The Troubleshooter: Norcross Series

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The Troubleshooter: Norcross Series Page 17

by Hackett, Anna

  She stared at him.

  “They’re your choices, your life. We all have shit to deal with, Willow. Shit that tries to drag us down. Don’t let it. Hold on to the people who give a fuck about you.” He looked at Vander. “Don’t drag them down with you. If you let them, they’ll help you become a better person and they’ll always have your back.”

  Vander was silent for a moment. “Nice speech.”

  “Fuck you.” There was no heat in Saxon’s voice.

  Vander slapped Saxon’s back.

  Willow cleared her throat and shifted nervously, and that’s when Saxon’s mood plummeted. He could read her body language pretty easily. “Something you haven’t told us, Willow?”

  She bit her lip. “I don’t have the gems.”

  Vander and Saxon both stiffened.

  “Come again?” Saxon said quietly.

  “One of Dennett’s dickheads, Lex or something, found me.” She swiped her hand across her mouth. “The guy is whacked. I ran, but he took the gems.”

  “Fuck,” Vander said.

  Saxon’s cell phone rang. “Buchanan.”


  Ace’s voice drove a spike of fear done Saxon’s spine. “Gia?”

  “I’m so sorry, man. She gave me the slip.”

  Saxon closed his eyes and thumbed his phone onto speaker. “Tell me.”

  “She got a blocked call. From Lex. Fucker lured her out by saying that he had Vander.”

  Vander growled. “I’m right here.”

  “And she believed him?” Saxon asked.

  “Lex had a recording of Vander’s voice. Made it seem like he did.”

  Especially for a loving sister, a woman with a heart so big she’d do anything for those she loved.

  “Damn woman headed to the file room, stole someone’s coat, and strolled out.” Ace sounded annoyed and a little in awe. “Once I realized she was missing, I tracked her movements on the building’s security feed. She got into a white Cadillac, and Lex was driving. Then I got her email.”

  “Email?” Saxon asked.

  “She sent me a time-delayed email, telling me everything.”

  Despite the fear and fury inside him, Saxon wanted to smile, but he couldn’t. Gia was in danger.

  “Fuck,” he roared. Lex had Gia, and the bastard wanted to hurt her.

  And the asshole had the gems too.

  Willow’s face was pale. “Gia.”

  “I called Rhys,” Ace said. “He’s on it. I’m searching traffic cameras for the Cadillac.”

  “If he hurts her—” Saxon’s chest was so tight he could barely breathe.

  “Head in the game, Buchanan,” Vander said.

  Vander’s voice was ice cold. Saxon could see that Vander had slipped into mission mode: cool, focused, rock steady.

  Saxon had to do the same. Gia needed him.

  “Right, we’re headed back to the office,” Vander said. “I’ll call Hunt on the way. We’ll find this asshole, we’ll bring Gia home.”

  Saxon nodded.

  “Then you can tan her ass,” Vander added.

  Saxon met his best friend’s dark-blue gaze, chest tight. “Count on it.”

  Vander nodded. “Just don’t tell me the details.”

  Saxon grabbed Willow’s arm and tugged her toward where they’d parked. “Come on.”

  “I’m sorry.” Her voice was a whisper. “I never thought she’d get hurt.”

  He had no time for Willow’s realizations.

  Back at Norcross, they got Willow settled in a holding room with a couch, TV, and some snacks.

  Vander went straight to his office and was on the phone, one hand on his hip, barking orders at someone.

  Saxon’s phone rang and he saw it was Rhys. “Tell me you found her.”

  “Not yet, Sax. But we will.”

  Saxon’s chin dropped to his chest.

  He couldn’t lose her. Not when he was realizing what a big piece of him sassy, sexy Gia Norcross owned.

  Hold the fuck on, Gia. I’ll find you.

  * * *

  Lex yanked her roughly from the car.

  They were in some alley, somewhere on the edge of Chinatown. He pulled on her arm, almost tripping her.

  “Quit yanking,” she snapped.

  He backhanded her.

  Gia blinked, tasting blood in her mouth. Cazzo. Stronzo.

  Ace would’ve gotten her email. She hoped he could find her. She thought of Saxon. He was fine. She was sure that by now he would have saved Willow.

  And now, he’d be coming to save Gia.

  Unless she saved herself, first.

  Lex opened the door of a building and pulled her inside. She looked around. It was an empty office. The blinds were drawn, there was no furniture, and the walls were bare.

  His fingers squeezed cruelly into her bicep and she winced. The asshole got off on hurting people.

  He shoved her toward the back of the room and that’s when she spotted one small card table set up, and a suitcase on the floor. Inside it, she saw guns and her belly curdled.

  “What now?” she demanded.

  “Now, you shut up.”

  She rolled her eyes. “I can’t believe your ego and your reputation are so fragile that you have to resort to this.”

  He shot her a venomous look. “I’m not going to let some spoiled princess ruin my career.”

  “One, I’m not a spoiled princess, I actually have a career. Two, you’re a hired gun, and that is not a career.”

  He set something on the table.

  A black velvet bag.

  Gia’s pulse jumped. Oh, my God.

  He opened it and the gems scattered across the table. She gasped. They were damn pretty. “You have them.” She spotted the pink diamond.

  “Yes.” He smiled. “Your stupid friend ran like a rabbit when she saw me. Now, I win. I have the gems and I’m going to sell them for a small fortune. And I also have you.”

  Fear crawled over Gia, but she tried not to show it. “And what are your plans for me?”

  “I’m going to kill you.”

  Oh, God. Gia fought to keep her face blank.

  Lex’s smile widened. “Oh, I like knowing you’re afraid. I’m going to draw it out for as long as I can. Also, it’s a bonus to know that your brothers are running around, afraid for their little sister.”

  She lifted her chin. “You’re going down, Lex. Whether you kill me or not, my brothers and Saxon will take you apart, limb from limb.”

  There was a noise at the front door. “Good, the buyer is here.”


  “It’s not Dennett.”

  Alfred Sackler strode in, flanked by two blank-faced men in suits. Gia dragged in a shuddering breath. Sackler’s gaze moved over her. It was calculating.

  “Mr. Lex,” Sackler drawled.

  Lex nodded and waved a hand at the card table.

  Sackler’s eyes showed some emotion now. He strode over, and gently touched the gems.

  Gia noted that he paid no extra attention to the pink diamond. He didn’t even mention it. Interesting.

  “We already agreed on the price,” Sackler said. “I’ll transfer one million dollars into your account.”

  Oh yeah, Sackler was keeping quiet about the priceless diamond.

  “I also want the woman,” he continued. “I’ll pay you for her too.”

  What? Gia jolted and glared. “You can’t be serious?”

  “Very.” Sackler smiled. “I have uses for you.”

  “She’s not for sale,” Lex said. “I’ve plans for her.”

  Gia crossed her arms. “The world is filled with assholes. I’m not happy that I seem to be capturing the attention of so many of them.”

  Lex swung at her, but she ducked his arm and kicked him in the shin.

  He staggered back one step, pure anger on his face. “Definitely not for sale.”

  Gia raised a brow. “I’m the least of your problems.” She swung her head around to look
at Sackler. “Perhaps you’d prefer to discuss with Mr. Sackler why he’s only giving you a million dollars, when there’s a priceless pink diamond in that bag?”

  Sackler’s face didn’t change, but his gaze turned frosty. His two guards stiffened.

  Lex went still, his brow creased. “What?”

  “She’s just trying to cause trouble,” Sackler scoffed.

  “I heard the gems were worth a quarter of a mil,” Lex said carefully.

  “The rest of them are, but not the pink diamond.” Gia slid a strand of her hair behind her ear. “Sackler lost it in a poker game to Dennett and wants it back.”

  “Bitch,” Sackler breathed.

  Lex whipped up his handgun, aiming it at Sackler. “She’s telling the truth. You lied. You tried to con me.”

  “It wasn’t very hard, Lex.”

  Gia watched with interest as Lex’s jaw worked, a vein popping out of his temple. She could almost see smoke coming out of his ears.

  “The deal’s off!” Lex growled. “Get out of here.”

  “I don’t think so.” Sackler waved his fingers.

  The two guards opened fire. The shots were deafening inside the enclosed space. Gia threw up an arm and choked on a sharp cry.

  Beside her, Lex’s body jerked, and blood splattered Gia’s cheek. He went down, bleeding on the floor.

  Oh. God.

  She breathed in, then out, nausea fighting with a wave of dizziness. Oh God.

  Sackler strode to the table and snatched up the stones, shoving them into the bag. Then he smiled at Gia. “Looks like you are coming with me, after all.” He reached out to touch her, but she stepped back. “Thanks to you, I got an excellent deal for the gems, the diamond, and you.” His smile disappeared. “Now move.”

  He shoved her ahead of him and when she got to the door, she saw a big, black Escalade parked right in front of the building.

  “Castle, deal with the mess in there. Get rid of the body.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  The other guard rounded the Escalade to get to the driver’s seat. Sackler opened the back door of the Escalade. “In.”

  If she got in, she was dead. Gia jerked back, and ran.

  She heard Sackler shout. His other guard was already on the other side of the SUV. She had the advantage.

  She sprinted down the alley and turned into another narrower alley between two buildings.

  It was dank and smelled of rotting trash. Ahead, a chain-link fence barred the way.

  She looked back over her shoulder.

  Sackler’s goon raced into view.

  Shit. Gia kicked off her shoes. I’m sorry, Manolo.

  Barefoot, she hit the fence, climbing upward. Her skirt made it hard, but she made it over the top, and then jumped to the bottom, landing hard. Something pricked her foot, but she ignored it and looked up.

  Sackler’s thug was directly opposite her and they stared at each other through the fence.

  Gia turned and ran.

  She heard the telltale rattle of the fence as her pursuer climbed it. She sprinted down the alley, dodging a puddle. Her chest burned.

  She was almost to the street—

  An arm grabbed her shoulder and yanked her backward.

  Gia lost her balance and crashed to the ground. Her hip hit hard and she cried out.

  Then something touched her belly.

  Her body jolted and her muscles screamed. Ow. Her teeth clicked together as she shuddered.

  Stun gun.

  The man pulled back, the device held in one hand. Gia fought to stay conscious, her head full of fog. She groaned.

  The man picked her up and tossed her over his broad shoulder. Her entire body was lax, and she couldn’t make it move.

  Moments ticked by as he walked back, maneuvering her over the fence. Soon they were back at the Escalade.

  Sackler smiled. “Ah, good. Lay her in the back seat. At least she can’t cause any more trouble, now.”

  Don’t bet on it, asshole. Gia was tossed on the seat and she lay there, fighting back tears. She hurt, and she knew this was bad.

  Sackler and his man climbed into the front seats. The Escalade’s engine started, and they pulled out.

  Gia wasn’t giving up. She was a Norcross. And she was in love with Saxon Buchanan. She wanted to live in his gorgeous house, make love with him every day, take baths in his big tub, and more.

  She kept trying to move, and finally her fingers twitched.


  She slid her hand under her coat, and into her bra where she’d hidden her phone. She found the power button and pressed it, keeping the phone buried in the coat. It vibrated as it turned on. Carefully, she pulled it out, keeping it nestled inside the coat’s lapels.

  Glancing up, she checked on Sackler. He and his guard were ignoring her. No doubt they expected her to be groggy and cowering in terror.

  Not today, Sackler.

  She moved her fingers slowly over the screen. Then she sent a text to Saxon.

  With Sackler. Find me.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Saxon was working hard to keep a lock on his emotions. He wouldn’t lose it. He refused to.

  He had to find Gia.

  “Got something,” Ace yelled. He was manning the wall of flat screens in his office. “White Cadillac spotted in Chinatown.”

  Saxon’s phone pinged and he yanked it out. His heart contracted. “Gia sent me a message.”

  Vander, Rhys, and Easton crowded around him.

  “Dammit, Sackler has her.” Find me. Those words speared through him.

  “I’m tracing her cell now.” Ace’s face was serious as his hands danced over the keyboard.

  Saxon forced himself to stand still and drag in a hard breath. His smart, sexy woman was busy trying to save herself. Fuck, he loved her.

  Vander’s phone rang. “It’s Hunt.” He pressed the phone to his ear. “Talk to me.”

  Rhys gripped Saxon’s arm. “Hold it together, Sax. I know how you feel, and it sucks.”

  He met Rhys’s dark gaze. So similar to Gia’s eyes. They’d both inherited them from their mom. Rhys had suffered through Haven being taken—actually she’d been kidnapped several times.

  “We’ll find her.” Easton’s tone was firm, unyielding.

  “Ace?” Saxon said.

  “Working on it.”

  Vander strode back, his face grim.

  Saxon’s chest compressed. “What?”

  “Lex’s bullet-riddled body was found dumped in an alley on the edge of Chinatown.”

  Easton cursed.

  “There were also reports of a man carrying a woman off.”

  “She’s alive,” Rhys said. “She sent that message. We know she’s alive.”

  But for how long? Sackler wasn’t afraid to kill.

  Rhys’ face hardened. “Gia’s beautiful, attractive. The rumors are that Sackler likes to have private auctions with his friends and sell off women.”

  Fucker. Saxon’s hands balled, and he watched a muscle tick in Vander’s jaw.

  “He’s going down,” Vander growled.

  “He’s never been caught,” Rhys said. “There’s nothing to prove the rumors.”

  “It’s enough,” Vander bit out.

  “Got her!” Ace cried.

  They all swiveled.

  “Where?” Saxon barked.

  “In Dogpatch.” Ace leaned over and tapped on the screen. “Looks like a warehouse.”

  Saxon jerked. He wanted to move, jump in a car, and race there. But the soldier in him knew he needed more intel. He wouldn’t risk Gia’s life by racing in unprepared and out of control.

  “Dammit, I lost her signal.” Ace cursed. “Her phone’s off, or it’s been destroyed.”

  Shit, Sackler must have discovered it.

  Vander met Saxon’s gaze. In his best friend’s dark-blue eyes, Saxon saw the same need to act.

  “What info have you got on the warehouse?” Vander demanded.

it up now.” Ace straightened. “It’s owned by a Hanes-Brown Corporation.” He tapped on the keyboard, then smiled. “Which is owned by Sackler Enterprises.”

  “I want the schematics.” Vander turned. “Gear up. We’re going in and bringing Gia out.”

  “Fuck yeah.” Saxon was already headed for the stairs to get to the locker room.

  Downstairs, they geared up—black Kevlar vests, black cargo pants. From the weapons locker, Saxon strapped his Heckler & Koch to his thigh, then grabbed his M4 assault rifle.

  I’m coming, Contessa.

  “Wish Rome was in town,” Rhys muttered.

  Saxon did, too. Rome had left on the weekend for a bodyguard job in New Orleans.

  “I called in Ryan,” Vander said.

  Good. Saxon felt a kick of relief. Ben Ryan was a former Navy SEAL. He was married to his high school sweetheart, and did contract work for Norcross. Clean-cut, dependable, and good in a fight. Saxon was glad to hear he’d have their backs.

  All kitted out, Saxon pressed an earpiece into his ear. “Ace?”

  “Got you.” His friend’s voice was crystal-clear.

  Everyone checked their comms and headed out to the X6s.

  Ryan was waiting for them. Despite being out of the Navy for several years, his blond hair was still cut military short, his bearing straight. He was already kitted out.

  “Good to see you, Ben.” Vander shook hands with the man.

  “Sure thing,” Ben replied.

  “We’re going to breach a warehouse in Dogpatch. Fucker, with unknown backup, has Gia.”

  Ben nodded.

  Soon, they were loaded into two SUVs. Rhys, Easton, and Ben were in one. Saxon and Vander were in the other.

  Every second of the drive made Saxon’s nerves string tighter. His head was filled with images of Gia. Starting with a pretty, dark-eyed teenager, to the flushed, gorgeous woman smiling at him while she wore his shirt.

  “I love her.”

  Vander glanced at him from the driver’s seat. “I know. We’ll get her out. You guys have years ahead of you of driving each other crazy.”

  “I’m going to marry her.” As soon as he could.

  Vander was silent for a moment. “I’m sorry I was pissed when I found out about you guys. It was a knee-jerk brother reaction. If my sister has to be with somebody, I’d like it to be with a man I respect. A man who’ll treat her right. You two are perfect for each other.”


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