Tempting the Artist

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Tempting the Artist Page 19

by Sharon C. Cooper

  “You might as well tell us, we’re going to find out eventually anyway.” Peyton took a sip from her glass of wine.

  Christina shook her head and shrugged. “For real. I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “I think she’s serious.” Martina wiped her mouth and tossed her soiled napkin onto her empty plate.

  “We assumed you and Luke would come back married.”

  “What? Uh, nooo.” Christina wiggled her bare ring finger.

  “Were you disappointed?” Peyton asked.

  “Not at all. Marriage wasn’t even mentioned on this trip.”

  Luke might not have mentioned marriage while on vacation, but over the last couple of months, he had made comments about them someday marrying. Saying things like: “How long would you want to be engaged?”, “What do you think about us relocating once we get married?”, “When we start a family …” And those were only a few mentions.

  In her heart, Christina knew she would marry him in a heartbeat should he ask, but in reality, she wasn’t ready for marriage. She loved Luke more than she thought possible, and he was excellent marriage material. But after her behavior in his office weeks earlier, she achingly realized she still had some growing up to do. She claimed to trust Luke, but that afternoon said otherwise.

  “For a minute there, I thought you were trying to pull a fast one over on us like you did with Sasha Knight. I still can’t believe you paint nudes and Gram and Grampa haven’t kicked you out of the family,” Martina said.

  “Oh please. If they haven’t kicked you out yet, there’s no threat of them doing that to me.” Only a few months ago, Christina had the same thoughts as Martina. But the news of her being Sasha Knight went over much better than Christina had anticipated. Her parents were a little surprised by the nudes but proud of her success as were other members of the family.

  “I heard Uncle Ben offered your man a job,” Peyton said cutting into Christina’s thoughts.

  “Yep, he made the offer the day before we left.” The server placed Christina’s meal in front of her along with a Sprite.

  “So is he going to accept?” MJ asked.

  “I don’t know he hasn’t said.”

  When Luke quit his job at Atwater, Rouse & Stevenson, Christina was afraid he planned to move back to New York. He had never mentioned going back, but every month he seemed to get a call from a law firm offering him a job.

  While on vacation, she asked him if he were planning to go back. He answered with a question. He asked whether or not she would go with him if he did decide to move back to New York. Without having to think, she said yes. She recalled his shock. He had pulled her into his chest, told her how much he loved her and that he had no intention of leaving Cincinnati, knowing how important family was to her.

  “Alright, you guys. I’m out of here.” Martina stood and slipped into her jacket. She glanced at the food bill and dropped some cash on the table.

  “Don’t forget about the breakfast meeting tomorrow downtown,” Peyton said. “Wear something nice. You don’t have to wear a dress, but at least wear a nice pantsuit. We’ll be schmoozing with some big-time business people.”

  “Then why are you taking MJ,” Christina asked, having a hard time keeping her smile at bay.

  “Forget you future Mrs. Thug Lawyer.”

  “Don’t call him that!”

  “I know you’re not try—”

  “Would you two stop?” Peyton nudged them both. “MJ, just promise me you’re going to be there and that you’re not going to wear some old, ripped jeans and steel toe boots.”

  “Yeah, yeah, I’ll be there.” Martina pulled Christina’s hair when she walked passed.

  Christina shook her head and smiled. If Martina behaved any other way, she would think something was wrong.

  “How did you talk MJ into attending that breakfast with you? Isn’t Senator Paul Kendricks the guest speaker at that event?”

  Peyton nodded and frowned, her lips pursed tightly.

  Martina would rather eat nails than even hear the name – Paul Kendricks. She thought he was the lowest form of human life and often referred to the senator as Satan’s spawn. Kendricks was against the trade unions, and Martina had spent most of her carpenter career as an advocate for the unions.

  “The senator is the speaker, but I didn’t tell her.”

  Christina finished chewing and then threw her head back and laughed. “You’re going to be sorry.”

  “I know,” Peyton whined, covering her face with her hands. “I wanted at least two of us representing Jenkins & Sons. Nick was going to attend, but he and his crew have to install a furnace this weekend for a new client.”

  “Since he’ll be working the whole weekend, and you were just getting back into town, I thought of MJ.”

  “She is going to totally flip at that meeting.”

  “That’s why I’m going to have Craig and Uncle Ben on speed dial, just in case.”

  Having a police detective and a lawyer in the wings probably wasn’t a bad idea.

  “Is Luke still meeting you here?” Peyton placed the money for her meal on top of Martina’s.

  “Yes, he should be here any minute now.” Christina rubbed her stomach feeling nauseous. Maybe she shouldn’t have eaten the whole burger.

  “I’m glad we have a few minutes alone. I wanted to talk to you, to apologize. I know I’ve been a pain to deal with lately, and I’m sorry … for everything.”

  “PJ, you don’t have to keep bringing it up. We’ve already settled our differences.”

  Before they had left on their trip, Peyton had invited Christina and Luke over to her house for dinner so she could apologize.

  “So what’s been going on?” Christina asked. She never had a chance to find out why Peyton had been so unhappy.

  Her sister’s gaze traveled around the bar, before returning her attention to Christina.

  “I’m not sure. I think a combination of things. I’m tired, CJ. I’m tired of my life, the way it is. So instead of me taking some much needed time off, I’ve been taking my frustrations out on everyone around me.”

  “Is there anything I can do?”

  “I’ll probably need your help in the office next month when I go on vacation. Other than that, I should be able to handle everything.”

  “Do you want to talk about what’s been frustrating you?”

  Peyton shook her head. “There’s just some things I need to work through on my own.”

  “Does it have anything to do with Dylan?” Christina asked, taking a chance on mentioning Peyton’s ex-husband.

  “Indirectly. When we broke up, it left a void in my life. I have felt empty ever since. Don’t get me wrong, I have no intention of getting back with him, but there are some things I do miss about not being a couple anymore.”

  Peyton told her how weird it was trying to make new friends and start over. She and Dylan did a lot as a couple, and most of their friends were married. So after the divorce, she felt as if they either had to split up their friends or move on all together and not hang out with them. Peyton also talked about how empty her house felt. She received the house in the divorce settlement. Instead of selling the four bedroom, three bathroom home, she had decided to stay.

  “Well, it looks like Luke just arrived.” Peyton stood and slipped on her jacket. “Thanks for listening and don’t worry about me. I’ll get myself together. I always do.”

  She watched her sister walk up to Luke and greet him with a hug before leaving. Christina smiled to herself, so glad they were finally getting along.

  “Hey, baby. You ready to go?” Luke bent down and kissed her.

  “Yep, I’m ready. Do you want to order anything to take home?”

  “Nah, I’m good. Did you already pay for your meal?” he asked, his money clip in his hand.

  “Not yet.”

  After a quick glance at her bill, Luke tossed two twenties on the table, more than covering her portion of the bill.

  Christina stood and wobbled on her legs, clutching her stomach. “God I feel sick.”

  Luke held onto her elbow. “Were you drinking?”

  “Nothing but soda.”

  “And what did you eat?” Concern spread across his face.

  “A bacon cheeseburger with steak fries.”

  Luke stared at her, and Christina understood the look. She couldn’t believe that after almost a year of being a vegetarian, she’d ruin her mission by indulging in a burger and not just any burger.

  “You’re kidding right?”

  She shook her head, wishing she were.

  “Baby, you can’t go from eating lettuce and tomatoes for almost a year to eating a pound of beef. No wonder your stomach is protesting.” He rubbed her belly.

  Normally his touch anywhere on her body sent tingles of desire to every cell, but not tonight. “I’m going to be sick.” She darted off to the bathroom clutching her stomach, her hand clasped tightly over her mouth.

  She rushed into the dingy, two-stall restroom and barely made it to the toilet before the contents of her stomach declared war. Each time she thought she couldn’t possibly have anything left to throw up, her stomach rolled again, and bile rose in her throat.

  Christina didn’t know how long she hugged the toilet, but it must have been long enough for Luke to be concerned.

  “CJ?” He called in the distance. She could only hope he was standing at the door and hadn’t walked into a ladies’ room. It sounded as if she were the only one in there, but she still didn’t think it was a good idea for him to be there.

  “Christina?” His voice was closer.

  “In here,” she said, barely hearing her own voice and doubting he heard her.

  The sound of water flowed from the faucet, and then the electronic towel holder whined.

  Too weak to do anything else, she dropped on her butt and leaned against the white subway tile lining the wall. Her eyes barely open, she noticed when the door to the handicap stall creaked open.

  “Hey.” Luke filled the opening. “I thought you might need a little help.” He lifted what was probably twenty sheets of paper towels scrunched in his hands. Some were wet, most were dry.

  God I love this man. She closed her eyes, fighting another wave of nausea.

  The sound of Luke’s footsteps moved closer, and she cracked open her eyes just as he bent down next to her, resting on his haunches. Without saying a word, he used one of the wet paper towels to wipe her face. The coldness of the cloth brought some relief.

  “Are you feeling well enough to leave yet?”

  “I think so.”

  Luke helped her out of the stall and over to the sink. He held her wild curls away from her face while she rinsed her mouth. Who knew such a simple gesture could make her feel so treasured?

  “Thank you,” she said when he handed her a paper towel.

  The bathroom door swung open, and a woman pulled up short when she saw them at the sink.

  “Can you give us one minute?” Luke said as if he had a right to be in the women’s restroom.

  The woman backed out without a word.

  “Here.” Luke handed her a piece of peppermint candy. He had quit smoking, but now popped peppermints throughout the day. “They might help get the bad taste out of your mouth.”

  Christina quickly placed the sweet treat on her tongue. “Thank you. You take such good care of me,” she mumbled and leaned into him. He wrapped his arm around her and guided her toward the door.

  “I love you and will always be here to take care of you.” He kissed the top of her head and opened the door. “Come on. Let’s go home.”

  The End

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  Other Titles by Sharon C. Cooper:

  Jenkins Family Series (Contemporary Romance)

  Best Woman for the Job (Short Story Prequel)

  Still the Best Woman for the Job (book 1)

  All You’ll Ever Need (book 2)

  Tempting the Artist (book 3)

  Negotiating for Love – (book 4) – Coming Soon

  Seducing the Boss Lady – (book 5) – Coming Soon

  Reunited Series (Romantic Suspense)

  Blue Roses (book 1)

  Secret Rendezvous (Prequel to Rendezvous with Danger)

  Rendezvous with Danger (book 2)

  Truth or Consequences (book 3)

  Operation Midnight (book 4) – Coming soon

  Casino Heat (book 5) – Coming soon

  Stand Alones

  Something New (“Edgy” Sweet Romance)

  Legal Seduction (Harlequin Kimani – Contemporary Romance)

  Sin City Temptation (Harlequin Kimani – Contemporary Romance)

  A Dose of Passion (Harlequin Kimani – Contemporary Romance) – Coming October 2015

  Connect with Sharon Online:

  Website: http://sharoncooper.net

  Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/AuthorSharonCCooper21?ref=hl

  Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/Sharon_Cooper1

  Subscribe to her blog: http://sharonccooper.wordpress.com/

  Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/5823574.Sharon_C_Cooper

  About the Author

  Award-winning and bestselling author, Sharon C. Cooper, spent 10 years as a sheet metal worker. And while enjoying that unique line of work, she attended college in the evening and obtained her B.A. from Concordia University in Business Management with an emphasis in Communication. Sharon is a romance-a-holic - loving anything that involves romance with a happily-ever-after, whether in books, movies or real life. She writes contemporary romance, as well as romantic suspense and enjoys rainy days, carpet picnics, and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. When Sharon is not writing or working, she’s hanging out with her amazing husband, doing volunteer work or reading a good book (a romance of course). To read more about Sharon and her novels, visit www.sharoncooper.net

  Turn the page for an excerpt of All You’ll Ever Need (Jada “JJ” Jenkins’ Story) book 2 of the Jenkins Family Series


  ALL YOU’LL EVER NEED, book 2 of the Jenkins Family Series (Zack & Jada’s story)

  It is definitely raining men up in here. Jada Jenkins wove in and out of the small groups of people, stopping periodically to greet some of the guests at her cousin’s wedding. She took special note of the handsome and hopefully single men hanging out near the bar at the reception.

  “Girl, where did you find all of these gorgeous men?” Jada yelled over the deafening music pumping through the speakers a couple of feet away. She handed her cousin, Toni Jenkins, now Mrs. Toni Jenkins-Logan, a glass of ginger ale and claimed the seat next to her.

  “You have Craig to thank for that.” Toni sipped from her drink. She squinted and scrunched up her face. “Goodness this soda is strong.” She took another small sip. “As for the gorgeous men, it turns out Craig has a lot of friends, and you’ll be glad to know many of them are single.”

  “Hmm, that is good to know. I’ll have to talk with my new cousin-in-law, but right now, I still can’t believe you got married before me.” Jada crossed her legs, a coral five-inch rhinestone embellished sandal dangled from her foot revealing the red bottom. “I’m the one who spends an arm and a leg making sure I look like someone from Life Styles of the Rich and Famous. Yet, you’re the one who lands a Prince Charming. Hell, you didn’t even want to get married.”

  Toni laughed. Her gaze landed on her new husband who stood across the banquet hall talking with the groomsmen. Jada didn’t miss the way Toni’s face lit up each time she glanced at Craig, and she couldn’t ever remember seeing her cousin this happy.

  “It’s not that I didn’t want to get married, I just thought I never would.” Toni’s gaze dropped to the table where she absently fingered a cloth napkin and then lifted her sparkling eyes to Jada. “This has
been a long, exhausting day, but it has been one of the best days of my life. I’m so excited that I get to spend the rest of my days with the most amazing man I’ve ever met. It’s like a dream. Add having his baby to the mix, and I feel as if I’m living someone else’s fantasy.”

  Jada reached over and squeezed Toni’s hand. She was happy for Toni, or TJ as most of the Jenkins family called her, but she couldn’t help but be a little envious. TJ was three months pregnant after believing she could never have children, and now she had married cutie-pie Craig Logan, an all-around great guy who was madly in love with her cousin. Jada wondered if she ever would experience the type of love and joy that radiated from Toni.

  “I wish you years of happiness, Cuz.”

  “Thank you.” Toni leaned over and hugged Jada. “And thanks for all you did pulling the wedding and reception together. Everything turned out wonderful.”

  Jada shrugged. “My pleasure. Just be ready for my big day, whenever that might be.” Jada returned her attention to the small group of men standing with Craig near the bar. “I guess it’s true what they say. Beautiful people hang out together.” All the men were as tall as Craig, at over six feet, and just as good looking in their black tuxedos sporting cummerbunds and bowties that matched the bridesmaid dresses.

  “It looks that way doesn’t it?”

  Jada nodded and then turned to Toni. “Okay, answer this. What do I have to do to get a man as fine as yours, one who worships the ground I walk on, and is crazy wealthy?” She rolled her neck and slapped her hand down on the table. “I’m talkin’ stinkin’ rich as in lunch on the French Riviera and dinner at La Vague d’Or in Saint Tropez.”

  Toni shook her head, and a wide grin tilted the corners of her rose-colored lips. “I know suggesting that you lower your standards is out of the question. So I won’t bother. I will say though, when the right man comes along, it’s not going to matter if he’s downright fine and stinkin’ rich. All that’s going to matter, or should matter is that he treats you right and loves you unconditionally.”


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