The Night Killer df-8

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The Night Killer df-8 Page 17

by Beverly Connor

  Chapter 31

  Diane’s gaze swept the room in the same methodical manner she searched a crime scene. But it was another voice that led her to him, one she knew even better. It was the voice of Andie, her assistant. He was sitting with Andie, sans beard and rain gear. It was Andie’s new boyfriend, the one she was falling for, head over heels.

  The lighting in the restaurant, with its dark decor, was kept dim even at lunchtime. Diane stepped back into the shadows of one of the Gothic arches and watched. A waitress brought them more tea. She picked up the old glasses and put them on a tray. Diane didn’t take her eyes off the tray, and when the waitress was within a few feet of her, Diane stopped her and, taking a napkin from her take-out bag, lifted the glass from the tray, holding it as near the bottom as she could with the clean napkin.

  “An experiment,” she said, and smiled at the waitress.

  The waitress didn’t seem to find it odd and just smiled as Diane took the glass. Diane quickly turned on her heel and walked from the restaurant to the bank of elevators. She used her key to take the private elevator to the third floor, where she walked to the crime lab. On the way she called Deven Jin, her director of the DNA lab.

  “Jin, meet me in the crime lab immediately,” she said when he answered.

  “Sure, boss, is something-”

  “Now,” she said, and closed the phone.

  Diane pocketed her phone, punched her code into the security keypad outside the entrance to the crime lab, and opened the door. There was no one in the lab. She was about to call David when the elevator doors opened and he entered, followed by Izzy. They were carrying their crime scene cases. She sat down at the meeting table while they stored their evidence bags and washed up, drumming her fingers on the table as she waited.

  Her mind reeled with a combination of surprise, anger, and triumph at finding the stranger in the woods. He had helped her when she desperately needed help and she had felt gratitude. But now it looked as if he was using Andie.

  How? her mind asked.

  She couldn’t answer that, but his presence at the museum, easing himself into Andie’s life, was too much of a coincidence. It had to have something to do with Diane herself.

  What? I don’t know, she answered herself.

  She was afraid he was involved with the Barres’ death-and he had Andie falling in love with him.

  Jin came in through the museum side, followed by Scott and Hector. Diane wondered why they had tagged along. The DNA lab was a very busy lab. Then she remembered it was lunchtime and conceded that even her lab personnel had to eat.

  “What’s up, boss?” asked Jin.

  “Hey, Diane,” said David.

  The two of them sat down opposite Diane and stared at her. Scott and Hector pulled up chairs nearby but away from the table.

  “You look like you’re ready to rip someone a new one,” David said.

  Diane cocked an eyebrow. “Do I? I’ll have to work on hiding my emotions,” she said. “I want you to run the fingerprints on this glass. Use all methods at your disposal to identify them. It’s your highest priority.”

  David looked startled; so did Jin. Diane didn’t think Izzy was in the loop on David’s access to databases. But Jin was. Some of David’s resources were rarely used, because he wasn’t supposed to have access to them. They were to be used in dire emergencies only.

  “Okay,” David said, stretching out the word.

  Diane turned to Jin. “I want you to take the DNA from this glass and give me a photograph of what this man looks like,” she said. She emphasized the word photograph.

  “Dr. Fallon, one can’t get a photograph from an analysis of. .”

  Diane shot a look at Scott. She had learned to tell them apart without noticing what color shirts they had on-Hector, the older one, always wore a shirt with a color of higher wavelength than Scott. Of course, their names on their lab coats helped.

  “She’s speaking in hyperbole,” said Hector.

  “Oh,” said Scott.

  Diane looked back at Jin. “I want a complete genetic profile,” she said. She encompassed both David and Jin with her gaze. “And I want it three days ago.”

  “Wow,” said Jin. “Whose glass is this?”

  “That is what you are going to tell me,” she said, and stood up, still unconsciously drumming her fingers on the table. “I have to get back to the museum. Is everything running smoothly here?”

  “Slick as can be,” said David.

  “Izzy, I left my SUV in the impound lot,” she said.

  “We saw it when we came in,” he said. “Did you have an accident?”

  “Not exactly,” said Diane. “When you have time, I need you to have a look at the paint traces I collected. I locked them in the vault. I would also like you to check it from bumper to bumper and see if I missed anything that could be used to find the truck that hit me.”

  “A couple of things,” said Izzy. “You know, you told these guys you wanted the information ASAP. And you asked me to do it when I can get to it. I’m feeling kind of left out of the drama here.”

  “What’s the other thing?” said Diane.

  “You said you didn’t exactly have an accident, but your SUV says otherwise, and it looks like you’re trying to identify a hit-and-run driver,” he said.

  “The damage was done on purpose,” she said.

  “Something’s happened,” said David.

  “Yes, but I really don’t want to talk about it right now. I’ll tell you later.” Diane thanked them and turned to go. After a few steps she turned back to Hector and Scott.

  “Have you gotten a call yet from Dr. Webber?” she asked.

  “Yes,” they said together; then Scott deferred to Hector.

  “She will be starting late this afternoon. We’re going to join her. She said there will be four bodies and it will take a couple of days,” he said.

  Diane nodded. “Spence Barre must have gotten the Watsons’ children to give permission. That’s good,” she said, more to herself than to them.

  “How about we all have an early dinner in the restaurant,” said David. “I’ll have information for you then.”

  “Sure,” she said, nodding. She gave them a small smile. “Thanks. I really do appreciate the work you do.”

  “We know,” said David.

  “It’s always so exciting,” said Scott.

  “I’d like to be able to tone down the excitement,” she said as she headed for the door.

  Diane went back to her museum office, hoping Andie had brought her new beau to introduce him, and half dreading such a meeting. But Andie wasn’t in the office when she got there. There was a note from her saying she was having a meeting with the exhibit designers. Diane called to make sure.

  “Hi, Dr. Fallon,” said Andie’s voice, and Diane’s heart stopped pumping so hard.

  “How are you?” she said, and immediately knew she sounded rather stupid. “Did you have a good time yesterday?” she added.

  “We had a great time,” she said in a low voice, and Diane realized she was still in her meeting.

  “Come by the office when you’re finished,” said Diane.

  That must have sounded rather strange too. Of course Andie would come by the office when she finished. Diane sat down at her desk to get some work done, but her mind was too filled with the stranger and what he was up to. She had a mind to go find him. She could go to Security and take a look at the monitors to try to locate him in the museum.

  No, she would speak with Andie first. Diane dreaded it. Andie probably wouldn’t be receptive to any caution Diane might offer about him. In fact, she would see him as heroic. After all, he wasn’t guilty of anything at the moment, except coming to Diane’s aid.

  She was still deep in thought when someone knocked on her door. It opened and Neva and Mike walked in carrying a flat package.

  Chapter 32

  Neva was another member of Diane’s forensic team. She was sent to Diane from the Rosewood Poli
ce Department. A reluctant assignment for the young policewoman at first, but one Neva had grown into. When Diane discovered that Neva possessed considerable artistic skills, Diane introduced her to forensic art and taught her how to reconstruct a face from a skull.

  Mike Seger was the curator of the geology collection and had built one of the best rock and mineral reference collections in the country. Students from several large university geology departments in the region had begun using the museum’s collection for research since he took over as curator. Mike also worked for a company that searched for and collected extremophiles, organisms that lived in the harshest environs on the planet. Mike and Neva were two of Diane’s caving partners and she enjoyed seeing them become a couple.

  Diane rushed around her desk and hugged the two of them.

  “I have missed you both,” she said.

  They smiled broadly, returning the embrace.

  “You look great,” said Diane, looking at each of them in turn. “Really great.”

  From the relaxed look on their faces, they appeared well rested. Diane had feared they would be exhausted after such a busy trip. They actually looked energized by it.

  Neva was wearing her brown hair a few inches past her shoulders with bangs across her forehead. She wasn’t wearing any makeup, and didn’t need any with her tan face, large, dark eyes, and full lips. Mike looked as rugged as ever, with a deep tan and his well-toned muscles. The two of them grinned at Diane and gripped the package between them.

  “What do you have here?” asked Diane.

  “A gift,” said Neva, beaming. “I think you’ll like it. I hope you like it.”

  “Well, let’s see what it is.” Diane gently began tearing the brown wrapping off the package. “This is gorgeous,” she said when the gift was exposed.

  “I thought the lone wolf in your forensic office could use some company,” said Neva. “We took a lot of photographs. I bought this panoramic camera for the trip.” She gestured with her arms wide. “And you won’t believe the wonderful pictures we got.”

  The package was a huge, wide, framed photograph of an expanse of savanna with brown grass, umbrella trees, and an orange sunset. Looking closer, Diane saw a family of lions in the grass.

  “I love this,” said Diane, not taking her eyes off the photograph. “It’s beautiful. It’s enthralling.”

  “I thought I would do a painting of one of the photos we took, to hang somewhere in the museum,” said Neva.

  “I imagine you have lots that would be terrific in the mammal room,” said Diane, looking up at her. “When did you get back?”

  “Three days ago in the United States. We made a few stops before coming home. Kendel’s still in New York. She’s going to wait for our cargo and arrange for shipment here, then visit some friends while she’s in New York,” said Neva. “Speaking of friends, I met Andie’s new friend. Quite a hunk. Have you met him?”

  “Andie hasn’t introduced him yet,” said Diane, looking at the photograph, touching the nonglare glass with her fingertips, tracing the lions.

  “But have you met him?” asked Neva.

  Diane looked over at her. She stood there, eyes slightly narrowed, studying Diane. There was a time when only Frank and David noticed when she didn’t answer the exact question that was put to her. Now most of her crew could. Neva and Mike waited for an answer with bemused expressions.

  “It’s a long story,” said Diane.

  “I’m anxious to hear it,” said Neva. “Is Andie serious?”

  “She just met him a couple of days ago,” said Diane. “But she’s grown quite fond of him in that time. Apparently lots of chemistry.”

  “And you haven’t met him yet?” pushed Neva.

  “Not yet. He’s been busy,” said Diane. She believed he had been avoiding her. Not surprising.

  “You know, I feel a mystery here,” said Neva.

  “You have no idea,” said Diane. Her cell phone saved her from answering further.

  “Fallon,” she said.

  “Diane, it’s David. I have some preliminary information for you.”

  “That was quick.” She looked at the clock on the wall.

  “Like I said-preliminary. I just thought you’d like to know what I’ve found so far,” he said.

  “Yes, shoot,” she said. She walked around her desk and sat down with pen in hand. She pointed at the chairs. “Have a seat,” she said to Neva and Mike.

  “You have visitors?” said David.

  “Mike and Neva are back,” she said.

  “Really?” David’s voice brightened. “Tell Neva to get her little butt over here and get to work. We need her.”

  Diane relayed the message.

  “Tell David I still have a few days left on my vacation,” she said, loud enough for David to hear.

  “Yeah, right,” said David. “At least ask her and Mike to join us for dinner.”

  Diane did, and the two of them accepted.

  “Now, what do you have?” asked Diane.

  “His name is William Steven Dugal,” said David. “Isn’t that the guy Andie is dating?” he asked. “You aren’t checking up on him, are you?”

  “Yes. And I have good reason,” she said.

  “Still, this can get a little dicey. I mean, if it were me. .” he said.

  “What else do you have, or are you going to plead this as an ethics violation?” said Diane.

  “No, I’m just trying to make sure I know what’s going on. He’s retired navy. I don’t have details yet. However, what flagged his prints was his license. He’s a private detective. Which, I’ll admit, may make your snooping justified,” he said.

  Diane went still for a moment. Private detective. What the hell?

  “Are you still there?” asked David.

  “I recognized his voice earlier today,” said Diane.

  “Recognized? You’ve heard him speak before? Where?” asked David.

  “In the woods,” said Diane.

  She heard David’s surprise. “Damn. He’s the guy you met in the woods? The one who gave you the knife and rain gear? The one you went out of your way to keep Sheriff Conrad from being tempted to railroad?”

  “Yes,” said Diane, “the same.”

  “You’re sure?” he said.

  “I recognized the voice, but if you are asking if I could be mistaken. . of course, there is always a chance. But he has a very distinctive voice,” said Diane.

  “I see why you want to investigate him.” David was silent a moment. “And that certainly makes the detective thing interesting, not to mention his interest in Andie.” He sighed. “Well, this could be messy. How are you going to handle it?”

  “I don’t know,” said Diane. “Is there a firm involved, or is it self-employment?”

  Diane was making an effort to disguise the topic of her conversation as much as possible from Mike and Neva. She didn’t want Andie’s business to become public knowledge, even if the public in question were good friends.

  “He has a partner. Apparently they own the agency together. The partner’s name is Louis Ruben. The name of the agency is Peachtree Investigative Services,” said David.

  “So he’s in Atlanta,” said Diane.

  “Looks like it,” said David.

  “Anything else?” asked Diane.

  “The Web site says he was a captain when he retired,” said David.

  “Is that good?” said Diane. “I know that’s ignorant, but I have no idea how that system works.”

  “Yes, I think that’s very good,” said David.

  “You think it’s true?” asked Diane.

  “I don’t think he could get away with having that on his Web site if it weren’t,” said David.

  “Thanks,” said Diane.

  “This is strange,” said David.

  “I know,” agreed Diane.

  “What was he doing in the woods? Not photographing owls, I’ll bet,” David said.

  “Probably not,” said Diane.

  Diane and David hung up and she turned her attention to Neva and Mike, who looked at her with interest. She smiled at them.

  “We’re going to meet in the restaurant about sevenish,” said Diane.

  “It’ll be good to see everyone again,” said Neva. “I feel like I’ve been gone a year.”

  Diane started to respond, but was interrupted when Andie walked through the doorway-followed by Liam Dugal himself.

  Chapter 33

  Andie’s face was a still mask, but her eyes were moist and Diane could see she was holding back tears.

  “Liam would like to speak with you,” she said, her chin held high.

  “Very well,” said Diane. She locked gazes with Liam Dugal.

  Neva and Mike exchanged glances.

  “Andie,” said Neva, “we’re going to hang this in Diane’s other office. Why don’t you come help us?”

  Andie nodded and swept out of the room.

  Diane watched her go and turned her gaze back to Liam. He had also watched her leave and was still looking at the closed door. Diane gestured to a chair and he turned and sat down slowly, as if testing for some lethal trap she might have installed in the seat.

  “What kind of detective work were you doing in the woods the night we met?” said Diane.

  He raised his eyebrows. “You recognized me?” he said.

  “I heard your voice this morning and recognized it,” she said.

  “And you looked up my name on the Internet?”

  “I got your fingerprints off the glass you were drinking from,” said Diane. “I didn’t trust that you gave Andie your correct name.” Diane leaned forward, resting her arms on her desk, and glared at him. “You know, Andie is a good, kind, trusting person. Using her to get to. . to get whatever you are after is small and mean.”

  At least he had the good grace to wince, thought Diane.

  “It wasn’t my intention to use her. That was, uh, a happy accident,” he said.


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