Hot Ink

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  Chapter Seven

  “You fool!”

  Morgan closed his eyes, knowing this damned headache was never going to leave him. And by headache he meant his mother, not just the pounding in his temples. No amount of aspirin would shut the woman up. If he hung up, his assistant would be made to suffer. Worse, his mother would probably show up at his office once she got tired of being ignored over the phone. There were only a few things worse than a dressing down from a sixty-year-old woman in his place of business.

  “What can I do for you, mother?”

  “You know what you can do; you can go apologize to Heather right this very minute.”

  “And why would I do that?” He set his phone on his shoulder and got back to work on the documents in front of him. Just because his mother thought it was time to yell at him and call him a poor excuse for a son, didn’t mean he could drop everything in order to make it happen.

  Letting her yell over the phone while he barely listened seemed like the better idea. She used to drop by almost daily until he’d gotten firm with her. That had been a decade ago and, at least according to his associates, she’d only become scarier.

  “Like I said, you’re a fool. You’re letting a perfectly good woman slip through your fingers because you can’t keep your wick out of the wax.”

  He blinked. Huh, he wasn’t sure he’d ever heard that one before. “I’m not dating Heather. The three of us knew that when I agreed to take her to the gala. In fact, I technically didn’t take her. You did. I merely showed up to let her prance around me for a few hours.” He winced. Now he was sounding like a cruel bastard. As much as he might not like Heather and her friends, being petty wasn’t something he liked to do.

  “She is the one you need to marry. I need heirs.”

  His mother would have been a perfect society mother in regency England. However, this was not that time and he was tired of her games.

  “You have heirs. Lots of them. Or did you forget your daughters’ children.”

  She huffed. “Spoiled little brats. That’s what they are.”

  Well, he couldn’t argue with her there. “I’m not marrying or having children with a woman you provide me. You haven’t found a way to make me do it yet and you won’t any time soon.” Saying yes to Heather had been an idiotic move, but he wouldn’t let it stop him from his goal.


  He could still scent her on him even though he’d showered twice since the night prior. They’d merely kissed and yet he couldn’t get her out of his mind. Damn he couldn’t wait to see her again.

  “She is too young for you, Morgan,” his mother said calmly. That didn’t bode well. Whenever she was calm, that meant she was planning something that was sure to bite him in the ass later.

  “She is not of your concern.” He closed his eyes, his headache worsening. “The way you acted last night was a disgrace, by the way. No matter who you think you are, calling people out like that and trying to humiliate them only makes you look small. You have no right to judge.”

  “I have every right. I’ll see to it that boy is ruined for bringing her into our lives.”

  Callie had been in his life long before that, but he needed to head this off now. “You touch Matt or anything having to do with him and I’ll make you regret it.”

  She was silent for a moment and he ground his teeth.

  “Have it your way. I won’t forget this.”

  Neither would he.

  He hung up and rubbed his eyes. Damn it. He had too much work to do, and now, he was in a piss poor mood to boot. There was no way he was getting any more work done today. After letting his surprised assistant know he was leaving early for the day, he got in his car and headed toward the city. Before he knew it, he was pulling into the Montgomery Ink parking lot rather than going home.

  What the hell was he doing here? He needed to take a nap or go for a walk or something. He didn’t have an appointment that day and he didn’t even know if she was here. It wasn’t like he and Callie were actually seeing each other. Just a promise of something to come. She wasn’t there to soothe him and he damn sure knew he couldn’t rely on anyone else.

  The knock on his window scared the shit out of him and he turned to see Callie there.

  His body immediately went hard.

  He rolled down the windows and sighed. “Hey.”

  She smiled softly. “Hey, you’re back. What’s up?”

  He rested his head on the back of his seat. “I don’t know.”

  Callie leaned closer, a frown on her face. She reached out, tracing over his brow. He growled softly and reached out, gripping her wrist.

  She sucked in a breath, meeting his gaze.

  “You…you look like you have a headache. What’s wrong?”

  He kissed her fingertips then released her. She moved back out of his window and he opened the door so he could see her fully. When he reached for her again, she went down on one knee so she was at eye level with him.

  “I had a headache and left early. I…I don’t know why I’m here actually.” He could feel his cheeks warm and he was sure he blushed. What the fuck? He did not blush. He didn’t show weakness. As Austin once said, Morgan was one big, bad Dom. This wasn’t like him.

  Callie’s eyes brightened and she nodded. “Okay then. I took the bus in since I worked the early shift, but if you want, I can head to your house with you.” She blushed. “Just to make sure you’re okay, and I can take care of that headache.”

  He chuckled roughly at her blush. “Oh, really?”

  “Not that, you perv. Although sex does help headaches I hear. No, I’ll make you eat and then give you a massage. Before I came to work here, I went to massage school so I know what I’m doing.”

  The idea of Callie’s hands on him made him tense for an altogether new reason.

  He cleared his throat. “I think I’d like that.”

  She smiled again. “Good. You okay to drive?”

  “I think I can manage,” he said dryly.

  She rolled her eyes and walked around to the passenger seat. “I’m glad you came here,” she said softly.

  He reached out and gripped her hand. “I’m glad too.”

  “I still can’t get over the fact that Austin has a son,” Morgan said sometime later. He sat on the couch, his feet resting the coffee table with Callie by his side.

  They’d been there for about an hour and they’d eaten a late lunch before relaxing in his living room. She hadn’t asked about a massage yet and he wasn’t sure he needed one anymore. Just being home and with Callie near him seemed to make things better. That was something he’d have to think more on later.

  “I know. It’s strange to think he lost so many years with Leif, but things are good now. At least I think so.”

  He’d wrapped his arm around her shoulders and let his fingers play with her arm, enjoying the calm way they just…sat. He was usually always on the go, a hand in at least five things at once if he could. It was nice not to have anything planned other than what could happen.

  The two of them needed to talk about what was going on between them, but he didn’t want to break the quiet peace between them. He wasn’t quite sure he’d ever felt it before. She’d taken care of him like a sub would, pampering him in little ways and sighing happily when he thanked her with words and soft touches and kisses.

  He wanted to see how she fit against him in all ways. There was more to him than what people saw, and he had a feeling Callie would figure that out. She wasn’t high strung, but she had a tension in her body he wanted to alleviate. To do that he had to figure out how her mind worked, how she wanted to be loved, fucked, and calmed.

  His groin tightened and he ran his tongue over his teeth. It seemed they needed to talk sooner rather than later or he wasn’t going to last much longer.

  “Have you thought about last night, little Callie?”

  She turned to him, her eyes wide. He watched her reaction, the rise and fall
of her chest, the way her nipples pressed against the thin top she wore. Her tongue ran along her bottom lip and it took all within him not to follow the wet trail with his own.

  “Yes. A little.” She blushed. “Okay, a lot. I’m not sure what you want from me though. We kind of ended everything abruptly last night.”

  He nodded. “True. We both needed time to think. Time to make sure it wasn’t just the moment making us want to do something more.”

  “And…and was it?”

  He tilted his head then reached out brushing her nipple with his knuckles. She sucked in a breath, and he grinned at her reaction.

  “It was a promise of what is to come.” This next part needed to be out in the open. He didn’t want to scare her, but he might if he didn’t speak up now. “Tell me, little Callie, are you as submissive as your reactions tell me?”

  She blinked. “You mean submissive as in the fact you’re a Dominant?”

  He nodded. Good. She at least knew the idea. He’d been able to tell that she was a submissive from the first time he’d seen her, but that didn’t mean she knew what it all meant.

  “Yes. I’m a Dominant.”

  She let out a breath. “I could tell, you know. Just from the way you exude control.”

  He grinned then. “Good to know I haven’t lost my touch.” He cupped her face, letting his thumb trace her cheek. “I’m not in the scene anymore. I don’t do clubs or parties or anything like that. It doesn’t suit me. I’m also not into a Master/slave relationship. I like to be in control in the bedroom, but as I’ve gotten older, I’ve noticed that I don’t need any of the extras that come with that.” She frowned and he continued. “I don’t like to inflict pain other than spankings.”

  Her breath caught at that and he suppressed a grin. His little Callie liked the thought of his hand on her ass. Good. “What do you like?” Over time, he would find out everything on his own through her reactions, but open communication was key.

  She narrowed her eyes then nodded. “Well, everything you said is actually pretty much in line with my own wants. I don’t like flogging, humiliation, or a lot of what goes on in clubs. Those kinks are great for others, but I mostly like being able to give up control and let the other person tell me what to do. That way, I can trust them enough to not only provide for my safety, but make me come the best way possible.” She grinned then. “I’m not shy, despite the fact that I try not to blurt out everything I’m thinking all the time. I like it when someone ties me up because that means my other senses can open up. That doesn’t mean I’ll let just anyone tie me up.”

  He liked the fact she was so honest about her needs. The fact that those needs fit with his made it better. “We’re going to have sex tonight, Callie. We both want it.”

  She nodded, her eyes dark with need.

  “I don’t want it to be just tonight though.” He had to get this point across. “I don’t sleep with women for just one night anymore. I’m past that.” Talking about past partners might not be the best thing to do, but he needed her to understand. “When we’re together, it’s just us. No one else.”

  She swallowed hard, but relaxed at his words. “That’s good because I don’t share.” She bit her lip and looked like she wanted to say something, but held back.

  He sighed. “You need to tell me what you’re thinking. Despite what people think, Doms can’t read minds.”

  She snorted at that. “I want a relationship. I don’t want everything to be just sex.”

  Did he want to date her and not just fuck her? Putting it like that sounded crude, and he wasn’t that much of an asshole. Honestly, it hadn’t occurred to him that once she gave in to him they wouldn’t be in a full relationship.

  Again, at least they were on the same page.

  “I agree with you.” Again, she relaxed. “Just because I want to tie you up and spank you, doesn’t mean I want to use you.”

  She licked her lips. He had a feeling if he put his hand on her pussy right then, she’d be so fucking wet he could just slid right in. His little Callie liked the thought of what he wanted to do to her. Hell, yes.

  “So we’re agreed? We’re moving forward?”

  She rolled her eyes. “This sounds like a negotiation, not a prelude to getting naked.”

  He had to laugh at that. “Callie darling, this is a negotiation. Going forward with our eyes open keeps us safe. Speaking of safe, though we’re not going to go too far into the idea of pain, I want you to use a safeword in case we go past your limits. ‘Red’ will do if you need me to untie you or stop spanking. ‘Yellow’ if I’m testing your boundaries. I might keep going though if I feel like you’re blocking yourself, but that won’t come until we know each other better.”

  She nuzzled his hand and he held back a groan. “That all sounds good.” She licked her lips again. “Do you still want your massage?”

  He was so fucking hard right then that if she put her hands on him, he’d spill like an inexperienced teenager. He leaned forward, brushing a soft kiss over her lips. “Next time,” he whispered.

  “But…but what about your headache.”

  He grinned. “I’m thinking we can find another way to alleviate any pressure.”

  She laughed softly against him. “I like the sound of that.”

  He stood, his body primed. When he held out a hand she put hers in his without hesitation. He nodded in appreciation and led her to his bedroom. He noticed her gaze traveled over his home and he knew at some point he should give her a proper tour. Right then, though, all he wanted to do was explore her body, not have her explore where he lived.

  Her hand tightened in his as they entered his bedroom. When they made their way to the foot of the bed, he turned smiling down at her. “Are you okay, little one?”

  She nodded, though he saw the hesitation in her eyes.

  “Don’t lie to me,” he ordered without bite. “That’s the worse thing you can do.” He hated liars and he was grateful Callie had always been forward with him—even when it could have hurt her to do so.

  “Why did you change your mind?” she asked softly.

  He sighed. “I was an idiot. I thought that if I pushed you away, you’d stay away. I thought you were too young for me, too inexperienced.”

  She nodded. “I’m not that young. Fifteen years means nothing when it comes to who I am now. And I’m more experienced than I look.”

  He trailed his hand down her arm. He didn’t want to think about who she’d been with before, but the fact that she’d done at least some of the things he’d wanted to do to her meant he hopefully wouldn’t scare her. She was woman enough to handle him and that was all that mattered. He purposely put the thoughts of a future and what it would mean if they were together for longer than a breath out of his mind. They were just starting out and worrying about what might happen if they became truly serious would only hurt them.

  Instead he cupped the back of her head and kissed her. Hard. He tangled his tongue with hers, fucking her mouth as he soon would her pussy. She moaned into him and he cupped her breast with his other hand. She gasped and he let the weight fill his palm. He couldn’t wait to see the color of her nipples, taste them. She was so damn responsive that he wanted to find out if she could come by playing with her tits alone.

  He had a feeling she would…and she’d love it.

  He pulled away, leaving her panting, her lips swollen from his kisses. Next time, they would be swollen from sucking his cock. He held back a groan at the thought of her on her knees, his hand in her hair as he held her still while he fucked her mouth, spilling down her throat. That would have to wait until next time. Tonight he wanted to please her, make her come over and over again until she was too spent to move.

  “Strip,” he ordered once he got himself under control.

  She didn’t hesitate to pull her shirt off her head. Fuck. Yes. This little sub would be perfect for him. He knew it.

  He folded his arms over his chest, his gaze on her as she moved in sensu
al, fluid motion. She undid her pants, sliding them down her legs. That left her in a lacy bra that didn’t cover much and a thong that sat low on her hips.

  She looked up at him expectantly and he frowned. “Strip all the way, little Callie.”

  She nodded and unhooked her bra. The cups fell forward and she caught them before tossing the whole thing on the ground.

  Fucking. Perfect.

  He held himself in check so he wouldn’t touch her. It wasn’t time.

  Her tits were a perfect handful, not too big, not too small. He was a tit man, but he didn’t need size to get off. No, he needed responsiveness. The cool air in the room, and he hoped his presence, caused her nipples to tighten into hard little pink peaks. Her breasts were high, round, and begging for his mouth.

  Soon, he told himself. Soon.

  When she wiggled out of her thong, he held his breath. Her bare pussy looked freshly waxed, glistening at the juncture from her arousal.

  She stood there, her head high as he studied her. He held up one finger then made a motion for her to turn. She smiled and he held back a laugh. His little Callie liked the attention. When she turned, he licked his lips at the sight of her. She wasn’t skinny, but she wasn’t too round either. She had just the right curves, and the ink on her body only highlighted her toned muscles and shape.

  She stopped so her back was completely to him and he grunted in approval. He stepped toward her, making sure he moved with enough noise that he wouldn’t startle her. Before he touched her, he stood still, loving the way her body tightened in anticipation of his touch.

  He traced her shoulder with his finger and she shivered.

  “You look beautiful, Callie,” he whispered. She sighed, and he moved his other hand around to cup her breast. She arched her back pressing her nipple into his palm so he pulled back. “Don’t move, darling. Be a good girl and let me touch you.”

  She sucked in a breath and he smiled. His hands explored her body, soft touches over softer skin. She sighed and gasped as he cupped her breasts again, plucking her nipples. When he pulled her back to his front, pressing his covered erection against the crack of her ass, they both moaned.


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