Sapphire Ambition (Runics Book 2)

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Sapphire Ambition (Runics Book 2) Page 46

by Jeff Kish

  He hesitates slightly before asking, “Will you be okay to do that on your own? I should go make sure Fire didn’t, like, run back to Alleria or something. But only if you’re okay!” he hurriedly adds.

  Jem forces a grin and says, “I’m fine! Of course I’m fine by myself.” He nods gratefully and takes off, leaving her scowling. “Moron,” she grumbles as she starts scanning the floor, trying to remember when and where she lost her light rune.

  Era hurries up the stairs, eager to find his companion who now shares his fate. He exits the facility and, once his pupils adjust to the light of the setting sun, he finds the ice runic sitting next to the swamp’s edge, her knees pulled up as she gazes despondently across the horizon. She absent-mindedly runs her fingers along the bandanna on her arm, making it clear where her thoughts are. “Hey, Fire-” his voice squeaks before he cuts himself off. He tries to swallow, but his mouth is dry, and he awkwardly sits to her left, mimicking her stance.

  Her frame tenses at his presence. “Did she take it?”


  Silence is her only response, and Era watches her in amazement, realizing how captivated he is by his diminutive ally. The intimidating façade has long shattered, and he sees only the strong-willed woman he has come to appreciate as a friend. She glances to him, her deep blue eyes drawing him in, her brow furrowed in confusion. “What do you want?”

  Startled, Era’s heart skips a beat as he jerks back to the murky waters. “N-Nothing… erm, that is…” His thoughts take him back to their underground fight, and he says, “What you said to me down there… don’t worry about it. You were under the commander’s control.”

  “Hate to break it to you, but that was all me,” she says.

  “No it wasn’t,” he assures her. “You think I look down on you? You can’t stand me? That can’t be how you feel.”

  “What makes you so certain of that?” she asks, much to his surprise. “The commander made me stall you, nothing more. What I said may have been out of anger, but… it was from the heart.” Quietly, she adds, “Nothing has changed. I’m going to kill Tema.”

  Era grimaces. “I know you are, and I’m okay with it.”

  “Say what you want,” she says, “but I know you hate me for it deep down.”

  His eyes sadden. “I killed someone in there, Fire. For the first time, I willingly, intentionally killed someone. And… I’m okay with it. It was justified.”

  She raises an eyebrow. “What are you saying?”

  “What Tema did was unforgivable,” he says. “You deserve to have your revenge. I… I don’t look down on you for that. I don’t hate you.” His words have opposite the desired effect, as the morose runic curls up tighter. He sighs and asks, “I suppose that means we’re parting ways again?”

  She shrugs. “Not that you’d know until I’m gone.”

  “That’s what I’m afraid of,” he says. “How about a deal, instead?”

  “A deal?”

  “I have unfinished business. With Di.”

  “That doesn’t involve me.”

  “But there’s something else. A promise I made to Jem. I told her I’d get her back to Valvoren.”

  “Again, none of this has to do with me.”

  “I’m getting to that, already!” he snaps. “Look, just come back to Valvoren with me. Help me save Di,” he offers, “and I’ll come with you to hunt down Tema. I’ll help you see your vengeance through.”

  The proposal catches her off guard. “That isn’t your business,” she mumbles, avoiding eye contact as she starts doodling in the dirt beside herself.

  “I know. But I’d like it to be,” he maintains.

  “You don’t believe in killing. Protecting is one thing, but vengeance is in a whole different category.”

  He thinks back on the commander. “No, I think my fake father is finally dead. That creed died along with him.”

  She struggles with those words. “That’s not what I…” but her voice trails.

  He plants his hand on top of hers and says, “Let me help. Let me… stay with you. It’s where I want to be.”

  Fire takes a deep breath, and her nose subtly wrinkles. “Idiot,” she mutters, “I don’t need your help.”

  Though overcome by disappointment, Era also notices she hasn’t moved her hand. Suddenly blushing, he watches her closely for a reaction as she continues to watch over the murky waters. After what feels like hours, she says, “But you clearly need my help, so… it’s a deal.”

  Grinning from ear to ear, Era leans back on his earth hand, grateful for the second arm. The two runics sit on the water’s edge, his hand on hers as she mindlessly doodles with her free hand. For the first time in recent memory, Era feels a sense of contentment with his newfound identity. As a gentle, smelly breeze sweeps in, he closes his eyes and relaxes, enjoying the warmth of Fire’s hand and the feeling that, just maybe, things turned out for the best.

  Behind them, Jem emerges from the cavern with Era’s torn cloak in hand, and she rubs her eyes furiously at the light of the setting sun, only to see where the runics’ hands are resting. “Big surprise,” she murmurs, and she rips her emerald necklace from the cloth while stepping back into the facility. In the fading sunlight, she straps the jewelry once more to her forearm and fixates on the two emblems of power on her palm, growing ever more apprehensive of the destiny she now possesses.


  One week prior

  “And be careful with the lightning one!” Kama calls out over his shoulder as he takes his leave.

  “‘Still in your debt’, as if that wasn’t obvious,” Jem retorts, not softly enough to avoid being heard.

  Kama grins his amusement as he hikes up the incline to where his associates await. He questions whether a more dysfunctional set of personalities could possibly exist in one small setting. Still, as he looks to his awaiting friends, he realizes he is also part of a mixed group. “Though our personalities are hardly so entertaining,” he chuckles to himself.

  “Did it go well?” his female companion asks as he approaches, tucking the left side of her loose, dark hair behind her ear even as her right eye remains partially covered by her bangs.

  “Very well, Artemis,” he says enthusiastically. “I got more than I bargained for.”

  “I knew Emerald was wandering these parts, but Sapphire too?” she comments. “That was a fortuitous meeting.”

  “Like it matters,” their Allerian cohort gripes, his voice rife with angst as he taps his foot. His black tunic and cloak match those of Artemis, and his curly, jet black hair is cut short. “Or did this meeting go better than the last?”

  “Only time can tell us that, Apollo. You know that well.”

  “So you’re saying it didn’t,” he pouts. “This isn’t going to end well, Kama. It’s time to shift our strategy before-”

  “Apollo! Know your place,” Artemis snaps.

  “Show your brother some grace,” Kama eases, placing his hand on the Valvoran’s shoulder. “It’s understandable for him to be anxious.”

  “You’re darn right it is,” Apollo grunts. “Master Kama, I want the record to show that… Well, I think there are better ways to do this.”

  “Your comment is duly noted,” he replies sympathetically, “but for now we must remain steadfast. The plan has not changed.”

  “Pardon, but we are running out of time,” Artemis interjects. “I will return to Valvoren to continue the hunt. You and Apollo should head for your next target.”

  “Oh?” Kama responds with delight. “We already have a new target?”

  “I found Topaz,” Apollo beams. “He’s working the Kattur mines, and I don’t think the Allerian government has a lead on him yet. He’ll be an easy one to meet.”

  “So long as I don’t get mugged en route again,” Kama admits, scratching his cheek. “And, after Kattur, we’ll be heading to Stayltin next.” He faces Artemis with sorrow. “I wish we didn’t need to part so abruptly, dear. Please stay saf

  “May we meet again soon,” she says with a bow before departing, her cloak fluttering in the wind as she swiftly sprints away. Kama watches her go with a sadness in his eye.

  “Shall we leave?” Apollo asks impatiently.

  “Yes, we must continue our advance,” Kama says, eyeing the sun as it disappears below the horizon. “After all, the darkness will soon be upon us.”

  About the author

  Jeff has been a storyteller all his life, dating back to the fourth grade when he wrote two choose-your-own adventure books. He regularly consumes fantasy stories in their many forms, with a particular love for anime and video games.

  Outside of writing, Jeff tries his best as a Christ-follower, husband, and father. When not crafting a new chapter, Jeff is usually studying for a Cisco exam, enjoying Notre Dame Football, or competing in Super Smash Bros. tournaments.


  With another book comes another long list of those who made this possible. From those who actively encouraged me to endure endless edits, to those who did the editing, and especially those who read and enjoy this series, I extend my immense gratitude.

  Thanks as always to Emily for your enthusiasm and support throughout this process. Your encouragement means the world to me, and you will always be my first and most treasured reader. I love you and thank God for you continually.

  Tim again provided me with the firm words and recommendations needed to turn this into a work worthy of being read by others. Thanks for the immense number of hours you have dedicated to making this series a reality. It’s because of you that I can proudly and excitedly place these books into the hands of readers.

  Special thanks to Jess and your intense yet encouraging editing and feedback. You have always given me more than I ever asked and I thank you for your desire to participate in this work. Thanks also to my beta reader Baylee for your feedback and enthusiasm.

  A letter to you

  Dear Reader,

  Thank you for continuing along with me on this journey through the Runics series! It doesn’t slow down from here, as the third book, Shattered Gemstone, will soon be released! Be sure to check out the excerpt below.

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  - Emailing me directly at [email protected]. I love hearing from readers and will always do my best to reply.

  All the best,


  An excerpt from Book 3:

  Shattered Gemstone


  Era’s mouth drops at the sight of the new arrival. “Pearl!?” She throws her arms around him, and the two hold each in a long embrace. The sight of his long-lost friend and the smell of her hair immediately take him back to a far simpler time. When they release one another, Era finds himself once again drawn in by her exquisite gray eyes, and his heart races at the sight of the lips he once kissed. Suddenly blushing, he stutters, “W-Why are you here? Is this where you moved your operation?”

  “No, I just happened to be visiting the market when I saw you across the way,” she says, her eyes sparkling. “It’s just so good to see you, Era! Though, ummm, did your arm get… better?”

  Era chuckles while flexing the arm made from compressed earth. “You noticed, huh? I’m a runic, after all, but it’s still a surprise.”

  Pearls hands fall to his right bicep. “This is real, still?” she asks.

  “Y-Yeah,” he says, swallowing hard as Pearl continues to stroke along his arm until her hand passes over the armlet hidden beneath his shirt. She wrinkles her nose at the discovery, though he doesn’t notice. “Pearl, shouldn’t you be more careful? This is a military town. I thought you were trying to avoid them.”

  “They never came after me,” she offers with a shrug. “Besides, I can take care of myself. You’re the one who worries me. Where have you been?”

  “Oh, man. Where haven’t I been?” He looks to the clouds above as his mind falls back to the last time they saw one another. “After we parted ways, we headed to the-”

  “YOU!?” a voice screams out from across the market.

  Era stares in shock at the sight of his naval nemesis charging toward him, water whip in hand. “Th-The crazy naval captain!?”

  Pearl seems surprised. “You two know each other?”

  “Yeah. She’s dangerous, Pearl.” He places himself between Marin and Pearl, readying himself for a fight. The crowds are all staring at the commotion, and the few who notice the drawn weapons withdraw to give them space. Era nervously glances to the military personnel, who seem unexpectedly content to keep their distance.

  Marin stops just short of engaging. “When they told me it was an earth shaper, I never imagined it would be you.”

  “Back off, Captain Crazy,” Era warns. “You’re no match for me now, and I don’t want a fight.”

  “Oh, you’re getting a fight,” she half-whispers, her voice quavering with exhilaration. She cracks her whip against the ground before moving into an all-out charge. “Time for reven-JWAH!” she cries as she trips to the ground, planting face-first into the dirt.

  Pearl stares in disbelief as earthen tendrils rise from the path and wrap around her body. She looks at Era in confusion, whose arms are definitely not making contact with the ground. Finally, in a moment of realization, her eyes fall to his bare feet resting against the dirt road, and she realizes just how dangerous a bound earth-shaping runic will be.

  The adventure continues Winter, 2018!




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