Night Calls - Nyx Slaughter Book 1

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Night Calls - Nyx Slaughter Book 1 Page 6

by Amber Lynn

  “So are we truly mates then? It doesn’t sound to me like we are.”

  “Mates is a werewolf term. You don’t see demons out there running around with mates. I have never really liked the word, but I figured you would understand it’s underlying meaning. We are simply now two halves to the same soul. From the beginning, I felt that you would complete me and that is why I did the binding. I know there is something special about you and as old as I am there has never been another person that I have found the spark of life you contain.”

  “You know you are really trying to be too romantic for your own good. I do realize that you did this just because I was different and not because you were madly in love with me. I was like a new toy and you wanted to keep me all to yourself,” I say knowing how Sebastian works.

  “I cannot say that is totally false. You were new and shiny and so interesting to study. Another part of it was I knew you were special and I felt the need to help protect you. The bond, even though you probably haven’t felt it yet, allows me to feel your emotions. Therefore, if you were to ever become extremely scared, I would have dropped everything and run to find you. Over the years, and even a little at the beginning, I did feel a strong emotion towards you. Nowadays, and for at least the past couple years, my heart it totally yours,” he states.

  “Part of me wants to believe you, but finding out about the binding done behind my back makes me leery,” I say removing my hand from his grasp.

  “Well in that case, you will be happy to learn that because of that bonding, I cannot actually lie to you. I imagine that part will be kicking in for you pretty soon as well,” he says smiling.

  “And you expect me to believe that?” I ask.

  “Try it. I know the emotions haven’t kicked in yet or otherwise you would know exactly how I feel,” he states.

  “Okay let’s try something easy. My eyes are…” I start to say trying to finish with green, but for some reason cannot.

  “Perfect. I have always hoped we would one day get to this point. Now you can see that in three years, I have never been able to lie to you and it isn’t the kind of thing where you can skate by with half-truths. Believe me there are a couple times I tried. My options are to tell you the truth or not say anything at all,” he mumbles.

  “Really, I want to know about those instances,” I say as I hear my phone go off. I forgot it even existed. “I better check on that. It might be my new assignment.”

  “So you are going to keep working for them?” he asks.

  “Just this one last case. You got my interests peaked when you said there was something going to happen during it,” I say looking at the phone. Sure enough, the message is for my next mission. I click the app to see what evildoer I am going after now and find it to be a werewolf named Alexander Monroe. He has been convicted of killing at least three children. Just one child, is a death sentence in the Collective law. “Hmm. Why is it all the really bad guys have to be so cute?” I ask with a smile.

  “That isn’t very nice,” he growls.

  “I was just joking. He isn’t really even that…” I say before stopping.

  “You were saying, my dear? I have a feeling this whole not being able to lie to me might be eye opening,” he replies with a smirk.

  “Whatever,” I say waving my hand in the air. “Last known location is Emerald Town. At least this one is staying within the paranorm community. Are you going to join me on this last hurrah?”

  “You would let me join you on one of your little adventures?” he asks with a grin and I can sense that he is really happy. It is probably just the fact that I haven’t stormed out of the house after being told we have been bound together for the last three years. I still cannot believe what an idiot he is.

  “Well, you did mention that we shouldn’t be apart in case I get hungry,” I say a little harshly. “It is probably a good idea that you come anyway to make sure I stay alive.”

  That sets him down a peg. Good. “Those are both good reasons. How soon before you want to leave?” he asks while I hit accept on the mission.

  “I would like to get it over with as soon as possible, so I can get on with my new life. You know another fun reason for you coming along?” I ask.


  “Just think of how aggravated the Collective will be at seeing us together in action. I can almost see their heads exploding now,” I say rubbing my hands together evilly.

  “And here I have been dreading you going on this mission. I believe you have become a monster,” he says with mock astonishment.

  “Takes one to know one,” I say sticking out my tongue. “Now that I have closed our bond, are you still worried about me meeting this guy? I have a feeling that might have made a difference.”

  “I still don’t want you to meet him. He was going to tell you about what I had done. Since he cannot exactly do that, anymore, I don’t imagine he will change how you view me. I have already taken care of making you upset with me. I still feel threatened by him, but won’t go into detail why,” he states.

  “You know that is silly, right? You have said it yourself we have to stick together now or we will die,” I remind him.

  “Yes, but you may take things back to the way they were when you just stopped by every few weeks. I was hoping you moving in here was a turning point in our relationship, but I am afraid my underhandedness has set us back,” he says.

  “Since you could feel my emotions, you knew how I felt before your big reveal. You knew that I was thrilled we were what I thought was mates and was totally ready to see where this ship takes us. You revealing that you pretty much caused this did anger me, and I am still angry, but mostly because you are an idiot and endangered yourself. Either way you look at it, we still aren’t jumping into bed together to try to make little vampire babies. Not that I am even sure that is possible, because from what I have heard it is not. So, enough with relationship woes for now, let’s go kill us a bad guy,” I say springing into action.

  Chapter 8

  Road trip fun

  I quickly change, in the bathroom, into one of my assassin outfits, since we are going to a paranorm community, I don’t have to worry about concealing my weapons, which always makes me happy. Thankfully, the artillery I want to take tonight are pieces I have multiples of, so they were packed in my duffle bag.

  I put on my skintight black jeans. The material is a little bit stretchier than a normal jeans and they may not even be considered jeans in some circles. The material is specially woven to make it harder for bullets to penetrate, but still flexible enough for me to move around easily. My top is made of the same material and is a long-sleeved V-neck.

  With clothing in place, I add my thigh sheaths for my throwing knives. Tonight, I am carrying the whole enchilada with six in each sheath. One set is silver and the other is iron. I, then, wiggle into my triple holster. It is kind of like putting a vest on. The right side of it has one holster for my Smith & Wesson 9mm automatic and the left has two holsters, one for my Colt 1911 and the other for my Beretta. The Colt has a special bullet that stops vampires in its tracks. The others carry silver. Technically no vampires are on my list tonight, but along with the iron knives, I am prepared for practically anything that jumps in my path.

  Everything else I need is in my vehicle, so I am good to go. “Have I ever told you how sexy you look in that outfit?” Sebastian asks standing in the doorway.

  “You actually have once or twice,” I say moving to exit the bathroom. “I just remembered that my chains are probably still nasty from last night, so we will have to make a pit stop somewhere to get them taken care of.”

  “Already taken care of. I had one of my day runners get it cleaned up. On the way from co-Hab to here, I had to hold my breath the smell was so bad. Other than the last known location, do you have any other details on your target?” he asks.

  “Nope, that is usually all it takes. I am usually pretty good at picking up a trail. I am hoping any new abilities that c
ome with baby fangs will only make it easier. We really do need to sit down so I can figure out what I can expect. I don’t imagine I will be running around and flying like you immediately, but I know you do those things.”

  “No, probably not, but as I have said you are a unique situation. Maybe when you finish this mission we can do that sparring I suggested when you moved here. That will teach you what it is like to fight a real vampire. So far, I imagine you haven’t met anyone over the age of two hundred,” he says.

  “Sounds like a plan. So, how are you getting out of here if no one knows you are here?” I ask.

  “Meet me at Sins,” he says and then vanishes.

  Freaky. I retrace my steps from last night and make it to the Suburban without any difficulties. I make the ten block drive over to Sins and see Sebastian waiting in the parking lot. I pause long enough for him to jump in and then start towards Emerald Town. It is a three-hour drive, so we have plenty of time.

  “Safe?” I ask wondering if we can talk in the car.

  “Yes, I had the day runner install some extra sound proofing. No one will hear us,” he claims.

  “Good. So, are you up to answering some questions?”

  “You need to be more informed, so I think that would be a good idea,” he says.

  “As far as abilities, I was wondering about your clairvoyance. How exactly does that work?”

  “It isn’t really anything that is predictable or reliable. With free will, it is always changing. I see glimpses from time to time, if I concentrate on a person, of things that may happen in their future. I, by no means, see everything. I didn’t see us in the situation for one. Your choice to bite me changed the path I saw you on. You will still end up at the execution for this target, but the circumstances have changed. If I wouldn’t have mentioned it to you at all, you may have just been done with the Collective after last night and would have never met him,” he explains. “I guess what happens after this mission is done really is my fault.”

  “Nothing is going to happen. I go in read my lines and kill the guy. If you want, I won’t even ask if he has any last requests. That way he isn’t given a chance to talk,” I say.

  He laughs. “I would love to see you try to do that. I have a feeling this guy is a talker. No matter what, you and me will remain in each other’s lives, so I can live with that. No one can technically take you from me without killing us both, so that will have to be good enough.”

  “No wonder I never spent more than a couple hours with you. You are really morose and it is really annoying,” I state.

  “It is just the situation I find myself in. You just watch, once this is over I will be my cheery self again. In fact, I will be so cheery you will probably be complaining about that. Why don’t you move on to other questions? I don’t imagine glimpses of the future are in your future,” he says.

  “Fine. It was just the one that seemed unique to you, so I wanted to know more. Lay it on me about the rest. Smell is already coming online. When can expect hearing, speed, strength, wings and whatever other things you can think of normal vampires have?” I ask.

  “I will say you already have a jump up on most. Your diet and your sensitivity to light are two biggies most other vampires will never see. Since you didn’t die to become a vampire, you will be able to walk in the daylight, I am pretty sure. It took me many centuries to even be able to stand some level of ultra violet rays. As far as the other things you listed, yes, those are typical and you may start seeing them surface in the next month, or you may not. Everyone is different and usually they start out weak and you have to train yourself to use them fully,” he explains.

  “I already know the myths about wooden stakes to the heart are false, but you are confirming sunlight is deadly?”

  “For the majority, it isn’t really deadly, but they will get burned horribly and if they stand in it long enough they will not be able to recover. Infants usually are scorched the second they step outside. They are actually the most vulnerable to the myths. If I was able to lie you, I would insert a joke about garlic being able to ward them off, but sadly I cannot,” he replies.

  “That is actually pretty funny. So, what kind of things have you wanted to lie to me about before or have just plain kept from me?” I ask.

  “Let’s see, I neglected to tell you I had bonded with you against your will. Oh wait, you already know that one. Most of the things I have kept are things I see in the future and my real opinions on the Collective. I didn’t want to influence your path, so I kept that information to myself. As far as not talking to keep me from covering lies, I actually cannot think of anything specific. It was never anything major. I mean, I kept quiet about my age the few times you have asked me. Just little things like that.”

  “Okay that doesn’t seem too bad. No disgruntled girlfriends coming out of the woodwork?”

  “No serious relationships within the last century, so you should be safe there. I already know I have Ryan to worry about on your side and I can only imagine how fun that will be when he finds out what I did. The anger I was expecting from you is going to be about a thousand times stronger in him,” he says laughing. “From what you have mentioned and what I heard last night, the boy has turned your fake relationship into a real one. I, of course, see the logistics behind it, I mean you are awesome, but he is rather delusional. Someone needs to hurry up and find him his real mate before he goes off the deep end.”

  “Maybe with me away from the Collective he will have that opportunity. So, what are we going to do about our relationship getting out in the open? I won’t be working for the Collective anymore, but I do think I want to continue doing assassination jobs. I get a lot of requests that I have been turning down. Now with some more free time, I can potentially use my skills to help others,” I tell him.

  “I have no problem shouting from the rooftop that you are with me. You not being associated with the Collective probably doesn’t hurt, but I imagine eventually people will realize that I have been your accomplice. Of course, they won’t figure that out until they stop scratching their heads on how in the world goodie two-shoe assassin extraordinaire, Nyx Slaughter, ended up slumming it with the likes of Sebastian deYork, the king of all things wrong in this world. Can you just imagine the headlines? The Incorruptible Corrupted, Opposites Attract, Holy Cow! What is wrong with this picture?” he says laughing hysterically.

  “Seriously, you aren’t that bad and I am not that good,” I say.

  “Did you know there are rumors out there that you are so on the straight and narrow that the Collective handed you down an order to kill your father and you did it? I have never brought that up because you have said you don’t know about your biological parents, but I do find it to be an interesting statement,” he replies.

  “At the present moment I choose not to comment,” I say and with my lack of comment, I am probably saying more than I should.

  “Interesting reply. I have a feeling at least part of that statement is true and before the end of the night, I will know which part,” he says cryptically.

  “Once we are in a place that I am for sure is secure, I may just let you in on some secrets of my own. I don’t know a lot about much, but there are a few things you may be interested to know,” I reply.

  “You know I love it when you are mysterious. I am in no hurry to hear your secrets and if this vehicle is not secure we are in a lot of trouble because we have been followed most of the way. They picked us up just outside of town.”

  “I figured as much, but have enjoyed living on the dangerous side. What we have said, so far, only affects you and me. I can live with any of the repercussions and anyone that has something to say about what we have been discussing can take it up with me. Other people are not as resourceful and I always champion the underdog.”

  “See, the kick ass assassin with a heart. That is what everyone sees when they look at you. It is kind of an oxymoron if you think about it. Usually for that occupation the heart has been remo
ved,” he says.

  “I know for sure no one sees me having a heart, you are so full of it. Lucky you are going to be able to see what I am really like, since we are living together now. Let me just say that I clean up nice for the public, but after being raised as an outsider, I don’t walk down the straight and narrow as much as people think,” I assert.

  “Oh love, this is going to be so much fun. Why don’t you pull over and get some gas? I have the munchies and that gas station up ahead is attached to a McDonald’s. I can finally try a real cheeseburger and see how it compares,” he says smiling.

  I have a feeling he is going to be sorely disappointed, but do as he directs.

  Chapter 9

  What do you do when bullets aren't enough?

  “Oh my God, your face,” I manage to get out in between laughs. We are still sitting in the McDonald's parking lot. It is just after midnight, so it is pretty much empty.


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