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Michigan Page 8

by Vicktor Alexander

  “Hey bitches! Turn the music down,” he called out. Once the music was lowered enough that Michigan could hear himself think, he answered the phone. “Hello?”

  “Mich? Dakota’s been hurt bad.” Utah’s voice was anguished and Michigan felt the bottom drop out of his stomach. Without a word to anyone he turned and rushed out of the house towards his Dodge Ram which sat out in the driveway. He climbed in and started the engine. He backed out quickly and took off down the road heading towards the hospital. Thankfully his truck sync’d with his phone so he could get more information from his brother while he drove.

  “Talk to me, Ute. Where? How? Why?” Michigan’s words tumbled over each other as his heart pounded furiously. No. No. No. Please let him be okay. He just mated his sufletul pereche. He has a kid now. A family. He’s my baby brother. I love him. We love him. We need him.

  “Man,” Utah’s voice sounded pained and stunned simultaneously and Michigan’s eyebrows lowered. “Tată and Mamă have this whole sordid history with our uncle.”

  “We have an uncle? What’s his name?”

  The silence that greeted his question filled Michigan’s body with a sort of sick dread. Whoever it was, Michigan was positive that he didn’t want to know him. And yet, he needed to know who the guy was so he would know the name of the guy who was supposedly fucking with his family.


  Of all the names that Utah could have given him, hearing the name of the one man, the one vampire who was the subject of every childhood nightmare Michigan had ever had, made him jerk the steering wheel in his hands and pull off to the side of the road. Razvan was the vampire that humans based all of their books and movies on. He was the very epitome of evil but a hundred times worse. It wasn’t just the women that he raped and killed making the men of their family watch. It wasn’t just that he drank their blood and smeared it all over his body then drove a stake through the men before leaving them to melt to death. It was the fact that no matter how many times the other vampires of his time tried to kill him, he could never be killed.

  “Razvan is our uncle?” Michigan asked in a hushed voice, afraid that if he said the name too loudly the monstrous demon would hear him and appear.

  “Yes. He’s Tată’s brother and according to Nimo he thought that Mamă was his sufletul pereche. When our parents bonded he flipped out and went on that rampage. Especially when he found out about Arizona.”

  Michigan shook his head. “What do you mean found out about Arizona?”

  Utah sighed. “Arizona wasn’t originally named Arizona. They changed his name from Vasile.”

  “Holy fuck.” Michigan’s head pounded with all of the information he was receiving. “Okay. Okay,” he stammered, repeating himself as he struggled to come to grips with his new reality. “So what happened? How did Dakota get hurt?” he asked, finally remembering the reason for his brother’s call. He listened as Utah told him about Dakota, Nimo, Isaiah and their parents going to Nimo’s parents’ home for dinner and it being a setup by Razvan. His fingers tightened on the steering wheel as he listened to description Utah gave of how Razvan had beaten their brother and how their parents had been forced to fight while Nimo and Isaiah huddled scared in the corner.

  “So you’re all at Nimo’s parents’ place?” He clarified when Utah finished talking.

  “Yeah,” Utah said, sounding exhausted and pained.

  Michigan nodded. “Give me the address. I’m on my way.” He programmed the address in his GPS and turned his truck around to head towards the Moore home. Anger and disappointment at his parents warred in his gut, along with fear for his brother’s life. Through it all there was one constant thread, weaving its way through it all, a constant chant thumping in and out of his brain. Stories of the hate Razvan had for unmated pairs beating through his mind as fear pulsed through his heart. Lucas’s face swam before his mind’s eye even as he worried over his brother’s health.

  I have to bond with Lucas before Razvan finds him. I have to bond with Lucas before Razvan finds him.

  § § §

  Lucas growled as the new prep cook, Alberto, bumped into him for the fifth time causing him to almost ruin the plate of ratatouille he was preparing. Turning, he glared at the man, barely holding onto his temper.

  “Sorry, Chef,” Alberto gasped.

  “Why are you in my space, Alberto?” Lucas asked angrily.

  “I took a wrong turn again?” It sounded like a question instead of a statement which only served to annoy Lucas even more. Glancing up at the clock, Lucas breathed an imperceptible sigh of relief. Only one more hour to go and clean up would begin. Thank all of the gods, goddesses and saints above.

  He inclined his head at Alberto and gestured to the man’s station. “Don’t let it happen again, got it?”

  He knew why he was on edge and it wasn’t just because of the incompetent prep cook. Nimo’s partner, Dakota, had been attacked by his uncle, Razvan. Apparently the guy was hell-bent on coming after the entire Sevion family. So they’d all decided to move into Nimo’s parents’ place, which they’d apparently left Nimo when they’d passed. Something that had only recently occurred as well.

  Lucas and Michigan had only shared text messages and phone calls because of their crazy work schedules and the whole crazy family drama over the last three days. Lucas was starting to feel sick on top of missing the man so much he was developing a serious case of blue balls. He’d taken to dreaming about Michigan and swearing he could almost smell the man whenever he went to sleep at night. He felt as if he were going crazy and talking to Michigan just made things worse.

  Maybe I caught that same flu thing Nimo had a while back?

  Nodding to himself, Lucas turned his attention back to finishing his shift, and putting the rest of his stress-filled life out of his mind. By the time the kitchen was clean, the dining room empty and his work in his office, he was tired. Then there was preparing the menu for the next day, figuring out what foodstuffs they might need, and planning out the schedule, which made him beyond exhausted. Standing, he stretched, groaning as the joints in his body all popped.

  “Oh god that’s good,” he sighed. Shaking out his hands, he turned to pick up his leather jacket and stepped out from behind his desk. Walking towards the door of his office, he stopped to turn out the light before stepping out and locking it behind him. He didn’t notice anyone still inside the restaurant and knew that his work ethic had once again made him the last person to leave the building. With a shrug, he walked out of the employee entrance, he stuck his key in the lock and twisted it before entering the security code to ensure that the restaurant was secure. Turning he headed towards his ride and was almost immediately aware of Michigan standing beside his motorcycle.

  Lucas’s mouth went dry at the sight of the man wearing a pair of tight, form-fitting jeans, his leather jacket, a pair of black motorcycle boots, a pair of sunglasses and no shirt beneath the jacket exposing his muscled chest to Lucas’s gaze. His gray streaked black hair hung loose around his shoulders and while Lucas watched him the wind moved through the strands causing them to waft and move tantalizing around Michigan’s tempting face. His eyes drifted down to Michigan’s chest and he found himself wanting desperately to play with the strands of hair there that tempted him.

  “Give Michigan a chance. I know that you don’t believe in the whole vampire, fated mates thing and you don’t have to tell me what happened when you were a kid, but you guys obviously have a connection. You said you don’t want to live your life with regrets. What if he’s your one regret? What if you two are meant to be together? How are you going to be able to look at yourself on your deathbed with the knowledge that you lived your life with no regrets when you won’t even see if there’s something between the two of you? If you won’t even see if there’s a chance?”

  Nimo’s words replayed in Lucas’s head and even though Lucas was all for giving him and Michigan a real chance he just wasn’t sure he could suspend all reality and be
okay with the “vampire” thing. He was a huge Torchwood fan. Hell, he’d even converted Michigan into watching it on a daily basis with him, but he wasn’t ready to believe. He couldn’t believe. Because that would make what happened to his parents real and he wasn’t ready to deal with that just yet. He wasn’t sure he ever would be.

  “Hello, my little chef.” Michigan’s voice still had the power to make Lucas shiver and though it was a little chilly outside, Lucas instantly felt warm inside as he walked towards the man.

  “I’m not your little anything,” he teased, remembering the first time Michigan had called him by that nickname.

  Michigan chuckled. “Not yet.” Lucas let out a soft squeak as Michigan fisted the front of his leather jacket and jerked him close to him. “Look, I would love to stand out here and trade banter with you all night. Tell you how fine you looked cooking tonight, how much I’m aching to sink my cock into your ass, but I don’t have time for that. I need to complete our bond as soon as possible.”

  Complete their bond? What the fuck?

  “What?” His eyebrows lowered and confusion and fear battled for dominance inside him as Lucas stared up at Michigan. “Why? What the fuck are you talking about?”

  Michigan sighed. “I know you don’t want to believe the whole vampire thing, baby, but it’s true and right now, there’s a really bad vampire on the loose and he’s coming after my family and the mates of me and my brothers and that means you and I have to complete our bond in order to keep you safe.”

  Lucas tried to take a step back, shaking his head. Nimo hadn’t told him that he was in any danger. Why wouldn’t he tell him that? And why was Michigan calling him baby? He’d never called him baby before. Lucas needed a second, just one moment to think. A feeling of unease slithered its way down his spine like sludge and bile rose in his throat. He gulped, trying desperately not to vomit as he tried to clear the haze from his brain. Michigan’s fist wrapped in the front of his leather jacket prevented him from stepping back and clearing his head and he felt trapped by Michigan’s rambling, by the crazy, by the… the… possibility that maybe…

  “Okay, the joke is over now, Michigan. It’s not funny anymore, okay? You’ve scared me. You can stop acting like you’re a vampire now,” he stammered, hating how shaky, scared, and unsure his voice sounded.

  “Oh, baby, there’s nothing to be scared of. At least not from me,” Michigan said, gathering Lucas close to his chest, rubbing his hand up and down his back. Something was off about Michigan that night. Usually when he touched Lucas, Lucas’s body instantly reacted and while the lust was still there, it was a surface lust. It was almost as if his soul wasn’t engaged but his body was. “You are the safest person in the world with me. I promise.”

  Usually Lucas felt safe with Michigan. It was one of the greatest things about the doctor, but in that moment there was something dangerous about him. Something that gave Lucas pause and made him want to take a step back. He inhaled deeply and the scent of Michigan filled his lungs rushing straight to head. He moaned and rubbed his nose against the skin of Michigan’s naked chest as he relished in the feel of Michigan soothing him. He was being foolish. It was just his own hang-ups. His own fear of commitment and hesitation over Michigan’s “vampire craziness” that was putting that fear in him. There was no way Michigan was dangerous. He smelled just like he always did and Lucas felt just as safe and protected as he always did.

  “My dear, sweet, sufletul pereche,” Michigan sighed. “I need you to listen to me. I will explain everything to you tomorrow, but my nephew by blood-bond, your nephew by love, Isaiah, has said that if we do not complete our bond tonight that Razvan will take you away from me and kill you. I cannot let that happen. We must complete the bond tonight.”

  Fear pulsed through Lucas at Michigan’s words. Why would Zay say something like that? What did the little boy know? And why would Michigan put such faith in the words of a little boy?

  He tilted his head back and looked up at Michigan. “Zay?” he asked softly.

  Michigan nodded. “Yes, dragul meu,” he said. “My love, it is true.”

  Lucas bit his lower lip fighting with himself. He wanted to say no. He was an adult and Zay was merely a child. He shouldn’t let his life be dictated by the words of a child, but while Lucas had never been able to explain it away, Zay had always been able to predict the future. Lucas didn’t believe in vampires, that was beyond his scope of belief, but psychics he could put stock in, especially since Zay’s predictions had proven true so many times. He nodded at Michigan, accepting that if Zay had stated that they needed to “complete the bond” that night then that’s what they would do. He gasped when Michigan pulled him up into his arms, taking his lips in a fiery kiss of passion.

  It was hard and passionate, not at all sweet and gentle like the kiss Michigan had given him last time. This kiss drew blood and Lucas shivered when Michigan sucked his bottom lip into his mouth hungrily. Fear began coiling in the pit of his stomach like a snake poised to strike but he shoved it away. Michigan was obviously just overeager for them to bond or whatever and that’s why he was being rough. That’s why his hands were all over Lucas, pushing off his jacket and tossing it to the ground haphazardly and shoving his hands down the back of Lucas’s pants, palming his ass, gripping the globes with a rough squeeze.

  Lucas wondered why they weren’t heading to either his place or Michigan’s place but when he felt the tip of Michigan’s finger rub around the pucker of his ass he was no longer concerned. He was merely grateful that the restaurant was closed and no one was around since it appeared that he was going to be fucked right there in the back employee parking lot. He wrapped his arms around Michigan’s shoulders and pressed himself closer and moaned into the man’s skin when he lowered his head to skim his lips along the column of Lucas’s neck. When Lucas felt the rasp of Michigan’s sharp teeth—his fangs—his heart stopped for a second before thundering wildly. Holy shit. It was true. Vampires really existed and Michigan was one. His entire family was vampires and Michigan was about to bite him. He was about to bond them together for all eternity.

  Lucas tilted his head back further and trembled. He may have shied away from it before but he accepted it now. He was about to be bitten by a vampire. By his mate. He just hoped it didn’t burn and he wouldn’t scream like that stupid girl from that stupid movie.

  He expected the pain that he experienced when Michigan punctured his flesh with his fangs, but… where was the pleasure? Wasn’t there supposed to be pleasure? All of the books and movies hinted that when he was bitten by his mate that he would have pain followed immediately by pleasure. There was nothing but pain. And it was agonizing pain at that.

  Lucas tried to push Michigan away but his arms felt as if they were weighed down by anchors as he felt Michigan drinking his blood, the gorgeous man’s hazel eyes now glowing bright red, Lucas’s blood spilling out of his mouth to roll down his chin. Lucas’s stomach lurched and he felt bile rise up in his throat at the sight. Fire spread out from the point of the bite throughout the rest of his body. His body growing heavier and heavier. His mind grew fuzzy and he moaned out Michigan’s name begging him to stop.

  Michigan finally pulled back from Lucas’s neck and Lucas stared at the large white fangs that protruded from his mouth, thick, dark red liquid clinging to his lips as he grinned at Lucas. Lucas opened his mouth to ask Michigan if the bond was complete when Michigan yanked his pants down and spun him around to face the motorcycle. Lucas stumbled, almost toppling forward, only Michigan’s hands on his shoulders preventing him from falling on his face. He hissed when Michigan smacked first one cheek and then the other before he forced himself inside of Lucas without preparation or lube.

  Lucas screamed, pain tearing through his rectum. He could feel his body trying to reject Michigan, trying to repel him back out and he struggled against the hold the man had on him.

  “Oh God, Michigan, it hurts, please, stop! Take it out, Michigan. You’re hurting me!
” he pleaded. Tears streamed down his face. He clawed at the motorcycle, sobs wracking his frame as he begged with his lover to stop. What had happened to Michigan? Why was he doing this to him? Was this how vampires treated their mates when they first bonded with them? Would Michigan go back to being caring and gentle after the bond was complete? Or maybe this was how he always was? This angry, harsh, rough, hard, damn near abusive man who cared nothing for Lucas’s pleasure.

  Lucas wanted to rewind the last hour, maybe even the entire night and get a redo. He wanted to tell Michigan no. Maybe even go back to the day when he first met Michigan and not go over to Nimo’s house that day.

  He continued to cry and sob until the sound of footsteps running towards where he and Michigan were fucking—because they weren’t making love—drifted towards his ears. He turned his head and saw… Michigan? But how—? Who—?

  “Uh-oh. Looks like I’ve been caught,” Michigan said behind him and Lucas felt ice fill his veins as he tried to make sense of what was happening. Michigan stopped fucking him, pulled his cock out, yanked him up by his hair and turned him to face… Michigan.


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