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Destruction Page 8

by R C Knight

  “Yea. Whatever,” Aria muttered as she walked over to the weapons rack and put her training daggers away.

  “Aria, this isn’t a punishment,” he called after her. She sighed wearily as she looked over her shoulder at him.

  “We all have different versions of punishment, Raphael,” she responded angrily as she swiftly left the training area, a sense of dread following in her wake.

  “Losing your magick would make you go crazy, Aria! I’m doing this for you!” He shouted after her, watching wearily as she quickly walked away from him.

  “If only he knew how right he was,” Aria muttered, she sighed wearily as a knock sounded on the door. “Come in,” she shouted across the room.

  Kai quickly opened the door and walked right over, sitting on the chair across from her. “Abel and Cain are back. Ryder, Zane, and Anne went with Abel to some small island they docked at.”

  “That’s good,” she muttered as she stared at Kai. “How has training with Zane been going?”

  “It could be better.” He sighed wearily as he looked over at the fire. “He’s holding back.”

  “That’s probably a good thing,” she responded sternly as she narrowed her eyes at him. “We don’t need him losing control, Kai.”

  “He’s a fucking Nephilim, Aria. We’ve taken responsibility for him,” his voice was fierce as his dark blue eyes locked onto her. “He needs to know how to control his power. He’ll never learn how to when he’s living in fear of it!”

  “We can’t afford him going on a rampage. Any mistake, no matter how small, could lead to his discovery.” She lowered her voice, her green eyes pleading with him. “What do you think the Counsel would do to us if they found out we not only hid a Nephilim, but trained him as well? There are punishments worse than death.”

  “He needs to learn, Aria.”

  “Then teach him how to suppress it!” Her voice rose as she threw her hands in the air. “Too much power can make him lose his mind. It’s happened before.”

  Kai stood up from the chair and looked down at her. “I’m going to teach him how to use it. If he doesn’t learn control now, we’ll regret it later.” He walked over to the door, his heavy footsteps echoing around the small cabin.

  “I hope you know what you’re doing, Kai,” her voice was quiet yet powerful as it filled the room. Kai stopped with his hand on the door as he looked over his shoulder at her.

  “What’s happened to you, Aria? When we first got to Earth, you would have jumped on the opportunity to train him, no matter the cost. But now,” he paused as he stared at the back of her head, “you don’t take any risks anymore. It’s like you’ve lost who you are, and it kills me to see your spirit withering away.” He opened the door and quickly walked outside, letting the door slam shut behind him. Aria sat quietly on the couch, staring into the firelight as silence filled the empty room.

  Chapter Eleven


  Zane and Ryder stood in the hall, staring through the open doorway as Anne examined Cain. Abel and Nikolai watched nervously from the corner, waiting to assist her when needed. “So, what exactly happened?” Ryder looked over at Zane, his green eyes locking onto him. “And why can’t I just heal him?”

  Zane sighed as he glanced over at him. “Cain and Abel are, complicated.”

  “So.” Ryder crossed his arms over his chest as he began to rhythmically tap his foot on the worn wood. “Humans are easy to heal, even for angels that aren’t trained as healers.”

  “They’re half demon, Ryder,” Zane muttered uncomfortably as he looked back into the room.

  “Why the hell would you work with half demons?” Ryder whispered hoarsely as Zane sighed and softly closed the door to Cain’s room. He turned towards Ryder; his dark blue-hazel eyes filled with concern.

  “They grew up with me. I’ve known them my entire life.”

  “Just because you were childhood friends doesn’t mean you should harbor them.” Ryder interrupted; his voice filled with disbelief.

  “Like you can talk,” Zane responded aggressively. “You’d do anything for Aria.” Ryder clenched his jaw, his eyes drilling into Zane.

  “Continue,” he muttered.

  “Anyway, we didn’t know they were half demon at first. When Raphael found their mother, she was half dead. She was one of the personal whores to Beelzebub, the Glutton, one of the Lords of Hell. She had given birth to Cain and Abel, but they looked human, which is rare for half-breeds. Normally, demons kill their whores if they become pregnant, but Beelzebub took a liking to their mother and wanted to keep her. Cain was a toddler and Abel was only a few months old when Raphael found them.” Zane began to pace along the hallway, his eyes scanning the worn wood. “It wasn’t until Cain was ten that everyone else found out. He got into a fight with another kid and he just… he transformed. Luckily, Raphael was there and took control of the situation.”

  “Why would Raphael let them live?” Ryder asked hastily, his eyes narrowed as he scrutinized Zane.

  “The same reason he saved me,” he growled, his eyes darkening with anger. “Apparently, Raphael is the only damn angel that actually cares about the people here.”

  “But they were demons –”

  “They are also humans,” Zane hissed as he threw his hands in the air. “They still have a conscience and a soul, Ryder. Raphael saw this and he put a seal on them, like the one he used on me, but they can control theirs. After years of training they learned how to release their demon form and stay in control.”

  “How did Raphael learn such magick?” Ryder muttered as he stared at Zane. “I’ve never heard of holy magick being used in such a way.”

  “That’s because it’s a Cherub spell. I don’t know who –”

  “Cherub?” That’s forbidden magick! Even for an Archangel.” Ryder’s voice was hoarse as he stared at Zane. “How the hell did he learn a Cherub spell?”

  “I don’t know.” Zane walked back to the closed door. “And he’s not around to tell us. Now, I’d like to check on Anne’s progress. Raphael taught her an elixir to help them after their transformations.” Zane opened the door and walked quickly into the small room. “How’s it going Anne?”

  “Good.” She smiled over at him. “He’s responding to the elixir and should be awake tomorrow sometime.” She paused as she turned towards Abel. “If you don’t mind, I’d like to take him back to the clinic where I can keep a better eye on him.”

  “Of course.” Abel smiled. “Whatever you need to do to make him better.” He looked over at Zane. “I imagine you’ll want to check everyone now? That’s why you brought the angel, isn’t it?”

  “Yea,” Zane muttered as he glanced around the room. “I’ll teach Ryder the spell to check them. Once we’re done with that we’ll head on back.”

  “What spell?” Ryder asked as he poked his head into the room, his eyes scanning the small group. Anne looked over at Zane and slowly shook her head.

  “It’s something Raphael taught us.” He looked back at Ryder. “Come in and you can test it out on Nikolai first.” Ryder walked into the room; his eyes locked onto Zane. “It’s pretty simple, but I can’t use holy magick like you can.” The room fell quiet as Zane started speaking in Enochian, the ancient language echoing off the bare walls.

  Ryder turned towards Nikolai and repeated the words, time seemed to freeze as his mind connected to Nikolai’s soul. Silver sparks swirled around a light blue core. Ryder focused on the blue core, watching with fascination as the silver sparks danced across the smooth surface. An overwhelming peace filled his mind. “Unbelievable,” Ryder muttered as he broke the connection and looked back at Zane.

  “How did it feel?” Zane asked curiously.

  “Peaceful,” Ryder whispered as he looked at Nikolai.

  “Good.” Zane smiled as he looked around the room. “I’m sure you’ll be able to sense if something is off when you check the others.”

  Ryder continued to stare at Nikolai, his green eyes filled with aw
e. A spark of worry marred his face as he turned back to Zane. “What else did Raphael teach you?” The words fell quickly from his lips, the intensity of them creating tension in the room.

  “That’s none of your concern.” Zane frowned as he locked his eyes on Ryder’s face.

  “It is my concern,” he responded haughtily; his fists clenched at his side. “Raphael was the most powerful Archangel and he trained you well.” He took a step forward, a threatening aura surrounding him. Anne moved into the corner with Nikolai and Abel, her hazel eyes watching Zane with concern.

  “Yea, he trained me how to fight and he taught me a few spells. You want to know what else he taught me?” Zane’s voice was low and deep as his dark eyes pierced Ryder’s. “He taught me to never trust the angels. That when they came back to Earth, they would need to earn my trust.” Zane walked forward, his chest meeting Ryder’s. He glared straight into Ryder’s green eyes, his jaw clenched, and brows furrowed. “And I don’t trust you, angel.”

  “That feeling is mutual, Nephilim,” Ryder responded with disgust. “If it wasn’t for Aria, I would have killed you in Chicago.” He grabbed Zane by the throat and lifted him into the air. He began to chant in Enochian, willing his mind to join with Zane’s soul. Zane began to chuckle darkly as he watched Ryder’s face fill with frustration.

  “Did you honestly think Raphael wouldn’t teach me how to block off my soul?” Zane’s voice was hoarse as he stared down at Ryder. “What are you going to do now? Kill me?” Ryder stared up at him, his green eyes filled with hatred and indecision. “You can’t, can you? Because you know Aria would hate you for it.”

  “I’m sure she’d get over it… someday.” Ryder growled as he tightened his grip on Zane’s throat. “It’s clear we can’t trust you. Who knows what else Raphael taught you?” Zane hit Ryder’s elbow, causing his hand to release his throat. Zane fell to the ground, landing in a crouch. He slowly stood up and walked straight into Ryder’s chest.

  “Try a stunt like that again, angel, and you’ll regret it.” His eyes flickered to black as a low growl escaped his lips. “Now, test the fucking newcomers so we can get back. I’m sure you need to report all of this to Aria and your precious Counsel.” Zane shoved his way past Ryder and left the room. Ryder glanced at the others, his eyes locking onto Anne. She stared back; her hazel eyes pierced him with a knowing look.

  “What’s his problem?” Ryder asked, his voice low and strained.

  Anne glanced at Nikolai and Abel. “Could you two leave us? I need to talk to Ryder in private.”

  “I don’t think Riley would want us to leave you alone with him after that stunt,” Abel commented as he glared at Ryder.

  “I’ll be fine.” She smiled slyly at Ryder. “He’s not going to hurt me.”

  “We’ll wait right outside.” Nikolai nodded at Abel and motioned towards the door. “Holler if you need us.”

  “I doubt I’ll need to,” Anne replied softly as the men left the room. Ryder began to pace around as they closed the door. He glanced over at Cain, still unconscious and completely oblivious to the commotion. Anne smiled as she hobbled to the chair, sitting down with a sigh as she set her cane against the wall.

  “Where would you like me to begin?” she asked, her voice soft and comforting. Ryder sighed as he stopped pacing and crossed his arms over his chest.

  “Why does he act so damn arrogant all the time?” Ryder leaned against the wall as his green eyes locked onto Anne.

  “Well, that’s a starting point,” she chuckled as she repositioned herself on the chair. “I suppose it all started with Raphael. They would disappear for days, planning on how to end the demons once and for all. Everything changed after he disappeared. Zane went to Chicago to try and find him, but he suffered severe losses. That’s also when Cain and Abel were captured. Zane fell into a deep depression after that. Everyone was convinced that Raphael had been killed.” Anne paused, her hazel eyes searching Ryder’s face. “He changed, no longer wanting to defeat the demons. Instead, his primary goal turned to survival and the protection of those he loved, mainly the people here on our island.”

  “But wouldn’t defeating the demons be the best way to protect everyone?” Ryder asked.

  “Of course, it would,” Anne responded matter-of-factly. “But he gave up on the grand notion that he could ever save the world. After all, he couldn’t even save his father.” She looked over at Cain, a sad smile on her face. “Every loss he has suffered has damaged him. I wish you could have seen him when Raphael was still alive.” She turned back to Ryder, her hazel eyes shining with unshed tears.

  “If he wants to protect you, why even leave the island? It seems like you have everything you need here.”

  Anne sighed wearily as she rubbed her amputated leg. “We aren’t able to grow food here because of the soil, too much salt from the ocean and not enough fresh water.”

  “Then why not find somewhere else?” Ryder’s voice was filled with curiosity.

  “Because this is the safest island that we’ve found. The radiation from the Great War has made it impossible for demons to be summoned here and humans have evolved to the point that we can survive the radiation. We’re far enough away from the mainland that cargo ships and mercenaries pass by without even noticing us. Zane has managed to find us the safest place on the planet and he does everything he can to protect it and keep it going. Which is why he makes runs to the major cities and outlying villages to gather supplies every year.”

  “I get it, he’s an absolute saint to you people,” Ryder muttered. “But what does any of this have to do with his behavior?” Anne sighed sadly as she looked over at Cain.

  “It’s because he has this grand idea that he has to be everyone’s hero. Zane has been struggling with the idea of fighting back. Ever since ya’ll arrived, he’s been debating if this choice is worth the inevitable deaths.” She frowned as her hazel eyes returned to Ryder. “The moment ya’ll took Chicago, we knew that we doomed everyone we cherished. It’s only a matter of time before our island is raided. The demons will make it their top priority to find us now, and when they do, they’ll send mercenaries to do their dirty work. He’s arrogant because he must be. He was forced into leadership after Raphael’s death, and his choices since then constantly haunt him. He’s always looking for a solution that would allow him to help you and keep his loved ones safe. But deep down, he understands that he’s chosen to save the world over all of these people he swore to protect. He hides behind this façade because he doesn’t want everyone to know he’s scared.”

  Ryder sighed wearily as he lowered his eyes. “I had no idea he was going through so much.”

  “Hunny, that’s just the tip of the iceberg with that man,” Anne chuckled as she grabbed her cane and slowly stood up.

  “He never showed that he was so distraught over his decision to help us.”

  “What can I say? He’s the stoic type. He never shares his pain with others. I guess he’s worried that if he shows weakness, those that follow him might falter.”

  “That’s unhealthy. The human soul cannot take that much continuous strain, he must talk to someone about it.”

  “He was, hunny. But ya’ll took away that option.”

  “Aria?” Ryder whispered as Anne nodded solemnly.

  “Well.” She gestured towards the door. “What do you say we go check out these newcomers so we can get back? I need to get dinner started for Riley and Aiden.” Her lips quirked up as she slowly made her way to the door. “God knows that man would starve without me.” She chuckled as she opened the door.

  “Yea,” Ryder muttered as he followed Anne out of the small room.

  Chapter Twelve


  The harsh light of the afternoon sun filtered in through the window. Cain lay silently on the bed, his immense body making the twin bed look small. Soft giggles filled the room as a head of curly brown hair bobbed up and down next to the bed. Cain sighed as he slowly turned his head, his gray eye
s meeting the bright hazel ones of a child.

  “Gee, you’re real big mister.” Aiden giggled, a huge smile crossing his face. He poked Cain’s bulging bicep, a look of awe crossing his face. “Will I get as big as you someday?” Cain chuckled as he slowly pushed himself up and swung his legs off the side of the bed.

  “You can get as big as you want, as you long as you listen to your mother.” Cain chuckled as his eyes wandered around the room.

  “Are you sure, mister? Cuz my mommy said –”

  “Aiden.” Anne’s voice was stern as her hazel eyes bore into the young child. She stood in the doorway; a bag slung over her shoulder. “What did I tell you?”

  Aiden’s head dropped, his curly brown hair falling in front of his face. “Not to bother the sleeping man.”

  “Or else?”

  “Or else the sleeping man will get grumpy and try to eat me.” Aiden’s eyes grew wide as he looked up at Cain. “Is that how you got so big? You eat people?”

  Cain chuckled darkly as his eyes met Anne’s. “What are you teaching your children?” he asked as he looked back at Aiden. “I do not eat people, Aiden. That would be a very bad thing to do.” Aiden nodded as he looked back at his mother.

  “See mommy. He’s not going to eat me.” Anne giggled as Aiden looked back at Cain and held out his small hand. Cain gingerly reached forward, his large hand enveloping the boy’s small one. “It’s nice to meet you mister. Maybe, once you’re better, you can come over and play sometime? Teach me how to get big like you?”

  “That would be nice.” Cain smiled as he released Aiden’s hand. The boy giggled as he ran past Anne.

  “Daddy!” His voice echoed down the hallway. “I told you the big man wouldn’t eat me!”

  Anne smiled as she looked at Cain, her hazel eyes scanning his body. “You look a lot better than yesterday. Your color is back to normal, and you’re conscious, which is always a good thing.”

  Cain chuckled as he ran a hand through his brown hair. “Yea.” He looked around the room, his gray eyes filled with worry. “What happened Anne? How did I get here?”


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