The Healing Mendez (Vitrian Secrets, #1)

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The Healing Mendez (Vitrian Secrets, #1) Page 11

by Dele Andersen

  “It's alright, mum, Petter is family ... more or less, and I'm sure he understands what we are going through,” she defended the shocked look Petter had when she and her mum turned to look at him.

  “Have you looked around the house? Some of your things are in the room upstairs.”

  “I haven't been upstairs, but I'll figure that out later,” Wanda replied. She couldn't care what items were in the house for her or what the rooms upstairs looked like, now she wanted only one thing, and that was Jason healed.

  “There must be something that the hospital can do,” Wanda muttered in a low tone not to disturb Petter, who seemed to be really wrapped up in his conversation and had walked away towards the entrance door so he could talk freely.

  “There must be something mum,” Wanda repeated louder.

  Sofia had turned her face away to the side. She heard her daughter's statement but had begun to cogitate. Wondering how to avoid telling Wanda the truth about what could be done.

  “I mean, we can't let him die.”

  “No, Jason is not going to die,” Sofia answered. Her voice was firm and strong as she turned at a fast pace towards her daughter. “The Vitrian elders have met and have decided to launch a raid on the rebels.”

  Wanda could tell there was more to the news than the raid to be launched on the rebels. She could see in her mother's eyes and in the way her mother's voice broke that there was more to the news.

  “I thought they didn't know where the rebels were located?” Wanda inquired, looking confused and trying to figure out what her mother was hiding.

  “Well, I'm not sure if they do or not, but they can track them, I’ve been told.” Sofia looked away towards the end of the room. Her eyes changed like she remembered things that had taken place earlier in the house, a history that her daughter knew nothing about but took place in the house. “It's one of the best things Alexis and I have agreed to in years.”

  “So they should be able to get the Healing Méndez,” Wanda said. “They would heal Jason with it, mum.” The excitement in her voice was unmistakable.

  “Yes,” Sofia said coldly like she didn't have faith in the Vitrians getting the Healing Méndez. “They would, but I understand it would not be easy ...”

  Sofia broke off the statement, and Wanda picked up on her mother's disquieted reaction. Wanda instantly knew there was more to the story and wanted to know why her mum was uneasy.

  “Mum. what is it?”

  “Bathe told me the rebels would need a trade-off for them to release the Healing Méndez. If not, there would be an intense battle, and they can not guarantee that at the end of the battle, they would have the Méndez.”

  “What trade-off?” Wanda was brisk.

  “I wouldn't worry myself about that,” Sofia turned away instantly, realising she had said too much already. “I'll be in my room; I need to get some rest.” She began to walk towards the stairs. For some seconds, Wanda remained silent; she focused her attention on her mother as her mother walked away and up the stairs. She could sense her mother was avoiding discussing the trade-off, and she didn't feel like letting the discussion go.

  “Are you alright?” Wanda heard Petter walking towards her. She turned and saw him as he took his last step and stood next to her. “I'm sorry to hear about Jason. The elders have decided to launch an attack tomorrow ...”

  “Yes. Is it true the rebels would need a trade-off?”

  “Where did you hear that from?” Petter asked, but Wanda could see in his eyes he was trying to hide something.

  “You are lying, Petter.”

  “I haven't lied,” Petter responded, shaking his head. “I only asked a question.”

  Immediately, it occurred to Wanda what the trade-off could be. She didn't have to think about it anymore; she had heard enough information about her being the actual person the rebels wanted. The thought of why Bathe was suggesting the trade-off came to her memory, and it worried her, but she waved it off.

  “So, what is the trade-off?” Wanda's tone was demanding.

  “I don't think you should ...” Petter started.

  “I want to be there,” Wanda butted in with her eyes fixed in a vigorous stare on Petter.

  “What?” Petter was confused. “What are you ...”

  “I want to be there when the Vitrians go after the rebels.” She interjected again. “You must be joking. You aren't even trained to fight demons.”

  “I want to be there,” she raised her voice but kept it low enough for her mum not to hear. She and Petter stared at each other for some seconds in silence, then Wanda calmed down, controlling the tempo of her tone and speaking slowly. “I'll kill every one of them for what they have done. They will pay; they will pay for everything.”

  Petter could see the pain, the rage, and the vigour on her face. He had never seen her like that, and it disturbed him deeply.

  “Vengeance is mine says the Lord,” Petter said, slowly quoting one of the phrases of the bible that he knew.

  He continued to explain the consequences of her going out there to the rebels, but his words were only babbling words in Wanda's ears. She had made her mind up and was not going to carry the weight or guilt of Jason's death. She pushed past him suddenly and rushed to the entrance door.

  In a rush, he caught up with her and pulled her right arm gently. “Where are you going?”

  “To the House!” Wanda's face was as plain as possible, although Petter could see the uncontrollable anger that was burning deep in her eyes.

  “I can't let you do that, your mum, Jason ...”

  At the mention of her brother's name, Wanda pushed Petter off and started running towards the House. As a sprinter in school, she'd never had any problem covering short distances, such as a hundred meters. She got close to the entrance of the House before she stopped.

  The House was huge and was positioned within a massive roundabout that was at the centre of the Fortress. The roads leading to the roundabout were controlled by traffic lights at every junction and outlet to the four main roads that lead to the House. With the roundabout barely empty at night, Wanda crossed urgently to face the main entrance of the House.

  “What do you want?” She heard one of the two big guys at the gate. One was Caucasian and the other brown-skinned, they were waiting by the big white gate that led into the compound of the House.

  “To see Alexis, my name is Wanda Troms.” She raised her head up as she spoke but didn't observe the men very well or what they wore. She vaguely noticed that they were tall and big because her mind was on getting inside to meet Alexis and the elders.

  The man who asked the question adjusted himself, allowing Wanda access to pass, like they had been told to give her access when she arrived. She stepped into the massive garden. The compound was covered with properly trimmed grass that she could vividly see due to the big floodlights that lit up several sections of the compound. She walked briefly on the interlocking stones, which were designed as the walkway entrance to the House before Petter caught up with her.

  “Have you thought of what to say?” Petter asked.

  Wanda raised up her lips at one end like she was going to smile. The unseen smile was satisfaction that Petter was on her side and that he had finally accepted he would not be able to stop her.

  “You know me, Petter,” she answered. “Talking has never been an issue with me.”

  When they stepped in, Wanda instantly became happy Petter was next to her. The House had several rooms and doors; she was already confused as to which one to open. She looked around and could not navigate where to go. “Here, to the left,” Petter said and then led her.

  Wanda followed him, and together they went up some steps to the next floor.

  Petter walked to the massive doors facing the stairs they ascended from. He placed his hand on one of the handles of the doors. The door had an antique look; it was dark chocolate in colour and had two huge hands designed on it.

  The design on the door showed the wrist
of the hands up to the fingertips. The design was two palms on each door that were joined together like palms clasped together in prayer. The tips of the clasped fingers on each door were facing each other, making the tip of the middle fingers face each other.

  Studying the doors carefully, Wanda could see that the centre of the door, where each section of the two doors met, was designed with the Greek symbol she'd seen everywhere since she arrived at the Fortress. It was a pointed object like a peg held up with the pointed tip facing up. It had wings at the top and two snakes wrapped around it from the bottom to the top where the wings were attached to the peg. The symbol was quite big; it ran from the top of the door down to the bottom, about eight feet in length.

  “Think about it, Wanda,” Petter warned as he positioned one hand on one of the door handles. He turned back and looked into Wanda’s eyes. “I really don't want you to do this. I was asked to bring you here ...”

  “Bring me,” Wanda was perplexed, cutting him off as she spoke. “Then open the door,” she stiffened her neck, not allowing Petter to dissuade her.

  “This is giving yourself over to the rebels. They would...”

  Wanda took a step forward, ignoring Petter's comments. She placed one hand on the other handle and the other on Petter's hand and pushed the two doors open.

  The doors opened into a big room that was obviously designed for conferences and meetings for at least fifty or more participants. At the other end of the conference room and directly opposite the main door, Wanda pushed open was a massive screen for teleconferencing. On the side, in front of the teleconferencing screen, was seated Alexis, Bathe, and a few other people.

  “Wanda!” Bathe stood up as the doors opened and screeched when the hinges turned. Wanda could hear the mixture of surprise and happiness in his voice as he called out her name.

  “I want to be part of the attack,” Wanda hurried down the hallway in the middle and rushed to the front where Alexis and Bathe were.

  “What!” Bathe looked surprised. He turned to Alexis, and together they stared at each other for a moment before Bathe turned back to Wanda, who was a few steps away.

  “I want to be part of the attack on the rebels.”

  Bathe didn't have to be told that Wanda was serious; he could see the pain and acrimony that Wanda carried.

  “You aren't ready for such a battle,” Bathe warned.

  “I'll do whatever it takes,” she said hastily. “I have to be part of the attack.” She went quiet as everyone gazed at her. Her anger was boiling like a viper, ready to spit out the venom in her. They have to pay for what they have done to my family.”

  Wanda turned instantly to Alexis, who giggled in a very clumsy manner, cutting Bathe off from talking. His inappropriate sound caught everyone's attention, and they all turned to look at him. Wanda could see he wasn't using the camouflage, so his scar was clearly visible covering his expressions.

  “Wow!” Alexis tried to look surprised, but everything in him showed he had been waiting to see Wanda's anger in full action. “I admire your rage. I wondered when it would burn some holy fire.” Wanda heard him clearly but didn't understand what he was talking about, and neither was she offended by the comment.

  Alexis adjusted his position on the chair he sat on. “You know the prophecy that was foretold and forgotten for almost two centuries now, about changes and going forward as Vitrians. It says the one to change things would roar with a rage never seen before,” Alexis said. With the camouflage gone, Wanda could not tell if he was mocking her and smiling or if truly he believed she was the one to fulfill the prophecy, the prophecy she knew nothing about.

  “Wanda,” Bathe stepped down the two inches single step that elevated the main stage of the conference hall from the rest of the room. He placed his hand on Wanda's shoulder like her father and took a deep breath. “You don't have to. You have lost enough.” Wanda could hear the concern in Bathe's voice. She was mystified; she had expected that Bathe would have been the one to throw her out there. Wanda looked up into his eyes and could see that he was genuinely concerned. But a sense of deceptive tactics flashed through her mind as she studied Bathe's face.

  She heard a man's voice and instantly adjusted herself to see the man. “I do agree with Bathe, Alexis.” The man, the last adult among the five people in the room, had a solid polished English accent. He was dressed in a French suit, which made Wanda wonder if he was coming from an occasion. The suit was black, smooth, and beautiful. He had a red scarf adequately folded and placed in the left-hand pocket of the jacket. His hair was black, and so were the pair of lace-up shoes that he wore. Wanda could tell that all the man was adorned with was expensive.

  “Nathaniel,” Alexis, with his deep voice, called the name of the man. “I also do agree with you and Bathe.” He turned from Nathaniel to Bathe, Wanda and Petter. “You were here at the elders meeting some minutes ago when Bathe again explained the uniqueness of the demon he fought briefly yesterday. How the demon crossed a barrier Bathe had set with the Praying Méndez. No such thing has ever occurred to anyone before. If the rebels can call on such powerful creatures that have not been heard off in centuries, the casualty rate might be more than we could bear, and by the way, she is The Chosen. I doubt if any evil can befall her.”

  “I am sure we have enough Vitrians,” a boy behind Nathaniel spoke courageously. He was about Petter's height with short hair.

  Wanda knew from the distance that the boy was young, probably a year or two older than her, but the boy didn't really catch her attention. It was the girl next to him that did; she stood elegantly.

  “We can deal with them easily. We need to set things right and make everyone know that the rebels cannot continue this evil. We don't have to bring Wanda in," the boy continued.

  Charles ..." Alexis called the boy.

  “No,” Wanda uttered, cutting Alexis off. She turned quickly away from Charles and back to Alexis. “How much more do I have to suffer, my father, my brother, and should it be my mum next?” The animosity in Wanda's voice was unwavering. She was ready to spend the night there if it took that long to convince them all.

  “I knew your father well,” Alexis said with compassion in his voice. Although Wanda could not see his expressions, she believed Alexis was juggling the option of allowing her or not. “Marcus was a hero, a man of courage, we all knew him, and we can't deny that his death caused a lot of pain to us all, so I can't throw you into the battle, that would be sheer wickedness.”

  “Yes, but you know that the rebels want me, not anyone else ...” She voiced out her most significant point in the argument.

  “The more reason!” The girl next to Charles said with an English accent as polished as Nathaniel's. She wore a blue tight Versace pair of jeans. Her pronounced hips were well accentuated in the jeans even as she stood behind Nathaniel. It was obvious she was well-toned with no ounce of fat on her slim waistline. Her long fingers gripped firmly on the back of Nathaniel's chair, revealing she was close to the man. Her fingers had vibrant red nail polish on, and her long and deep black hair, which was well styled, fell freely from her face. Her body-hugging peplum top opened up at the end of the sleeves by her wrist. Like beautiful flowers, her hands protruded out of the sleeves, revealing her slim and lovely fingers.

  “Have you fought demons before? I know you can see them. I heard you started seeing them when ...” she rolled her eyes. “Yesterday, and today to think they would bow to you.”

  “Becky!” Alexis cautioned her use of words knowing Becky was unnecessarily sarcastic...perhaps out of jealousy because Wanda was The Chosen.

  Wanda ignored her words, she was tired of being pushed around, and she was ready to go to the battlefield. She strongly felt she needed to fight the rebels and hurt them, send some pain back to them, and nothing was going to distract her.

  “You know it is me they want, first my father's death and now you'll let my brother die for me. I would rather die and let him live.”

  Bathe sh
ut his eyes, and Wanda could sense even from his weakened grip on her shoulder that he knew she was right; Jason would die in her place.

  “I can't let that happen,” she said, raising her voice. “I can't let my brother die when it's supposed to be me.”

  “And we can't take the blame for you dying,” Alexis said. “The moment Bathe, and I suggested you'd be involved in this attack your mother objected ...”

  “You won't have to take the blame,” Wanda cut in quickly. “I am taking full responsibility for this. I will bring that Healing Méndez home for Jason.”

  “I admire your courage, Wanda,” Bathe shook his head as he turned to face her. “But this is not a game. This is life and death. What about your mum?”

  “Don't tell her until I'm gone.”

  Alexis raised his head instantly to look at Wanda. He turned his head in amazement. “She doesn't know you are here?”

  “No,” Petter answered. She's already gone to bed.

  “You have guts,” Becky smiled sheepishly, standing behind Nathaniel. She rolled her eyes again, revealing that she had been expecting a cowardly Wanda.

  “She'll be a liability,” Charles complained.

  “I know,” Alexis answered in a low tone, and everyone could see he was deep in thoughts. “But this is a difficult battle, the rebels' sorcery is strong, and we can barely track the rebels.” Charles was about to object to what Alexis was concluding when Alexis continued. “We'll find them easily through the last few locations where we know they have camped.”

  “She has never fought a demon,” Nathaniel whined. “She neither has a Praying Méndez nor knows how to use one,” Becky included.

  “I can use the Praying Méndez. I saw Bathe use it,” Wanda said quickly.

  “The Méndez is not what you train with my brave little girl.” Alexis was on his feet now, looking extremely tall, standing on the elevated stage of the conference hall. He stepped down from the stage. “The Praying Méndez requires a dedicated time of praying to empower it.”

  “Please,” Wanda pleaded, and Alexis could see the desire in her eyes. “I would train for the number of hours you want me to, but I'll not forgive myself if my brother dies because of me.”


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