Journey to the West (vol. 3)

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Journey to the West (vol. 3) Page 41

by Wu Cheng-En

  Clouds of incense,

  Dazzling candles.

  The-ball was filled with a brocade of flowers;

  All around was gold and many colours.

  From red frames

  Hung a bell of purple gold;

  On a lacquered stand

  Was set a matching decorated drum.

  Several pairs of banners

  Were embroidered with the eight treasures;

  A thousand Buddha statues

  Were all covered in gold.

  Ancient bronze incense-burners,

  Ancient bronze vases,

  Carved lacquer tables,

  Carved lacquer boxes.

  In the ancient bronze incense-burners

  Was always eaglewood incense;

  In the ancient bronze vases

  Were the colours of lotus blossoms.

  On the carved lacquer tables

  Were fresh fruits;

  In the carved lacquer boxes

  Fragrant petals were piled.

  In glass bowls

  Was pure, clear water;

  In crystal lamps

  The fragrant oil shone bright.

  A metal chime

  Resounded long and slow.

  This was like a treasure house untouched by the world,

  A family Buddha hall rivaling a monastery.

  The venerable elder washed his hands, took a pinch of incense, kowtowed and worshipped, then turned back to greet the gentleman.

  “Wait a moment,” Mr. Kou replied. “Let us make our introductions in the sutra library.” What they saw there was:

  A square stand and upright cupboards,

  Jade boxes and golden caskets.

  On the square stand and in the upright cupboards

  Were piled up countless scriptures;

  In the jade boxes and golden caskets

  Were stored many a manuscript.

  On lacquered tables

  Were paper, ink, brushes and inkstones,

  All the finest treasures of the study.

  Before the scented screen

  Were calligraphy, paintings, a lute and chess,

  All for the most refined of interests.

  A magic chime of light jade covered with gold,

  And a copper tripod in the wind and under the moon.

  The clear breeze freshens the spirit;

  The purified heart is aware; the mind set on the Way is at ease.

  When the venerable elder had reached the library and was going to bow to him Mr. Kou held on to prevent this and said, “Won't you take off your cassock?” Sanzang then took off his cassock, after which he greeted Mr. Kou. He then told Monkey and the other two to greet him too. Orders were given for the horse to be fed and the luggage put in a corridor. The gentleman asked about their background.

  “I have been sent by the emperor of Great Tang in the East,” Sanzang said, “to the Vulture Peak in your splendid country to see the Lord Buddha and ask for the true scriptures. I am here to request a meal because I have heard that in your distinguished household you honour monks. After that we will be on our way.”

  The gentleman's face was suffused with pleasure as he replied with a chuckle, “My name is Kou Hong, my other name is Kou Dakuan, and I have lived for sixty-four wasted years. When I was forty I made a vow to feed ten thousand monks, and you will complete the number. In the twenty-four years during which I have been feeding monks I have kept a record of their names. Having nothing else to do in recent days I have counted the names of all the monks I've fed, and the score is now 9,996. I was only short of four to make up the full number. Then today heaven has you four teachers down to me to complete the ten thousand. Will you be so good as to tell me your names? I hope that you will stay for a month or more until I have celebrated the completion, after which I will send you teachers up the mountain in carrying-chairs or on horses. Vulture Peak is only some 250 miles from here, not at all far away.” Sanzang was thoroughly delighted to hear this, and he agreed to it all at once.

  Several young and old servants fetched firewood, drew water, and brought rice, flour and vegetables into the house with which to prepare them a meal. All this disturbed the gentleman's wife, who said, “Where have these monks come from, and why is everyone so busy?”

  “Four eminent monks have just arrived,” the servants told her, “and when the master asked them where they were from they said they'd been sent by the emperor of the Great Tang in the East to go to worship the Lord Buddha on Vulture Peak. Goodness only knows how far it is to here from there. The master said that they had been sent down from heaven and told us to get them a vegetarian meal quickly.”

  The old woman was also very pleased to hear this, so she told a maid to fetch her clothes so that she too could go to see them. “Only one of them is handsome, ma'am,” the servant said. “The other three don't bear looking at. They're really hideous.”

  “What you people don't realize,” the old woman replied, “is that if they look ugly, strange and freakish they must be heavenly beings come down to earth. Hurry and tell your master straight away.”

  The servant ran straight to the surra hall, where he said to the gentleman, “The old lady's here to pay her respects to the lords from the East.” On hearing this Sanzang rose from his seat. Before the words had all been spoken the old woman was already before the hall, where she lifted her eyes to see the Tang Priest's majestic countenance and his splendid bearing. When she turned to see the extraordinary appearance of Monkey and the other two she was somewhat alarmed even though she knew they were heavenly beings come down to earth; she fell to her knees and bowed.

  Sanzang quickly returned her courtesy, saying, “Bodhisattva, the honour you do me is undeserved.” The old woman then asked her husband why the four reverend gentlemen were not all sitting together.

  “We three are disciples,” said Pig, thrusting his snout forward. Goodness! His voice was like the roar of a tiger deep in the mountains. The old woman was terrified.

  As they were talking another servant appeared to announce, “The two young masters are here too.” When Sanzang turned quickly round to look he saw that they were two young scholars, who prostrated themselves to the venerable elder after walking into the sutra hall. Sanzang was quick to return their courtesy. Mr. Kou then came up to take hold of him and say, “These are my two sons. Their names are Kou Liang and Kou Dong. They have just come back from their school and have not yet had their lunch. They are here to pay their respects because they have heard that you teachers have come down to earth.”

  “What fine sons,” said Sanzang with delight, “what fine sons. Indeed:

  If you want to make a lofty match you must do good:

  The success of your sons and grandsons depends on study.”

  The two scholars then asked their father, “Where have these lords come from?”

  “From a long way away,” Mr. Kou replied with a smile. “The emperor of Great Tang in the East of the Southern Continent of Jambu has sent them to Vulture Peak to worship the Lord Buddha and fetch the scriptures.”

  “We have read in the Compendious Forest of Facts that there are four continents in the world,” the scholars said. “This continent of ours is the Western Continent of Cattle-gift. There is also an Eastern Continent of Superior Body. How many years did it take you to get here?”

  “I have been a long time on the journey,” Sanzang replied with a smile, “met many vicious demons and monsters, and suffered greatly. I have been greatly indebted to my three disciples for their protection. Altogether it has taken me fourteen winters and summers to reach your splendid country.”

  When the scholars heard this they said with unbounded admiration, “You really are holy monks, you really are.”

  Before they had finished speaking a servant came in to invite them to eat: “The vegetarian banquet has been set out, so will you eat, my lords?” The gentleman then sent his wife and sons back to the house, while he went with the four monks into the refectory for t
he meal. Everything was set out very neatly. There were gold-lacquered tables and black-lacquered chairs. In front were fine cakes of many colours that skilled chefs had made up in up-to-date styles. The second row contained five dishes of hors-d'oeuvres, in the third row there were five dishes of fruit, and in the fourth were five large dishes of snacks. Everything tasted good, looked good and smelt good. Vegetable soup, rice and steamed breadrolls were all spicy, piping hot, and most delicious. There was plenty to fill one's stomach. Seven or eight servants rushed around waiting on them, while four of five cooks were kept constantly busy. Just watch while some poured soup and others filled the rice bowls, coming and going like shooting stars chasing the moon. Pig was finishing up bowls in single mouthfuls, like a gale blowing the clouds away. Thus master and disciples ate their fill. Sanzang then rose to thank Mr. Kou for the meal before setting out again.

  The gentleman blocked his way saying, “Teacher, won't you take things easy and spend a few days here? As the saying goes, it's nothing to start a journey but it's hard to end one. I will send you on your way when we have celebrated the completion of my vow.” Seeing how sincere and determined he was, Sanzang had no option but to stay.

  Five to seven days quickly passed before Mr. Kou engaged twenty-four local Buddhist monks to perform a mass to celebrate the fulfillment of the vow. The monks spent three or four days writing texts out and chose a lucky day on which to begin the Buddhist service. The way they did it was like in the Great Tang. There was

  A great display of banners,

  Where the golden countenance was set out;

  Rows of candles

  And incense burnt in offering.

  Drums and gongs were beaten,

  Pipes and shawms were played.


  Pure-toned flutes,

  Sounded in tune;

  To the beat of the drum,

  And the woodwind's notes,

  The words of sutras were recited in unison.

  First the local god was put at ease,

  Then spirit generals were invited to come.

  The documents were sent out,

  And they bowed low to the Buddha statues,

  Reciting the Peacock Sutra,

  Each word of which could sweep away disasters,

  A stand of lamps was lit for Bhaisajya-guru,

  To shine with flames of dazzling brightness.

  They performed the Water Ceremony

  To end any sense of grievance.

  Then they intoned the Avatamsaka Sutra

  To do away with slander.

  The Three Vehicles of the Wonderful Law are very fine:

  Different monks are all the same.

  The mass lasted for three days and nights before it ended. In his longing to go to the Thunder Monastery the Tang Priest was determined to be on his way, so he took his leave of them and thanked them.

  “Teacher, you are very eager to say good-bye,” Mr. Kou said. “I suppose you must have taken offence because for days on end we have been so busy with our service that we have treated you very offhandedly.”

  “We have put your noble house to a great deal of trouble,” Sanzang replied, “and I do not know how we will ever repay you. How could we possibly have taken offence? But when my wise monarch saw me off through the passes all those years ago he asked me when I would be back. I wrongly told him that I would return in three years, never imagining that the journey would be so badly delayed that it has already lasted fourteen years. I do not even know whether I will succeed in fetching the scriptures, and it will take me another twelve or thirteen years to get back. How am I to face the penalty for breaking my monarch's sage command? I beg you, sir, to let me go to fetch the scriptures and return. Next time I come to your mansion I will be able to stay much longer.”

  This was more than Pig could bear. “You don't care at all about what we want, Master,” he shouted at the top of his voice. “You're showing no consideration at all. The old gentleman's very rich, and now he's fulfilled his vow to feed monks. Besides, he's really sincere about wanting to keep us here. It'd do no harm if we stayed here for a year or so. Why be so set on going? Why leave all this good food to go begging for meals elsewhere? Is it your parents' home ahead?”

  “All you care about is food, you cretin,” shouted Sanzang angrily. “You don't care at all about the transference of cause and effect. Really, you're such an animal you'd eat from the trough to scratch the itch in your belly. If you people are going to be so greedy and stupid I'll go by myself tomorrow.”

  Seeing that the master's attitude had changed, Monkey grabbed hold of Pig and punched his head. “You've got no sense, you idiot,” he said abusively. “You've made the master angry with us too.”

  “He deserved that,” said Friar Sand with a grin, “he deserved that. He's disgusting enough even if he doesn't say a word, but he would have to interrupt.” Breathing heavily, the idiot stood to one side, not daring to say another word.

  Seeing the anger of master and disciple, Mr. Kou said, his face wreathed in smiles, “Do not be so short-tempered, teacher. Make yourself comfortable for the rest of the day. Tomorrow I will have banners and drums brought here and ask some relations and neighbors to come to see you off.”

  As they were talking the old woman come out again to say. “Venerable teacher, as you have come to our house you should not refuse too insistently. How many days have you spent here now?”

  “It is already a fortnight,” Sanzang replied.

  “That fortnight is my gentleman's achievement,” the old woman said. “I have a little pin-money with which I would like to entertain you gentlemen for another fortnight.”

  Before she had finished speaking Kou Dong and his brother came out again to say, “Your four lordships, in the twenty and more years during which our father has been feeding monks he has never met better ones than yourselves. Now that by your gracious condescension you have made up the total you really have brought glory to our thatched hovel. We two are too young to understand about cause and effect, but we have often heard it said,

  The husband gets what he has merited,

  The wife gets what she has merited;

  Nothing is got when nothing is merited.

  Our father and mother each want to make a humble offering in order that each of them may merit a reward, so why must you refuse so insistently? And as we two brothers have saved a little of our school fees we hope to be allowed to support you gentlemen for another fortnight before seeing you on your way.

  “I dare not accept even the lavish hospitality of the venerable Bodhisattva your mother,” Sanzang replied, “so how could I accept you brothers' generosity? I could not possibly do so. I really must set out today. Please, please do not take offence. If I do not go now I will be unable to avoid execution for exceeding my emperor's time-limit by so long.”

  When the old woman and her two sons realized that Sanzang was determined not to stay they started losing their patience.

  “We invite you very nicely to stay,” they said, “but you're obstinately set on going. If you're going, go, and cut out this chatter.” Mother and sons then left to go back to the house. Pig could hold his tongue no longer.

  “Master,” he said to the Tang Priest, “don't overdo it. As the saying goes, 'If you can stay, don't go away.' Let's stay here for another month to let the mother and her sons fulfil their wishes. Why do you have to be in such a rush?” The Tang Priest made another angry noise at him and shouted again.

  The idiot then slapped his own face twice, saying, “Tut, tut, tut. Don't talk out of turn. You spoke again.” Brother Monkey and Friar Sand, who were standing to one side, started spluttering with laughter. The Tang Priest was angry with Monkey again.

  “What are you laughing at?” he asked, and made the hand magic, ready to recite the Band-tightening Spell.

  This so terrified Monkey that he fell to his knees at once and said, “I didn't laugh, Master. Whatever you do, don't say the spell! Don't say it!�

  Seeing that master and disciples were getting into a worse and worse temper with each other Mr. Kou gave up his insistence on their staying. “Don't quarrel, teachers,” he said, “I'll definitely see you on your way tomorrow morning.” He then left the sutra hall and told his secretary to write a hundred or so invitations to his neighbors and relations to see the Tang Priest off to the West early the next morning. He told the cooks to lay on a parting banquet, while also instructing his steward to have twenty pairs of coloured flags made, hire a band of musicians, and engage a group of Buddhist monks from the Monastery from the South and another group of Taoist priests from the Eastern Peak Temple. Everything was to be ready and in order by ten in the morning. All the gentleman's staff went off to carry out their orders. Soon it was evening again, and after supper everyone went to bed. It was the time when

  Dots of homegoing rooks pass the lonely village;

  Drum and bell can be heard from each other's distant towers.

  In streets and markets the bustle is stilled;

  In all the houses the lamps shine dimly.

  Flowers in the breeze throw shadows under the moon;

  The stars shine bright against the Milky Way.

  Where the cuckoo sings the night seems deeper;

  All natural sounds are stilled across the earth.

  During the third and fourth watches of the night all the household servants in charge of various matters got up early to attend to their tasks. Just watch. The cooks preparing the banquet were busy in the kitchen. The people who had to buy coloured flags were bustling in front of the hall. Those engaging Buddhist and Taoist clergy were hurrying about as fast as their legs could carry them. Those hiring musicians were in a great rush. The messengers delivering invitations ran all over the place, while the servants preparing the carrying-chairs and horses were calling to each other. They were all shouting from the middle of the night until dawn, and by around ten o'clock everything was prepared. This was all because the family was rich.


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