Triple Pass: An MFMM Reverse Harem Romance

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Triple Pass: An MFMM Reverse Harem Romance Page 61

by Sierra Sparks

  And he made me horny. Just thinking about his hands all over my body excited me. I touched my own body, caressed my firm nipples that perked up into hard pearls. Sliding my pants down, I put my hands in my panties and started fondling my moistening pussy. It felt so good. I rubbed around and around, grinding into my hand, feeling my excitement grow more and more.

  I started thinking about what it would be like to have Mr. King’s cock inside of me. I couldn’t believe how often I was masturbating to him.

  I had never been with a man before, but I was really curious about what my first time would be like. Would it be gentle? Rough? If I decided to sign the contract, I was surely going to find out. There wasn’t going to be any type of insemination. He was going to get me pregnant the old fashioned way, and that meant sex.

  I smiled because that was the one thing I was looking forward to the most. As my rhythm increased, I came hard, thinking about how it would feel for Mr. King to take my virginity. I had to admit I was dying to find out.

  Chapter 15 – Hope

  Before I knew it, the next morning I was driving back to Mr. King’s house. There were so many questions that I had that were left unanswered and I needed to get the answers to them right away.

  I didn’t bother to knock once I got into the house. I went to his study and didn’t see him there. I heard a noise come from the direction of his bedroom, so I made a beeline straight there. I swung the door open and launched into my questions.

  “Why do you want a baby so badly? And why does it have to be by Christmas?”

  He was sitting on the end of the bed wrapped in a bath towel, droplets of water cascading down his neck and shoulders. His chest looked firm and wide, kind of like the chest of a superhero.

  He didn’t seem startled by my being there and I didn’t pretend to be embarrassed by my brashness at being in the room. I just stood there staring at him, waiting for him to speak, and he stared right back at me, searching for the right words to say.

  “Hope, I want to make sure that you get answers to all your questions,” he sighed. “Let me ask you something. If I make sure that that happens— that you get all your questions answered, would you be willing to sign the contract?”

  “It depends what the answers are,” I said, firmly.

  “Fair enough.”

  He smiled, raising the tips of his lips just a bit. I liked that I could make him cheer up even when he seemed down. He smelled like soap and a fresh, winter-like scent—the whole room did. It was enough to make me want to climb up on his lap and beg him to start making a baby with me, right then and there. I didn’t, though. Of course.

  “Let me rephrase my question,” he said. “Since you seem to be a little lawyer in training, or something. Provided that the answers aren’t anything incredibly crazy, would you at least consider signing the contract? I assume the answer is yes, or else you wouldn’t have driven over to my house and busted right in, as you’re so accustomed to doing.”

  I thought very carefully before I answered. He was right, though. I was already leaning toward signing, anyway. Or else I wouldn’t be here.

  The rest of this was just to sooth my curiosity. What type of recluse of a man wanted to raise a newborn in the mountains on his own? I had to know.

  “Yes,” was my only reply.

  “Good,” he said, smiling. “I’ll have to have my attorney present for this, so I’ll set it up for tomorrow.”

  “Present for what?” I asked, imagining his attorney taking notes while we copulated.

  “For our conversation. To make sure I sufficiently answer your questions. And if the answers are to your liking, then, to witness us sign the contract.”

  “Okay,” I said.

  I only hoped that I wasn’t getting myself into something that I would regret.

  Chapter 16 – Hope

  “It’s settled, then. Everything will be handled tomorrow.” He paused like he wanted to say more, but was hesitant for some reason.

  Before I could turn to leave, he said, “Why don’t you go ahead and do the cleaning? Then, come back later tonight so that we can talk.”

  I was confused.

  “Wait, I thought that you said that your lawyer had to be present to discuss everything.”

  “Well, not everything,” he said, fidgeting. “The legal part, yes. But, there are some other… things that I want to sit and talk about with you that are more personal in nature.”

  What could he want to talk about? I wondered.

  I agreed to come back later to talk and walked off to get started on my work for the day. I put on my headphones like I had at any other job, but it only served as rather distracting noise, since I couldn’t focus on anything other than the many new questions that were circling around in my head.

  What personal conversation did he want to have with me that couldn’t wait until we spoke with his lawyer tomorrow?

  I knew that I was having a hard time focusing on my work after the third time that I kicked over a bucket of water, releasing foamy suds all over the hardwood floors.

  Get it together, Hope, I thought.

  But, it seemed like I lost even more concentration as the morning progressed. I put books away in the fridge. I locked myself out of the bathroom and spent close to an hour trying to pry my way back inside.

  I just could not get the conversation out of my mind.

  I was pretty sure I was going to say yes. After all, what was I doing here— and why did I keep agreeing to come back— if not to do this thing, already?

  All I could think of were his hands on my back, my ass, my breasts. I wanted him to bend me over and take me from behind. I wanted him to moan and groan while I called out his name because he was shoving his big cock in my tiny pussy.

  I couldn’t even believe the thoughts I was having. He had the craziest effect on me.

  When I was walking out the front door after having finally finished my work for the day, I tripped and almost face planted at the bottom of the steps.

  I knew that my clumsiness was due in large part to my anxiety about whatever it was that Mr. King wanted to talk to me about. I wished that evening would hurry up and get here before I brought on some clumsy, anxiety-driven disaster.

  Chapter 17 – Darren

  I heard Hope drive up and park near the front door. My heart began to beat wildly. I had no idea how this conversation would go, but I felt like it was one that I needed to have before sitting down with the attorney.

  I needed Hope to understand where I was coming from, so I was hoping that her heart would be open to what I had to say. There was a lot at stake here and I knew it. I just hoped that she would see things the way that I did.

  I heard her feet shuffling down the hallway.

  “I’m in the library,” I called out loudly, positioning my chair to face the door.

  She peeked her head around the corner and greeted me cheerfully.

  “Hi, Hope. I’m so glad that you could join me.”

  “Of course, Mr. King,” she said.

  “First things first,” I said, waving her on. “Enough with this Mr. King business. Mr. King was my very elderly, very deceased father. Just call me Darren. I am hoping that you will soon start to see me as a friend.”

  “Okay, Darren,” she replied, hesitantly.

  “Hope, I want to tell you a little bit about my story. I’m not sure how much your mother would have told you, but even what she knows is limited. I haven’t really shared any of this with anyone.”

  “Okay. You can trust me,” said Hope, taking a seat in an armchair next to mine.

  She looked eager to hear what I had to say, and she looked as if she wouldn’t reject me because of it. What a relief. For the first time ever, I felt ready to tell my deepest, darkest secret. I was willing to let Hope in and tell her everything, so that she would do me the huge favor of carrying my child.

  “I have a child, Hope. A son. I didn’t know about him until I came back from the war. When I returned,
his mother— who, I have to admit, and I’m not proud of this fact, was a random one night stand— told me that I was his father. And by that time, he was already a year old. The war had left me so badly disfigured that my own son cried and screamed at the sight of me.”

  I had to stop because I could feel myself beginning to get choked up. I turned away and cleared my throat, willing the tears to stay back. This was why I never told anyone this story. I like to think of myself as a fucking strong man, but the memory of one’s own son crying in shock at the sight of his father’s face was enough to make even the strongest man cry.

  “It’s okay,” said Hope, putting her hand on my shoulder.

  Her hand felt so comforting. I had to hold it together so that I could finish telling her the story. Turning back to face her, I continued.

  “My mom is looking after my son now. I have no idea where my son’s mother is. I only know that she brought my son to me and said she couldn’t deal with him any more and it was my turn. She said she had been waiting for me to get home so she could leave. And she did leave. She ran off— I have no idea where she went. My son’s name is Bryant.”

  “What a strong name,” said Hope, smiling sweetly.

  She had no idea how much she was turning me on, even now, when I was spilling my deepest secret. I loved that she was being so comforting, that she was focusing on the good in the situation— my son— rather than the bad— his mom, and the fact that he didn’t want to have anything to do with me.

  “Thank you. I thought that after having this house built and having tons of reconstructive surgery, I would be able to get my life back. I had big plans of raising my son here, giving him a wonderful life, one that would bring us all joy beyond our wildest dreams. But, the doctors, with all of their expertise, weren’t able to fix my scars in the way that I had hoped that they would. Most of my face has healed, but the scars that were left make me look like a monster.”

  I turned my face away instinctively before continuing. But she ran her hand down my face and I didn’t pull away.

  “Your scars really aren’t that bad,” she said, sounding as if she was convinced of it. “I think you think they look worse than they do. They’re barely even noticeable.”

  “I have more, all over my body,” I told her. “I have never shown anyone all my scars, except the doctors. I know that they are hideous and I don’t expect anything but horror from anyone unfortunate enough to see them. So, that’s something you should know before we go through with this, also.”

  I turned to glance at Hope, expecting that she would be looking away. To my surprise, she was still looking directly at me and it looked like there was understanding, rather than pity, in her eyes.

  “I’m sure they’re also not as bad as you think the ones on your face are. And anyone who makes you feel like you deserve anything less than to be treated with love is the real monster,” she said, putting her hand on mine reassuringly.

  “I will be infertile soon. If I’m not already. The doctors have already confirmed it.”

  “Wow,” said Hope, sitting back, deep in thought.

  “I really want my son back in my life, Hope. And I believe that having a baby by Christmas is going to be just what we need as a Christmas present to bring joy into this house. Then, my son Bryant will be happy to come live with me.”

  I leaned forward in my hair, taking both of her hands carefully in my own.

  “You are my last chance, Hope. This is my one ticket to happiness, having a baby and bringing my son here to live with me. I am begging you to consider what I am saying and please help me.”

  The tears welling up in her eyes let me know that she understood what I was saying.

  I only hoped that it also meant that she was willing to help.

  Chapter 18 – Hope

  “I want to show you,” said Darren, standing up in front of me. I wasn’t sure what I was about to see, but I barely breathed in anticipation.

  He took off his shirt and threw it at his feet. Then, he took off his pants and boxer briefs and let them fall in the same pile.

  He stood there, stark naked, staring at me. I stared back.

  I had to admit— the first thing I noticed was not the scars. It was his cock, which was even bigger than I thought it would be. I began to worry about whether or not it would fit inside me. Would it hurt me? But, I still wanted it in me.

  Then, I did look at his scars, which were like vines wrapping around his solid frame. I reached out and ran my fingers along them. The raised scars felt like braille beneath my fingers.

  They were more noticeable than the ones on his face, but they didn’t look as bad as it sounded like he thought they looked. They carried a certain character with them, that said “strength over adversity.” In a strange way, they were sexy.

  He gasped. I could tell that he had not expected that I would look, much less touch, his scars. I was just full of surprises, and I could tell he liked it.

  “They aren’t as bad as you think they are,” I told him, shrugging.

  It was the truth. Whether or not he wanted to believe it.

  We stood in silence for a while, me running my hands over his body while he stood there in shocked disbelief. It became sort of a comfort for both of us, I thought. He leaned his head back and closed his eyes, relishing in the light touch of my fingers.

  I had made my decision.

  “I want to help you,” I told him. “At first, I wasn’t sure what your intentions were in wanting to have a baby, so that’s what made me hesitant. But, after hearing your story and seeing you, it makes me want to give you what you want, what you deserve. I want to give you the baby that you want and the brother or sister that your son will love.”

  Tears welled up in his eyes and started to pour out.

  “Do you mean it?” he asked, sounding so fragile.

  “Yes,” I said, smiling. “You are really sweet and I think that you would make an amazing father. I would love to see you happy and, if I can help with that in any way, I would be happy to do so. You are so incredibly beautiful, inside and out.”

  He put his head down and began covering his body, as if he were ashamed.

  “That’s very sweet of you, but you don’t have to say that. I know that there is nothing beautiful about me.”

  It was my turn to be vulnerable.

  I stood up and started taking my clothes off.

  “Whoa! Wait. What are you doing?” he said, putting his hands out to cover me, trying to keep my clothes on.

  “It’s okay,” I said, locking eyes with his.

  I was fulfilling my own fantasy of undressing for him. Letting him see my naked body because I could tell he liked to look at it with clothes on. And also because, now, he had shown me his, so this was only fair.

  He looked at me, searching my eyes with his for a few moments, then let go and stood back.

  I completely undressed in front of him. He tried to look away, but I wouldn’t let him.

  “Wow,” he said, as the last garment fell to the floor. “You look amazing.”

  He turned away slightly, again, as if being respectful of me.

  “No, I want you to see this,” I told him, standing on my tip toes so I could reach up and turn his face toward me.

  He didn’t resist and he didn’t say anything. He just stared at my naked body. I loved feeling so vulnerable, so exposed, for him, like he had just been for me.

  “You think that you’re the only one with flaws? Here, look.”

  I grabbed a doughy part of my midsection and turned so that he could see it better.

  “Do you see this? All this fat? Do you see these stretch marks? I look like I’ve had a baby already and I haven’t. I’m only nineteen and I already have stretch marks. It’s just nasty, ugly fatness for no reason.”

  That got a chuckle out of him.

  “No, don’t say that. Seriously. I know you’re trying to make me laugh, but you’re crazy to say there’s anything wrong with you,” he i
nsisted. “You’re beautiful. I think that you are absolutely perfect. Your curves are amazing. And your fiery red hair with the personality to match has intrigued me since the first moment that we met right here.”

  The feeling of joy that I felt hearing those words filled me to the brim. No man had ever said such beautiful things about me. I was so moved that all I could do was let the river of tears that I’d been holding in overflow.

  He pulled me close to him and hugged him, and I relished in the feeling of being so comforted and appreciated. I guessed that, like him, I had been carrying around the baggage of thinking I was more flawed than I was. And I guess that, like me, he actually loved what he saw.

  This was turning out to be a much better deal than I had anticipated. I was already getting a lot out of it, and so was he.

  Chapter 19 – Darren

  There we stood, two naked bodies, both vulnerable in our own way, but both in fucking pure admiration of the other. And both of us wrapped up together in a much needed embrace. I couldn’t have imagined how good it would feel to let my guard down with her. It was freeing, exhilarating.

  Hope stood back up on her tip toes and kissed me softly on the cheek. I looked at her and saw something in her eyes, something that was vaguely familiar, but that I hadn’t seen in so long in the eyes of a woman.

  Desire. She wanted me.

  I pulled her by her waist over towards me, so that once again we stood with our bodies pressed against each other. Her warm skin felt so soft, like a firm peach ripe for the taking.

  I kissed her. Her lips were soft, too. I could hear her moan slightly, making my cock get firmer as I stood there. Her hard nipples pressed against me like beads.


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