RICHIE: New Orleans Wolf Shifters with plus sized BBW for mates (Le Beau Series Book 6)

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RICHIE: New Orleans Wolf Shifters with plus sized BBW for mates (Le Beau Series Book 6) Page 9

by V. A. Dold

  “Oh, that.” She waved at the bed. “I think it’s lost in the sheets. I didn’t get the chance to read it yet.”

  Richie frowned at the mountain of bedding, no way was he going to hunt up the note. “Well, then I’ll sum it up. You have a date with me in the restaurant downstairs for breakfast.”

  “Oh, I do, do I?”

  He nodded and stood with his hand extended. “Yes, ma’am.”

  “I guess I have no choice, seeing as you saved my life and all with your nasty cure.”

  “I love your attitude. Now get dressed, the breakfast buffet closes in twenty-five minutes.”

  She disappeared into the bathroom with her clothes and a few minutes later emerged dressed, fresh faced with her hair brushed.

  “Perfection. Let’s go.” Richie took her hand and led her out the door.

  Piper snuck glances at Richie as they walked to the elevator. When she’d opened the door and met his gaze through her half opened eyes, her mind had instantly filled with images of sweaty, entangled bodies and mind-blowing sex. If her head hadn’t been about to explode, she would have stripped him naked. She prayed he hadn’t picked up on her out of control fantasizing while she’d stood there practically toe-to-toe with him.

  She huffed a breath and ran a hand through her hair. Shit, why hadn’t she packed her vibrator? If she was going to stay in control of her hormones and keep Richie safe while she apprehended Qball, she needed to blow off some steam. Sooner rather than later, and without Richie’s sexy body involved in said activities.

  They each sat with steaming cups of coffee when Richie cleared his throat.

  “Piper, I have a suggestion and I hope you’ll hear me out.”

  She took another sip, speculating about what he wanted to suggest. “All right. What’s on your mind?”

  “I was thinking over what you said about Qball possibly targeting your friends and the guests of the wedding. I believe, if you leave the hotel he’ll follow you. That would take the civilians out of the equation.”

  “I was thinking the same thing. If I leave, he’ll follow me. I just haven’t decided on the best place to leave, to.”

  “I have a suggestion for that as well.” He grinned, his eyes sparkling with excitement.

  “Okay, I’ll bite. Where?”

  “My cabin in New Orleans,” he announced proudly.

  A frown wrinkled her forehead, and her eyes narrowed. “No,” She stated emphatically, and shook her head.

  “Why not?” he asked incredulously.

  “I won’t bring this trouble to your doorstep. Besides, there are way too many people in New Orleans. He’d start shooting them like goldfish in a bowl.”

  “Not the city. I have a secluded place in the bayou. We could stay there while we hunt him down.”


  After the disagreement, they finished their breakfast in relative silence.

  Piper pulled her phone from her pocket and glanced at Richie. “Please, excuse me while I call in. The local law enforcement might have new leads on Qball’s whereabouts.”

  The table was cleared and they sipped a third cup of coffee as she made her call. She ended the conversation and frowned, the local PD hadn’t gotten any new tips since last night. She’d lost his trail when he disappeared yesterday and she wasn’t sure where to begin looking. Piper tapped her phone against her chin. If she were Qball, where would she be?


  She hadn’t noticed Richie’s silence or his ridged posture. He was caught in a precognitive vision of the future. Images of Piper’s cousin the groom flashed through his mind in sharp clarity. Piper was right; Qball was going to target her family.

  Richie shook his head to clear the vision from his mind and return fully to the present. He was reaching out to touch her arm and warn her when all hell broke loose. Screams were heard in the lobby. He and Piper scrambled from the restaurant and skidded to a halt as the lobby came into view.

  Sure enough, just as he’d seen in his vision, Qball stood before them sneering. Everyone in the lobby had shrunk back from the maniac welding a knife. Bob was held tightly against Qball’s chest as the man searched the room until his eyes landed on Piper.

  “Ah, there you are.” Qball grinned evilly. “I knew if I raised the stakes you’d come out to play.”

  Piper shook with fury, but she didn’t allow her emotions to enter her voice when she spoke. “Oh, I’ll play all right. But we really don’t need extra people in the game. Why don’t you come on over here all by your little lonesome and we’ll do this, one-on-one?” She really hated that little prick and was going to enjoy taking him down.

  “I think I’m good right here with my new toy.” He giggled and pressed the knife deeper.

  Bob was trying to maintain his cool and hold as still as possible. There was no fear in his eyes as he held Piper’s gaze. The expression on his face said it all. Kill the bastard.

  Theresa stood a few feet away from her new husband shaking with a mixture of terror and fury. “Richie, kill this fucker before I do.”

  Richie glanced to Theresa and growled, “Back away and let us handle this.”

  “Yeah, Piper. That’s a good idea. Why don’t you back away, and let us MEN handle this?” Qball mimicked, and then laughed like only a crazy person could. “Of course, I know you won’t. You’d never let a man do your job for you, now would you?”

  Without acknowledging Qball’s remarks, Piper pulled her gun. “Let him go, and slowly set the knife on the floor in front of you.”

  “That’s not playing very nice, Piper. Someone could get hurt, you might miss and hit one of these other fine people.” Qball giggled as he pulled Bob with him and backed toward an exit.

  With each step he retreated, Piper and Richie advanced. “Let him go and take me instead,” Piper demanded.

  Richie snarled at her angrily.

  Qball, stopped his retreat and considered her for a moment. His eyes took on a sheen of insanity. “That’s not a bad suggestion. We could have all kinds of fun. Put down your gun and walk to me slowly.”

  Piper laid her gun on the floor and stepped toward Qball, never taking her eyes off the blade at Bob’s throat. When she was two steps from him, she stopped. “Let him go and I’ll go with you quietly.”

  Qball appeared to consider her offer, then without warning shoved Bob to the floor and lunged for Piper. He grabbed her by the neck and slammed her against the wall.

  Richie growled helplessly.

  Anger erupted in the pit of her stomach and roared through her chest, as she placed both hands against the wall and shoved Qball back. Then she bent forward and slammed her head back with a vengeance, head-butting him with every ounce of energy she could pack into the blow. A crunch resounded as she made contact. Bright red blood dampened her hair and splattered the wall. Damn, she hated the irony smell of blood.

  Qball howled and released his hold.

  Richie reached for his mate and steadied her, but before Piper could regain her footing Qball was out the door.

  “Godammit!” Piper yelled as the door clicked shut.

  She tore loose of Richie’s grasp and dashed after her prey, but he was long gone. She and Richie followed his blood trail for a few blocks until he must have stemmed the flow.

  Richie tried to follow his scent without her knowing what he was doing, but the bastard took a short cut through a small creek a few blocks over and he lost Qball’s scent. If he spent a little time searching the area, he was sure he would pick it up again, but how would he explain that to her? Plus, the last thing he wanted was his mate walking into an ambush unprepared.

  “I’m sorry, cher. We lost him again.”

  “Shit.” Piper breathed heavily, glaring at the creek with her hands on her hips. “All right, I’ll admit you had a good idea. I need to leave the hotel and find an unpopulated area to finish this.”

  Chapter 8

  Piper’s body language left little doubt she was furious, and the steel in he
r voice confirmed it. Her frosty blue glare shot daggers at the offending water.

  Richie took her hand and kissed her knuckles. The act was second nature to him; apparently she wasn’t in the mood for it.

  She pulled her hand away. “What are you doing?”

  “I’m sorry, cher. You’re upset and I felt…I was compelled to soothe you.” He’d almost let the cat out of the bag that he could feel her emotions.

  “Oh. I’m sorry, Richie. I flew off the handle. I’m just so frustrated.”

  Richie took her hand again and started walking back the way they had come. “I know. So, do you want to check the available flights to New Orleans when we get back to the hotel?”

  Piper pulled her hand away a second time. “Who said anything about New Orleans?”

  Richie frowned at her. “I did during breakfast.”

  “And I told you no.” She scowled and turned to walk away.

  He grabbed her arm before she could take two steps. “I think we should at least discuss it. Think about it, there wouldn’t be anyone Qball could use against you.”

  Then it hit him, it wasn’t the location he suggested, it was him. She didn’t want the temptation of being in the same cabin with him. “I have two bedrooms, you can stay in the guest room. What’s the problem?”

  Instantly her expression changed to one of interest. “I’ll think about it. But I don’t like having you in the line of fire either.”

  “Don’t worry about me, I can more than take care of myself,” Richie assured. “Besides, we have things to talk about and privacy is warranted for what I have to say.”

  Piper’s eyebrows rose. “Are you talking about the fact you believe you can turn into a dog?”

  “Not a dog…something – else,” Richie hedged. “I’ll tell you what, come with me to the bayou and draw Qball away from the wedding guests. Once we’re there, if you change your mind about staying at the cabin, we’ll go to town or think of something else. What’s important here is the safety of the people in the hotel.”

  Piper drew a deep breath, held it a long moment, and nodded. “You’re right. The safety of my cousin and the guests come first. All right, let’s get back and after we insure Qball hasn’t doubled back to the hotel or the grounds we’ll talk.”

  Two hours later

  There was no sign of Qball. He was still in the wind. At least the hotel guests were safe for now. Richie took Piper’s hand and nodded toward the elevators. “Let’s go to one of our rooms. We have things to discuss in private.”

  She met his eyes, held them. Then nodded. “All right, it looks safe enough for the time being.” She hadn’t pulled her hand away, but during the trek to her room, she was much too quiet for his comfort and her walls were up so he couldn’t tell what she was thinking.

  He glanced at her out of the corner of his eye and watched as she worried her lower lip. He wouldn’t mind her nibbling on him with those little white teeth. He prayed to the Goddess she would consent to accompany him back to Louisiana.

  Piper’s stomach felt as if hummingbirds had replaced the butterflies that had taken up residence ever since she first laid eyes on the handsome Cajun. He’s like my knight in shining armor come to life, she thought. And he wanted to take her to his home and protect her from the bad guy? Not just protect her, but also help her catch her bounty. The second worried her more than the first. Not that being alone with him in his house didn’t make her pulse race and her knees quiver.

  Expelling a breath, she opened her hotel room door and preceded him through. She watched Richie as he took his time locking the door before joining her at the small breakfast table with its two chairs. The simple kitchenette and table made the room a little less hotel like and a little more homey.

  Once he seated himself, she sucked in a breath and began to speak. “So, why don’t you fill in the details of your idea? If I go to the bayou, how do you suggest I inform Qball where to find me?”

  Richie rubbed his chin in thought. “I’ve been thinking about that. He may be getting information from someone, possibly an employee of the hotel. But I’m not sure that explains how he tracked you here in the first place. So the question is, how did he know you were coming here?”

  Piper frowned. How had he known? “I didn’t tell anyone at work, except my boss, Jerry. Other than him, only my family knew I was coming. Maybe he’s tracking my credit cards?”

  Richie snapped his fingers. “Tracking. Now there’s a thought.”

  He stood and began searching the room. Nothing smelled like an electronic bug, but he was sensing a low frequency hum.

  “Do you have a purse you normally use every day?”

  “Yes, why?”

  “Did you bring it with you?”

  “It’s in the closet. What’s this about?”

  “Would you mind getting it for me?”

  She pulled it from the shelf. “What are you thinking?” Then she handed it to him.

  He gave at a perfunctory sniff and smiled. “A bug,” he said, handing it back. “You’re being tracked.”

  Piper tore into the bag and found a tiny tracking device tucked inside the lining.

  “Damn.” She began to remove it.

  “No. Leave it there. It will lead him to us and he won’t be alerted we found it.”

  She nodded and put the purse back on the shelf. “All right. We still need transportation. I’ll check with the airlines to see what’s available for a flight, my ticket was for Tuesday and it’s not exchangeable.”

  “Okay, if commercial flights are an issue I have someone I can call.”

  Piper looked at him warily, then grabbed her phone and called the airline. Within twenty minutes it was apparent getting a commercial flight out before midweek wasn’t going to happen.

  Richie gave her a charming smile and winked. “Let me see what I can do.” He made a hushed call and returned a few minutes later.

  Isaac Le beau was number one on his speed dial. It was always, ALWAYS wise to have the king of the shifters quickly and easily accessible. Speaking quietly, he laid out the situation and requested the private plane Isaac kept on hand. Without missing a beat, Isaac assured him their transportation to the bayou would be waiting for them on the private strip outside of St. Louis in four hours.

  He was positive Piper would be in a hot mess temper over this, but it was much easier to ask forgiveness than permission. He didn’t have a choice. Not even if he’d wanted one.

  In his precog dream, she died. He had to be there, at the exact moment he’d seen in the dream in order to intervene and save his mate. Since the horrifying vision took place inside what looked to be a warehouse, he had no way of knowing if it was daytime or night. That meant he had to be with her twenty-four seven until that fated moment revealed itself.

  Richie shoved his phone in his back pocket and turned to find a scowling Piper ready to blow. “Did you just arrange for a private plane?”

  The fabric of his shirt rustled with his shrug. “Um…yeah.” He was confused. Why would that make her so angry?

  “You had no right to do that without asking me.”

  “Okay. Would you like to elaborate? I’m not sure what I did wrong.”

  He watched as she considered sharing one or two of her reasons with him and discard them just as quickly. Based on her scent, he smelled fear and the underlying scent of insecurity.

  She must be afraid of flying, he guessed. Maybe she didn’t want to admit a weakness and was fearful he would scoff at her? Not that he would, especially not with her life at stake. But it was interesting that she hadn’t tried to explain herself. She was his mate and once he was able to explain that to her, she would see things differently. He hoped.

  She stiffened her spine and snarled, “Fine.”

  Dang, she had a sexy snarl. Only one word, but it spoke volumes. She may be scared spitless to fly, but she was going to handle it like a pro. With her head up and chin high. He knew showing no weakness was very, VERY important to his ma
te. His Piper had more moxie than any person, shifter or human he’d ever met.

  Richie stood desperately trying to keep a straight face. The last thing he wanted to do was grin. That wouldn’t go over well. “Okay, then. I better get packed. The plane will be on the runway in four hours.”

  “Right,” Piper agreed without looking his way. “I’ll get on that as well.”

  He let himself out without another word. Best to let her calm down before he opened his mouth again and found himself tasting his own foot.

  He could hear her slamming drawers all the way in his room, several doors down, with the door shut. She was really upset. Rubbing his jaw, he racked his brain for a way to get back into her good graces. Nothing. He had nothing. Maybe Billie would have a suggestion?

  She answered on the first ring. “Hey, Romeo. How’s Juliet?”

  “Angry. Very, very angry.”

  Billie busted out laughing.

  “Not helping,” Richie growled.

  “What did you do now?” she asked still laughing.

  “We need to get to the bayou ASAP. The problem is there’s no commercial flights offered by the airline she flew in on until midweek so I have a private plane flying us. Who knew that would send her into orbit?”

  “That does sound a bit extreme. Is she afraid to fly? Little planes are scary for most people and petrifying if you are already afraid.”

  “That was my first thought, but I’m not about to ask her.”

  “If I were you, I’d get her tush into the bar and ply her with a few cocktails to take the edge off.”

  “That’s not a bad idea. Once she stops slamming drawers, I’ll invite her for a drink.”

  “Slamming drawers?” Her rose a couple octaves.

  “Oh yeah. She’s pretty mad.”

  “Your goose is cooked, my friend. Good luck with all that.”

  “Nice, cher. Really helpful.”

  “I aim to please. I’ll see you back home in a couple days.” Billie said laughing.

  “Take care and travel safely.”

  “You, too. Gotta go, Helen’s calling.”


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