You're Mine (The Winters Family Series Book 3)

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You're Mine (The Winters Family Series Book 3) Page 1

by Terra Kelly

  You’re Mine

  The Winters Family Series: Book Three

  Terra Kelly


  Winters Family Crest

  Join “The Menu!”



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Recipes made by the characters.

  Izzy’s Boozified Banana Split Cake

  Joshua’s Chenin My Bourbon Cocktai

  Shawna’s Favorite Fruity Cocktail (Bourbon Pineapple Cocktail)

  Kenzie’s Southwestern Fish Tacos

  Joshua’s Spicy Southwestern Dip

  Joshua’s Famous Southwestern Dip

  Let’s Dance: Excerpt

  Join “The Menu!”

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  About the Author

  Also by Terra Kelly


  Curious about my newsletter, “The Menu,” where you can see what’s cooking in the writing cave.

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  The Menu is a bi-monthly newsletter with updates, exclusive contests, giveaways, and sneak peeks into my future works.

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  Want more information? Check out the back of You’re Mine for all the details–I’ll see you on the other side!

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  Happy reading! oxox


  Ten years ago Joshua Winters met the girl of his dreams in algebra class, his junior year of high school. Then she disappeared. He tried to move on, date other women, but his mind always went back to the gorgeous brunette with the chocolate-colored eyes. Now, as he celebrates with his family, the woman who has invaded every one of his dreams is standing at the bar… and staring right back at him.

  Kenzie Waters was a military brat who moved frequently. She always found a way to avoid any kind of relationship with someone: Until the moment she met Joshua. Her perfectly placed wall around her heart began to crack. So she ran. She regrets never getting to know the gorgeous man who begged for her attention.

  Now, Kenzie has made her way back and hopefully into the arms of the one man who had her heart all along. Will Joshua be willing to give Kenzie that second chance?

  You’re Mine includes laugh out loud scenes, drool-worthy heroes and equally drool-worthy recipes!


  Thank you to my love of my life. This story is a true love story, and one that will hit you in the solar plexus. With my own true love story, it was easy to share Joshua and Kenzie’s story. My husband is my best friend, and someone I think about every day of my life. True love is out there, and everyone deserves complete happiness.

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  *Note- In the book you will notice a cocktail named Chenin My Bourbon. That is a recipe that was created for the book, and the recipe is available at the back of the book with the other recipes. Enjoy!


  Ten Years ago...

  “Maybe he could speak English,” Kenzie said under her breath. She was slouched in her chair, doodling on the cover she made for her algebra textbook.

  Joshua whispered, “Is that even possible?”

  Kenzie looked over at the boy she was trying to avoid for awhile now. He was tall, muscular, and had the sweetest baby face. Every time she would walk past his locker, he was talking to some girl. He had this heart stopping smile that could melt your insides.

  “With Algebra? That would be a no.”

  She had only lived in Wilmington for about a year and had only a few friends. It was better that way. Since her father was in the Military, she was a military brat and moved everywhere. She was happy her junior year was almost over because the whole moving thing was getting old. One more year and she would be on her own. Her younger brother Gage was in ninth grade and was a challenge. By challenge, she meant he was a shit-head most of the time. She found that she liked keeping to herself and avoided making too many friends. For her, she didn’t see the point in getting close to anyone and then moving months later.

  Joshua laughed and quietly said, “I’ve seen you around, you’re not from here, right? I’m Joshua Winters.”

  Kenzie looked into his eyes and realized that was a huge mistake. He had flecks of blue and green that made up amazing hazel eyes. She turned to see what the teacher was doing. Still talking some other language. She whispered, “Hi, I’m Kenzie Waters.” She knew her voice had just deceived her with the shaky sound that escaped her lips.

  Once class had ended, Kenzie packed up her stuff. She stood at the same time Joshua stood up and bumped into his chest. There was this feeling she didn’t recognize, a surge of energy that shot through her. Her heart rate increased, and she noticed a flutter in her stomach- all from just bumping into Joshua Winters. She backed up, and apologized, “Sorry.” Then she grabbed her backpack and started for the door.

  Joshua grabbed her arm to stop her from leaving. Kenzie flinched and recoiled from his touch. He pulled his hand back. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you.”

  “I’m fine. I need to go. It was nice meeting you, Joshua,” she said, with her arms wrapped around her backpack and her head bent low. She was cursing under her breath. Dammit, why did she have to be so shy, especially with boys? Now she over-reacted to a simple touch by the cutest boy in school.

  She needed to get out of here, but she had to wait until her brother finished with his last class. She continued walking out the front door, down the steps, and sat down against a big oak tree. Sitting with her back hidden by the tree, she pulled out a book to read. At that moment, she heard footsteps approaching from behind her. Peeking around the tree to see who was walking toward her, she was surprised to see Joshua. She took in a deep breath, and recited her favorite mantra, “Stay strong Kenzie, you are powerful Kenzie.”

  Joshua stopped in front of Kenzie, and asked, “This seat taken?” He dropped his bag down, then sat down in front of her sitting cross-legged. “I decided I liked your idea of ditching the last class. I’m so over Mr. Figs going on and on about American History,” he said, and looked at the book in her hand. “What are you reading?”

  Kenzie sighed. “If I said, ‘War and Peace’ would you go away then?”

  Joshua laughed. “Depends. Are we talking the classic novel or is there a new book out there I don’t know about?”

  “A new book? There will only ever be one ‘War and Peace’ and does it even matter?” She put her book in her backpack. This was the longest conversation she ever allowed herself with anyone at school. What was the point? She would up and leave soon anyways.

  Joshua seemed confused. Who was this girl and why did she seem so angry? He had seen her in the halls a couple times but this was the first time they had the chance to talk. Come to think of it, he never saw her talking to anyone, ever.

  He liked this grumpy/sexy girl. She had an allure that pulled him in like a moth to a flame.

  Joshua was giving up, for two months he had tried talking to grumpy/sexy girl. She continued to push him away, brush him off, and outright ignore his presence. Since the school year was ending, he figured maybe he should wait until the Fall to talk with her again.

  That day never came for Joshua. The first day of senior year Kenzie was nowhere in sight. He later learned that Kenzie had moved back to Arizona over the Summer. Now here he was falling for someone on the other side of the country and she would never know.


  Present day...

  Drew nudged Alex. “Hey, isn’t that her?”

  Alex looked toward the door. “I’ll be damned.”

  A woman was standing by the bar, with a leather jacket on, and a beer in her hand. She was tall, maybe about 5’11” or 6’0” and looked uncomfortable. She was looking around the room until her eyes caught site of something. Alex knew she was looking right at their table, and to be more precise, right at Joshua.

  Alex kicked Joshua under the table. “Hey, man.”

  Joshua scowled and reached to rub his leg. “What the hell?”

  “Look up, one o’clock.”

  When Joshua looked up, his eyes locked with her. It was like seeing a ghost after almost a decade. He went silent, then stood and walked toward her. It was like an electric pull that forced him toward her. It had been ten years since she disappeared, what would he even say to her now? “Hey there, how the heck are ya?” Anything he said to her would come out wrong.

  Maybe she would speak first.

  After working all week getting her boutique ready for opening day in one month, Kenzie was ready for a little break. Her new friend, Annie, who worked next door to Kenzie in the gift shop, convinced her to go out for a few drinks. Kenzie met Annie her first day at the boutique. Annie came by bearing gifts of coffee and fresh pastries. Since Kenzie never started her day until she had a tall cup of coffee- they hit it off.

  It has been ten years since she lived in Wilmington and yet it felt the same. The town was big, but not too big, and everyone was always so friendly- that sweet Southern hospitality. When she had to move back to Arizona with her family she felt cheated out of the opportunity to learn more about North Carolina. Her father was called to another tour of duty in Afghanistan and her mother wanted to be closer to family. Even after moving back to Arizona her heart never left the coastal city.

  Only two-months after her family moved back to Arizona, they received a call that her father was injured. Two months. That was all running around in Kenzie’s head, and the words, “If only they would’ve stayed in North Carolina.” When her father returned home, life changed for everyone.

  When Kenzie moved back to North Carolina, it was more for selfish reasons. For ten years one face haunted, well, more like intensified her every dream. Kenzie had hoped to find that kind boy from high school but figured the odds were not in her favor. When she walked into The Clam Bake, she noticed the bar was not your typical establishment. The place had an elegant feel with cherry wood bar stools, vaulted ceiling, professional paintings on the walls- rather than florescent beer signs. The food was prepared by a professional chef and the menu had incredible seafood options.

  Annie had gone to the restroom, so Kenzie was standing by the bar taking in her surroundings. She was in her lucky leather jacket, well... who knows how lucky? Her father had brought the jacket back after one of his tours, so to her it was lucky. Knowing her father was home safe from another tour that always felt good. She was drinking a beer, and she hated beer. Note to self, don’t let Annie order her a drink again. As she sat the beer bottle on the bar she heard loud laughter. She moved from behind a pillar and two full high-top tables and was in perfect position to see a fancy party taking place. As she stood there watching them laughing and teasing each other. She could tell it was a wedding party but not as fancy as your normal wedding extravaganza. There was a blond guy sitting there laughing and pointing at someone. He looked tall, his hair was short, but there was something that was keeping her eyes locked in place. He had this adult version of a baby face and smile that would make any women’s panties melt.

  Her heart rate increased, and her mind reeled back to her junior year. The boy in her every dream was tall, and holy shit, looked just like this guy. Somehow their eyes met and in that moment she felt an immediate pull to him and now he was walking her way. Shit, she couldn’t remember his last name. Hell, she couldn’t even remember her own name at the moment. If this was “the boy,” she planned to play the lotto for the rest of her life. Finding this one man in a big city was like finding a needle in a haystack- especially if you couldn’t even remember his last name.

  Joshua walked up to Kenzie at the bar and looked down at her empty hands. “Can I buy you a drink?”

  Kenzie smiled. “Um, sure, anything but a beer. I’m not a beer girl.”

  Laughing, Joshua leaned up against the bar and called to Stacy, “Can you make her a special, on the house?”

  Stacy was drying a few glasses. “You got it, bro! You want your usual?”

  Kenzie looked confused. “Okay, what just happened? Do you work here?”

  “Part-time for fun, I still have a day job,” he said, and put his hand out. “Not sure if you remember me, I’m Joshua. Joshua Winters.”

  Kenzie wanted to slap herself, Winters… Yes! How did she forget that gorgeous last name? “You looked familiar,” she admitted, then reached out and shook his hand. “I’m Kenzie Waters.”

  Joshua looked at her for a long moment. How was this even possible? Why was she here? “I remember your name, it’s not a name that’s easy to forget,” he admitted, and grabbed her drink from Stacy to hand to her. Then he took a long swallow of his bourbon which he loved on the rocks. Taking a moment to swallow the warm liquor. “Have you been in Wilmington long?”

  Ten years, and yet every feeling she ever felt for him came rushing back. Even though she avoided him like the plague in high school, she was still a woman with urges. Somehow Joshua stirred-up some serious urges. She could remember running home and locking her bedroom door for some much needed privacy. If only they could’ve known her father would get injured two months into his tour-of-duty in Afghanistan. They could’ve stayed in North Carolina a little longer, instead of moving again for the millionth time. Not that she would ever want to see her father get injured; it’s just that she would’ve loved the opportunity to stay near Joshua in Wilmington. But then again, would she have talked to him or just run home to her bedroom every moment she got?

  She glanced up into those memorable hazel eyes. “Only a few months. I’m opening a boutique right around the corner from here.”

  Just then Annie walked up. “Sorry, there was a line and only three toilets. Why is it that bars insist on having only a few toilets?”

  Joshua laughed. “We only get busy here on Friday and Saturday nights. Plus, people can use the restrooms next door.”

  Annie turned her head to the side. “I’m sorry, we haven’t met. I’m Annie, Kenzie’s friend.”

  “Hi, I’m Joshua. Nice to meet you.”

  Kenzie turned to Annie. “You ready to head out? I still need to take care of a few things at the boutique tonight.” She looked at Joshua. “Stop by Curvalicious Boutique sometime and say hi.”

  At that moment, Isabel and Georgie walked up next to Joshua. Izzy gasped. “You work at Curvalicious Boutique?” She turned to Georgie, one of Alyssa’s twin sisters. “It’s supposed to have bridal stuff. I’m dying for it to open.”

  Kenzie nodded. “I’m the owner. Only one more month and its complete. I’m on a count down.” She paused for a moment, then looked more closely at Isabel. “You’re Isabel Sloane, right? You’re an anchor for the evening news, on channel three?”

  “That I am. Today, I have much less make-up on and my clothes are more comfortable.”

  Kenzie laughed. “You’re the reason I keep my channel set to three. I love your personality on TV and now in person.”

  Isabel flushed. “Awww, thank you so much for saying that. I love what I do and adore meeting my fans.”

  “You seem very excited about my boutique. Who do you know that is getting married?”

  Izzy did a pirouette. “Me! My handsome man, Drew, and I will get married in April.”

  Kenzie didn’t know what to say at that moment. Did she get her first client? “How exciting! I have supplies stored at my house while I finish setting up the boutique. Do you need to plan now?”

  Izzy squealed
with delight. “Oh sweetie, that would be amazing. Can I get your number and I’ll call you on Monday?”

  After they chatted for a few more minutes, Izzy and Georgie headed back to the wedding party. Kenzie shook her head and laughed. “Oh my word, my potential first customer could be the Isabel Sloane from channel three! What are the odds?”

  Joshua laughed. “When my family is around, the odds will always be in your favor.”

  He stood there leaning against the bar watching her leave while he nursed his bourbon on the rocks. His world had just spun on its axis, how was this even possible? Kenzie Waters was in Wilmington. Drew and Alex walked up next to him. Drew laughed and in a teasing tone said, “You’re drooling.”

  Josh shoved his brother. “Bite me.”

  Alex chuckled. “So, what is she doing here, ten years later?”

  Josh was not listening to his brothers; his mind was still reeling around the fact that Kenzie was here in Wilmington. Here. In Wilmington. He straightened up, downed the rest of his bourbon. “I’m outta here, those math tests won’t grade themselves.”

  Alex and Drew looked at each other and then at Josh. Alex seemed confused. “Wait, at least tell us if she remembered you?”

  “Yes. I don’t know why she’s here, well, besides the fact she’s opening a boutique. Sorry guys, I gotta get outta here. Talk to you later.” He kissed the girls’ goodnight and headed home. The school where he taught was only two miles away. So, he had a house in between the bar and school and walked wherever he went.


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