by Allysa Mkermo

  With my most alluring pose and an enticing smile, I got up from the barstool and approached Earl. I stood right next to him for a few seconds as he stared into space.

  “So,” I said, getting the ball rolling. “How you doing?”

  Earl turned and faced me. His brown eyes grew as he rolled them up and down my whole body. Part of embracing the trashy moniker was that you disowned all inhibitions and hesitations of what would make you look like a whore. I was wearing a skimpy little tube-top and a pair of daisy-dukes that broadcasted my abundance of T&A and I could immediately tell it was working.

  Chapter 2

  “I’m doing just fine now that you arrived,” Earl said. “What’s your name?”

  “Jessica. And yours?” I asked, despite the fact I already knew.

  “I’m Earl and this is my buddy Johnny. What are you drinking?”

  “Gin and tonic.”

  Earl snapped at the bartender and demanded that he get me a gin and tonic. It was a real turn-on. I could immediately tell that my first impression of Earl was right; he was a dominator. When he wanted something he would go after it. I could already tell that it was going to be a fun night.

  After my drink arrived, Earl turned to me and gave me another up-and-down. I could tell that he was eye-fucking me.

  “So what’s a pretty little girl like you doing in a dump like this?” Earl asked.

  “It’s my kinda place.” I flashed him with my eyes. “You know, good company.”

  “Great company,” he said, raising his glass. We cheers-ed and drank.

  Earl finished slammed the empty bottle down and ordered another one. He looked over to me and smiled, except this time it was different. It was the type of smile that said ‘I know something, you don’t know.’ It made me pause for a moment, but I brushed it off as a misread signal.

  “Would you like to meet my friend?” Earl gestured to Johnny.


  Earl tapped Johnny on the shoulder. The younger looking biker looked over at me with a mixture of amusement and surprise.

  “Johnny, this is Jessica,” Earl said. “Jessica, this is Johnny.”

  Johnny smiled. “Hello, Jessica.”

  “Hello, Johnny,” I replied.

  Johnny went back to his beer and downed it. “I gotta go take a piss.”

  Earl gave him a quizzical look, but relented. “You gotta go, you gotta go.”

  Johnny got up from the bar, flashed me that boyish smile and headed straight for the bathroom.

  Johnny was harder to read then Earl. After being closer to him, I couldn’t quite make out what he was all about. If he was interested, why not wait to go to the bathroom? If he didn’t care for me, why smile? Was it the way I was dressed? I asked myself. Maybe he’s just polite. I was attracted to both equally, but my instincts were telling me that it would be Earl who was going to take me home tonight. On the surface, I was fine with that scenario, but down deeper, I desired both of them. I know it was selfish. There was an old adage that there was someone out there for everybody and for me to want two men would be unjust in a cosmic sort of way, but I put those feelings aside and decided to catch the fish that seemed to be biting.

  “So, got any plans for tonight?” I asked.

  “Just staying here and having a few drinks with my friend,” Earl said in a detached sort of way. “You’re more than welcome to join us.”

  “I’m flattered,” I said. “And I accept.”


  Just as Earl had uttered his one-word response, the bartender set down another bottle of Pabst Blue Ribbon and two shots of Wild Turkey. Earl grabbed the brown bottle and took a sip. “Do you want to have Johnny’s shot?” Earl asked.

  I hesitated. When it came to liquor, I had a strict policy: if I couldn’t see through it, I didn’t drink it. However, drinking a shot was the universal sign that one had a fun side. I decided that I would break my policy just for tonight and go for it. Earl was worth it.

  “Love to.” I took the small glass of bourbon and held it face level. The smell alone was enough to make my stomach churn, but for the biker, I could cowboy up. “Cheers.”

  “Cheers,” Earl said. He clinked my glass and drank down the distilled whiskey in a single gulp.

  I took a deep breath and followed suit. I drained the glass and kept it down, despite the fact that it made my eyes water and my throat burn. It always amazed me how men like Earl could drink such gratuitous amounts of whiskey. Maybe it was a guy-thing, who knows for sure?

  Sensing my discomfort, Earl chuckled. “Having a little trouble there?”

  “No,” I coughed. “I love this stuff.”

  “Well in that case, how about another?”

  I shook my head. “You win. No more.”

  Earl gave a hearty laugh. “That’s alright.”

  Johnny waltzed back to the bar, bent over and whispered something into Earl’s ear.

  Earl nodded and pushed himself away from the bar. He got to his feet and went straight for the bathroom. The larger biker cocked his head toward me as he was walking away. “I gotta hit the head.”

  I gave him an affirming nod, despite the fact I was a little confused. What had Johnny said to him? And why did he decide to go to the bathroom right after his friend? I thought it was all rather girlish. Who else whispers in front of other people and coordinates when they go to the bathroom? I decided not to overthink things and just focus on having a good time, besides if Earl was going to the bathroom that meant I could have a little time to chat up Johnny and that wouldn’t be such a bad thing.

  Johnny took up his old spot and was greeted with another beer from the bartender. He took a drink and looked over at me. “Hello,” he said.

  “Hi.” I scooted onto Earl’s seat. “How’s it going?”

  “Better, now that you’re here,” he said with a glimmer in his eye.

  I struggled to hide my excitement. “So, how do you know Earl?”

  “Me and him are old high-school pals. We ride together, we drink together, work together,” he snorted. “We do everything together. We’re even roommates.”

  “Sounds like a best friend,” I ventured.

  “You could say that,” Johnny said. He took a pull off his PBR. “Enough about me. What about you?”

  “Just a local girl,” I said nonchalantly. “I like drinking, partying, and making new friends.”

  “I suppose that’s something we have in common,” He said.

  I was about to give a coy suggestion when Earl appeared from the bathroom. He bent over and whispered something into Johnny’s ear. Johnny nodded and chugged the rest of his beer.

  “What’s going on?” I asked.

  “Me and Johnny are going back to our place,” Earl said matter-of-factly. “Chill-out, have a few drinks. You interested?”

  I kept on a cool face, but I was going crazy on the inside. Back to their place? I thought to myself. This is going to get complicated. It was a matter of awkwardness. I could sense where this was going and I could tell that by the end of the night, either Earl or Johnny would be disappointed, but I defaulted to the rule of YOLO and the answer became clear. “Sure. If it’s not too much trouble?”

  “Of course not,” Johnny said with that same glimmer in his eye. “We’d love to have you.”

  Chapter 3

  It was the first time I had ever been on a motorcycle and I was instantly filled with adrenaline. The speed of the bike weaving in and out of the lanes and darting past slow-moving cars made me scared, yet titillated. Earl had been kind enough to let me borrow his leather jacket for the duration of the ride and for that I was grateful. By the time we arrived at our destination my bare thighs were freezing from the fast wind. I shuddered to think how cold I would be if I wasn’t wearing Earl’s big jacket.

  We came to a stop near a small bungalow in the middle of the sticks. Earl pulled his chopper into the driveway and killed the engine. He flipped out the kick-stand and helped me off the bike. I
stopped for a moment to get a good look at Earl without his jacket on. He was wearing a skin-tight t-shirt which seemed to be two sizes two small. His veiny muscles bulged out of the sleeves and collar of his shirt. Just as I was guessing how much he lifted, Johnny pulled up next to us and parked his Harley.

  “Beat you here again,” Earl said in a cocky tone.

  Johnny laughed. “I took it easy on you. Figured that it was more important to take care of the precious cargo here.”

  Being referred to as precious cargo made me blush slightly.

  Earl stood over me and put a hand over my shoulder.

  “Welcome to our humble abode,” Earl said as we went inside.

  The inside of the house looked pretty basic. The living room had a couple of couches and a TV. Earl sat me down on one of the plush couches and took a seat right next to me. He kept that big, meaty arm wrapped around my shoulder and I was loving every second of it. A feeling of safety and security washed over me. In Earl’s grasp, I felt like I was untouchable. That I was safe from tornadoes, hurricanes, and any manner of horror under the sky. He wouldn’t let anything happen to me.

  “Do you guys want anything to drink?” Johnny asked.

  Earl looked up at him. “Gimme a beer.” He turned to me. “Is there anything you want?”

  I wanted to look him straight in the eyes and tell him that I wanted him, but that would be a little too direct. I decided I would play it coy, but not for much longer.

  “A beer sounds good to me,” I said.

  Johnny went into the kitchen to fetch the beers, leaving Earl and I alone. There were some attempts at conversation, but they always ended in a single word or sentence fragment.

  Johnny returned with two cans of PBR and handed them to Earl.

  “You’re not having one?” Earl asked.

  “I will,” Johnny replied. “I just gotta make a quick call.”

  Johnny darted upstairs and I heard the distinctive sound of a door closing.

  Earl cracked open both of the beers and handed one of the cans to me. “Bottoms up.”

  “Indeed,” I said. I took a small sip of the beer and put it on the coffee table. The beer was good, but I was thirsty for something else. Something far better than anything you could find in a can. I cuddled up next to Earl and placed an open palm on his right knee and moved it up and to the left. By the time my hand was on his inner-right thigh, he had put down his beer and was giving me his full attention.

  He said nothing, and I took his silence as a not-so subtle affirmation of what I was doing.

  My hand moved closer to his crotch and I immediately felt his large member. I began to rub it under the thin layer of leather and I heard his breathing turn into deep intakes and exhales. I looked up at him and his eyes had a new intensity, unlike anything I had seen at the bar. Earl grabbed me by the hips and placed me on top of his lap. Our lips met and his wide tongue found its way into my mouth. The taste of beer filled my mouth with a subtle memory of the bourbon, this time the taste didn’t make me gag. I embraced it and searched for it by wrapping my tongue around his.

  He pulled away from me and looked me straight in the eyes. “I’ve wanted to do that since Lou’s,” he exclaimed.

  I smiled at Earl’s admission. This wasn’t just another ‘sigh’ casual hookup. I could immediately tell that this was something more powerful and more intense. “So did I,” I replied.

  Without uttering a word, Earl buried his face into my exposed cleavage and began pecking and licking my breasts. I grabbed his chin and brought it up to my face. I quickly took off my tube-top and threw my bra aside.

  “Better?” I asked.

  He stared with his mouth agape at my soft breasts. I could tell he wanted to see what those puppies looked like all night long. As he stared into my chest, his face was like a kid at Christmas. Earl grabbed both of them and a surge of titillation raced throughout my body. His hands were course and calloused from years of hard work and heavy lifting, and I loved it. My skin turned to goose-prickles and my tits grew firm at his touch. I rested my head on his shoulder as he went to work on my chest. His hot breath felt like a warm summer wind blowing on my breasts, shoulders, and hair. I began kissing his cheeks and neck with intensity. I caught a whiff of his aftershave and became even more enticed.

  “I want you,” I whispered into his ear.

  He looked up at me and rose to his feet. I followed him up and we embraced once more. I noticed a new development when Earl detached his lips rather quickly. His eyes were no longer on me, but on something at the opposite side of the room.

  My face fell. What could be distracting him from this perfect moment? I asked myself. What in the whole wide world could even come close to being as interesting as me? I turned my head to see what he was looking at and I gasped.

  Johnny was standing at the bottom of the stairs with a grin. How could I have forgotten about Johnny? I cursed myself for being so shortsighted. There were few things more embarrassing in life than having someone walk in on you when you were going to town. Remembering that I was topless, I covered my exposed breasts with my hands and began forming a quick apology.

  “Johnny,” I stammered. “I . . . I’m sorry. We just were . . .”

  I trailed off as I saw Earl and Johnny stare each other down. Just then, I felt like I was missing some critical slice of information that would piece all of this together.

  Then something that I never expected would ever happen, happened.

  Johnny took off his jacket and ripped off his shirt, revealing a toned and cut body. Johnny’s fingers methodically undid his belt buckle and unzipped his jeans. He let the jeans fall to his ankles and then kicked them off.

  Oh my God

  Johnny’s only piece of clothing was the cute black banana hammock that looked like it was about to burst open.

  Before I could fit all the pieces together perfectly, Earl walked up to Johnny and the two kissed.

  I stood there with a combined feeling of shock and arousal. The two men that I wanted in the bar were now fully making out right in front of me. I didn’t know what to do; I was paralyzed. A massive voice in the back of my head shouted at me to get out of the house and run back home. Yet, there was another voice. A voice which told me to stay put. I let my hands fall to my side and watched with voyeuristic curiosity as the two men went at it.

  Earl took off his clothes piecemeal, never taking his tongue out of Johnny’s mouth. After a few short seconds, Earl was down to his boxers. His throbbing erection was now fully apparent under the loose undergarment. Earl draped his massive arms around Johnny and brought him in close. Johnny fit perfectly in-between Earl’s sculpted muscles and started lapping up the large man’s bearded chin. Earl’s hands moved steadily down to Johnny’s waist. Earl carefully slid the banana hammock down Johnny’s thighs. Johnny stepped back and pulled the sexy piece of underwear off and threw it aside.

  With a gasp, I stared at Johnny’s fully exposed body. His long, uncut dick quickly turned hard at Earl’s touch. Johnny opened his mouth as if he were about to scream, but instead let out only a very high-pitch whimper. He grabbed Earl’s boxers by the waistband and yanked them off. Earl’s thick and veiny cock hung just as long, but much wider than Johnny’s. It was a circumcised mammoth surrounded by a good portion of the same type of brown hair he had on his face and head. Earl took both of their members into his right hand and began rubbing the two together so fast that I could’ve sworn he would start a fire.

  Earl remained almost stoically silent, but Johnny began a hysterical combination of deep panting and loud moaning. Johnny grabbed ahold of Earl’s shoulders and threw his head back and began unleashing a tirade of profanity the likes of which would’ve made even the most foul-mouthed sailor take pause. Earl, unfazed by Johnny’s language, kept his focus on the literal and proverbial task at hand. Earl’s thick fingers moved all around Johnny’s smooth, yet rigid cock. With each passing movement, Johnny’s manhood seemed to get bigger and bigger.
r />   He’s a grower and a shower, I thought to myself. Not wanting to be left out of the hot action, I went over and inserted myself between the two men. Without so much as a word of permission, I grabbed Earl’s hard dick and rammed inside my hot vag. Earl offered no resistance, as I sent his thick unit deep inside my pussy. I turned my head and stuck out my ass, daring Johnny to take the initiative and plunge his massive cock inside me. I had thrown down the gauntlet and challenged the bikers to give me their best. It seemed to be a promising undertaking as I shuddered with delight when Earl gave me a deep thrust.

  Johnny came up from behind and stuck his long, cock headlong into my asshole. I grabbed ahold of Earl’s beard and brought my lips onto his. Our tongues picked up the tempo of the dual thrusts as I rode perfect sprays of pleasure that were coursing throughout my whole body. Although this hadn’t been the first time I had experience double-penetration, it had never been done better in my entire life. The hard cocks of the bikers ripped apart the two orifices at either end of my body with a vigor that I had never experienced. Earl’s brow furrowed and he began a barbaric grunting that resembled an ancient war cry. He shoved his hard dick in and out, in and out, in and out. Every time was deeper, harder, and more intense than the last. Suddenly, I felt a sensation that I hadn’t felt since I had my cherry popped on prom night: pain. With Earl’s next thrust I felt equal parts pain and pleasure. It was horrible and terrific in so many ways that I didn’t know if I wanted it to stop or continue. With the two thrusting so hard, so fast, and so deep, I could’ve sworn they were trying to rip through me to once again touch tips. I stood there, no longer cocky or self-assuming. My mouth went agape and I shrieked louder and louder with each coordinated insertion. With my climax in sight, I grabbed onto Earl’s shoulders and dug my nails into his flesh as I exploded on the two biker’s cocks.


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