Her Premarital Ex (The Alexanders Book 3)

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Her Premarital Ex (The Alexanders Book 3) Page 5

by Tina Martin

  Gabrielle smiled. “I can see him saying something like that.”

  “Yep. He sends mom flowers every month. I told him to stop making me look bad.” Tamera giggled. “I’m sure you get flowers too.”

  “Yes, very frequently. I use them as centerpieces for the dining room table and pretty much all throughout the house.”

  “Yeah. Tyson’s an honest soul. All he asks for is loyalty, honesty and trust. Once he sees those in a person, he’s down for life. If one of those are broken, he’ll walk away from you in a heartbeat.”

  “Well, I love him too much to ever hurt him so I’m good.”

  “Perfect. Now let’s get out of here, girl,” Tamera said looking at her watch. “I can’t believe we’ve been here for almost three hours.”

  “Wow...doesn’t seem like we’ve been here that long.”

  “That’s how you know you’re in good company,” Tamera said standing.

  “Yes,” Gabrielle said. “Good company.”

  Chapter 9

  ~ * ~

  “Hello, Mother,” Dilvan said when Padma opened the door.

  Padma frowned and checked her watch. The time was 2:23 p.m., and she had not been expecting Dilvan today. “Dilvan, what are you doing here?”

  “Just figured I’d pay my mother a visit, especially since you don’t visit me any longer.”

  “Come on in, son.”

  He obliged, and with his hands in the front pockets of his slacks he asked, “Is dad here?”

  “No. He had to meet a client.”

  “On his day off?”

  “You know your father...always working, as am I.”

  “Yeah...always working.”

  Padma walked to her office.

  Dilvan followed. “So you’ve been busy, I see.”

  “Yes, trying to wrap up a few things before I head out of town.”

  “Where are you going?”

  “To an expo in Chicago.”

  “Chicago,” Dilvan said. “I was supposed to have a shoot there this weekend, but I turned it down.” Dilvan paced back and forth in front of her desk, glancing at a desktop full of papers.

  “Why’d you turn it down?” she asked him.

  “Well, I didn’t think it is what you guys wanted.”

  “Dilvan, Dilvan, Dilvan...your father and I only want you to be happy. You know that, don’t you?”

  Dilvan hadn’t responded. He was too busy staring at the papers on her desktop where he saw Gabrielle’s name marked as an attendee on the restaurant expo along with Lalita’s.”

  Gabrielle is going to be in Chicago, he thought quietly to himself.

  “Dilvan?” Padma said to get his attention.


  “Boy, have you heard a word I said?”

  “Yeah...just thinking about it. So you said you want me to be happy.”

  “Of course. You’re my son and I love you. I just don’t want you to get mixed up with the wrong crowd, and you need to watch the way you treat people, especially your family. And you know what else, Dilvan?”

  “What’s that?”

  “I need you to improve your relationship with your brothers. You know there’s tension between you guys and that needs to be remedied right away.”

  “Well, it takes more than one party to agree to sit down and make things work.”

  “Of course.”

  “Then why are you talking only to me? What about Heshan and Prasad?”

  “I’ve already spoken to them.”

  Dilvan sighed and fiddled with his keys in his right front pocket.

  “Well, that must mean that I have to reach out to them because they certainly haven’t contacted me.”

  Padma shook her head, frustrated. When was Dilvan ever going to grow up, become a man and quit acting like a boy? “Tell me this, Dilvan. When was the last time you asked your brothers to do something with you...go to a game or go fishing? Something. Anything. Do you even know your niece and nephew?”

  Dilvan ran his hands across the soft, black curls of his hair. He hadn’t taken the time to get to know his brother’s children. At some point, he had to mend his relationship with his brothers and that time was now.

  A tea kettle whistled from the kitchen, interrupting his thoughts.

  “Want some tea?”

  Dilvan grinned. “You still make tea the old-fashioned way.”

  “Yes. I like old-fashioned. What’s wrong with the way I make tea?”

  He smiled. “Nothing, Mother, and yes, I’ll take a cup.”

  Following Padma to the kitchen, Dilvan took out his phone, pulled up the email from his manager about the Chicago shoot and responded:

  TO: Len Phillips

  FROM: Dilvan Alexander

  SUBJECT: New Gig in the Windy City!

  Len, changed my mind about the shoot. Send me the details right away. Oh, and I’ll make my own hotel arrangements.



  - - -

  Dilvan slid his phone back into his pocket. Over tea, he planned on casually finding out which hotel his mother would be staying at for the weekend. Most likely, Gabrielle would be staying there too, and he couldn’t wait to see her again. To talk to her again. There was something about their situation that didn’t seem final, no matter how much Gabrielle said it was over. And if he could keep a level head, he could find out if she really meant what she said on the beach that day when she told him he wasn’t the man who could make her happy.

  Chapter 10

  ~ * ~

  Tyson carefully kneaded the dough in preparation for the blueberry croissant puffs he was in the process of making. He’d gone by the farmer’s market and purchased a fresh batch of blueberries because only fresh ingredients would do for his pastry creations. He wouldn’t settle for frozen, bagged fruit. The rest of the ingredients – cream cheese, sugar, eggs, vanilla flavoring and milk – were in ample supply at the restaurant.

  As he worked, he hummed a tune. He was in an especially good mood today. Nothing could destroy his happiness. His marriage was excellent. Gabrielle had given him inspiration that he didn’t realize he had, and this good feeling of having everything fall into place had him joyous that his life was full and finally the way he wanted it.

  “Tyson, what’s up man?”

  Heshan set two paper bags on the counter.

  “Hey. What’s up with you?”

  “Just running some errands...heard Tamera was in town.”

  “Yeah. She said she wanted to do some bonding with Gabrielle so they’ve been hanging out most of the day.”

  “How’s she doing?”

  “She’s good. Looks happy.”

  “That’s good. I know it was rough there for her for a while.”

  “Yeah, but she’s made the best out of a new start and she’s doing well. I’m proud of her.”

  Heshan nodded. “So what are you doing tonight? Thought we could get together and shoot some hoops or play cards or something.”

  “No can do, my brother...Gabrielle is going to Chicago this weekend with your mom...leaving tomorrow so I’m going to spend some quality time with my lady before she heads out.”

  “What about Saturday?”

  “I’ll be in Atlanta on Saturday...be back Sunday night.”

  “Okay, so let’s get together Sunday.”

  Tyson shook his head. “Nope...Gabrielle is back Sunday night and we’re gonna spend even more quality time together.” He slid a pan in the oven. “Maybe one day next week. “I’ll keep you posted.”

  “Okay, man,” Heshan said. “How’s everything else going?”

  “Good.” Tyson walked over to the sink. “I’m the happiest I’ve ever been.”

  “That’s great. I’m happy for you...got me thinking about settling down.”

  “Oh yeah?”

  “Yeah, man...been on my mind and I got just the woman.”

  “Who’s that?”

p; “Charity Eason.”

  Tyson’s eyebrows rose. “The volunteer waitress that works here?”

  “Yep,” Heshan said affirmatively, thinking of the way he felt when he first saw Charity. Her long, bra-strap length cinnamon hair caught his eyes before her tanned, caramel skin wreaked havoc on his senses – that and the fact that her body was in good, athletic shape. The woman could teach a Zumba class if she wanted to.

  “I think she told me she worked odd jobs, one being a lifeguard during the summer,” Tyson said.

  “That would explain that sexy tan she has.”

  Tyson smirked. “You try to holla at her?”

  “Yeah...asked her out a few times...guess she’s not into half-Indian guys.”

  “Nah, man. You can’t give up that easily. You have to hit her with your charm.”

  “Like you did Gabrielle?”

  “Yeah, exactly like I did Gabrielle.”

  “Yeah...we’ll see. I don’t chase women. It’s usually the opposite.”

  “Maybe you need to make an exception. Let me tell you what I’ve learned...love and being in love is a beautiful thing. You just need to make sure you find the right one.”

  “Yeah...the ever illusive right one.”

  Tyson made sure the oven was set then said, “It can be tricky, but once you got it, you got it. Then the real work begins.”

  Heshan nodded. “It’s funny how things happen. First Prasad gets hitched, now you. I’m next in line, well it’s either me or Dilvan.”

  “Most likely you. Dilvan doesn’t know how to treat a woman.”

  “Yeah, well Mother has been on a crusade, trying to get her sons back on track...said family should stick together and that Prasad and I were partially to blame for the state of our family. So I’m supposed to reach out to Dilvan and arrange a sit-down.”

  “Good for you,” Tyson said.

  “What you mean, good for me. You don’t even like Dilvan.”

  “Yeah, but he’s not my brother. He’s yours.”

  Heshan crossed his arms. “So you think it’s a good idea? You know, for me to meet with him?”

  “Like I said...he’s your brother.”

  “Guess it’s ‘bout time we sat down as brothers and discussed things. As a matter of fact, I’m going to send him a text right now before I change my mind.” Heshan took his phone from his pocket and typed a message:

  Heshan: Dilvan, let me know when u r available next week...trying 2 get together with u and Prasad.

  “There...it’s done. Can’t say I didn’t try. Now watch him not even bother to respond.”

  Just then, his Heshan’s phone beeped.

  “Speak of the devil,” Tyson said. “Is that him?”

  Heshan looked at his phone and saw the text from his brother:

  Dilvan: free Tuesday...will that work?

  “Well what do you know...he actually responded. Said he’s free on Tuesday.”

  “That’s good, right? Or were you hoping he didn’t respond?” Tyson chuckled.

  “Nah, it’s cool. You know what would be awesome, though?”

  “What’s that?”

  “If you came along with us.”

  “No way.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because every time I see Dilvan, I want to put a dent in his face. That’s why.”

  “Maybe it’s time you called a truce.”

  “Nope...not after what he did to Gabrielle.”

  “Okay...just thought I’d ask. Anyway, let me get to work so I can get out of here a lil’ early today.”

  “Yeah. I need to get back to work, too. I’ll talk to you later.” Tyson walked outside taking a small break before he began on the last batch of pastries. Curious to know what Gabrielle and Tamera were up to, he dialed Gabrielle’s number, then smiled at the thought of her.

  “Hey, Tyson,” she answered.

  “Hey, you. How are you, baby?”

  “I’m good. Tamera and I are out shopping.”

  “Nice. She’s treating you well I take it?”

  “Yes. She’s been wonderful...glad she’s my sister-in-law.”

  “Nice...happy you’re getting along. I’ll be home around four to get started on dinner.”

  “Ooh...what are we having?”

  Tyson smiled. “I’m not sure yet, but I know what I want for dessert.”

  Gabrielle blushed. She knew what he wanted for dessert as well.

  “What time are y’all gettin’ back to the house?” he inquired.

  “We’re heading back in a few minutes. I’m sure we’ll be home before you.”

  “Okay, sweetie. Have fun. See you in a lil’ while.”

  “Okay, Tyson. Love you.”

  “Love you too, angel.”

  Chapter 11

  ~ * ~

  While the women were busy looking through the photo album, Tyson was in the kitchen preparing fried pork chops, buttered brussel sprouts and homemade macaroni and cheese.

  For dessert he made mille-feuille, a flaky pastry filled with butter cream and drizzled with chocolate.

  When dinner was ready, he said, “Will the Alexander women report to the dining room, please?”

  Tamera looked at Gabrielle and said, “You know my brother is silly, right?”

  Gabrielle smiled, then stood up from the couch.

  Tamera set the photo album on the coffee table, then followed Gabrielle to the dining room.

  “Goodness, Tyson,” Tamera said. “What you done whipped up this time?”

  “Just some pork chops, brussel sprouts and mac and cheese.”

  “It looks good,” Gabrielle said, pulling out a chair.

  Tyson went back to the kitchen to get his plate, then he joined them at the table.

  They ate quietly for a few minutes before Tyson asked, “So my sister hasn’t been telling you my childhood secrets, has she?”

  Before Gabrielle could respond, Tamera said, “No, but now that you mention it—”

  “Oh, here we go,” Tyson said, then laughed.

  “Here’s a good one,” she began. “Gabrielle...Tyson had this chick he was sweatin’...if I recall correctly, he was a senior in high school and I was a junior. Anyway, he liked the girl but she wouldn’t give him the time of day, so he wrote her the cutest little poem.”

  “Yeah, one that I told you not to read,” Tyson chimed in.

  “Tyson, you handed me the note and told me to give it to her. You knew I was going to read it.”

  “Yeah, I should’ve known.”

  “Anyway, Gabrielle, I gave the girl the note and guess what? She ends up being Tyson’s prom date.”

  “Okay...no more stories,” Tyson said, wiping his mouth. “One is more than enough.”

  The three quietly indulged into their meal, then Tamera said, “The wedding pictures are phenomenal, Tyson.”

  “Thanks, sis.”

  “You were a handsome groom,” she added.

  “He’s a handsome everything,” Gabrielle said, locking eyes with Tyson and holding his gaze. She’d never seen him blush before but she was sure he came pretty close to it. Had she rendered him speechless? All he did was look at her, stare at her, then took a sip of wine, their gazes still connected.

  “Okay, um...y’all need to get a room,” Tamera said. “I feel like I’m interrupting something.”

  Tyson smirked. “You’re not interrupting anything, Tamera. You’re an eye witness to what true love looks and feels like.”

  “Aw...” she crooned.

  Gabrielle smiled.

  After dessert, Tamera headed upstairs.

  Gabrielle retreated to the bedroom to pack her suitcase for her trip and while she was busy rearranging items so that they fit perfectly in the small bag, Tyson walked up behind her, folding his arms around her while kissing her neck.

  “Remind me why I changed my mind about you going on the trip again.”

  “Because you love me.”

  “Yes. I do love you. What else?”

  “And you want me to be happy.”

  Tyson drew in a deep inhale of her scent. “Is it too late for me to change my mind? I’m starting to have second thoughts about you being away from me.”

  “Tyson,” Gabrielle sung. “Don’t do this to me, baby.”

  “I won’t,” he said, then kissed her.

  Moments later, they lie in bed making love and afterwards, they rested together, her opened suitcase next to the bed, the covers tussled about with a white sheet covering their bodies.

  “You okay?” he whispered to her.

  Gabrielle fought to catch enough air to answer him. “Um hmm. Are you okay, Tyson?”

  “Yes. Just wondering how I can miss you so much and you aren’t even gone yet.”


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