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A Stranger's Bed

Page 6

by Sophia Rae

  All right. He wins.

  And with that she tilted her hips, clenched her muscles tighter and came.

  She screamed his name over and over, while he worked his way to his own climax. The bursting of him inside her sent rippling waves up her entire body.

  When Marcus collapsed onto her chest, she reached up to stroke his muscular back.

  “I’m sorry,” he said, breathing hard into her hair.

  “For what?” Her voice sounded like it belonged to someone else. Dreamy and wistful.

  “I didn’t use protection.” Marcus lifted his head to look at her. “I’ve never been in that big of a hurry before. I’ve always used something.”

  Chloe smiled as she continued to rub her hands up and down his back. “That’s all right. I’ve always used something as well. So I’d say we’re pretty clean.”

  “But what about...”

  She shrugged. “It’s the wrong time of the month for that. I wouldn’t worry too much about it.”

  He nodded. “You’ll let me know. Right?”

  Would she? She wondered. “Sure.”

  With her legs still wrapped around him, Marcus scooped her up and carried her from the dining room.

  “Where are we going?” she asked lazily, her head resting on his shoulder. It felt so good to be wrapped tightly in his arms. Too good.

  “You’ll see.”

  They went up the staircase, and Chloe marveled at his strength. He didn’t even seem out of breath by the time they reached the landing. “Are we actually going to make it to the bed?”

  Marcus snorted. “Not this time. I have other plans.”

  He opened the door to his bedroom, a room in the house she hadn’t seen before. But she would look at her new surroundings later. Marcus was still inside her and coming back to life.

  “Are we going to take a shower?”

  Once in the bathroom, he carefully set her on her feet then turned on the water in the oversized tiled shower. It took up the whole side of the bathroom. “I knew you weren’t just another pretty face. You’ve got brains, too.”

  With the water already beginning to steam up the small bathroom, Marcus leaned down to softly kiss her.

  He took his time, as if getting to know the feel for her. His patience had Chloe’s heart stopping. No one had ever taken their time with her—on anything. If she weren’t mistaken, he cared for her.

  No, she would not think about that. Caring and relationships were not options at this point in her life—or ever. This was sex. All right, great sex, but sex just the same. And she wouldn’t do anything but enjoy the moment and the man.

  His arms tightened around her waist, and his impressive erection dug into her stomach. She was aching for him again already. How was this possible? How could this man hold such an impact over her hormones?

  He pulled her into the shower, never breaking contact. It was as if he couldn’t bear to part with her.

  The hot, pounding water hit Chloe’s back with force. Marcus’s hands roamed up her slick, wet body and into her hair. He smoothed the satiny mane down her back as he changed the angle of the kiss, and Chloe could do nothing but let him lead her.

  She’d lost all control. Marcus had managed to penetrate her defenses. If she weren’t careful, she would find herself in a world she knew nothing about.


  “I can’t seem to get enough of you.” Marcus spoke against Chloe’s lips as water trickled down their faces. “I want to touch and taste you everywhere.”

  His hand journeyed down her back to take hold of her ass. He scooted her backward, wedging her between himself and the dark grey tile. His tongue plunged in and out of her mouth, showing her what he wanted to do to her in other areas. Their slick bodies slid against each other like silk.

  He trailed his mouth down her throat, following streams of water. Kissing water droplets on his way, he took a moment licking and tasting each taut breast before continuing his journey.

  He looked up into mossy grey eyes. “Spread your legs.”

  She obliged, stepping wider, and he kissed her flat stomach, using one finger to open her folds. Slowly, he slid his finger back and forth creating a friction…causing heat.

  When his tongue replaced his finger, Chloe arched her back. With slow, rhythmic moves he ravaged her hot sex. Her hands fisted in his dark, damp hair. “I’m going to come.”

  He licked longer, harder, and because that wasn’t enough for either of them, he thrust two fingers in her. Quickly, he found her spot. Damn, she was more than ready.

  Chloe came wildly, tossing her head from side to side, bucking against his mouth and his hand. “I need you in me.”

  Rising to his feet, he stalled a moment, mesmerized by the way water slid down her chest, sloping off her perky nipples. He swept his tongue over a wet peak, sucking the water off.

  Continuing the path up her neck, he found her mouth. Like a beast, he attacked her with all that was in him. He gripped her ass, pulling her up against the tile. “I want to come in you again. I want nothing between us.”

  Her legs wound around him, and Marcus drove into her hard. With her safely pinned against the wall, he could use his hands on more important things.

  “Touch me, Marcus. Everywhere.”

  He ran his hands down her glistening shoulders, over the slope of her breasts, down her peaks, settling around her slim waist. God, he loved this woman.

  Where the hell had that come from? Love? Surely not. He was confusing love with sexual attraction and lust.

  “I love how deep you go,” she murmured against his lips. “Don’t stop.”

  As if he could. He was powerless where this vixen was concerned—powerless but not weak. He would keep his emotions under control until he figured out what exactly they were. Thinking clearly while buried in her hot heat was not an option.

  Chloe dug her nails into his shoulders and heels into his backside. She was close. Good. So was he. They made a great team.

  “I want to come with you.” He captured her mouth and slid his tongue over her full, moist lips. She opened, drawing him in, sucking.

  The steam billowed around, encasing their woven bodies. Marcus hoped to God they never separated.

  Chloe’s muscles constricted around his cock as she continued to kiss him deeply. The moans filtered out of her mouth into his. She broke the kiss, tilting her head back so water streamed over her flawless face, down to her mouth, little droplets of water disappeared under her full upper lip. “Oh, God, Marcus.”

  “Just let go, Chloe. I’m right behind you.”

  As she convulsed around him, he spilled into her hot, convulsing heat. Needing to feel more, he grabbed her face and plunged his tongue into her mouth, and they shattered together.

  When the trembling in his body ceased, Marcus reached behind her to shut off the water. Limp, she slid from his body to the base of the shower.

  “If we keep this up,” she said, breathing hard, “we’re going to kill each other.”

  Marcus smiled wickedly, offering his hand to help her from the shower. “I’m fine dying like this.”

  He grabbed a large, fluffy towel from the rack to wrap around her. Using the ends, he yanked her to him and kissed her loudly on the lips. He wanted to keep the moment light, seeing as how he still had no idea what to do with his newfound feelings for her.

  Obviously, she was private and cautious, and he didn’t want to scare her away by confessing his love to her just yet.

  Love. The thought made him laugh inwardly. Wait until Sara and Luke heard about this. They’d never believe he fell so hard in such a short time.

  “Hey.” Chloe rubbed the towel through her hair. “What are you thinking?”

  If only she knew. “I was thinking how much I’d like to do this all over again—starting downstairs on the table.”

  With a laugh, Chloe rolled her eyes. “You’re pathetic.”

  Yeah...pathetic in love.

  Chapter Seven

arcus paced the spacious office of his high school friend Alex Conrad. If anybody had to sell the house, Marcus wanted it to be in Alex’s hands. He wouldn’t take less than what the house was worth...if you could put a price on a family’s legacy.

  “Why don’t you sit?” Alex suggested without looking up from the paperwork he’d started.

  “I’m fine.”

  Alex dropped his pen, raised his brows and narrowed his gaze on Marcus. “You’re not fine. You’re starting to leave a pattern in my carpet, you’ve been chewing on your thumbnail for ten minutes and you’re muttering under your breath.”

  Marcus pulled the ragged nail from his mouth, something he hadn’t even known he was doing. “Just do what you have to do and let’s get this over with.”

  Setting the papers aside, Alex leaned back in his creaky, leather office chair and clasped his hands over his abdomen. “Marcus, you’re selling the only home you’ve ever known, it’s okay to be upset.”

  Marcus came to a stop in front of the brown, wingback chair opposite Alex’s wide, mahogany desk. He gripped the back of the leather seat and sighed. “I’m beyond upset, I’ve moved on to pissed. I hate that I couldn’t hold onto something my parents entrusted to me.”

  “Who’s to say if they were still alive they wouldn’t be in the same predicament?”

  The thought had crossed Marcus’s mind, but it didn’t change the fact. “They would’ve handled this situation better. They wouldn’t have given up without a fight.”

  Alex nodded. “Just like their son. I know this has been a struggle for you. You didn’t put the place up for sale when you first started having financial problems, so don’t act like you’ve just rolled over and let this happen.”

  Marcus let the words sink in. True as they may be, he didn’t feel any better about his decision. Sure the pictures, dishes, and towels could be boxed up and moved, but how do you move a lifetime of memories? Wherever he found to live, it just wouldn’t be the same. The rooms wouldn’t contain his childhood images. He’d have to make new ones.

  But, God, how would he tell Luke and Sara of his decision? Would they be angry with him? Would he see the look of disappointment in their eyes? After all, this wasn’t just his home full of memories, it was their home as well.

  The pain in his chest increased at the idea of pulling their lives out from under them. The B&B was where they all gathered to eat, talk, yell, cry—all the things siblings did.

  Not only did he have to tell his brother and sister, he had to fess up to Chloe as well.

  And didn’t every damn thought turn right back around to Chloe?

  He didn’t want her to look at him with pity, or worse...disgust because he wasn’t man enough to hold onto something he loved. Added to that, he didn’t want this remarkable, strong woman to see him as weak or with his heart breaking.

  “Do whatever you have to do, Alex,” Marcus finally said. “I need to move on.”

  “If that’s what you want.”

  Alex leaned forward, scanned the papers once again.

  “I don’t know how I’m going to tell Luke and Sara,” Marcus muttered.

  Alex’s head snapped up. “You haven’t told them?”


  He let out a slow whistle. “Well, if Luke still has his hot head, his first instinct will be to kick your ass.”

  Marcus let out a soft chuckle. “I know. Actually, I’m more worried about Sara.”

  Alex nodded. “Is she still just as soft-hearted and sweet as ever?”

  “She tries to put up a tough front, but deep down, she’s vulnerable. She’ll try to be upbeat and positive for my sake, but I know this will crush her.”

  Clearing his throat, Alex shifted his attention back to the stack of legal documents. “Sounds like the same old Sara. She’ll get through this. You all will because you’ll be there for each other.”

  A lump formed in Marcus’s throat. Yeah, they’d always been there for each other.

  So why did he feel as if he’d let down the people who depended on him the most?


  Sunlight poured through the French doors the following morning, casting bright, dazzling beams onto Chloe’s bed. With arms stretched high above her head, she smiled at the soreness tugging at her muscles.

  It was worth it. The events of the previous night replayed in her head. God, the man was a good lover. That was only one of the reasons she hated the thought of leaving. But staying would not only be impossible, it would be foolish.

  Her whole life she’d been alone. Yes, even the time she lived with her parents she’d been lonely. Servants and nannies had all but raised her. She never knew how long a nanny would last. Her parent’s always became upset with them for one reason or another and fired them, and once again, Chloe would have to get used to yet another strange woman tending her every personal need. Something a loving mother should have done.

  Chloe shook the unpleasant thoughts, throwing her covers off. She’d slept in her own bed last night, not for Marcus’s lack of trying to get her to sleep in his. That would be too personal, she’d told him. She’d never slept all night in another man’s bed, never wanted to...until last night. But she forced herself to return to her bed alone.

  Alone. She was comfortable being alone. Loneliness suited her lifestyle just fine, thank you very much. She knew no other way.

  After she dressed, Chloe ventured downstairs to find the house empty. No note from Marcus this time. It wasn’t as if they had a hold over each other. He owed her no explanation if he wanted to go somewhere. After all, he had a life before she came, and once she left, he would continue to go on with it. So why did his absence bother her?

  The coffee pot—thank you, God—had been left on warm. She poured herself a full black cup and took it onto the porch to enjoy the beautiful summer morning.

  Barefoot, she padded across the wooden floor to the cozy swing. Tucking one foot under her, she pushed off with the toe of the other and sent the swing swaying to and fro in the gentle breeze. She sipped her black coffee, taking in her surroundings.

  This setting seemed like another place in time. No hustle and bustle of city traffic. Flowers bloomed because people still took time for the simpler things in life, like watering and fertilizing. Butterflies fluttered around, landing where they may.

  A calming peacefulness enveloped her. No phones ringing, no appointments that needed to be kept. She hadn’t checked her e-mails in over a month. All the technology had not entered this part of the world...yet.

  Chloe smiled. She was falling in love with this place, with this family, with the man.

  Damn it.

  She’d always been in control of her feelings, but the second he opened the door on that rainy night, her self-control had vanished. But could she trust her feelings? She’d never loved anyone before, never even been loved. So how could she be sure what she felt was real? Was she capable of loving? Of being loved in return? Perhaps he wouldn’t even feel the same.

  The same as what? She couldn’t even put a name on her feelings.

  The phone rang, and she pushed her unwanted thoughts aside to go back inside to answer it. Marcus, she assumed, was out running errands. She was sure he had a machine, but she couldn’t stand to hear the phone ringing. Besides, she’d come to think of this house as her own, and Marcus seemed fine with the idea. A nagging voice inside her head kept reminding her this cozy living situation was only temporary. She was not the little woman awaiting her man to come home from work.

  The closest phone sat on a small oak table in the foyer. “Delaney’s Bed and Breakfast.”

  “Marcus Delaney, please,” the deep male voice said on the other end.

  “I’m sorry, he’s out at the moment. Can I take a message?” Chloe rummaged through the small, uncluttered drawer for a pen and piece of paper.

  “This is Mr. Bailey from Treasure’s Antiques. Mr. Delaney contacted me about selling some pieces. I wanted to set up a time to come and make an offer.”
  Sell the antiques? Maybe he had some in storage he wasn’t using. Surely he wasn’t selling all the beautiful pieces in the house. “I’ll have him call you as soon as he gets in.”

  Once she’d taken down the guy’s number, Chloe hung up, folded the sheet of paper and stuffed it in the pocket of her chino shorts. She went back to the porch to resume her seat on the swing.

  A short time later, Sara pulled up in front of the house. As she got out of her car, Chloe smiled. In any other circumstance, she would be jealous of Sara’s beauty. But she found herself liking Sara more and more. Like Marcus, his sister was impossible not to fall for.

  “Hey, Chloe,” Sara called as she strolled up the sidewalk, wearing pale blue scrubs and sturdy white tennis shoes. Her glossy, dark hair was pulled back in a loose knot at the nape of her neck while shadows settled under her dark, almond shaped eyes. “Is Marcus here?”

  “No, it’s just me.”

  Sara climbed the porch steps as if it were Mt. Everest. “I just got off work and wanted to know if he needed me to do anything.”

  “You worked the midnight shift?”

  Sara nodded, all but collapsing in the wicker rocker closest to Chloe. “I got called in as soon as I left here last night. Another nurse had a family emergency, and I told them to call me with any extra overtime.”

  “That sucks. Aren’t you exhausted?” Chloe was shocked the woman was still on her feet with a smile on her face.

  Sara laid her head against the back of the chair, resting her eyes. “God yes, but Marcus depends on me. I try to help him out as much as possible around here. That’s why I went in last night. Seeing as how it was overtime, I get paid time and a half. We need the extra income.”

  Working for extra income boggled Chloe’s mind. She’d never have to work in her life if she chose not to—one of the perks of being adopted by rich parents. There may not have been love, but a shortage of money never seemed to be an issue.

  “I’m not sure where he went. He was gone by the time I got up.” She wanted to ask about their financial troubles, but that would be stepping way over the line into private, family territory. A place she had no business going.


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