Unexpected Love

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Unexpected Love Page 7

by Shelby Clark

  Seth chuckled and smiled. “Well, that’s not a bad thing.”

  TC smacked his arm playfully. “Don’t laugh at me. Do you think we could stay here a couple of days? Can we survive with nothing?”

  “Hey, me Tarzan and you my Jane,” joked. “If that is what my queen wants, that’s what she will have, but what about your friends? Won’t they be sick with worry or angry with you? Babe, I don’t want anyone coming down on you. I have a transmitter in my bag. I can try to reach one of my friends on the island to leave word with your friends to let them know you’re ok. I need you to tell me something only they will know about you.”

  “Well, their names are El and Dee. Tell them I’m ok, and I’m finally getting laid. I will see them in a couple of days. They will understand.”

  “I thought you weren’t sure if you wanted them to know about us.” He pulled the radio from his backpack and clicked a few buttons.

  “Well, they will believe I met someone, but they won’t believe I slept with him. They think I’m too wired up for my own good. But my babe that they don’t know took care of that, right?” TC answered.

  “Right, and I’m going to continue to take care of it. I plan to keep that river flowing swiftly. Ok, I sent it,”

  TC asked, “What kind of radio is that? I just realized… If you had a radio all this time, why didn’t you call for help last night or told me you had a radio?”

  “Look, my little bunny, don’t start getting worked-up. Remember the rainstorm last night? Remember us bonding on Fantasy Island? Do I need to remind you? Besides, I was not trying to keep anything from you. I forgot myself after we got caught up talking. Babe, if you want to leave, I can arrange for that and call for someone to pick us up now. Did you see my canoe? The strong winds and rain must have made it hit against the rocks. There’s a huge hole in it.”

  TC looked down toward the bank at the hole in the canoe as Seth was talking.

  “This radio is a portable Motorola HT1550-XLS, which offers five watts of power, and it gets UHF and VHF with one hundred sixty channels. My best bud has the same radio, and we use it to keep in touch around the island. So I’m going to ask you again. Do you want to leave? I can call for help now. Is that what you want, babe? I would love this opportunity to spend time with you and allow our relationship to grow. What do you really want to do?”

  TC didn’t hesitated. “I want to be with you, babe. I want the same thing you want. Like I said the first time, I need this time out, and I want it with you. I don’t want to leave yet, but right now my foot is throbbing. Can you make me feel better? Do you have anything else in your bag of magic tricks?”

  “As a matter of fact I do. I take this ointment everywhere with me. My grandmother made cures for everything. She is an herbalist, and because I teach chemistry, I dabble in it a little myself. Whatever you need she has it. She believes in natural cures. Your foot will feel good as new by tomorrow.” Seth’s radio beeped twice. “Yeah, go ahead,” he replied.

  A voice came from the radio. “The drop-off will be at 1100 hours, and tell Ms. Shaw her friends said for her to let her hair down and have some fun. They are ok and are glad to know she is too. Ms. El said she is with the cardiologist, and Ms. Dee is with me,” the radio voice informed them.

  Seth laughed. “What? Seriously, bro? How did you pull that off?”

  “Seth, man, you think you’re the only one that can have some fun. I saw these beautiful ladies, and I had to jump on the bandwagon. Call me if you need me. Peace out.”

  As soon as the conversation stopped, the sound of a motor boat grew closer.

  “Look, babe.” TC pointed to the water. A Brazilian man stood behind the wheel hugging up with Dee. The other men on the boat tossed a large packaged box to the sand.

  “Hey, TC, make sure you’re a bad girl for once,” Dee yelled as they sped off. “See you later, girl. Have some fun!”

  “Oh my god, babe, we are really staying here,” TC shouted excitedly as she jumped into Seth’s arms and wrapped her legs around his waist.

  “TC, babe, you are arousing me. If you didn’t notice, I am high-strung in that department. I am ready to take care of business at the drop of a hat. Do you feel my bulge?”

  “Yes,” TC answered while burying her face into Seth’s neck.

  “That’s not the radio, so if you don’t want me to prop you up on this palm tree and have my way with you right now, you better have a seat. Plus, we need to go through our goodies.” Seth opened the box with all the supplies.

  TC sighed in contentment. “I like our tent, babe. I also enjoyed dinner. Is there anything you’re not good at or can’t do?”

  “Not really. I was always multitalented even as a young child. My father had me and my brother into every sport you can think of. We were even in the boys scout.”

  “You really amaze me. I’m so glad fate brought us together and that you were my first. I love how you took your time with me. You helped me over my fears and showed me that the men I was exposed to were not a representation of all men. They were more or less an isolated element of my mother’s environment as a result of her involvement with her drug addiction. I’m so grateful to have had this experience with you. Thank you, babe, for loving me so good.”

  “For my queen, I will do anything. Just don’t break my heart, TC, because I won’t hurt or break yours. Babe, I don’t want to be hurt either. I’m strong, and I can do a lot. There isn’t much I can’t do. I love learning. In fact I get thrilled off of knowledge. I’m not a know-it-all, but I love knowing. So I will be here for you and help you through anything, but the one thing I can’t handle if you haven’t figured it out yet is being hurt. That’s why there are gaps between my past relationships. I can pretty much count the women I’ve been with, and its not many. So with that being said, do you want to go swimming?”

  “I thought you would never ask,” TC responded. She stripped to the bare bone.

  “What are you doing?”, Seth asked as he scanned TC’s body with lust in his eyes.

  “What’s wrong, babe? Can you carry me to the water?” TC asked innocently.

  Seth jumped to his feet while hurriedly stripping his clothes. “Oh yeah, I can carry you.” He snatched her to him, causing her breasts to bounce. His expression changed in an instant. “I’m sorry, babe, but I don’t feel like swimming anymore.”

  TC noticed Seth carrying her toward the tent. She examined his body as he walked. “Where are we going?” she asked with a grin.

  Seth smiled back. “You know where we’re going. You have been teasing me all morning. I think you’re learning a little too fast. I am going to show you a thing or two that I’ve been holding back. You’ll fall in love with me all over again. We may be in there until tomorrow morning.” Seth carried her inside and zipped down the tent.

  * * * *

  “TC, babe, we have to pack. We’ve been here for longer than we anticipated. I can’t believe six days went by that fast. Your flight is tomorrow, and we need to talk. Come on, wake up. What do you want to do,” Seth asked.

  TC crawled out of the tent. “What do you mean? I want to keep loving you.” She sat on Seth’s lap while they were still naked and nudged his rod inside of her while she ground back and forth.

  “Awww, you play dirty, but I’m not complaining. Oh yeah babe, that’s good,” Seth moaned. “TC, I’m trying to talk, but this feels so good. We have to go back. Is this going to remain the same? Are we talking on campus or off campus? Will our relationship be open or hush-hush? You tell me, babe. I will go along with whatever you want.”

  TC continued to grind Seth’s rod. “Hold on, babe, I’m…I’m coming. Oh yes, oh yes, oh yes…” she moaned.

  “Wait, babe, let me come with you. I want to implode my juices inside you. Yeah, ride it, ride it good. Awww, that was awesome!” Seth sighed in satisfaction.

  Later, TC helped Seth prepare for the boat and then paused to explain to him how she felt. “Although a lot has changed here and with me
, and I don’t regret anything. I am in love with you. I won’t hurt you, but when we get home we will decide whether or not our relationship will be open. I am a serious person, and I don’t like everyone in my business. There are a lot of rumors and gossip going around on campus. I don’t want to be a part of that. If I could move here, I would prefer that. I still don’t want to go back, not yet. I probably will never feel ready. I love this place and all that we’ve shared, but I guess all good things must come to an end.”

  “Don’t say that! That’s not true. We made a lot of progress letting go of the past and changing your perspective on things. You’re just nervous about all the requirements you must satisfy in order to graduate. Our love will carry you through. You can come to my house, and I will give you all the love and massages you need.

  So are we ok, TC?” Seth asked.

  “Yes, babe,” TC answered, “and here comes our boat.”

  Chapter Ten

  Back to Reality

  “Ok, TC, spill, girl. Tell us what’s wrong,” El demanded. “You were quiet doing the whole flight back home.”

  “No, she slept the whole flight back as if she hadn’t slept a wink the whole trip,” Dee added. “TC, are you ok? This trip was supposed to have been good for you.”

  TC sighed and walked toward her room while looking at her cell phone to see who was sending her a text. “I’m alright. I just can’t believe I am back to reality. I wasn’t ready for this. I just need a minute, and I’m tired. It may be jetlag. You know how I am when it comes to planes. We don’t get along.” She shut the door behind her.

  TC soaked in the tub thinking. What was she going to do? Seth kept calling her. She didn’t want to hurt him, but how could she focus with him on her plate and on school too? She needed to first pull herself together. For some strange reason she felt like she couldn’t do it.

  So how am I going to do this? I wish I could talk to my sisters. But I’m tired of the hassle and the joking they constantly do.

  Should she talk to him or not? She wished she knew what to do. He would just look at me with those sexy eyes, and she’d be right back in his bed. Come on TC, get a grip girl.

  TC returned to her room to get dressed before her sisters left.

  “Ok, sisters, we need to talk. I will answer all your questions, and then I need you to be good. I need you right now to be serious with no fooling around. Ok?” TC requested.

  “Sure, TC. This sounds serious,” El answered.

  “First, let’s start with your questions,” TC invited.

  El jumped in first. “I want to know his name and what he looks like. Was it someone on the plane? Where were you exactly, and did anything happen? Oh and by the way we heard you talking to yourself in the bathroom. We’re sorry for teasing you so much and making you feel like you can’t talk to us. We love you, TC, and it was never our intention to drive you away from us.”

  TC responded, “I know. That’s why I’m talking now. I’m the youngest, and you old bitties always think you’re supposed to rule over me acting like mother hens. But that’s ok. Look. I did meet someone. I thought he was on the plane, but he wasn’t. His family has their own private jet.”

  “El butted in. “Excuse me? He’s wealthy too? Damn, girl, I didn’t know you had it like that.”

  TC laughed. “Me either, but he saw something in me. He wouldn’t give up, and our paths kept crossing. We believe it was fate that brought us together. He told me he is in love with me, and I am in love with him. But why did this have to happen now? I’m about to graduate. This is the end, and my classes and the assignments have gotten lengthier and harder. All the professors push the graduates to the max. I feel like I can’t pull myself together.” A few of tears fell from TC’s eyes.

  Dee responded in a comforting tone, “TC, you got it bad. Damn, girl, you are in love, but don’t you know that love conquers all? We all had to come back to reality, but no matter how hard or complicated things get, you can make it through with love on your side. You have us. We love you, and the guy you’re talking about is here for you. You said he loves you, and I trust you know what you’re talking about. TC, we also know more had to have taken place in Rio. Talk to us. You may be surprised what we already know. Who is the guy?”

  TC sighed. “Ok, I can’t go into details because he’s picking me up, and I’m going to his house so we can talk. I’ve been avoiding him for about a week, and he noticed I missed a couple of classes. He’s concerned.”

  El interrupted. “Wait. How does he know you’ve miss time from school? Does he go to your school?”

  TC continued. “Yes and no. You two have seen him before, but you didn’t have a chance to get a real good look at him. Well Dee saw him from a distance in RIO, but you both saw him from the balcony once. Lke I said he was in Rio. Did you all know I was a virgin?”

  El responded, “Yes, we did. As tight, serious, and wired up as you were, yes, we knew it. We were just messing with you with the sex jokes, and we apologize. Nevertheless, we knew that you were in control of your body, and when you were ready that day would come sooner or later to decide to have sex. Hell, you are a grown ass woman. Who are we to judge you or even tell you what to do? That is an awesome attribute for you.”

  TC giggled, “Well it used to be an attribute.”

  El and Dee started screaming. “Shut the front door!” El yelled.

  “I told you, Dee. I told you something was different. She is too laid back. Plus, when has TC ever missed any of her classes, except to avoid that Professor Seth Howard. Man, that’s a sexy name,” El rambled.

  El looked at TC, suspicion in her expression. “Is Professor Seth Howard the man you fell in love with? He’s the one you had a DTD moment with?”

  TC nodded.

  “Get the freak out of here! OMG, OMG! I would have never imagined,” El exclaimed. “My little sister is a grown woman! And, Dee, how come you’re not acting that surprised?”

  El hugged TC’s neck but drew back to stare. TC slapped a hand up to her neck, knowing her sister had noticed the passion mark.

  “Damn, you two must have been really into it. You have bite marks on your neck. I never had that.”

  Dee answered, “Well, I was with his best friend. The guy who told us TC was ok. I just figured it out. Junnie told me that was his best friend, but I didn’t know it was Professor Howard. I mean Seth until now. TC, you’re stressing and blowing all this out of proportion, but I have a feeling good things are about to happen for you. Just take everything in stride. Junnie told me he’s never seen his best friend act like this before. He said Seth must really be into my sister. ”

  TC replied, “Oh and for the record, there was never a DTD moment. It was an NCAA week.”

  El and Dee both looked puzzled. “Ok, we know DTD is ‘Drop the Draws,’ but what is ‘NCAA’, TC?” Dee exclaimed.

  TC clarified, “It means ‘NO CLOTHES AT ALL!’

  El shouted, “Damn! Brother was laying it on you wasn’t he?”

  TC stood and walked to the door to answer a knock, mentioning over her shoulder to El and Dee, “Brother is massive in the delivery department too!”

  El begged her to wait before she answered the door. “Well, what about the woman and all the other stuff that was going on?”

  TC answered quickly. “Look, I got to answer the door. It’s all resolved and a misunderstanding on our part, mostly me. We’ll talk about it later.” She swung the door open.

  El and Dee fell back into the chair as they reacted to Seth’s presence. “Damn!” they said in unison.

  TC invited Seth in. “Sorry, that seems to be the word of the day. I need to grab my bag and sunglasses.”

  “Hello, ladies.”

  TC watched El and Dee from the kitchen entry as they became speechless and fell into a deep stare. She then heard El and Dee call her to the kitchen. “Yes? Meet me in the kitchen,” TC answered.

  “Shhh whisper, girl. Are you sure you can handle all that? We didn’t realize
he looked that good. I mean damn good! I mean massive muscle everywhere. If he’s massive up top, we know he’s…” El emphasized.

  TC ended the conversation by walking out and yelling, “Massive!”

  * * * *

  TC tried to create small talk. “Babe, I love your place, and it’s really not that far from school.”

  After Seth dropped his keys he walked over to her. “I told you I would never hurt you, and you said the same. What are you doing? Are you bringing this to an end before it really gets started? Why are you avoiding me? If I hadn’t convinced you to let me come get you, it would have been two weeks since I’ve seen you or talked to you. I love you, babe. Even more now that we’re back. What’s wrong? This can work! What do you see as a problem?”

  TC took a step back from him and held her mouth and stomach. “Where’s the bathroom?” All of a sudden, she felt like she was minutes from throwing up.

  “Babe, are you ok? You don’t look too good. What’s wrong?”

  TC could hear Seth, who stood outside, knocking on the bathroom door. She turned on the water while she was throwing up.

  TC waited until she flushed the toilet before answering. “I’m ok. I just need to sit down.” She opened the door and walked to the couch.

  “Are you really ok, babe,” Seth asked. She saw the worry in his eyes and patted his leg. The queasiness in her stomach hadn’t settled down much.

  “Ever since I returned, I don’t feel like myself. I think I’m coming down with something. Maybe I caught a virus on the plane. I just feel week and tired. It may all be psychological. This might be too much for me right now.”

  “What are you saying, TC?” Anxiety filled his tone.

  “Ok, babe, you’re not going to want to hear this. I’m… I mean… I have decided that we should take a break for a minute. I mean at least until I graduate. I’m not interested in anyone else. I just need to focus, and I can’t do that with you. When I’m with you, you’re all I can think of. I can’t concentrate at all. I failed a couple of tests for the first time in my academic career. This is not me. This is also why I wouldn’t date or go out with anyone because I didn’t want the distraction.


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