Alien Backlash

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Alien Backlash Page 41

by Maxine Millar

  Sarah looked down at her unconscious daughter, bandaged heavily, with two black eyes, and discoloration and swelling over her face visible. She gently stroked Katy’s hair. “We will manage,” she said softly.

  An hour later Dai returned to see all of them sitting, with empty cups and plates, relating their war stories. Katy, still unconscious, was on the lounge floor on her bag where Sarah could watch her. He quickly updated them: “Thousands are dead, thousands are injured, and that doesn’t count the dead that are missing, the injured that are missing and the injured that treated themselves.”

  Sarah shuddered but was not surprised. She remembered the devastation where she was. “What will happen to the prisoners?” she asked. She had hoped there wouldn’t be many but the Loridsyl told her that while they sympathized this was a declared war so some prisoners would be necessary. They would ensure the high-risk ones disappeared…

  “Prisoners will be ransomed as a job lot with no identities given,” Dai said. “The Keulfyd will expect most of their officers will still be alive, especially the senior ones, but they were the ones you Terrans deliberately targeted. Not the done thing according to the Rules of War in this galaxy, so we will keep quiet about that policy. You could ransom them off yourself and make a tidy profit. It’s a gamble, you see. They gamble on who is left alive and what they are worth to them, but it is also a lesson to the rest of their troops that they will get them back.”

  “Yes, we have that same philosophy. No one left behind. Doesn’t always work in practice but it’s a good goal. Hope is worth a lot. The complication of prisoners is one I can do without. I don’t have the personnel to look after them. Too many people I don’t know and can’t trust. I can’t use Niseyen as they may be too susceptible to bribery or already be bought.” She didn’t notice Dai wince.

  Jesan quietly refilled the cups and plates, hoping they would forget he was there and keep talking. He struggled a bit: stiff, sore, and trying to figure out what his broken arm objected to the most.

  “We will not survive another attack,” declared Sarah. “We must persuade them not to attack us again. I think Helkmid has the right idea. He says this friend of his with the long name, the one that escaped from the Keulfyd Prime Planet, can advise us on how to persuade the Keulfyd that one of their own invented this virus. That takes away their declared excuse to attack us. Helkmid says he and his friend and some others have already been working hard on this.”

  Ludmilla nodded. “I like that idea. And there are none of these potential conspiracy theorists left alive to argue the case. Even better.”

  “Helkmid says his friend was a spy, knows the political groups, their abilities, ideas, even methods and personnel. Helkmid says he can make it all plausible. But this will only solve the immediate problem, the virus. I have another idea for the real problem, the Keulfyd wanting to wipe us all out. I need to ask Helkmid’s friend if he knows what caused the Keulfyd to see us as a threat. And Dai, I need your help politically. Maybe we need to give this information not only to the Keulfyd but also to the media. What do you think?”

  Dai thought for a while then said simply, “I don’t know.”

  “What about the Priskya?” asked Sarah. “Any injured among them?”

  “What did they… oh, search and rescue. And they were close. Tomorrow. I’m so tired I can’t think. Ask me tomorrow.” He abruptly left, stumbling into the bedroom.

  Sarah looked over at Jesan who nodded and said, “I’ll go and ask the Okme to check with the Priskya.”

  He grabbed his Translator and left, amazed that he was delegated to ensure that fish were treated. He decided to go down to the sea and ask the Priskya directly. Reaching the sea, he found the bell and rang it. Several minutes later he found himself talking to a fish. “I’m Jesan,” he said. “Dai Ineffid’s son. My father wants to know if you need help and if so, what can we do? Have you got wounded? Do you need assistance to get them to the Okme?”

  They had survived, again. But Sarah thought next time, they would not be so lucky. So it was her job to prevent another attack — and plan for the next excuse for an attack. Which she knew would come. Also,where was Pumpkin? Katy had said she had taken him somewhere for safety, but where?

  The plan devised by the Okme was, they said, well under way. Her plan was half-formed. It needed work, but was doable. They had to keep at least one step ahead and she could see a way.

  She thought of the huge military gift Mathew had left as a present for her. She loved it and would use it well. It perfectly suited her philosophy and she had to ensure it worked. Five planets and their inhabitants depended on it.


  Index of Characters

  Akira Yanagisawa, 44 Japanese, Diplomat and Architect, brother of Miyuki.

  Alia Kashlin, twin of Ali, 10, Saudi Arabian, father Mohammed, Diplomat, Saudi Arabian Embassy, Wellington, NZ.

  Ali Kashlin, twin of Alia, 10, Saudi Arabian.

  Alan MacKellar, 68 retired business man, SETI.

  Ali Nedri, 48, Indian, father of Mahmoud, Dr. of Philosophy

  Anaminka Kasinova, Russian, 68, Botanist, (deceased, Northern city named for her)

  Anne Frankland, New Zealander, 71, ex secondary school teacher, language expert, a recent volunteer worker for SETI.

  Anna Nilsen, 42, Swedish, Biologist, husband Steve, son Donny (deceased).

  Bea, (Beatrice) De Jonge, 6, Dutch.

  Bella Chieng, 32, Vet mother of Li (deceased).

  Bert Ousey, English, 63, Medical Doctor, SETI

  Con Palenski, Australian, 32, journalist, handyman

  Dan Johnson, 31, American, engineer, SETI,

  Dieter Maher, German, 6mths old, son of Simone.

  Donny Nilsen, Swedish, 15, father Steve, mother Anna,

  Harsha Nedri, Indian, 9, sister of Mahmoud.

  Helene Dunmore, French 35, SETI, ex lawyer, mother of Tasha

  Ilse de Jonge, Dutch, 10.

  Julia de Jonge, 45, Dutch, Psychologist, mother of Ilse and Bea.

  Jolene Cipriano, 33, Christchurch Airport worker, New Zealander.

  Karl de Jonge, 46, Anthropologist, Dutch.

  Kathini, East African, stateless, Red Cross worker, joins crew of Defiance

  Katy McDonald, daughter of Sarah

  Kelly Black, 43, American, Medical doctor, Pediatrician, also ex Trauma Specialist. Mother of Stella.

  Li Chieng, 15, Mainland Chinese, mother Professor Chieng, Veterinarian, father Tang Chieng, Diplomat, Chinese Embassy, Wellington, New Zealand.

  Ludmilla Atanassova, Russian, 76, scientist and diplomat

  Mahmoud Nedri, Indian, 15, Father Ali, Mother Rani, sisters Harsha 9, and Yogabala, 6.

  Mathew, Western, 49, American. Businessman, Original leader of the expedition, son of a General.

  Mayling Ng, 47, Malaysian, Dr. of Zoology.

  Miyuki Yanagisawa, 38, Japanese, Diplomat, and Astronomer, sister of Akira.

  Nanelle Dyson, 64, New Zealander, retired accountant, SETI.

  Nial Nowitz, 29, Australian, Forrester and Farmer,

  Nyla, a settler who guards Sarah.

  Pieter Easton, 59, South African, Medical Technician and ex army medic.

  Rani Nedri, Indian, 43, Dr. of Horticulture, mother of Mahmoud, Yogabala and Harsha.

  Sally Easton, 57, South African. General Nurse and ex army medic.

  Sarah MacDonald, Canadian, 45, ex Computer Programmer, Astronomer and Director of SETI.

  Simone Maher, 29, German, Biologist, mother of Dieter.

  Stella Black, 15, American, mother Kelly Black.

  Steve Nilsen, 47, Swedish, Diplomat, Swedish Embassy, Wellington NZ.

  Tasha Dunmore, 11, daughter of Helene, deceased, Northern city named after her.

  Tue Ng, 49, Malaysian. Technician and Computer genius.

  Vladimir Kashenko, Russian, Red Cross worker in Chittagong, Bangladesh, joins the workers on Defiance

  Yogabala, (Bella) Nedri, Indian, 6, sister of Mahmoud.

bsp; Pumpkin, Terran cat of Sarah’s, Ragdoll/Savanna cross



  Dylam, Deflection Shooter

  Kls’d*f^kov, (Chris) Leader of the Cats

  Mykad, Communication Specialist


  Extinct Race. Former owners of Medala. Former masters of the Niseyen. The Race that kidnapped the Niseyen from Terra and then was in turn overthrown by them. The Niseyen were blamed for their extinction but this is untrue.


  Description; Vaguely resemble a walrus, minus the tusks and whiskers and with ears visible. Large. Varying colors. Generally over 300kg and can be up to 700kg. Walk on four legs and have two arms with five fingers and an opposable thumb.

  Cukudeopul; Supreme Commander of the Keulfyd Race

  Daklidifisk, Acting Military Leader for Cukudeopul

  Janulan, wife and on planet business manager for Lijfomid

  Kasthidill, Supreme Commander after Cukudeopul’s death.

  Kedlijercylix, Battle Fleet Commander

  Kodlijicid; second in command to Cukudeopul

  Lidisihad; A ship’s Officer who was part of the original pirate attacking force. He escaped and left Torroxell in a stolen shuttle that belonged to the Fleet Commander

  Lijfomid; one of the leaders of the pirate attack on Torroxell

  Maxadifidis, Security Officer, Team leader.

  Odisekint, son of Lijfomid and Janulan

  Sikleffidisk, Chief Medical Officer for Cukudeopul


  Controller (name unknown). An Air Traffic Controller by training but its’ real job is to carry out Kasjeindid’s orders and speak for him. Friend of Kasjeindid.

  Kasjeindid, Leader of the Loridsyl. Talented organizer but has severe anxiety.

  Odekips, Captain of one of the Loridsyl ships


  The Race that attacked the Zeobani planet of Oberterk

  Description; Resemble very large khaki colored lizards with thick tails shaped a bit like a tennis racquet. Terrestrial, warm blooded, six foot plus, walk on two legs, two arms, hands with five fat fingers and an opposable thumb, fat tails used as battering rams. Very intelligent but very warlike. Newish to space.


  Description; Human, generally tall. Most are brown furred with brown head hair and brown or black eyes. No hair on the palms but with thickly furred feet. Can come in albino, dwarves and midgets but the latter two rare these days.

  Aswin Celon (Az), pilot, enslaved when the Nashi/Keulfyd alliance attacked Oberterk. Married to Li Chieng.

  Dai Ineffid, Military ship Captain, banker, member of an underground Niseyen group.

  Dacklorat, Ship’s Officer

  Darlkrid, thief.

  Dinkisid, Military Captain. He leads the attack on the re-supply ships. A member of an underground Niseyen group.

  Jesan, son of Dai

  Frionna Ineffid, Bank part owner/Manager

  Flavicam, a geek on Defiance who had been a pilot for a gas ship during the pirate attack, captured on Oberterk

  Kaswa Celon (Kaz), pilot, enslaved when the Nashi/Keulfyd alliance attacked Oberterk, married to Stella Black.

  Kedlun, Military Police Officer

  Kudales, Ship’s Officer, second-in-command on Dai Ineffid’s ship.

  Kudsher, Niseyen woman who survived the pirate attack

  Leasan, ex-wife of Dai, mother of Jesan.

  Thikedoty, Sixteen year old Niseyen boy who survived the pirate attack. Friend of Mahmoud.


  (those who own and run the Healing Machines

  Description; Tall, 6-7 feet, grey, skinny humanoid and bipedal. Four fingers and two thumbs.

  Helkmid, leader of the Okme on Torroxell, Doctor and Medical Researcher

  Kumenoprix; private Physician of Cukudeopul and a spy for the Okme


  Allied with the Keulfyd. Own 19 planets.

  Description; Terrestrial. Vaguely resemble a large fat polar bear with four legs and two small arms. White.


  large fish, original owners of Torroxell

  Description; Resemble a large dolphin, grey or blue in color

  Pikdaa spokesperson, senior speaker/leader

  Siwijal leader, senior speaker/leader


  Look vaguely like a large emperor penguin but with no beak, all white, walk on two legs and have two hands. Did a deal with the Priskya to take over the land area of Torroxell and developed the infrastructure and cities on the land area.


  Vaguely resemble a child’s drawing of an octopus. Small, three to four feet high. Walk on four tentacles and use the other, shorter four tentacles as hands. Retractable telescopic ‘fingers’ and ‘toes.’ Head not much smaller than the body. Amphibian.

  Hueskin, passenger on a ship when the original pirate war broke out.

  Ships; Flying Fortresses.

  (warships, taken over from the Keulfyd; spoils of war)

  Nicknamed Flying Fortresses because they are huge and bristling with weapons. Mathew described them as looking like a flying castle).

  Audacity; Captain, Mathew

  Challenger; crewed by Niseyen

  DeArk; Captain, Kelly, then Helene

  Defiance; Captain, Steve

  Restitution; crewed by Niseyen

  Temerity; crewed by Niseyen

  Victory; crewed by Niseyen



  Earth or Terra, original planet of the Human Race

  Jaynar, second planet of the Niseyen

  Medala Prime, capital planet of the Niseyen

  Petislay, third planet of the Niseyen

  Keulfyd (25 planets)

  Iseawakyl Prime (main Planet)


  Gekeldesoo Prime (main planet)



  Fifth and latest settled planet, attacked by the Nashi in a military war. The Nashi, unable to win, formed an illegal alliance with the Keulfyd. When the virus overcame the Keulfyd and the Nashi were busy looting, the Zeobani/Terran Alliance defeated them.

  About the Author

  Maxine is a nurse and lives on a lifestyle block (farmlet) in New Zealand. She has also lived and worked (as a nurse) in Australia and England. Sharing the house are about 3,500 books (not counting those on the Ereader) and cats that compete for attention with the laptop. Although it is NOT recommended for an author, Maxine avoids social media and has no Facebook page, no blog, and doesn’t tweet. It just isn’t her thing. And where would she find the time with two full time jobs and a life style block???




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