Passion Rekindled

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Passion Rekindled Page 7

by Delaney Diamond

  “What does that mean? Are you leaving?”

  “I should. I should walk out of here and leave your difficult ass all alone.”

  “Do it! I don’t care!” she screamed.

  “You don’t care?” Bitterness curled Oscar’s hands into fists, and he laughed hollowly. “Good to know. Because I’m done. I’m not putting up with this shit.” Oscar swung around toward the door.

  “Go! J-just leave me.”

  Oscar paused in the doorway, shoulders taut. Beneath the angry words, he’d heard strain in her voice.

  “Go, Oscar. Since I’m such a horrible person, no one can stand to be around me.”

  Oscar closed his eyes and quickly counted backward to calm his fury. He must be insane. He needed his head examined, but walking out the door was the last thing he wanted to do. Giving up was the last thing he wanted to do. He’d done it before and been miserable for years, the only true joy in his life the time he spent with his children and grandchildren, who always reminded him of the woman he’d been in love with for more than thirty years.

  No matter how much he’d tried to fight it, the truth had been there all along. Sylvie Johnson was the beginning and the end for him. No one else sent him through the same gamut of emotions. Yes, he was insane. Because for him, a life without Sylvie was a helluva lot worse than a life with her. Life without her was no life at all.

  Oscar turned slowly back around and took a good look at his ex-wife.

  She clutched her hands to her chest, her body deathly still, as if she held her breath. The same way he did.

  “Loving you is no walk in the park. You are dramatic and moody and difficult as hell.” Sylvie winced, and he took a few steps into the room. “You have a big heart, but that doesn’t mean you’re not spoiled by the excess you were born into. And for some reason, I love you, with all of that drama and moodiness and excess. It’s like a damn curse. Maybe I’m crazy, but God help me, I love you the way you are. I wouldn’t change a thing.”

  Tears filled her eyes.

  “I’m only going to say this once. Caitlin means nothing to me. We had a brief relationship—we never even slept together—that ended when I saw you in Miami. She knows that. She’s jealous of you and came here to cause trouble. The bracelet was a gift, because I felt guilty about dumping her so suddenly.” He took another two steps forward. “If we’re going to do this—and by the way, we are—you have got to stop fighting me. I can deal with your moodiness. I can handle you being difficult. But what I will not tolerate is you fighting me over nonsense. Stop testing me. You taught the same thing to our daughters, and it’s a recipe for disaster. When love is strong, you don’t have to arbitrarily test it. You need to trust that it’s sound. Trust, Sylvie. Otherwise, why are we even doing this?”

  She licked her lips. “So you’re not leaving?”

  “I’m not leaving, but you have to meet me halfway. Starting now.”

  She took two tentative steps, but Oscar couldn’t bear the slow movements, and he rushed forward in impatience, pulling her into his arms.

  She clung to him and pressed her face into his neck, taking a deep breath.

  “Why can’t you be nice, hmm?” he asked, kissing her temple.

  “You’re the only one who can make me be nice.”

  Oscar cradled her in his arms, rubbing her back, and she purred her contentment. After a short while, he cupped her face in his hands. “I need to say something. Listen carefully, and don’t say a word.”

  “Okay,” she whispered.

  “See, I said not a word, and you still have to talk.”

  She pulled in her lips and he smiled.

  “Are you listening?”

  She nodded.

  He spoke slowly and quietly, looking deeply into her eyes. “I love you. I am not going anywhere. Stop pushing me away. Okay?”

  She nodded, and the way she looked at him, he knew this time she believed him.

  “I’m sure you were able to handle Caitlin,” he said, raising an inquiring brow. Knowing Sylvie, she’d probably eviscerated the young woman. “You may speak now.”

  She sniffed. “I have no idea what you saw in her in the first place, but I made sure she knew not to come around here ever again. It was actually quite fun,” she said with a smug smile.

  “You’re a mess, you know that?”

  “I know, but I’m trying to be better.”

  “Well, try harder.”

  She smiled. “Okay. For you.”

  “What am I going to do with you?”

  Her face lit up into a broader smile, and she rested her head against his chest. His arms closed tight around her, and she let out a relieved breath. “Keep me.”

  “Why would I do that?” He caressed her back, squeezing her tight. Holding her in his arms felt good. Right. Perfect.

  “I’m the best thing that ever happened to you.”

  “Says who?” he asked against her ear. He kissed her temple.

  She tipped back her head to look up at him. Her eyes smiled into his. “You did. Don’t you remember? You used to tell me so all the time.”

  Chapter 12

  Sylvie and Oscar headed toward the bedroom. Oscar carried a glass of whiskey with a couple of whiskey stones in it, and Sylvie leaned on his arm, giggling at a joke he’d repeated from the movie they’d watched in the entertainment room.

  The elevator opening and closing in the vestibule sounded down the hall.

  “Mother?” High heels thumped on the wood floor.

  Sylvie and Oscar went around the corner to find Simone standing in the middle of the corridor. Their daughter’s eyes widened and her mouth fell open. “Stephan and Reese said the two of you had reconciled, but I said no way. They would have told us. Is—is it true?”

  Her eyes flicked over Oscar’s silk pajama bottoms. Sylvie pulled the silk robe tighter around her body.

  “Is anybody going to explain this to me? You two hate each other,” Simone continued.

  “We’ve decided to give marriage another shot,” Oscar said, gazing lovingly down at Sylvie.

  “Why? You said she’s cold and callous,” Simone said.

  The smile died on his face. “I guess I’m attracted to cold and callous.”

  “You said she doesn’t have a soul.”

  “Okay, Simone, that’s enough! Don’t talk about your mother in that way.”

  “I didn’t make those comments, you did!” Simone reminded him.

  “Nonetheless, it’s not necessary.”

  “So, when are you getting remarried?”

  They smiled at each other.

  “When we’re ready,” Sylvie said. They’d discussed a possible fall wedding, but for now, were not in any rush. They needed time to plan the right event, and she wanted to design the perfect gown for the ceremony.

  Simone pressed a hand to her forehead. “I feel like I’m in the Twilight Zone.”

  “Is it really so hard to believe your father and I are reconciled?” Sylvie asked. “We’ve worked out our differences.”

  “Isn’t this what you wanted?” Oscar said.

  “Yes, but I’m worried you’re going to kill each other.”

  Oscar looped an arm around Sylvie’s neck, and she pressed back against him. “We’ve learned our lesson. Older and wiser. I love this woman. I’m not letting her go again.” He kissed the side of her neck.

  “Oscar, behave.”

  “Mother, you’re blushing. You never blush.”

  Sylvie laughed self-consciously. “Well, it’s your father’s fault.”

  Simone stared at them in disbelief.

  “Sylvie has something she wants to tell you,” Oscar said, dropping the binding hand.

  “Oh, yes.” Sylvie cleared her throat. “I think it would be a good idea for you and me and Cameron to have lunch.”

  “Umm…” Simone tucked hair behind her ear and glanced at Oscar.

  “Oh, for heaven’s sake, don’t look at your father. I’m not going to say anything
inappropriate to your boyfriend. I simply want to meet with him again and get to know him, that’s all.”

  Simone raised a brow. “That’s all, Mother?”

  “Yes. I’m giving him a chance to let me know what his intentions are toward you.”

  “And you want the chance to make a better impression?” Simone asked.

  “Why would I—” Oscar poked Sylvie in the back. “Ow.” She glared at him, and he raised an eyebrow at her. “I mean, um…yes. I would like the opportunity to make a better impression. I don’t want Cameron to feel unwelcome, so I thought sitting down and talking would be a good idea. That’s not so bad, is it?”

  “I guess not.”

  “Do you think he would be willing to meet for lunch?”

  “I’m sure he’ll meet with you. Cameron’s a great guy, and you’ll love him.”

  Sylvie took a deep breath. “I’m sure I will, as long as he’s good to you.”

  “He is. You know he is. I’ve told you so.” Simone came forward and hugged Sylvie. “Thank you, Mother,” she whispered, before withdrawing.

  Sylvie clasped Simone’s face between her hands and tenderly smoothed back her daughter’s hair from her face. “I only want the best for you. You know that.”

  “I know.”

  Sylvie gave her a hug.

  When they separated, Oscar took Sylvie’s hand. “All right, Simone. We’re going to bed. See yourself out.” He pulled Sylvie along behind him toward the bedroom.

  Sylvie glanced over her shoulder. Her daughter stood there with her mouth slightly open. Sylvie grinned through the biting of her lip and scampered along behind Oscar.

  Sylvie knew the moment Oscar’s warm body left hers. She moaned and shifted in the dark.

  “Sorry, my love,” he murmured. “I’m going to get something to eat.” He left the bed and she rolled onto her back, watching him pull on the pajama pants he’d discarded when they made love earlier. “Do you want anything?” he asked, pausing with his hand on the doorknob.

  A streak of light landed on Oscar, perfectly highlighting his features. The dusting of hair that covered his firm chest. The swath of gray through the rumpled dark curls on his head. His handsome face, struggling under the vestiges of sleep.

  “No, I’m fine, darling,” Sylvie replied.

  Now that the man she loved had returned, she didn’t want—or need—anything else.

  Did you enjoy Passion Rekindled? Join my mailing list to get sneak peeks, notices of sale prices, and find out about new releases.


  A Passionate Love

  If you enjoyed this short story, read about Sylvie and Oscar’s daughter Simone in A Passionate Love.

  Simone Brooks and Cameron Bennett should not be together. She’s a wealthy socialite looking for a suitable husband. A man with the right pedigree and an economic status that matches her own. He’s part owner of the hottest nightclub in Atlanta with his siblings. Someone who loves cooking, the outdoors, and women, not necessarily in that order.

  After one night together, their sizzling chemistry makes it difficult to stay away. Then comes the hard part—navigating their differences to salvage a relationship that, while it may be imperfect, overflows with love and passion.

  Johnson Family series

  Check out the entire Johnson Family series—a billionaire beer and restaurant dynasty based in Seattle. Meet Ivy, Cyrus, Trenton, Gavin, and Xavier in Unforgettable, Perfect, Just Friends, The Rules, and Good Behavior coming soon.

  Also by Delaney Diamond

  Love Unexpected series

  The Blind Date

  The Wrong Man

  An Unexpected Attraction

  The Right Time

  One of the Guys

  That Time in Venice (coming soon)

  Johnson Family series



  Just Friends

  The Rules

  Good Behavior (coming soon)

  Latin Men series

  The Arrangement

  Fight for Love

  Private Acts

  The Ultimate Merger

  Second Chances

  More Than a Mistress (coming soon)

  Hot Latin Men: Vol. I (print anthology)

  Hot Latin Men: Vol. II (print anthology)

  Hawthorne Family series

  The Temptation of a Good Man

  A Hard Man to Love

  Here Comes Trouble

  For Better or Worse

  Hawthorne Family Series: Vol. I (print anthology)

  Hawthorne Family Series: Vol. II (print anthology)

  Bailar series (sweet/clean romance)

  Worth Waiting For

  Stand Alones

  A Passionate Love

  Passion Rekindled

  Still in Love

  Subordinate Position

  Heartbreak in Rio (part of Endless Summer Nights)

  Free Stories:

  About the Author

  Delaney Diamond is the USA Today Bestselling Author of sweet, sensual, passionate romance novels. Originally from the U.S. Virgin Islands, she now lives in Atlanta, Georgia. She reads romance novels, mysteries, thrillers, and a fair amount of nonfiction. When she’s not busy reading or writing, she’s in the kitchen trying out new recipes, dining at one of her favorite restaurants, or traveling to an interesting locale. She speaks fluent conversational French and can get by in Spanish.

  Enjoy free reads and the first chapter of all her novels on her website. Join her mailing list to get sneak peeks, notices of sale prices, and find out about new releases.

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