by Allysa Mkermo

  “Oh, I don't think so,” Jacob grinned, palm striking her ass firmly. She yelped, and I felt her cunt tighten around my fingers in response. So, she liked being spanked, huh? I filed that information away for later use for myself. “I don't think she's earned it just yet,” I smirked at his dominance over her and kissed him deeply again.

  She groaned in frustration and bent over, thrusting her ass into Jacob's groin and taking my cock fully in her mouth. The unexpected movement elicited a groan from the very pit of my stomach, and automatically, I rolled my hips to allow more of my cock into her mouth. She sputtered but recovered quickly, and soon we had a rhythm set. Evidently, Jacob wasn't being left out, as soon I felt her being rocked back and forth by his thrusting into her tight, wet pussy. So, she wanted to try and take control from us, eh? That's cute, I thought as I carded my hands through her hair and pulled her off of my dick. She rose up with a wet pop, mouth wide open in surprise and eyes widened in shock.

  Jacob pulled out of her, and his palm cracked against her ass again, this time louder than before. She let out a yelp of surprise, and her back arched into the pain. I smirked and coaxed her into standing up straight. She whimpered at the loss of stimulation, and her hands came up to play with her breasts. I was having none of that, as I took hold of her wrists and held them down to her sides.

  “No touching yourself now, Alexa,” I said in a low voice. “You're not the one running the show,” I licked the shell of her ear as Jacob resumed teasing her womanly folds. “Tell us if you're uncomfortable, but otherwise...” I nipped at her ear, my hands squeezing her breasts firmly. “You're our little play thing, Alexa,” she moaned deeply and arched her ass back into Jacob's groin, earning her another resounding smack on her rear.

  “You like that, don't you?” Jacob said slowly, in that deep rumble that always turned me on the most. “You like when I smack your ass and punish you for being a cheeky little cunt, don't you?”

  “Yes,” she said in a low whine. “Yes, I love it!” She kissed my neck blindly. “I love it! Please!”

  “Please what?” I said with a broad grin.

  “Please fuck me! Please, I can't take it any more!” She sobbed. “I just want to cum!”

  “Well,” Jacob said with another salacious grin. “Since you asked so nicely...” He ran his hands through her hair from the nape of her neck upward, his large palm cupping the back of her head and gently pushing her back into a bending position, her head once again near my cock. Without hesitation, she wrapped her full lips around my dick and began to suck as hard as she could. My eyes rolled into the back of my head. I felt more than noticed that Jacob had entered here again, as her entire body began to bob and rock back and forth from the power of her thrusts.

  I opened my eyes when I felt Jacob's hand around the back of my neck, bringing me over to him and letting his lips crash into mine. Our tongues battled for dominance as he continued to fuck Alexa's pussy, and as she continued to pull on my cock with her mouth. The sensation was almost too much for me, and I had to pull away from Jacob's full lips to sink my teeth into his neck in an attempt to tamp down on my arousal and further delay my climax. Everything felt so good, and I wanted to cum so badly, but I didn't want it to end just yet, not until everyone was close.

  My teeth were dragged out of Jacob's shoulder as I felt him lean away from me. Dazzled, I lifted my head sluggishly, curious as to what he was doing. I watched him lean over and pluck the previously forgotten lubricant he had from our little preemptive session together, and he resumed thrusting into Alexa as he slicked his fingers. I wondered what he was up to, until he gave one last particularly hard thrust into her before pulling out completely. She cried out in frustration, hips trying to bring him back into her, but he would have none of it, smacking her ass again as punishment for her antics and tugging her up again by her hair.

  “Brandon's going to be the one to make you cum this time, Alexa,” he said as he stared at me like a predator eyeing his caught prey. “Because I'm about to fuck him until he can't see straight,” he grinned as I licked my lips. “Hopefully, he can handle it,” my cock twitched in anticipation as I pressed Alexa against the wall behind me.

  “Oh don't you worry,” I said as I lined myself up to her entrance. She mewled in pleasure and anticipation. “I can definitely handle it,” I entered her with one hard thrust, and set a steady pace, one arm bracing her up against the wall and the other working against her breast again.

  “Oh, oh, yes, that feels so fucking good,” she rolled her hips in time with mine, and we found our rhythm. All the while, I was waiting for when Jacob would step back in, and the anticipation was almost enough to do me in as it was.

  I keened as I felt Jacob's lubed fingers tease my asshole, and it took everything I had not to arch my hips into the touch – I had to focus on fucking Alexa, and my turn would come eventually, I just had to hold out long enough for that to happen. My patience was rewarded, as I felt one of his fingers slip in to the first knuckle and steadily begin to ease its way in until it was up to his knuckle. He pumped his finger in time with my thrusts into Alexa, and I swore my eyes crossed when he added a second finger in.

  He crooked his fingers to hit my prostate, and began to stroke it in time with my thrusts. My knees nearly buckled by the mounting pressure in by core, and he must have sensed it, because he pulled back just enough to ensure that his fingers were still embedded deeply inside me without hitting my most sensitive spot. Then, he slowly began to scissor his hands, stretching and kneading my entrance to prepare me for his engorged cock. I arched my back mid thrust, and rode out the sensation of Alexa's pussy clenching around my while Jacob stretched my entrance from behind. The ache in my balls was near unbearable at that point, and I craved release like it was my drug.

  “My, my,” Jacob cooed, slicked finger finally sliding comfortably in my tight channel, the pain of being stretched finally gone. “You're so fucking eager,” after a few more moments of coasting on the pleasure and getting myself under control, I cried out when he arched his fingers inside me again to hit my prostate. My hips were trying to chase his fingers to keep the friction there, but the elusive digit wriggled away, leaving me panting for more. “You really are a slut for this, aren't you?”

  “Yes!” I all but howled. I as normally so much more in control than this, but the sensation of having my dick so deeply seated inside Alexa while I was being fingered was almost too much as it was. I knew I was going to be a babbling mess by the time he actually got his cock inside me.

  I tried not to whine when he removed his fingers after a few moments of making me ready for him. Already, I was feeling the loss of the pressure in my asshole, but I all but purred when I felt him lining up the swollen head of his dick. Was it as hard for him as it was for me to stay in control? How badly did he want to come from all of this, I wondered. After a moment's hesitation, he pushed ahead, pressing it gently into my tight entrance.

  I keened in pleasure again, loving the feeling of being filled with his huge cock. Jacob's erection was just long enough and thick enough that the pleasure never quite morphed into pain for me, unlike so many other men that I had been with. I tried to fight my building orgasm as I rocked my hips into Alexa from the front, and took more and more of Jacob's cock in me from behind. When he was at last buried to the hilt, we both heaved a sigh at the sensation of my ass being pushed completely flush to hips from how deeply seated his cock was.

  It took a few moments of negotiation between the three of us, but it wasn't long before we had a rhythm set, and from there, I knew I was lost, completely lost to the feeling of both fucking Alexa and being fucked by Jacob. I snaked a hand between Alexa and I to stroke her clit, to make damn sure that she was going to cum – after all this teasing, the least I could do was make sure she finished. She cried out again, and clenched around me tighter than she had before. The sensation was almost enough to finish me off, but I tightened my already iron grip on my control; God as my witness, she was
going to cum before I was!

  It didn't take long for her to topple over the edge, wailing out our names as she rode out the crests of her orgasm. The tightness of her core around my cock gripped me like a vice, and it wasn't long before I finally came with a hoarse shout, clenching my ass around Jacob's cock. He didn't come immediately, but he doubled down on his thrusting, arching to hit my prostate to ensure that my orgasm didn't stop until he came. Thankfully, it wasn't much longer after that that I finally felt his hot seed spilling into me as he finally came hard and fast.

  Finally, after a few moments where we had ridden out our climaxes, where we all relaxed, panting and doing our best to gulp down air like we couldn't get enough of it. We took our time dressing one another, with gentle swipes of the hand and kisses pressed into each other's skin as we went. That was the part I always enjoyed with Jacob – the affectionate dismount, where everything was gentle to offset the rough, passionate sex. Silently, Jacob coaxed the two of us into bed with him, and we all lay there, letting our heartbeats slow from their hammering, until we were comfortable.


  Chapter One

  Ross watched her from afar, thinking that the young woman was looking delicious in her simple linen dress and light red scarf. It was still very early in the spring and the air so late in the evening was still chilly, but even the cold wasn’t able to make him forget about her. The man wanted her. There were no two ways to express what he was feeling about the beautiful woman, walking a few steps in front of him.

  Samantha Williams wasn’t like the rest of the women he had admired. She was shy, she was simple, pretty, and she was talented – something that few of his lady friends could say about themselves. Ross wanted her and was going to have her no matter what. During his life there had been no woman able to say no to him and he wasn’t going to let Samantha Williams to be the first.

  “Hi, Samantha,” he heard Jessica, one of Samantha’s friends calling and watched the two girls walk towards the bar. Their small town was having a festival that day and there were too many people walking, talking and drinking in the small-town square for someone to notice Ross following them. The man noticed them talking and then someone was calling for Jessica and then Samantha was left all alone.

  Just the moment he was waiting for…

  “Hi,” Ross said from the shadow thrown from the bank building. “I wanted to talk to you.”

  “Hi,” the girl said startled. “What about?”

  “Why don’t we go to some more private place?” The man said, instead of answering.

  “No,” Samantha muttered firmly. “I have to return home, it is late…”

  “I can accompany you,” Ross offered gallantly.

  “No, thank you, it is close and I…”

  Samantha tried to protest again, but the man was already holding her hand and guiding her through the small, dark streets to her house. The young woman tried to let go of him, but Ross just smiled down at her and reached up with his other hand to put a strand of hair behind her ear. The small gesture sent sparks all over Samantha’s body and Ross smiled at feeling her tremble. Too quickly they reached Samantha’s house, which was attached to the town’s small library and she made another move to dislocate her hand from his.

  “Don’t Samantha, please, don’t,” Ross said in a soft voice and bend down to kiss her, first on the top of the head, then on her nose and finally his lips met hers. The man started the kiss slowly, almost tentatively, giving her the chance to adjust and respond, and… after what seemed like ages, Samantha sighed and lifted her hand to caress his shoulder.

  Ross didn’t move, he continued to wait for her next move, knowing full well that the girl in his hand had no experience and was easy to scare. Samantha didn’t disappoint him and after a while leaned on him, giving him complete power over her body and soul. The man took full advantage of the offer and carefully moved them behind the nearest building, into a small, dark alley.

  Slowly, his hands started exploring the young body in his arms, caressing the shoulders and arms, then squeezing the bottom and finally resting on her breasts. Samantha let him, already completely lost to the real world, having submitted her will to his. The man finally let go of her lips and started mouthing her face and then her neck. Samantha moaned at the sensation and both of them stilled for a moment.

  “You are so sweet,” Ross spoke against her skin and Samantha could feel his hands traveling lower and tugging at her dress. His mouth returned back to her lips and once again she forgot about what she was about to say. During a small moment of clearness, Samantha noticed that the skirt of her dress was lifted up and that Ross was looking for an opening to remove her underwear, but when his hand reached in and touched her burning flesh, she forgot all about propriety.

  “God, she is amazing,” the man thought, before reaching between them and opening his pants. The position wasn’t great, but it had to do, because he suspected that Samantha would run, if he gave her the chance. Slowly, he raised her legs and Samantha put them around his waist. The initial penetration was painful and the woman in his arms let out a quiet cry.

  “Shhhh,” Ross whispered into her ear and used his tongue to lick at it, before taking it into his mouth. Samantha sighed at the new sensation and carefully tried to move. A jolt of pleasure went through her body and Ross started raising her up and lowering her down. The eternal rhythm took them quickly to completion and Samantha almost fainted in his arms. The space around them was filled with soft moans and even softer cries of pleasures, but neither of them noticed. There was something magical and unique happening between them, although Samantha was unaware of the fact and Ross was denying it.

  “Are you okay?” The man asked, before starting to lower her down. Samantha didn’t answer, but tried to gather her strength and step down. Ross continued to talk and helped her to adjust her dress, but Samantha couldn’t even look at him. All she could think about was that she had lost her mind and that what she did was unforgivable.

  Chapter 2

  Samantha Williams woke up feeling nauseous and hurting all over. The feeling was unfamiliar and strangely disturbing. There was something Samantha needed to remember, but in her state of mind it seemed impossible. Carefully, the twenty-five-year-old woman got out of bed and almost fainted.

  “Oh,” she exclaimed and sat back down. A new thought started forming in her mind and Samantha drank a few sips of water, before trying to get up a second time. There weren’t too many possibilities to consider at the moment.

  Her unresolved feelings towards Ross were a new complication in her life. The man was one of those rich gentlemen, who thought that all women were fair game and were given permission to go after everyone they liked. In Samantha’s eyes, Ross was the worst among them. He was rich and powerful, and ready to have some fun. For a long time Samantha had resisted his advances and she almost thought that he had finally let go, but then during the town’s festival Ross had used her weakness and had taken what she had refused to give him for so long.

  “What have I done?” Samantha cried into her hands. “What have I done?” She repeated again and again. At twenty-five she was past the appropriate time for losing her virginity. She had no one to turn to and taking to Ross was out of the question. The man hadn’t even had the decency to talk to her after leaving her that night in the narrow, dark street. Now, two months later she was still thinking about him, while all alone in the world.

  Samantha stood up and looked at herself in the mirror. She was a good looking woman, although most people would say that her features were a bit too rounded. Her dark, long hair was falling down in gentle curls, framing her round and very expressive face. Samantha’s yes were also dark and usually illuminated by some mysterious light, which her father used to call spiritual fire. Her figure was the figure of a real woman with all the curves that can attract men’s attention, but Samantha still felt insecure in herself.

  She still couldn’t figure out why Ross had noti
ced her and tried so hard to seduce her. From her side, it was easy to understand. Since they had been at school together all those years ago, Samantha had been fascinated with him, so when he had approached her for the first time, she had let her guard down. The man had noticed her weakness and had explored it to the fullness. It had been simple after that – Ross had asked again and Samantha had been unable to say no.

  In his own home, Ross was thinking about Samantha. He had known the young woman since she was a girl, but after his time away at the university and all the responsibilities after the funeral of his father he had had no time to look around. Back at school, Samantha had been one of the best students, who was also always ready to help the others. But now, Ross was looking at her with different eyes. She was shy and somehow closed inside her own world, but Ross had visited the library one day and met the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Her shyness and innocence was adding to her beauty, therefore, he had to have her.

  His experience with women had taught him that all women wanted to be seduced, so he set up to do just that. Samantha, in his opinion, was playing shy, but she was probably just wanting to make things more interesting.

  Ross had tried to use his usual tactics to seduce her, but Samantha had shown no interest and had become the first woman in his life to say no to him. Strong willed and independent, Samantha was everything he didn’t understand and almost hated in women, but she was also a challenge and Ross wasn’t one to let it pass. So, he visited her, came to the library, made sure to be everywhere she was going, but nothing. Until the spring town festival, when Ross was able to take her away from her friends and show her what she was missing. Samantha had responded to his touches and words, as no other woman had ever done, and to Ross it was obvious that she couldn’t resist him.


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