoulder as Nick hugged her tighter.

  “You suspect it though?” Lora knew the answer when John looked over her head at Nick.

  “We don’t know for sure.” Aaron repeated, and it was sweet, but not knowing made it worse.

  “I’m not going to fall apart if you tell me the truth. I just need to know.” Lora turned around, but Nick didn’t release his embrace.

  “We think he’s trying to recreate you, but when they didn’t match his ideal idea of you, he got rid of them,” John’s matter of fact tone sounded cold, but she knew that wasn’t his normal personality.

  “Were they raped?” She needed to know what kind of torture the women endured.

  “No, there were no signs of sexual assault.” Nick cupped her cheek and turned her to look at him.

  “There’s something we need to know,” Steve spoke for the first time since he told Nick to keep his voice down.

  “What can do to help?” Lora leaned back against Nick, feeling safety in his embrace.

  “We’d ask Nick, but I’ve …. Ow.” Aaron received a smack on the back of the head from John.

  “Shut up, Asshole.” John snapped.

  “We need to know if you have any tattoos or scars on your body. We also need to know where, and what they are.” Steve ignored the brotherly situation between John and Aaron.

  “I have two tattoos, and a scar from when I had Molly. I had a C-section.” Lora tried to remember if she had any others.

  “Do you have a tattoo with a cross on your shoulder?” Cory held up a picture.

  “That’s my tattoo. I got it the week after my dad died. It has his signature on it.” Lora glanced at Nick.

  “Is this your other one?” Cory held up another picture. A lock, in the shape of a heart, with a thin chain hanging from it. On the end of the string was a letter M, for Molly.

  “Yes,” She wasn’t sure they even heard her say the word, but she was certain she might throw up.

  “Is it on the front of your left shoulder?” Cory continued with his questions.

  “Yes, right over my heart.” Lora wiped a tear from her cheek, furious that she allowed it to escape.

  The room was silent for a few minutes, except for the soft click of the air conditioner cutting in and out. Lora didn’t want to know where they got the pictures of her tattoos. Mostly because she knew in her heart, they weren't hers. She had a good idea of where they got the pictures.

  Lora glanced around at each of the men who seemed to be avoiding eye contact with her. She knew the answer to her question but needed to hear them say it.

  “Were those tattoos on the murdered women?” Lora waited for an answer, but the only one to meet her eyes was Nick.

  “Honey, he was trying to recreate you. They aren’t real tattoos. He drew them on each of the victims. So, we know he’s a very talented artist.” Nick’s hands were sliding up and down her arms as if he was trying to keep her calm.

  “He couldn’t use his talents for something else.” Lora snorted as she tried to ease her anxiety with a joke, it didn’t work.

  “I’m sure he thinks what he’s doing is art. Lora, we need to know who saw your tattoos, where you had them inked, and if you’re comfortable with it, we need pictures of them as well as your scar.” Nick released her as she lowered herself into a chair.

  “Remember when I said I wasn’t going to fall apart. I hope you don’t mind if I do, just a little bit.” Lora’s heart pounded, and her body trembled.

  There was no way to stop the sobs that escaped, as tears streamed down her cheeks. She gasped for air and wrapped her arms around herself. Lora wasn’t scared anymore, she was pissed that this bastard hurt all those women because he couldn’t get to her. The overwhelming wave of guilt felt like a brick wall on her back, and it was all his fault.

  “You can feel whatever way you want, sweetheart.” Nick knelt in front of her, and wrapped her in his strong arms as she tucked her face into the crook of his neck.

  “Lora, we'll figure out who this is,” John assured her.

  “We got your back.” Aaron placed a gentle hand on her shoulder.

  Those four words from Aaron, and Nick’s comforting arms seemed to give her the kick in the ass she needed to pull it together. This asshole had taken a year of her life. She’d uprooted her child, her mother, and herself, as well as pissed off her brother because she’d kept it from him.

  Enough is enough.

  The only good thing about the whole damn situation, was she met Nick and his amazing family. Lora took a deep breath, and Nick’s incredible woodsy scent filled her senses. She wiped her hands across her cheeks and kept her gaze locked with the man who ultimately stole her heart.

  “I’m a mess.” Lora forced a smile.

  “You’re beautiful.” Nick dragged his finger down the side of her face.

  “Okay. I’ve got that out of my system. What do you want me to do?” Lora turned to John.

  “We’ll get someone to take a picture of your tattoos, and your scar. We’ll bring in a female officer to do that.” John picked up the phone.

  “Unless you’re okay with Nick… Jesus, stop hitting me.” Aaron grumbled as John slapped the back of his younger brother’s head.

  “Stop being an ass,” John growled.

  “The tattoos aren’t in private areas.” Lora rolled her eyes.

  “I’ll get the camera.” Aaron stood up and ducked immediately when John swung at him again.

  “Over my dead body.” Nick shot to his feet.

  “I wasn’t going to take them. Christ, you think I was a pervert or something.” Aaron complained as he disappeared through the door.

  “Are you okay with Nick, or do you want me to get a female?” John asked her.

  “I’m okay with Nick.” Lora didn’t feel weird about having Nick take the photographs.

  Nick closed the door to John’s office, and her nerves suddenly got the better of her. Not because the tattoos and scar would reveal anything, but her body wasn’t exactly perfect. Maybe she should have gotten a female, but she thought she’d be more comfortable with Nick.

  “I can still get a female.” Nick smiled as he picked up the camera.

  “I’m okay. It’s just… My body isn’t exactly perfect.” Lora dropped her head and sighed.

  “Lora, look at me.” She could see his feet appear next to hers and heard the slight thud of the camera he placed on the desk.

bsp; Lora peeked up and met his intense blue eyes. They reminded her of the cloudless summer sky, and she could stare into them forever. He tucked her hair behind her ear. Nick was the first man in a long time that she’d even thought about being intimate with and she dreamed about it. Constantly.

  “You’re beautiful, sexy, sweet, sexy, strong and did I mention sexy?” Nick smirked.

  “Maybe once or twice.” Lora smiled.

  “But do you know the first thing I noticed about you?” he leaned against the desk and pulled her to stand between his legs.

  “My great coffee making skills.” Lora wrapped her arms around his neck.

  “That’s a great skill, but your smile made my heart do a flip-flop.” Nick tapped her nose with his finger. “Yes, I noticed your curves and I’d be a liar if I said I didn’t dream about you at night.”

  “Nick,” Lora was breathless.

  “But I want more than that with you. I want to spend time with you and Molly. Get to know both of you, and yes, when the time is right, I want to take you to bed and worship every inch of your incredible body.” Nick pressed his forehead against hers. “To me, you are perfect no matter if you have one tiny scar, or a thousand.”

  “You’re so incredibly sweet.” Lora brushed her lips against his, as Nick cupped the back of her head, and his tongue glided along the seam of her lips.

  When Lora opened her mouth and met his tongue with her own, she pressed her body against his. His kiss was demanding, but gentle. Lora moaned into his mouth when his hand cupped her ass and pulled her flush against his body. He was hard, and she pressed her aching center against his erection.

  “Lora,” Nick panted as he pulled his lips from hers.

  “Nick,” She breathed his name.

  “Do you see what you do to me?” Nick kissed her cheek and brushed his lips across hers. “I can come just kissing you.”

  “I want you... but…” Lora sighed, and closed her eyes.

  “You’re scared,” Nick whispered.

  “Yeah, but not because I don’t trust you. I do. More than I’ve ever trusted anyone.” Lora opened her eyes and saw his smile.

  “I’m glad.” Nick’s hands still rested on her ass.


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