The Lipstick Clique

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The Lipstick Clique Page 12

by David Weaver

  Kyla’s shoe met the edge of her chin. The blow was hard and cold, and knocked her against the hardwood floor like a rag doll. She closed her eyes because she knew that she wasn’t going to make it out of there alive.

  Lena wanted to go back and help her mommy, but she knew that she wouldn’t be able to. Instead, she did the same thing she had done the previous time, she ran. Like always, she would finish out the job that her and her mother had started on so that she could make her proud for when they met each other again. She took off running to join Tarra and the baby. They already had a plan to take the child to the U.S., but since Lena didn’t want to go back to the U.S. without her mother, they had to figure out which country they would go and hide in with the child. The bottom line was to get the ransom money so that they could be richer than rich.

  She couldn’t wait.


  5 pulled up to the address in Jacksonville Florida, and hit the electric unlock button on the doors, allowing Treasure to get out. She looked up at him and he smiled weakly. He handed her a key and leaned over and kissed her on the cheek. “I have to go get us something to eat baby. I’ll be right back. You know what you wanna eat?”

  Treasure smiled back at him and shook her head. “No baby… just surprise me with something. I trust your judgment, I know that you won’t let me down. You’re my future husband!”

  5 blushed as he accepted the love from his beautiful soul mate. He looked her in the eyes and knew that everything had happened for a reason. He knew that she had come to him in order for him to live his dreams out the exact way that he desired. He knew that when he first laid eyes on her, she was going to change his life drastically. He just never thought that it was going to be this drastic. He was truly in love.

  “I’ll see you in a few minutes baby!” He said to her as he watched her get out of the car. She turned back and smiled at him. Her smile was electric and soothing to him. It let him know that he was doing the right thing, and it made him feel that much better.


  Treasure was about to lose her mind. “5!! What the fuck is going on??” She screamed through the cell phone as she looked out of her window. 5 had been gone for two hours, and now there was an entire task force outside of the house that he had told her to stay in while he went to the store.

  5 sounded calm on the other end of the phone, however. So calm, that when he spoke, she already knew what it was about. “Say Treasure… you thought I was a fool didn’t you? You really thought that it was o.k. for you to keep secrets away from me didn’t you? Well… you know what? That’s not a good look at all baby. I decided to give you a taste of your own medicine! Shit… you helped my dream come true baby!”

  Treasure was angry as fuck as the tears mixed with sweat and starting dripping down her face. “What muthafuckin dream nigga!???” She screamed in frustration. She was angry because she had honestly put most of her trust into 5 and he had punished her as a result. She was hurt because it seemed like every time she put her trust into a man, she got the same damn results. Benji had crushed her like an ant, and tried to thump her off of the table. And all of those years later… after she had sworn up and down that she would never again put her trust into one man, she had found herself back at ground zero.

  What the fuck is wrong with men these days? She thought as she sat on the phone enduring the punishment of a lifetime. She knew that if she went back to prison, the death penalty was a given. She knew that with all of her heart. “Man… 5!! What fuckin’ dream did I help come true for you?? Because you certainly didn’t help any of mine come true! The only thing you’re doing for me is trying to make my nightmare more difficult!”

  5 chuckled on the phone. “My dream was to become a millionaire. The reward for your arrest was one million dollars in cash. I don’t wanna break the law, I just wanna be legit. I’ll be able to provide a better opportunity for my family down the line. For generations to come, I’ll be able to make sure my family is in a better place. Shit… I’ll take that over love on any given day.”

  Treasure hung the phone up on him and watched the scene play out. She watched as the law enforcement surrounded the building with their guns in hand. Then she watched as 5 drove up in his vehicle. She watched him as he got out of the car and walked up to the lead detective and shook his hand. She watched the local news helicopter as it surrounded the area. She watched the entire hood show up with curiosity written across their faces.

  She watched as the lead officer held his hand up, telling everyone to give him one second, watched him smile in front of the cameras with 5 in the picture with him… watched him hold a mini press conference… watched the confidence that he carried on his face… then she watched as the officers barged into the apartment with guns drawn and handcuffs out.

  She was glad that she was not in that apartment. She was across the street staring at the results of what would have happened if she had put all of her trust into the wrong person. She was staring at the results of betrayal and the consequence of being with a loser. She had known that something was amiss as soon as he had tried to drop her off at the apartment. As soon as he left, she went straight across the street and stood in the window so that she could get a better view of whatever 5’s plan was.

  Treasure was a true criminal, a smooth criminal, and there was no way that she would allow any amateur or rookie to set her up for a million dollars. Shit… the way she was feeling, she might have set her own damn self up for that cool million. She shook her head as the cops came out of the apartment with confusion written on their faces. She laughed as the lead officer went from being 5’s buddy, to being 5’s worst enemy.

  She laughed tears when the officer put handcuffs on 5. There was no telling what he was being arrested for, but more than likely it was for one of the assorted crimes that the Dirt Mob was so in love with committing. She laughed one more time at the thought that 5 had thrown stones and lived in a glass house. She watched as his house came shattering to pieces.

  One thing that Treasure knew for sure, was that no matter what she had to do, she would make sure that she paid 5, Danielle, Meatloaf, and Grimmer back for what they had tried to do to her. Treasure just wanted someone who was going to ride or die for her no matter what happens or what situations occur, and she didn’t have that. She looked at her Lipstick Clique tattoo and wondered what her old friend Milan was up to.

  I think I’ll try to check on that bitch. She thought as she turned and walked away from the pathetic ass police scene. As the most wanted criminal in the United States of America, it was indeed and without an inkling of doubt, her against the world.

  She applied some lipstick as she went down the elevator and adjusted it, using the inside mirror. She rubbed the excess lipstick off of her face with her finger. When she felt that she had the lipstick applied perfectly, she looked at herself in the mirror and gave herself a kiss. Muahhhhh!

  Also Available by David Weaver

  A Love Story

  Bankroll Squad

  Bankroll Squad 2: Kyla's Revenge

  Me and My Bitch

  The Aslaric Vampire: Eternal Death Series

  Bankroll Squad 3: The Finale

  A Love Story 2: Tongue Games

  Coming Soon


  SBR Publications

  “24 Karats” by David Weaver, Blake Karrington, Leo Sullivan

  “The Union” by Tremayne Johnson

  “Bankroll Squad: The Complete Trilogy” on paperback by David Weaver

  “The Power Family” by David Weaver

  Author’s Notes

  Follow me on Twitter: @bankrollsquad

  Friend me on

  When I was laying in my prison bunk in August of 2007, I had a dear friend who went by the name of Lear. My friend Lear was the first person I’d ever met who got a thrill out of committing robberies. He was charged with several bank robberies, multiple gas station robberies, Taco Bell… man… Lear did not giv
e a F who or what he robbed. He was the same age I was; he was 24 years old. Me and Lear hung together every day and it was interesting because even though we’d had different beliefs on how to live life in the streets, I saw that we had both been trying to reach the same goals in different manners.

  Lear was a certified outlaw if I ever saw one. He was that guy who carried the pistol, high-jacked the car, stole tow trucks, robbed-stole-took-grabbed. He kicked doors in while wearing masks, took purses from old women. He was that guy…

  Well… Lear was offered a plea deal for 32 years in Federal prison. He had never killed anyone, although it seemed as if he was headed for that natural evolution one day. The plea deal was the government’s way of bargaining with Lear… letting him know that if he wanted a great bargain, he should just sign for those 32 years. Now, if YOU were 24 years old, would YOU sign for 32 years? That’s longer than you’ve been on this earth!

  Lear didn’t sign for those 32 years, he ended up going to trial instead. At trial he tried his best to duck and dodge, to lie, to make up stories, to fight for his life. The whole week that he went to trial, he would always came back to the jail in tears. It hurt me to see my friend so hurt, but those were the consequences of the life he’d chosen.

  I haven’t seen Lear since 2007- back when they sentenced my 24 year old friend to 67 years in a maximum security prison. I couldn’t believe they had given him soo much time at such a young age. He was only a young black man lost and needing serious direction.

  Today when I hear about the Trayvon Martin case, I am saddened… however, I have watched many African Americans have their lives stolen from them while they are still alive!! I’ve watched men scream and cry that they’re innocent and get 45 years. I’ve seen men say they were guilty and get 2 or 3 years. All in all, we know that something must change. I mean realistically… how many more of US are going to keep allowing people to run over and do as they please with us? A brother like me… I’m not the one. I’ll try to tolerate it as much as possible… until I can’t anymore- then the got damn hoodie won’t be enough to explain the type of mission that I’m going to be on.

  And no… we can’t blame it strictly on society either, but that simply means that in order for things to improve; we must all accept blame for whatever part we’re each responsible for. Once we accept and correct our parts; by the time that we’re finished, we will all be in vision of a brighter future. Love, dedication, and unity are more powerful than power itself.


  O.K… I was venting. Let me just say that I LOVE #TeamBankrollSquad with all of my being! We were all joined together for a reason… exactly what the reason is hasn’t matured yet, but we do know that there is a serious reason for our mob. I don’t know when I have ever witnessed a mob of readers unite like a street gang and REMAIN peaceful.

  The newest member of SBR Publications and #TeamBankrollSquad, Tremayne Johnson, will be releasing his new series soon, entitled “The Union”. I encourage everyone to be on the lookout for it. Read the sample chapter and get to know “The Union.” #TeamBRS


  This story… The Lipstick Clique is pure excitement… It is me in my street element; me re-imagining how my friend Lear would be if he was a female. Me imagining what types of fun he might have, what types of friends and enemies he might create if he was ten times as wild as he said he was. My imagination runs rampant and runs deep… and my sole purpose is to entertain you while dropping mind teasing jewels along the way.

  This story, like many others I’ve written… is about trust, love, and betrayal. Learning how to trust people takes a lot of patience and energy, but if you dedicate the proper amount to it, you shall receive the proper results. #TeamBRS


  Thank you from the bottom of my heart for continuing to support me. Book #8~ Yayy!! We did it!! #TeamBRS

  Next 4 Releases:

  “24 Karats” by David Weaver, Blake Karrington, Leo Sullivan

  “The Union” by Tremayne Johnson

  “Bankroll Squad: The Complete Trilogy” on paperback

  “The Power Family” (will continue both The Lipstick Clique and BRS plus surprises)

  SBR Publications


  “The Union”


  Tremayne Johnson


  June, 1995…

  The tattered, decrepit building on 1st and 3rd street in Mt. Vernon, New York was a dugout for the hustlers and a smoke haven for the addicts. Hundreds of empty crack vials lay scattered along the urine filled steps. Graffiti ridden staircase walls held the names of those past and present and the stench of marijuana lingered through the air, but still, this was home, a sanctuary to more than fifty families.

  Three flights up, in an undersized, cluttered apartment, the soothing melody of Mary J Blige’s “My Life” and the scent of hamburgers and French fries escaped into the hallway.

  Sybil snatched open the refrigerator door in search of the last bit of ketchup, but the bottle was empty.

  “Cleo!” She yelled.


  “Go over to your aunt’s and get some ketchup.”

  His shoulders sunk and his once playful expression turned grim. “Aww, Ma… I don’t wanna go over there.” he pouted.

  Sybil walked into the living room and stood in front of the television. “I ain’t asking you, I’m telling you, now get your ass up and go next door.”

  Cleo shook his head and poked his lips out. He hated going across the hall to his aunt Wanda’s house, it was overrun with roaches.

  “But they got roaches, Ma.”

  Sybil didn’t like when Cleo said things like that. Even though she was slightly better off financially than her little sister, she never acted as if she was superior. They were both stuck in the hood.

  “So do we. This apartment ain’t no better than theirs. I told you about talking like that.”

  Cleo’s reason for not wanting to go next door wasn’t really the roaches, it was his cousin Mox. The truth is, his fear was being fueled by his own inconsistences. He was very aware that Mox is smarter, faster, and stronger than he is, but Mox was naïve, hesitant, and unconscious of his own abilities.

  He put his sneakers on and went to do what his mother asked.


  “Who is it!?” Wanda screamed from the bathroom when she heard someone knocking at the front door.

  “I got it Ma!”

  Mox put the controller down, got up from the futon, checked the peephole and then swung the door open, letting his cousin Cleo in.

  “Cleo, wassup?”

  “Wassup.” He mumbled, and then nodded at Casey.

  The pungent odor of Sensimilla invaded Cleo’s nostrils instantly, and then a cockroach the size of a small Bic lighter darted across the 20 inch television set grabbing his attention. Mox paid it no mind.

  “You scared of a little roach Cleo?” he joked, seeing the fear in his eyes.

  “Nah, I’m sayin’… that joint was big.”

  “Whatever… Yo! Them joints is hot!” he shouted, looking down at Cleo’s new, white, grey and red Air Max. “Let me rock your old joints since you got those?”


  “C’mon Cleo…” he begged. “You said you was gon’ look out for me.”

  “I did look out for you. I gave you those black sneakers.”

  Mox reached underneath the grubby futon and pulled out a pair of black, soiled Reeboks.

  “I been wearing these every day for more than a year.” He said, shaking his head.

  Cleo wasn’t concerned with how long Mox had been wearing the sneakers. He was still upset at the fact that his mother made him give up a pair of his old ones. If he had it his way, Mox would be walking on his bare feet.

  Any opportunity Cleo had to be better than Mox, he took full advantage of. He knew morally it was incorrect, but he wasn’t able to shake his envious characteristics. It came from his heart, so it was in his

  Switching the subject, Cleo asked, “Y’all got some ketchup?”

  Mox went into the kitchen, grabbed the ketchup and squeezed some into a plastic cup.

  He held up the cup. “Is this enough?”

  The cockroach that was once on the television, skirted across Cleo’s sneaker. He panicked and his arm brushed against the vase sitting on the mantle, knocking it to the floor.


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