Triple Pass: An MFMM Reverse Harem Romance

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Triple Pass: An MFMM Reverse Harem Romance Page 7

by Sierra Sparks

  “They’re star athletes! They’re not just every frat guy!”

  “They’re using you, Amy. They just want to have sex with you.”

  “And why wouldn’t they? I’m sexy and desirable!”

  “You’re also emotionally vulnerable! You’re letting your emotions overwhelm your common sense. Guys only think with their dicks!”

  “This isn’t about me!” I said, realizing where Faith was going with her logic. “This is about your ex, Kyle. Kyle used you for sex and now you’re putting that on me!”

  “This has nothing to do with Kyle, Amy and you know it!”

  “We’ll see, Faith! We’ll see! In the meantime, enjoy sitting in your dorm room alone! Maybe you can plan for the day you become a cat lady!”

  I may have crossed the line with that last comment. But I was so mad, I didn’t care what I was saying. Faith’s face kind of dropped and she turned around and walked away. Maybe she was out of my life forever.

  Chapter 14:


  The next morning, I had texts from all the O’Connor brothers, but not Faith. I was beginning to think maybe I had been too hard on her. She was going away this weekend, maybe after she had some time to cool off I could approach her again. We both said some things. Sometimes friends fight, right?

  I couldn’t help but think some of what Faith said was true. I mean, I genuinely thought the boys were into me beyond just sex, but they might also be willing to let their studies slide. I couldn’t let that happen. I needed the Dean’s recommendation and there was no reason that I couldn’t still get it. I had to get the brothers to actually study, however.

  In a group text, I asked them to meet me at the library with their books and to prepare to study. We still had a few days to make things right. I had to prove to them and myself this was more than just sex.

  Two hours later, I was waiting outside the library for them. Time passed and I waited at least thirty minutes before they actually showed up. Now it was time to get things in order.

  “Guys, where the hell were you?” I demanded.

  “Sorry,” said Killian. “I couldn’t find my books. I’m still picking up the stuff we knocked off the dresser during…you know.”

  “Killian, let’s get one thing straight,” I said, keeping my voice low, but intense. “I may have fucked you and your brothers, but I’m still your tutor. I will go to the Dean and tell him to expel you.”

  “Why would you do that?” asked Teagan.

  “Because you’re not showing me any respect by showing up late, Teagan, okay?” I snapped. “If you guys want any more of this, I need you to show me that you can study, okay? I like you guys a lot, but I’m not jeopardizing my future and I won’t let you drag me down if you’re going to throw yours away.”

  “I’m sorry,” said Killian. “This was my fault and I’m sorry.”

  “I’m sorry too, Amy,” apologized Teagan.

  “Yeah, me too,” said James. “We’ll study this time, but understand we’re still a bunch of lunkheads.”

  “No, you’re not,” I insisted. “You guys are all sensitive and feeling people. You’re also star athletes, so when you put your mind to something, you can do it.”

  “Yeah, but my brain is full of football plays,” said Teagan. “I can’t get straight A’s and remember all the plays.”

  “I’m not asking for straight A’s, no one is. Just give me a portion of your time. Just a portion of your energy so we can get your grades up,” I asked. “Look, this isn’t just about the team, you need to do this for yourself. You can’t play football forever and even if you guys do turn pro, one day you’re gonna retire. You’re probably not going back to college then. What you learn now might have to last you the rest of your life.”

  “Wow,” said James. “When you put it that way, it sounds really important. Even more important than what I already thought.”

  “It is important, James, but don’t worry. I’m going to help,” I assured him. “Now come on. Let’s get to work.”

  Over the next few hours, I got the guys to actually read. They looked bored, but they also looked like they were concentrating. James had some questions and needed reference material for his history paper, so I showed him how to search for it on the library computers. Teagan didn’t understand some of the material from his economics class, so I showed him how to cross reference it and find other books on the subject. Killian was complaining that his biology class was too hard, but I found videos for him to watch which explained things in a way he could better understand.

  Things were growing great until two sorority girls showed up out of the blue. Kimby and Jen had books in their hands, but they definitely weren’t here for studying. I intercepted them before they could reach the guys.

  “Excuse me, uh, girls,” I began. “I’m the O’Connor’s tutor. Can you not interrupt them right now, I’m really trying to get them to study.”

  “Uh, excuse me, uh, girls,” mocked Jen. “I don’t care who you are.”

  “What a presumptuous bitch,” said Kimby dismissively. “Yo James, what up?”

  “Hey Kimby,” acknowledged James quietly. “I really can’t talk now.”

  “Oh, why? Because your tutoring bitch said so?”

  “Hey,” I said. “Fuck off.”

  “You fuck off,” Kimby said back threatening.

  “Girls, girls,” said James. “We really can’t afford to get kicked out the library.”

  “These guys are on thin ice with the Dean!” I whispered. “I’m trying to get their grades up and you’re not helping!”

  “Sorry, but you didn’t have to take an attitude,” insisted Jen.

  “Well, maybe stop mocking people and calling them a bitch,” I suggested. “Maybe the sorority should teach you some manners.”

  “I’ll teach this bitch some manners,” threatened Kimby.

  “Hey! Seriously!” said James, more insistently. “Knock it the hell off, Kimby! You want to be my friend, then be a good friend! If you’re going to be an asshole to Amy, then fuck the hell off!”

  “All right, sorry, jeez,” she said finally backing off. “Got a class anyway.”

  Jen and Kimby exited the library, leaving me unsure why they even came in in the first place. It was then I realized that the boys were sitting next to a row of windows. Anyone walking past the library could see them in here. I shut the blinds. It got a little darker, but no one from the outside was going to spot them at least.

  With things finally calmed back down, the boys went back to studying. I was happy with their progress. They were asking pertinent questions to their courses and actually finishing schoolwork. None of them were ready for a major test yet, but at least they were moderately prepared. I went through their list of classes and prepared the best strategy to get a passing grade. At all colleges, some professors were all about the tests, while others were about projects and still others were asleep at the wheel.

  Next, I consulted with each of them. One of the best strategies to get help passing was to go to the professors themselves. They were more likely to pass you if you went to the professor for help. Since they were helping you, it would reflect badly if you fail and quite frankly, visiting them during office hours was always worth a few brownie points. I scheduled the boys for meeting all next week. With the studying they did today, they might actually be able to ask questions that would signal to the profs that they did study.

  Just as I was thinking that my tutoring was going to work, my phone buzzed. I looked at the number.

  It was the Dean.

  I rushed into the ladies room so I could talk in private.

  “Hello, Dean?”

  “Ms. Morrell, how are the O’Connors doing under your tutelage?” he immediately asked. “Please tell me they’re on their way to a passing grade.”

  “I hope so, sir,” I said. “We’re in the library now, studying.”

  “I thought as much,” he said, relieved. “There was a rumor going around
that you visited the O’Connors at that filthy frat house where they live. They said you might even be dating one of them.”

  “Really? Someone said that?” I said, trying not to sound worried.

  “Yes,” laughed the Dean. “I told that person they were insane! Can you imagine? You and one of the O’Connors? No offense, but those boys’ taste in women is more sorority girl and less an academic, like you. Seemed like an outrageous rumor!”

  “Uh, right. Yes, sir, Dean.”

  “Well, I won’t hold you up any longer. Keep up the good work, Ms. Morrell. My recommendation is already written. I’ll have it signed for you and ready-to-go after the O’Connor’s first passing grade.”

  “Thank you, sir. I appreciate it.”

  I hung up the phone and let out a huge sigh. I had to be careful with the boys. I couldn’t risk going to the frat house again. That place had walls that would talk. Fortunately, my dorm was made mostly of sound-absorbing cinder blocks. It was quieter than the library sometimes. Plus, since most of us dorm dwellers kept to ourselves, half the other girls didn’t even know my name.

  We had to be more discrete when meeting up. No way could we let the secret out. This weekend, I was going to reward the boys for all their hard work by letting them work me. I couldn’t wait! I had bought things from Victoria’s Secret that they were going to like and damned Faith or anyone else that had something to say about it!

  Chapter 15:


  I was late for football practice that Saturday. It was rare for anyone else, but unthinkable for yours truly. When your star quarterback can’t be found, they send out the search parties ten minutes on the dot after I wasn’t there. I was walking across campus when Campbell and Johnson found me.

  “Yo, O’Connor!” called Campbell. “What the fuck, man? Coach is seriously pissed, dude.”

  Campbell was the last assistant coach. They always gave him this kind of grunt work. Johnson was a sports medicine major. His dream was to tape ankles of the pros. The guy loved football more than the entire team combined. He worried about me more than my mother.

  “What happened, Teagan?” he asked anxiously. “You oversleep? Something happen? What?”

  “Relax guys, I was studying,” I explained.

  Campbell and Johnson look at each other and laughed uproariously. Guess I deserved that.

  “No, seriously,” said Campbell.

  “If you’re going to give us a bullshit excuse, at least make it about some hot cheerleader you banged,” said Johnson.

  “I’ll tell you guys, but keep it to yourself---“

  Johnson already had his phone out. I pushed his hand down and he put it away.

  “You have to keep this quiet,” I insisted. “The Dean is pissed. He’s given me and my brothers an ultimatum. Raise our grades or get fucked.”

  “And you believe him?” laughed Campbell. “You think the Dean is going to expel the three brothers that are keeping us at the top of the second division? Let me explain something to you Teagan. My brother went to a third division school. Third! They were at the top, but half the people on this campus could break through their defensive line.”

  “Is this story going somewhere?” I asked derisively.

  “Yes, now shut the fuck up. Anyhow, my brother was having a problem with one of his classes. Hard ass professor was failing him, making him miss practice and this was at the beginning of the season. This guy had tenure, was going to be the Dean of his own school one day--- They fired his problem, ass. You know why?”

  I shook my head “no”, mostly so Campbell could just finish his rant.

  “Even that third division, backwater, nothing school? Because they had a good football team, it brought in money. The alumni would come out for homecoming, the communications school covered the game--- Hell, the whole region watched these guys play and they sold merchandise to beat the band. The college wasn’t going to give up that money for anything. You play at a second division school and you and your brothers have a shot at going pro. You know what this football program will be like if that happens? The money will pour in to the college from alumni! The coach is already fielding offers from Penn State and Louisville!”

  “You serious?” I said, genuinely astonished.

  “Fuck yeah.”

  “I don’t think coach wanted anyone to know that, Coach Campbell,” reminded Johnson.

  “Shut the fuck up,” Campbell said casually. “The Dean has to make a good show of getting you to straighten out your act, Teag. Don’t buy his bullshit! If you can’t pass a class, I’ll hire some egghead to pass it for you on my dime.”

  “I just thought, ya know, that I should probably take my classes a little more seriously anyway,” I said weakly. “My tutor is--- I don’t want to disappoint my tutor.”

  “Forget him. But if you want to learn some shit, far be it for me to stop you. Hell, that’s the problem with most of this pro athletes. They make millions and then don’t have the smarts that God give ‘em. Buckle down if you want, but don’t miss practice and don’t be late, ya knucklehead.”

  “Sure, coach,” I agreed.

  When we got to the practice field, I apologized to Coach. He assured me it was okay and waved it away. I got warmed up and started tossing the ball around. Fortunately, most of the beginning of practice was just warm up anyway. By the time you stretch, exercise and get suited up, you’re like an hour in.

  I was tossing the ball under Campbell’s direction, which the Coach yelled at the Defensive Line. I heard later that guys on the line were teasing James and Killian about studying more. When you’re on top, even the guys on your team will take any chance to knock you down a peg. It was all good-natured fun, but there was a little truth behind it too. Most of the guys on our team would never go pro. Didn’t even have a chance. They were already studying because it was their major that was the focus.

  As I continued to throw perfect spirals, I considered what Amy said about the future. What if I didn’t go pro? I mean, things were looking good, but anything could happen in this game. One injury and I’d be done before I could sign that million dollar contract. Worse, what if I just had a bad senior year and didn’t get drafted? It happens. Without my degree, I’d have nothing to fall back on. I had to reorient myself. There had to be a balance between football and the books. There was only one thing to eliminate.

  I had to cut back on the partying.

  “Jesus, did I just think that?” I said to myself.

  Here I was, the big man on campus. I have literally woke up in a different girl’s dorm room every night on the weekends. But this too will end. I had to think of the future, even when it came to that. Amy was right and Amy was smart.

  I was also thinking that maybe Amy and I had a real chance to be together. Of course, there were the other guys to think of. I don’t think they’d just walk away from a girl like that. Could we continue to share her? Would that work? It seemed unlikely. Hell, turning that book nerd to a hot and sexy tutor could end up biting us in the ass.

  It was then I decided that I had to see Amy and talk about it. We should get all our cards on the table so there wouldn’t be a misunderstanding. Most of the sorority girls, they were openly sexual and kind of knew the deal. Amy was new at this. If I didn’t find out where her head was at, she and all of us could end up being hurt.

  But I had to be discrete and so did my brothers. However, the O’Connors weren’t exactly known for that. Well, maybe James, the quiet giant, but definitely not Killian. If we were going to do this, I had to get them on the same page.

  After practice, I caught up with them in the showers. After the rest of the guys had moved into the locker room, I quietly talked with my brothers.

  “Hey guys,” I whispered. “I was thinking of going to see Amy tonight.”

  “You read my mind,” said Killian. “I can’t wait to get me some more of that!”

  “Easy cowboy,” I said. “She’s great, but I think we should talk to her first.

  “About what?” asked James.

  “Athletes get ruined by women who suddenly change their minds about what we’re doing,” I explained. “We have to be sure she’s still okay with this is all I’m saying.”

  “I’m impressed, Teagan,” said James. “I was thinking the same thing.”

  “Whatever,” said Killian. “Let’s get out of here and get over there.”

  “We can’t all go together,” I insisted.

  “Why?” said Killian.

  “Because we need to be discrete, dumbass,” I said. “Remember the Dean?”

  “Ah, fuck that guy. He can’t touch us,” dismiss Killian.

  “He could fuck things up for Amy. Think about that.”

  “Yeah, you’re right,” said Killian thinking about it. “What’s the plan?”

  “Just don’t all go together at the same time. Let’s leave about five or ten minutes apart and enter the dorm from different directions,” I suggested. “And don’t do anything to draw attention to yourself, right?”

  “I can do that,” assured Killian.

  James look at him and frowned.

  “What? I can!” insisted Killian.

  “Wear a hoodie,” suggested James. “Don’t high five everyone on the way.”

  “But that’s my thing, I can’t be rude.”

  “We’re not suggesting for you to be rude,” I clarified. “Just don’t start the high-fives. Get it?”

  “Oh, yeah. Well, why don’t you wear a hoodie, James?”

  “Look at me,” said James, noting his own size. “You think a hoodie is going to matter if they see me coming.”

  Killian shrugged, looking at James and then nodded.

  “Okay, good,” I said, happy to be on the same page. “I’ll go at seven, James at 7:10 and Killian at 7:20.”

  “Don’t start without me,” laughed Killian.

  “Yeah, like you waited for me the first time,” I said.


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