Dangerous Delusion (O'Connor Brothers Book 6)

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Dangerous Delusion (O'Connor Brothers Book 6) Page 12

by Rhonda Brewer

  “Yeah,” Lora touched his cheek. “But it was really thoughtful of you to think about Molly.”

  “I do have something you would never be able to get her.” Nick held up the bag with his big surprise.

  “Oh really,” Lora tried to peek in the bag, but he held it over her head.

  “Sorry, this is for Molly's eyes only.” Nick winked.

  “She’s sleeping right….” Lora stopped when Molly’s voice echoed through the house.

  Lora walked around him and left the kitchen leaving Nick with Sheila. She’d spread the containers of food on the table and handed him a plate.

  “You just earned major points with me, young man.” Sheila winked.

  “That’s nice to hear, but it’s not why I did this.” Nick hoped Sheila didn’t believe he only did everything to gain proverbial points.

  “That’s what makes it so great, Nick. Knowing what I do about your family, I’m sure you didn’t even give it a second thought. You, young man, think with your heart, and that’s a good thing.” Sheila reached across the table and gently tapped his hand.

  “Thanks,” Nick smiled.

  “Look, who wanted to get a drink.” Lora walked into the kitchen with Molly perched on her hip.

  “Hi, Nick.” Molly smiled but her flushed cheeks and tired eyes made it obvious she was unwell.

  “Hi there, Lollipop.” Nick stood up and held up the bag.

  “What’s that?” She looked at him with a little sparkle coming back in her eyes.

  “I got this from my work. We gave them away to boys and girls a few months ago at the hospital. We had some left over, and I was told this guy in here makes people feel better.” Nick reached into the bag and pulled out his surprise.

  Molly’s smile was worth the pain of digging through the storage room at the station to find one of the stuffed Newfoundland dogs wearing a police cap.

  “Wow,” Lora smiled at Nick as she held the toy up for Molly.

  “Now there’s just one rule when you have this guy.” Nick tapped his finger on the head of the dog.

  “What?” Molly glanced up at him.

  “You need to give him a name.” Nick winked at the little girl.

  Molly stared at the toy as if it required a lot of thought to name a stuffed dog. After a few minutes, she stared up at Nick and smiled.

  “I’m gonna call him Gus.” Molly hugged the dog to her.

  “Gus is a great name.” Nick tapped her nose with his finger.

  “Gus is really a mouse, but I like it.” Molly smiled.

  Nick glanced at Lora, but she didn’t give him any indication as to what Molly was talking about. She just smiled at him as if he’d given her the greatest thing in the world.

  “Do you want to watch Cinderella and show Gus where he got his name?” Lora glanced at Nick, and it all came back to him.

  He remembered the character from the old Disney movie. His nieces loved it, and he’d watched that one, as well as most of the princess movies when he babysat. Nick didn’t mind, but it was a lot more fun for him to watch his nephews.

  “Okay,” Molly nodded.

  “How about we let Mommy and Nana get some supper while you and I watch that movie? Do you know it’s one of my favorites?” Nick took Molly from Lora and walked out of the living room.

  “You like Cinderella?” Molly’s eyes went wide with surprise.

  “Are you kidding me? It’s my very favorite.” Nick sat on the couch with Molly on his lap.

  Lora entered the room and handed Molly a small glass about half full of juice. Nick met her gaze, and his heart did that flip-flop it seemed to do every time he was near her.

  “Drink it slow, sweetie.” Lora crouched in front of Nick.

  “We’re good here, Mommy. You get something to eat.” Nick winked and took the glass from Lora.

  Lora stayed for a few minutes staring at him. At first, he thought he might be overstepping his boundaries, but when she smiled and mouthed the words thank you, Nick knew he’d done the right thing.

  Everyone knew being a single parent was difficult, even when a person did have help, but considering Lora’s situation, she needed all the extra support she could get.

  Nick cared about Lora, and it felt right to help with Molly. If he and Lora were going to start a relationship, her daughter would be a part of that. Plus, he was already in love with the cute little girl now snuggled into him.

  Yep, he wasn’t only falling for Lora, but Molly had also wrapped her little arms around his heart. He’d never pictured himself as a father, but Molly was making him wish he was hers.

  He grinned as several cars pulled into Daphne’s driveway and women walked toward the large house. None of them were Sheila, but in all the years these women had been getting together, his love’s mother never missed a night. All he had to do now was wait.

  “These women are creatures of habit.” He counted them as they entered the house.

  They were all there except the one he waited for. Anger grew inside him, and he slammed the palms of his hands against the steering wheel, but it didn’t help with the rage.

  “I’ll find you, my love.” He growled through gritted teeth. “They can’t keep us apart for much longer.”

  Another car pulled into the driveway, and he stared as the driver’s door opened. Since the car parked in a dark part of the driveway, it was hard for him to see the occupant. Excitement swelled inside him as the figure moved into the light, but then disappointment.

  “Your boss is here. What could that bitch possibly be doing at Daphne’s house?” He leaned back in the car when Dallas stopped and turned.

  He practically stopped breathing until she shrugged and continued to the entrance of the house. When she disappeared inside, an idea hit him.

  “I think I might have made a mistake. Dulce was the wrong one to get information out of. If anyone knows where you are, it's Dallas Ball.”

  He settled back in the seat and waited for his chance to get answers from the only other person that they would trust outside of her family. Yes, they would definitely let her know where they’d imprisoned his love.

  Chapter 15

  Lora stood in the entrance to the living room for a few minutes and watched Nick and Molly. She was in such awe of this man. Except for kissing, and a really hot moment in John’s office, they hadn’t even been on a date. Yet he showed up as soon as he found out Molly was sick. Not only did he bring food for Lora and her mother, but things for Molly to make her feel better. Was he real?

  “That has to be the cutest thing I’ve ever seen,” Her mother whispered in her ear.

  “Yeah,” Lora smiled and turned away from the scene that was making her ready to tear up.

  “Hey, this is a good thing, Lora.” Sheila took Lora by the shoulders.

  “Is it? Mom, if the guy that’s killing those women is out to get me, then I can’t expect Nick to be in the middle of this,” Lora whispered.

  “He’s already involved. Isn’t he one of the investigating officers?” Her mother was right, but the conversation with John earlier in the day about Nick taking chances still stuck in her mind.

  “Honey, don’t overthink this. Enjoy it. That man out there obviously cares about you and Molly.” Her mother cupped her face.

  “I’m falling for him, Mom, and it terrifies me.” Lora sighed when her mother pulled her into a hug.

  “That’s an amazing thing.” Her mother kissed her cheek as she hugged her tightly.

  “He’s so great. The whole family’s incredible.” Lora pulled back and walked into the kitchen with her mom.

  “You don’t have to tell me. This food's incredible too.” Her mom grinned.

  After she’d eaten and put a plate together for Nick, Lora put the mass amounts of leftovers into the fridge. Her mother planned to stay home from her club night because Molly was sick, but since Nick was there, Lora talked her into going.

  “I think I might just spend the night at Daphne’s place.” Sheila
winked. “Just so I don’t have to drive back in the dark.”

  “You drive back in the dark every Thursday night. Why is tonight so different?” Lora knew her mother wanted to give her and Nick some privacy. Not that they would get much with a sick child.

  “I'm changing it up a bit.” Her mother kissed her cheek and disappeared down the hall to her room.

  Lora grabbed the plate of food, and a bottle of beer for Nick. After what he did for her and Molly, she would make sure he ate.

  She entered the living room and stopped. Nick sang along with the song, So This is Love from the movie. The man’s voice gave her goosebumps, and she was entranced.

  “I’m gone.”

  Lora jumped at the sound of her mother’s voice behind her. Luckily, she was able to keep from dropping the plate and the beer.

  “Okay, Mom. Drive safe.” Lora glanced at her.

  Her mother walked into the living room and kissed Molly on the cheek. When she leaned over to kiss Nick on the forehead, Lora shook her head. The expression on Nick's face was priceless as her mother walked away from him.

  “Bye, Nick. I’m going to be gone all night so feel free to stay if you want.” Her mother smiled as she walked out of the living room.

  “I… ah.. okay… bye, Mrs. Norris.” Nick stared at her mom as she walked out through the door.

  Lora placed the plate and beer on the coffee table in front of him. Molly was sleeping, but before Lora could move her, her daughter sat up. Lora knew by the wide eyes and grey color what was about to come next.

  “Mommy,” Molly squawked, and before Lora could do anything, Molly threw up all over Nick.

  “Oh, God.” Lora cringed. “Nick, I’m so sorry.”

  “Don’t be.” Nick didn’t even flinch as he jumped to his feet and carried Molly into the bathroom with Lora hurrying behind them.

  “That’s okay, Lollipop. Get it up.” Nick smooth calm voice filled the tiny bathroom. He held Molly while she bent over the toilet. “Get that ol’ germ out, girlie.”

  Lora hurried to Molly’s room to grab clean pajamas for her daughter. She remembered her brother asked her to store some of his old clothes until he had time to go through them. In the back of Molly's closet, she tore open a box and yanked out a pair of track pants and a t-shirt.

  Ethan was not quite as muscular as Nick, but he was close in height. Hopefully, Nick wouldn’t mind the clothes being a little snug. At least they’d do until she washed the clothes he was currently wearing.

  Lora felt awful that Molly threw up all over him, but when she re-entered the bathroom, Nick had a cloth held to Molly’s forehead as he reassured her sobbing daughter Gus hadn’t gotten covered in vomit.

  “Molly, why don’t you let Mommy get you into some clean pajamas while Nick goes to the other bathroom to clean up.” Lora knelt on the floor next to Molly.

  “Nick, I’m sorry.” Molly’s lip stuck out.

  “You don’t have to be sorry, Lollipop. You couldn’t help it, and it’s nothing I can’t wash off.” Nick cupped her cheek and kissed the top of her head. “She feels really hot.”

  Lora grabbed the thermometer from the medicine cabinet and placed it in Molly’s ear. Nick didn’t move as she waited for it to beep.

  “It’s a little high, one hundred and one.” Lora sighed.

  “Do you have something for fever?” Nick didn’t even seem to care that he was still covered in vomit.

  “Yeah, I’ll give her something when I get her changed.” Lora started to strip off Molly’s pajamas.

  “Maybe I should call Ian or Dad.” Nick’s concern was heartwarming.

  “Maybe you should change.” Lora smiled and nodded toward the clothes she left on the sink. “They’re my brother’s, but they should be okay until I get your clothes washed.”

  “I don’t care about that. Isn’t that a really high fever?” Nick touched Molly’s head again.

  “Nick, trust me. Once I give her some Advil the fever will come down.” Lora smiled at him.

  “Okay, if you’re sure, but I know they’d be here in minutes if you need them.” Nick finally grabbed the clothes.

  “I know. You can wash up in the master bathroom off my room. Leave your soiled clothes on the bedroom floor, and when I get Molly settled, I’ll toss them in the washer.” Lora nodded toward her room.

  “I probably should shower, if that’s okay.” Nick finally seemed to notice the mess.

  “Towels are in the linen closet.” Lora chuckled as she washed her daughter and helped her into clean pajamas.

  Molly wanted to go to her bedroom, and although Lora would rather she be next to her, she knew her little girl was just a kid that wanted to be in her own bed when she was sick.

  “Mommy, tell Nick thank you for Gus.” Molly yawned as Lora covered her little girl with a thin sheet.

  “I will, sweetie. Try and get some sleep, okay. If you need Mommy just call out. I have the monitor next to me.” Lora kissed Molly’s head.

  Lora heard the water running as she left Molly’s room. The thought of Nick naked in her shower made her body warm with desire. It was so long since she’d been intimate with anyone or even wanted to.

  She pushed open her bedroom door and saw the pile of clothes next to the bathroom. He hadn’t closed it all the way, and she could hear him humming softly inside the shower. As she picked up the clothes, she finally realized what he was singing. It was one of the songs from Cinderella. It made her smile.

  She made her way to the laundry room off the kitchen and tossed his clothes in the washer. When she heard her phone beep she hurried to grab it off the kitchen table. The text was from an unknown number, and immediately Lora’s guard went up. She opened the text, and her whole body went cold.

  Unknown: I finally got your number again. Did you know they were trying to keep us apart, my love?

  Lora dropped the phone on the table as another text popped up from the same sender. She reached for it with a trembling hand.

  Unknown: Those others couldn’t measure up to you, my beloved. None of them are as beautiful as you. None of them looked at me the way you always do. We’ll be together soon.

  “Oh, God.” Lora gasped.

  “Hey, what is…” Lora turned the phone toward Nick before he could finish.

  “He knows where I am.” Lora’s knees buckled, and Nick grabbed her before she hit the floor.

  “Hulk, get in here.” Nick knocked on the window.

  Lora couldn’t hear anything after that. The room started to spin, and it was as if she could hear whooshing in her ears. He knew where she was, and admitted he killed all those women. Now, he was coming for her.

  Daddy, please watch over us.

  He was slightly disappointed he didn’t have to hurt or even bother to talk to Dallas. After she’d entered the house, he made his way to the side of her car, so he could grab her when she left.

  He noticed something shiny on the grass where she’d driven her car over part of the lawn. He grinned from ear to ear when he realized it was Dallas’s smartphone. Not only had she dropped it but it was still unlocked.

  “Someone is certainly watching over me,” He whispered as he quickly moved to his car, jumped inside and closed the door quietly.

  The last thing he needed was someone to hear his door slam. Especially since another car pulled into Daphne’s driveway. He didn’t even care that it was Sheila, because he’d found the contact for his love. It had her full address and phone number.

  “Oh, my love. I’ve found you.” He kissed the picture on his phone and entered the information into his contact list.

  When Sheila entered the house, he quickly returned the phone to where he’d found it and made his way back to his car. He couldn’t wait to tell her that he would be with her soon. He pulled his laptop over and brought up the website he’d created for sending texts that couldn’t be traced. He sent her a text and smiled. Once he’d sent the second, he pulled his car onto the road and made his way back to the ho
use to prepare for her arrival.

  Chapter 16

  The panic on Lora’s beautiful face practically gutted him. She’d managed to hide her fear of this guy from most everyone. Probably because the fucker didn’t know where to find her. How the fuck did he find her?

  “What’s after happenin’ now?” Hulk stormed into the kitchen gun in hand ready practically shouting the Newfie phrase which basically meant, what happened.

  “She got a couple of texts. They’re from that fucker.” Nick carried her into the living room and carefully sat her on the sofa. “It’s okay, sweetheart. He isn’t going to get close to you.”

  “You can fucking say that again.” Hulk had his phone to his ear.

  “I need to phone John.” Nick hated to call his brother when he was at home with his family, but since they were all on this case, John needed to know.

  “I’m on it.” Hulk pointed to the phone he held to his ear. “You stay with your pretty lady.”

  Hulk disappeared through the door, and Nick blew out a breath. Lora’s eyes were glazed as if she was lost in some memory. Hopefully, not one that would make her run again. He couldn't let her leave him.

  “He wants to kill me. Like the others,” She whispered when her eyes finally focused on his.

  “I don’t care what he wants. He’s not going to hurt you, Molly or anyone else.” Nick kissed her forehead.

  “My mom. She’s in town….” Lora tried to stand up, but Nick kept her on the couch.

  “I’ll call her. What’s her number?” Nick pulled his phone out of his pocket.

  Lora managed to calm a little when Nick was able to get in touch with Sheila. Of course, her mother wanted to come right back to Hopedale, but Nick assured her that Lora and Molly were perfectly safe, and he’d send someone to stay with her.

  “John and Cory are on the way, as well as Keith.” Hulk appeared in the doorway.

  “I hate to have them come here. It’s after nine, and they should be home with their families.” Lora glanced toward Molly’s bedroom.

  “I can go check on her if you want.” Nick offered.


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