Sapphire Ambition (Runics Book 2)

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Sapphire Ambition (Runics Book 2) Page 31

by Jeff Kish

  Era’s brow furrows. “Fire?”

  Athena glances wryly to her adversary. “Something wrong, dear?”

  Though shocked, the bizarre occurrence fails to deter Fire. She slides behind Athena and tries to elbow the Allerian in the back of the head, but her body again stops of its own will.

  As Era moves to engage, Athena fixates on his Allerian partner. Jem’s breath trembles as her feet again scream at her to run, yet her legs are frozen, incapable of obeying.

  The earth runic forms a club and attempts to slam Athena over her head, but his effort stops short. He strains to kick her in the gut, but the unknown force again prevents him from connecting. Fire flings spikes, this time aiming to kill, but the projectiles scatter around her target as if tossed by a novice.

  Athena finally makes a move, stepping toward the only person not attacking her. Terror seizes Jem, and as she tries to retreat she trips and loses her grip on the light rune.

  “JEM!” Era screams, this time throwing his body at Athena, but, as he leaps, his trajectory is blatantly off its mark as he crashes beside her. He tries to sweep kick her ankles, but his foot stops short.

  Bewildered and furious, Fire lets loose a howl as she grabs the remaining spikes from her pouch and flings them one by one. Each projectile whizzes by the interloper’s head but ultimately fails to even scratch her.

  Jem rolls to her back and scrambles backward. She fumbles for her rune blade and brandishes it with trembling hands.

  For the first time, their adversary shows caution. “My, what a toy. Are you here to bind them?” she asks with a gleam in her eye. “I’m afraid you won’t find their chambers here. This isn’t a containment unit.” Jem doesn’t answer, gripping her weapon as she desperately strives to calm herself. “What are you doing on this side of the border?” Athena asks, turning her attention to the others. “Ares is a fool for letting you go.”

  The name sends a chill down Era’s spine. “You know that Ares guy?”

  “You’ve already met him? And you’re not yet bound?” Annoyed, she murmurs, “That fool plays too many games.”

  “Explain yourself,” Fire barks. “What sorcery are you using to defend yourself?”

  Athena looses a loud cackle. “I’m afraid there’s no such thing as sorcery, my dear Sapphire. You’re about the closest thing there is to that.”

  The mercenary’s brow furrows. “What did you call me?”

  “And you, Emerald. Wherever did your arm go?” She snaps and exclaims, “Ah, now I remember Ares mentioning that two runics were traveling together. So you fled Valvoren, but to what end? To seek your binding chamber, I presume?”

  Era stomps his foot. “Stop messing with us and tell us what’s going on.”

  Athena seems surprised. “You really don’t know? About runics? Surely you noticed something when you lost your arm.”

  With Athena’s back to her, Jem suddenly realizes the opening afforded by their talkative aggressor. Drawing every ounce of fortitude remaining within her, she unsheathes her dagger and flings it at Athena’s blind side. The spinning projectile is on its mark, but the enigmatic stranger spins in a blur of motion and catches it between her fingers.

  “Ah, ah,” she teases as she playfully twirls the blade between her fingers. “That wasn’t nice.”

  Era is astonished by Jem’s near success. “How did she do that?”

  “Because, unlike you, your friend here is human,” she explains. “Have you really not discovered your identity?”

  Era reluctantly admits, “Yes, I know I’m a runic. Is that… Is that why I can’t attack you?”


  “But what about Fire? You’re still hiding something from us!”

  Athena is momentarily perplexed before letting loose a sigh. “I think I finally understand the situation. Emerald knows his identity, but Sapphire doesn’t know hers? Very amusing, indeed.”

  Era’s eyes widen. “Fire is a…?”

  “I hate to break it to you,” Fire cuts in, “but I’ve done your little hair test thing. I’m authentically human.”

  “Perhaps you’re doing it wrong,” Athena goads. “Denial is unbecoming, Sapphire.”

  “Sapphire, Emerald… Why do you keep calling us that?” Era fumes.

  “Because they’re your names, you foolish, wayward runic. You’ve apparently donned new aliases, but I don’t have time to learn them all. Though ‘Fire’ is an amusing one,” she teases.

  “I am not a runic,” Fire stresses, becoming unnerved.

  “Alas, I grow weary of this confrontation,” she whines, returning her focus to Jem. “I have clients in pursuit of runics, which makes you, my dear, an obstacle to my happiness.” She flips Jem’s dagger around and points it at its owner. “Plus, you flung this at my back in a most irritating fashion.”

  “Don’t you DARE touch my partner!” Era snarls. “I’ll kill you if you touch even a hair on her head.”

  “All bark and no bite, I’m afraid,” she says apathetically.

  Though still terrified, Jem forces herself to stand, her rune blade drawn. The solidified air is nearly invisible in the darkness, and she dares Athena on with a ferocious scowl.

  Athena is entertained by the stance. “My, now. What happened to the scared little girl?”

  “I won’t lose to you,” Jem utters, though her trembling voice betrays her confidence.

  “As always, a cornered animal will bare its fangs.” With a shrug, Athena tosses the dagger to Jem’s feet and says, “This won’t do, then. Not if you’re using that kind of weapon.”

  “Jem, cut her down!” Era screams.

  His partner doesn’t hesitate to comply. She steps toward Athena and swings the invisible edge at her torso without mercy.

  Though unable to ignore the strike, Athena merely places a hand in the path of the blade to defend herself. Sparks fly as the elemental sword deflects, sounding as if it had just struck a rock. Undeterred, Jem follows up with another attack, but this time Athena catches the weapon and holds it tight.

  “I believe it’s time I ended this,” she says, aiming her open palm at Jem as she struggles to yank her weapon free.

  Era throws himself between them, his face an inch from Athena’s. “You’re NOT hurting her!”

  Though annoyed, Athena pauses and seems to consider her options. She leans around Era to look at Jem, who continues to fruitlessly tug at her weapon. “What is it you want?”

  Jem briefly stops pulling. “Excuse me?”

  “What do you want?” she repeats. “If you obtained limitless power, what is it you would seek?”

  Jem ignores her while still trying to jar her rune blade free from Athena’s intense grip.

  “I’m growing impatient,” she says, her hand still outstretched. “If you think this bumbling runic can impede me, you’re mistaken. Your life hangs in the balance, my dear. Have you an answer?”

  “Jem, answer her,” Era pleads.

  “Shut up, Era!” she barks as she deactivates her blade, freeing it from Athena before immediately activating it again. “You finally want to know what I want?” She slashes the cave wall in frustration and screams, “I’m sick of being used. I’m sick of being disrespected and treated like a worm. I’m sick of Valvorans, I’m sick of Allerians…” She points at Athena with her blade and screams, “You know what I’d do? I’d end all the stupidity. I’d end all the war and strife and judging that’s caused by the stupid border and the stupid monarchs. I’d make it so everyone can see each other as human beings and not judge each other by where they live or the color of their skin. THAT’S what I’d do.”

  Jem’s voice echoes against a thick silence. Despite the dire circumstance, Era is astounded by her rant. His partner’s raw intensity is fearsome, especially when accompanied by the earnest gaze in her eyes.

  Seemingly satisfied, Athena lowers her hand. “The binding chamber you seek is not here, but the facility within has a map that may prove useful.”

Era’s brow furrows. “Wait, you’re helping us now?”

  “Don’t assume too much,” she says as she resumes her journey toward the cavern entrance. “I still have my quota to fill, and runics need a conductor, after all.” With a wave, she disappears into the darkness.

  After watching her go, Era shakes off his confusion and rushes to his partner’s side. “Jem, are you okay?” Her entire frame is shaking, and she continues to hold her blade at the ready. He places his hand on her hers and lowers the weapon. “I think she’s really gone.”

  Jem deactivates the blade and throws her arms around Era. She holds him tightly as tears flow, the stress of the encounter now taking its toll on her.

  Era wraps his arm around her as she sobs, and his heart sinks into his gut. He had forced Jem to come here out of his own selfishness. If Athena had killed her, it would have been on his hands, and he curses his inability to do anything to harm or even impede her. This is the first time he has felt powerless since crossing the border.

  Fire retrieves the light rune from the ground. “Come on,” she says coldly as she continues inward. “She intends to report us to someone. We don’t have much time.”

  “Coming,” Era responds as Jem releases her hold on him and wipes her face. As they follow, his mind returns to Athena’s taunts. “Say, Fire, what about those things she said, about you being a-?”

  “I’m not a runic,” she insists. “Don’t believe her lies.”

  Era grimaces. “Maybe you should do the hair thing again.”

  “So you can be certain?” she asks. “I already saw it, so butt out.”

  Now composed, Jem asks, “Aren’t runics supposed to have strong elemental powers? I’ve never seen Fire make or shape anything. Does she even have that capability?”

  Era’s heart races. “I, ummm… I mean, I have no idea?”

  Jem eyes him suspiciously. “What are you hiding?”

  Fire warns him with a menacing glare, but Era relents and says, “Look, Fire, Jem should really know. Especially if you’re-”

  “She will not know, or I will gut you.”

  “More secrets between you two?” Jem asks in disappointment.

  Era notices the lack of edge in her tone. “You’re not mad?”

  She shrugs in defeat. “I’m just along for the ride, right?”

  He bites his lip, and Fire notices the indecision. She draws her knife and says, “That is not your secret to-”

  “Fire’s an ice elementalist!” he blurts out before taking cover behind his partner.

  Jem can hardly believe her ears. “What…?”

  “She used her insane ice powers against the crazy captain on the Lidoran!” he says, barely pausing between words. “And also the runoid. I figured it out but she told me she would kill me if I told anyone!”

  Jem’s surprise shifts to anger. “YOU!” she screams, pointing at Fire. “You keep calling me Ice Queen, but you’re an ice elementalist like me?” Suddenly dizzy, she mutters, “This makes me sick to my stomach, sharing an ability with you of all people…”

  “I wanted to tell you, Jem. I really did!” Era swears. “Fire made me keep her powers a secret so she has an edge in battle.”

  “And who’s stronger between the two of us?”

  With extreme reluctance, he admits, “Fire. By a lot.”

  His partner smacks him in the arm. “Never, ever keep a secret from me again. You got that?”

  “And that’s why I call you Ice Queen,” Fire chimes in. “You push him around like you own him, as if your every word is a royal decree. What gives you that right?”

  Jem glances to Era. “Normally I’d have said, ‘Because we’re partners.’ But these days, I can’t argue the point. I don’t have the right to make demands of him.”

  “Jem…” Era starts, but she ignores him and turns back to Fire.

  “So you’re an ice shaper… maker… whatever. Are you a runic or not?”

  “I’m not. Quit bringing it up.”

  “Prove it.”

  “Excuse me?”

  Jem holds out her hand. “Give me a hair. Prove you’re not hiding something else from us.”

  Fire runs her hand to her short, dark hair. “You’re not getting anything from me. You may have the idiot wrapped around your little finger, but I’m not taking orders from anyone.”

  “No, you’re giving us a hair,” Era demands. “You’ve lied to Jem countless times, and you even got me to do the same thing. She deserves to know what else you may be hiding.”

  “I’m not hiding any-”

  “Then you’re in denial!” Era shouts. “You couldn’t hit her either, Fire! You’re freakishly strong with ice! What other explanation could there be?”

  Fire plants her hand on her forehead as her breathing escalates, and even Era is taken aback by the reaction. “You don’t understand,” she whispers. “My memories… they can’t be fake. They just can’t!”

  Era grimaces in sympathy. “Unfortunately, that kind of goes with the territory. My father, my childhood-”

  “SHUT UP!” Fire screams. “Your cushy memories of daddy are gone, and what changed for it? You were a wayward idiot with obsessive loyalties, and you’re still just a wayward idiot with obsessive loyalties!” Her breath grows even shorter as she proclaims, “My memories are all I have. They’re why I live and breathe. If I found out they were false, I’d… I’d…!”

  Era swallows hard. “Then, Fire, you need to know as much as us.”

  “I already told you, I did the stupid test! I plucked the stupid hair from my stupid head!” She yanks one out and extends it while shining the light rune directly on it. “See? Nothing!”

  After watching it for several moments, Jem glances to Era. “So maybe… she’s not?”

  Era, however, is alarmed. “Fire, when you did the test before, did you do it the exact same way?”

  Annoyed, she asks, “What other way is there to pluck a hair?”

  “It’s not the plucking. It’s the holding,” he explains, pointing at her hand. “My hair doesn’t disintegrate until I let it go.”

  The color drains from Fire’s face as she fixates on the shimmering hair hanging limply between her fingers. Era recalls his own moment of realization, as well as every second of anguish he has endured since his discovery. Every tortuous, restless night, replaying falsified memory after falsified memory in his head, and the slow relinquishment of hope that he could somehow be wrong about his identity. Yet each plucked hair that turned to dirt, every tear that turned to mud chipped away at that hope until he ultimately succumbed to what could be the only conclusion. And now he sees that emotion brimming in Fire’s expression.

  The mercenary continues to watch the hair between her fingers, unable to force herself to take the next step. Era leans forward and extends his hand. “Fire, please… let it go.” For the first time, Era sees actual tears in Fire’s eyes. She slowly shakes her head, but he pinches the hair between his own fingers. “You deserve to know, Fire.”

  Whether by choice or quavering hands, she releases the strand. Jem holds her breath, watching her partner as each second seems to take an hour to pass.

  Era holds it up in the light, but, when it fails to make a change, he shrugs and offers his friend a beaming smile. “Hey, maybe we were- YEOUCH!” he screams as he furiously shakes his hand. “OUCH OUCH OUCH… YEOW!” Fire and Jem are alarmed as he contains his dancing and yells, “Your hair bit me!”

  “It bit you?” Jem asks in confusion.

  Fire falls to her knees, her face the color of shale. “The brat’s hair turned to air. His to earth. And mine to…”

  Era touches his throbbing fingers to the side of his neck. They’re ice cold.

  Chapter 20

  “Fire is a runic?” Jem gasps.

  Era rubs at his frostbitten fingers in disbelief. He feels like he needs to pluck another hair to see it again, to prove that it’s real. Even after witnessing it, he cannot picture Fire as a runic.

; “Sapphire,” she mumbles, her lips curled in twisted amusement. “What a cruel joke.”

  Era isn’t sure what to say. “I guess I’m Emerald,” he squeaks out.

  “You shut up!” she snaps. “This can’t be true. It can’t…”

  He steps toward her and says, “Fire, I know it’s hard to accept, but-”

  “SHE HAS TO EXIST!” Fire shrieks, her voice deafening as it echoes within the cavern. She drops the light rune and plants her hands to the side of her head as her legs grow weak. “She has to…” Era places his hand on her shoulder, but she slaps it away and charges boldly into the darkness, her footsteps resounding as she retreats toward the cave’s entrance.

  Era watches her go, the pain unbearable as he sinks to the dry cave floor in defeat.

  After retrieving their light, Jem sits next to her partner. “D-Don’t you people ever get haircuts?” she awkwardly jokes.

  Era tugs at his hair. “Sure, in our memories we’ve all had plenty. Just… not in the last two years, I guess. Maybe our hair doesn’t grow?” He wipes his eyes. “It really is cruel. I finally have someone who can understand my situation, and, yet, I wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy.” Thinking back, he says, “When I found out what I was, we knew nothing, but Fire knows everything I’ve been slowly learning. I’m not sure that even I can relate.”

  “I hadn’t thought of that,” Jem admits. She thinks back on Fire’s outburst and asks, “Who is ‘she’? Who has to exist?”

  “Tema, I suppose,” he replies, realizing just how intense her hatred must be. He stands and extends his hand to Jem. “Come on, let’s keep pushing.”

  “You sure?” she asks, accepting his help.

  “She needs some time. She’ll catch up.”

  “And you? Don’t you need time to deal with this?”

  He takes a deep breath and says, “Yes, but Fire’s probably right about Athena. I’m sure she intends to report us to someone. We should keep moving.”

  With that, the two proceed further into the cave. As they march in silence, Era yearns to discuss the diatribe prompted by Athena, yet he knows he has no counter to Jem’s frustrations. He may be using her, just as she said and just as Corpit said, yet he finds himself unwilling to relinquish his desires. He needs Jem to bind him, and he cannot risk changing her mind.


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