Triple Pass: An MFMM Reverse Harem Romance

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Triple Pass: An MFMM Reverse Harem Romance Page 69

by Sierra Sparks

  “I’d rather be Flea,” said Kyle.

  “Fine,” said Jackson. “You’re Flea. Happy?”

  “Yeah,” said Kyle. “That’s why Lexi Aaron is going to go home with me.”

  “What?” I said. “Now you’re both trippin’!”

  “I am Flea,” reminded Kyle, a little hurt. “Besides, did you see the way she looked at me?”

  “She was looking at me,” corrected Jackson.

  “At me!” I insisted.

  “Whoa-whoa-whoa, slow down,” said Jackson, trying to analyze the situation. “Has this already become a Tina situation?”

  “It’s not a Tina situation,” I insisted. “Don’t call something a Tina situation when it’s not a Tina situation.”

  “Well Ringo was involved!” snapped Jackson.

  “But Tina wasn’t!” I pointed out.

  “Why do you think a prim and proper, girl-next-door type is going to be into you?” asked Jackson.

  “She ain’t prim and proper,” I assured him. “That chick is wild underneath. I can see it in her eyes. You remember that girl in Houston?”

  “That CEO we met in the skybox?” remembered Jackson. “You got with her?”

  “Yes! And that girl was a freak,” I told them. “On the outside, she was reserved and all business. Behind closed door, oh my Lawwwwd!”

  “How wild?” pressed Jackson.

  “First off, there wasn’t nothing this chick wouldn’t put up her pussy,” I explained. “I mean, half the shit in my hotel room she tried, just to do it. Then she went into the hotel bar and tried to pick up another girl to have sex with both of us.”

  “Did she do it?” asked Kyle.

  “Naw, the other women turned her down. Then one threw a drink in her face and that was it for the night. I was relieved. I think she had problems,” I said.

  “You got Lexi all wrong,” said Jackson. “She not wild. She’s a sweet girl. The moment I walked into that room, I could see that. Ringo leering over her. She needed someone to save her, man.”

  “Whoa, listen to you. Do you believe this shit?” I said to Kyle.

  Kyle just kind of laughed and rinsed his head off.

  “It’s true,” insisted Jackson. “Women like that have a romantic notion of being swept off their feet by a white knight.”

  “White knight?”

  “You know what I mean,” said Jackson, not getting derailed. “She needs a strong man to pick her up and take her away from all the bad shit in her life. I’ve seen it before.”

  I couldn’t help but laugh. That was some corny-ass shit.

  “What?” said Jackson, incredulous.

  “Jackson, that shit says way more about you than her,” I laughed. “You’re the one living your life in a fairy tale, not her. Back me up here, Kyle!”

  Kyle nodded and smiled. Jackson looked a little annoyed.

  “I’m not saying I want that; I’m just saying that’s what she wants,” explained Jackson.

  “Save me, Jackson! Save me,” I joked.

  Jackson sprayed me with some Axe body spray. He knew I hated that shit.

  “Aw, God dammit! Now I gotta soap this shit offa me.”

  As I started to rewash, Jackson couldn’t let it go.

  “Seriously, that chick— That woman— There’s something about her, man,” said Jackson. “I could really fall for a girl like that. Like if I had to picture a woman I wanted, Lexi would look like that woman. Is that weird?”

  “Nah, man. That ain’t weird,” said Kyle. “But I don’t think she’s like what you said. All helpless and needing a man and shit.”

  “What’s your take on her, big man?” asked Jackson.

  “Women like Lexi got a quiet power about them,” explained Kyle. “An inner strength that’s nurturing and loyal. She’s the kind of woman you have kids with and lots of them. Like nine kids.”

  “Nine kids?” said Jackson, astonished.

  “Holy shit,” I laughed. “You’re doing some advanced fantasizing now, Kyle!”

  “But that’s just an example. I can see it in Lexi. Nine kids? No problem? You hurt yourself? She takes care of you. Whatever the problem is, Lexi can overcome it. That’s what I see. I mean, she appreciate our help with Ringo, but if we weren’t there, she would’ve dealt with that her own way,” explained Kyle.

  “You saw all that?” said Jackson, mildly impressed.

  “Yeah, man,” said Kyle. “You can see that in her eyes. Windows to the soul.”

  Kyle didn’t talk all that much, but when he did, sometimes he’d get deep.

  “All right, before this turns into a Tina situation,” I began.

  “You said it wasn’t a Tina situation!” snapped Jackson.

  “I said before it turns into one,” I corrected. “We should decide who gets Lexi. Let’s all state our reasons. I should be the one to date Lexi because I’m the best looking.”

  “That’s totally subjective!” dismissed Jackson. “You can’t state that as a fact.”

  “Well, I didn’t want to say, but we could do a dick measuring contest and you know what the facts are in that,” I pointed out.

  Jackson and Kyle backed off that last point. I did have an enormous dick.

  “Fine, we’ll give you that one,” Jackson relented. “I should be the one to date Lexi because this is probably my last season.”

  “What?! You’re serious?” I said.

  This was news to me.

  “Yeah, don’t say anything,” admitted Jackson. “Look, man, I’m 31. My body can’t take this punishment anymore. I’ve had a great season, but it’s been a lucky season. You know it. We all know it. That pass at Giants stadium, that run I had in Pittsburgh. This is my last one. I want to go out on top. I need somebody, ya know?”

  “All right, that was a good pitch, I got to admit,” I said. “Kyle?”

  “I’m the youngest,” said Kyle simply.

  “What?” I said.

  “That’s it?” said Jackson. “That’s your pitch?”

  “Yeah,” explained Kyle. “I think Lexi and I are both the same age. You guys are older and probably don’t like the same music or TV shows.”

  “I’m only three years older than you!” I pointed out.

  “Exactly,” said Kyle. “If we were in high school, you’d be a senior and we’d be freshmen! You don’t date freshmen when you’re a senior.”

  “What about me?” asked Jackson.

  “You’re like one of the teachers, man,” laughed Kyle. “That’s a big no-no!”

  “All right, all right,” said Jackson. “Alternative pitch. We all put our best foot forward at this dinner and let Lexi decide which one of us she wants to date. Fair?”

  We agreed.

  “And no Tina situation,” reminded Jackson.

  “I told you it’s not a Tina situation. Stop saying it!”

  Chapter 3 – Jackson

  After the shower, Carey, Kyle and I got dressed. I wasn’t even competition to these two rookies, but they forgot about my secret weapon: the shirt. This shirt I was wearing had a pattern of ocean blue waves that brought out my blue eyes. No matter where I was; a club, a studio, on the street, a taxi cab— somehow, I always looked good in this shirt.

  I was worried what would happen if I lost it or it tore. I often wished I could find another one online somewhere.

  “Aw, hell no,” said Carey, upon seeing the shirt. “You pull out your big guns already? Big mistake. I look good in all shirts, bro!”

  “The shirt wouldn’t work for you,” I assured him. “I’m sure there’s a shirt out there that would, but not this one. This is only for me.”

  Just then, I felt Kyle’s presence in the room. Carey started laughing. I turned around and there he was: stuffed into the same shirt.

  “What the hell, Kyle?!” I snapped.

  Lexi walked into the room. She had just made reservations.

  “You guys like sushi? There’s a good Japanese place, but we’ve got to hurry,” she ex

  “Out in a minute,” I said. “Kyle has to change his shirt.”

  “I can’t change it,” said Kyle, slightly smiling. “It’s the only shirt I brought.”

  “Why did you buy that shirt?!” I demanded.

  “You told me how great the shirt was for you,” explained Kyle. “I just wanted a little of that magic. The only one they had in stock was a size too small, but that’s how much I wanted this damn shirt.”

  “You’re taking that shirt off, Kyle. I got a spare.”

  Carey continued to laugh. He was in a ball on the floor laughing so hard, he was about to piss himself.

  “I’m not changing this shirt. Besides, your shirt won’t fit me.”

  “That shirt doesn’t fit you!”

  “Yeah, but it’s lucky, like you said.”

  “For me! It’s lucky for me!”

  “Oh, my God. Oh, Lawd,” laughed Carey out of breath. “This is the greatest day of my life.”

  “If you have an extra shirt, you change it,” suggested Kyle.

  “No way! Where’d you even get that?!”

  “I’ll tell you, but only if you let me wear it.”

  “You guys almost ready?” called Lexi. “The Uber’s here.”

  There was no way I was facing her in anything other than my best shirt and since I couldn’t get Kyle to change, I just had to accept fucking fate. We went as twinsies. Carey laughed under his breath for several minutes after that.

  “What’s so funny?” asked Lexi in the car.

  “Oh, I’m just remembering that old movie with Arnold Schwarzenegger and Danny DeVito. Did you see that?” joked Carey.

  “Shut up,” I muttered under my breath. Luckily, he listened. Lexi looked confused, but I wasn’t about to tell her how the movie “Twins” applied to this situation.

  We arrived at the restaurant. It was a high end Japanese place owned by the Iron Chef. Most of the tables were very open so everyone could see everything, including the Iron Chef cooking away. Fortunately, I skipped in ahead to put us in a private room. It would be more intimate even if I did have to share Lexi’s meal with these two knuckleheads. I wasn’t much on sushi, but Carey was. He decided to show off.

  “How is the uni today? Fresh?” Carey asked the waiter.

  “Oh, I love uni,” added Lexi, a little bit excited.

  “How about you, Jackson?” asked Carey, knowing I had no idea what uni was. “You want some uni?”

  I pulled out my trump card.

  “Is it vegetarian?” I asked the waiter.

  “No, I’m afraid not, sir. Would you like me to ask the chef to prepare you a vegetarian sushi platter?”

  “That would be great, thanks,” I said humbly.

  “Oh, you’re a vegetarian,” said Lexi, mildly impressed.

  “Well, I love all animals. Even uni.”

  “That’s awesome,” she responded. “How nice of you.”

  “It’s sea urchin,” said Carey, a little annoyed he had been shown up.

  “Sir?” the waiter asked Kyle.

  “Just bring me a little of everything. Vegetarian, uni, whatever.”

  “How about the chef’s special?”

  “That sounds cool,” said Kyle, rolling with it. “Bring me that.”

  “Oo, that’s right. Can’t go wrong with that,” said Lexi. “Bring me that too.”

  Well, in this first round trying to win over Lexi, I think it was a tie. Maybe in the end, Kyle had the edge, only because Carey and I were annoyed. Lexi got out her notebook and camera and promptly dropped them on the floor. She seemed a little nervous.

  “Whoops,” she said. “Sorry-sorry. One sec.”

  While she bent down, Carey managed to look down her shirt and mouth the word, “Damn!” I gave him a gentle punch. That was kind of rude. Then I started thinking, “What the hell am I doing? Let him be rude.” It was so weird being in competition for this woman with my two best friends.

  Lexi got her camera and notepad situated and almost immediately, she became this other person. Confident, thoughtful, knowledgeable. I had her wrong. She didn’t need saving, but she wasn’t going to just swoon for Carey or marry Kyle to pump out kids. Admittedly, Kyle was the closest to peg her. He was right. She was strong.

  “So Jackson,” she said, turning to me. “You’ve had quite an amazing year. Is this going to be your last?”

  “Why? What did you hear or overhear?” I countered.

  “Well, you’re 31. That’s pretty old for a QB. There’s no denying your talent. You took the team to two other Super Bowls, but can you see yourself taking them to a fourth?”

  “I’m not going to deny I’m getting up there and it’s tough,” I admitted. “If we win the Super Bowl this year, it would be a perfect way to go out on top.”

  “So are you announcing your retirement?” she immediately followed up.

  I felt a little bit like I was being maneuvered. This chick knew how to get to the heart of an issue. Maybe she overheard us talking, but it didn’t seem that way. She seemed to draw her conclusions from evidence. That was something that was no only lacking in most sports reporters, but most people these days. There were a few more questions for me, but I managed to deflect and stall. No way I could announce my retirement now. My agent would have a fit.

  “Carey, over the last four years, you’ve become the star of this team. But after a recent incident, a lot of commentators were saying you had been moved up too fast and all the fame was going to you head,” began Lexi. “How do you respond to that?”

  I had to smile. Carey looked like a deer caught in the headlights!

  “Well, ya know, there are, uh, a lot of haters out there,” he stammered. “But hey, just because my parents had a little money doesn’t mean I didn’t work hard. I have a teaching degree that I plan to use once I retire.”

  “Really? What would you teach?” asked Lexi.

  “At first, I’d like to teach little kids, ya know? Maybe 2nd or 3rd grade so I can teach all subjects. Then I think eventually I would like to move up to the high school level. Teach history and coach a football team. Plus I want to have a family, so I hope I get to teach my own kids at the same time,” said Carey genuinely. “I really want to have kids some day.”

  “Okay,” smiled Lexi. “Kyle, you had a rough start this year.”

  Kyle laughed. He had gotten drunk in the beginning of the year and pissed on the car belonging to the Dallas Cowboy coach. Our coach almost cut him from the team, but fortunately it was early enough in the year to blow over.

  “Yeah, I know,” laughed Kyle. “Like I said, coach wouldn’t start me because I was late, but I had to take care of my moms. She was sick.”

  “Now I want to phrase this delicately…”

  “It’s okay.”

  “Has she completed her rehab treatment?”

  Kyle looked away. It was a sensitive subject for him.

  “She still has 41 days to go,” he explained. “It’s not easy. She had a tough life. I’m just glad I’m making enough money so I can help her and my siblings.”

  I’ve seen Kyle interviewed by a lot of people about this. Most them can’t handle one of these questions without getting too personal and rude, but this girl— it was like effortless to her to thread the needle. Amazing.

  The food arrived not long thereafter, so we took a break. My plate contained a lot of tofu, edamame and faux-everything, but it was delicious. I saw Carey and Lexi’s sea urchin appetizer and it looked like some kind of snot to me. Kyle, as always, was a vacuum cleaner when it came to food. Put something in front of him and poof, it was gone. I gave him a few pieces of my dinner to try. I don’t think he even tasted it really, it just disappeared down the garbage disposal mouth of his.

  At some point, Lexi got up to use the restroom and we had a chance to evaluate our progress mid-game. Typical football players, right?

  “Now would be a good time for you guys to excuse yourselves and take an early night,” suggested Ca
rey. “There’s no shame in losing to the best.”

  “And that would be me,” I suggested. “Bow out gracefully, champ.”

  “Oh, I forgot. Mr. Shirt is here,” scoffed Carey.

  Kyle just laughed. He had run out of food and was going back to eating edamame beans from the appetizer. I decided to go on the attack a little.

  “Kyle, buddy, she obviously doesn’t dig you,” I suggested. “I mean, she handled those questions well, but she wasn’t making eyes at you like she was at me.”

  “Are you crazy?” said Kyle. “She’s been all business since we’ve got here.”

  “Not to me,” I insisted. “There is definitely a vibe.”

  “The only vibe is in her panties, for me,” insisted Carey.

  Lexi abruptly returned. Carey wasn’t sure if she overheard that last remark. I twisted the knife.

  “Tch, Carey, that was so vulgar,” I said, concerned.

  “What is? I didn’t hear you,” admitted Lexi.

  “I was just telling these guys a dirty story about Jackson in Phoenix, back in the day,” explained Carey.

  In an attempted to pillory Carey, I ended up setting him up for the worst story about me, ever.

  “Go ahead, please,” said Lexi, now riveting her attention on Carey.

  “Oh, no,” I said, embarrassed.

  “So Jackson’s a rookie on the road in Arizona and they make him share a room with Harold Jamar. Hugest guy in the league. Center. 6’ 8”, four hundred pounds, right? Him and Jackson go out for a post game meal at some Tex Mex place. They both get sick, but Harold gets in the bathroom first,” tells Carey, laughing the whole time.

  “Well, Jackson had to go and there was only one stall!” added Kyle.

  Lexi was laughing. I was beginning to think this story was a plus for me, even though originally I’d been embarrassed by it.

  “I’m really sick from the food, but the smell is making it worse. The whole hotel is booked, I have no other place to go,” I added. “Harold knows it and is just sitting there taking his sweet time— I knew he was done.”

  “So this crazy motherfucker charges in there and tackles Harold off the toilet,” laughed Carey.

  “Oh, my God!” laughed Lexi. “Now that’s desperation.”


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