Scout's Duty: A Planetary Romance (Scout's Honor Book 3)

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Scout's Duty: A Planetary Romance (Scout's Honor Book 3) Page 21

by Henry Vogel

  A harried face replaced Heidi’s. “I have a task force docking as we speak and do not have time for civilian inquiries. You have thirty seconds.”

  “I am the reason the task force is docking, so you will make time for my inquiries.”

  “Look, I don’t know who you are and I don’t care. I-”

  “I am David Rice, Scout First Class and captain of the Aashla’s Hope, formerly the ship of the late pirate captain Caudill. I led the forces which took the base of the late pirate captain Quint. On board my ship are two future heads of state and diplomats representing a dozen other countries on the lost colony of Aashla. While you dither about your task force, my people are under siege by a mob of newsies!”

  I’d taken exactly the wrong approach with the aide.

  “Then I suggest you stay on board your ship, Captain Rice. We’ll contact you when we have time for you.”

  With a ridiculous flourish, the aide ended the call.

  “I know too many men just like that twit,” Rupor mused. “If we were back home, I could just order out some troops to clear away that rabble.”

  I grinned. “Then I say we pretend we’re back home!”

  The diplomats and one hundred marines gathered in the cargo hold. The marines formed up around the civilians and diplomatic personnel and I ordered the cargo hold’s airlock opened.

  With the marine commander, I led the march through the airlock. Newsies surged forward when they caught sight of us.

  “Commander, if you please?”

  The commander’s voice carried, even over the clamor of the newsies.

  “Present. Arms!”

  In unison, one hundred swords slid free of scabbards. The newsies ground to a halt.

  “Marines. Give voice!”

  A wordless roar rose from the marines behind us. The newsies closest to us began pushing backward. The commander motioned with his arm and the marines marched forward.

  We stopped for no one and no one dared stand before the bared swords and roaring marines. Five minutes later, the base commander met us at the entrance to the military section. With no expression beyond a cocked eyebrow, she welcomed us into her domain.


  Admiral McGillis, the base commander, turned our marine escort over to the base’s marine commander with instructions to make them comfortable and debrief their commander concerning the fight for the pirate base. She led the diplomatic representatives, Martin, and me into a well-appointed reception room. The aide from my brief comm call waited within.

  “I was in the middle of some rather important business when I received word of your approach.” McGillis turned a steady gaze on me. “Scout Rice, you will never again bring an armed force onto my base without my express permission. Are we clear on that?”

  I was prepared to acknowledge the statement and move on. Callan was not in as forgiving a mood.

  “We most certainly are not clear on that, Admiral. Furthermore, David did contact your office, where this person,” she waved at the aide, “made it quite clear our ship, our men, and our actions against the pirates were of no consequence when weighed against the arrival of your precious task force.”

  Callan folded her arms and gave Admiral McGillis her best princess glare. And it really was Callan’s best. I only know of one person who could have stood against it unmoved, and Rob had been dead for nearly three years. I’ll give McGillis credit, she figured out Callan was Someone Important long before her aide did.

  “Admiral, I was-”

  “I don’t want to hear it, Smitts.” The admiral’s tone was so sharp the aide drew back as if he’d been cut. The admiral smiled at Callan. “With whom do I have the honor of speaking?”

  Never let it be said I don’t know my cue.

  “Admiral McGillis, may I present Her Royal Highness, Princess Callan, heir to the throne of Mordan, and my wife.” McGillis’s left eyebrow rose and I turned to Rupor. “And this is His Royal Highness, Prince Rupor, heir to the throne of Tarteg.”

  Martin added, “Mordan and Tarteg are two of the most powerful and enlightened countries on the lost world of Aashla. Good relations with those two countries, as well as the countries represented by the rest of our diplomatic mission, will be vital if the Federation has any hope of bringing our world into the Federation.”

  McGillis got a faraway look for a second while she consulted her implant. “Scout Martin Bane, isn’t it? I note that you refer to their world as your world.”

  “I’ve called Aashla home for eighteen years.” He put an arm around Megan. “And, like David, I’ll be marrying a local girl.”

  “My congratulations to both of you on your nuptials, past and pending. And please allow me to express the Federation’s relief that both of you have returned safely after such an extended absence. No doubt you’re both aware the Scout Corps wants to debrief you. Would you be averse to getting that out of the way as soon as possible?”

  “Of course not, Admiral,” I said

  “Thank you, for your cooperation. Smitts will take you to the base scout commander now.” McGillis nodded to Callan, Rupor, and the diplomatic personnel. “I’ll personally see to their needs.”

  Smitts looked terribly uncomfortable playing escort to people he had snubbed earlier. Neither Martin nor I said anything to put Smitts at his ease. Perhaps he would learn something from this, though I doubted it.

  The Scout Corps office was a flurry of activity when we arrived. Smitts attempted introductions.

  “Scout Commander Collins, may I present-”

  Collins cut him off. “David Rice! It’s good to see you hale and hearty! And Martin, the Bane of my existence, back from the dead! It is quite a grand day for the Scout Corps, indeed.”

  Oblivious to Smitts’ discomfort, Collins said to him, “David was one of the best cadets I ever taught during my years at the academy. And Martin was one of the best troublemakers.”

  With a quick nod, Smitts excused himself and fled the office.

  “Now that we’re free of that idiot Smitts, let’s get comfortable and start that debriefing, shall we?”

  Martin raised a forestalling hand. “I would suggest a full medical workup, first, sir.”

  Collins gave Martin a quick up and down glance. “You do look as if you’ve had a rough time of it, recently, Martin.”

  “The navy took good care of me and I’m healing quite well, sir. It’s David who should receive the medical attention.”

  “He looks remarkably fit to me, Martin.”

  “I’ll admit David looks great on the outside. I’m worried about possible internal damage from over-Boosting.”

  Collins gaze sharpened. “Is this true, David? Have you been over-using Boost?”

  “I Boosted only when necessary, sir. Unfortunately, there have been times when it was necessary to Boost rather more often than suggested.”

  “And longer than suggested, as well. I personally watched David Boost for thirteen straight minutes.” Gasps sounded from the personnel in the office and the color drained from Collins’ face. “We got his heart started again, but it was a close thing.”

  Fifteen minutes later, Collins had me inside the base hospital and about to go under anesthesia in preparation for a full scale invasion of my body by medical nanites. I refused to be put under until Callan arrived.

  When she did, worry was etched across her face. “What’s going on, David? Why are you in the hospital? Are you hurt?”

  “This is all just a precaution, dear. Martin has gotten the scout commander worried about the effect Boosting has had on my body. They’re going to send in an army of nanites to check me out.”

  “Martin’s not the only one who’s worried about you, darling.” Callan kissed me lightly. “If you know what’s good for you, you’ll cooperate with the doctors.”

  She backed away so the doctors could get started. Her lovely face was the last thing I saw as I went under.


  I hovered on the
edge of consciousness, dreaming I was back home with my parents and sister. Mom was talking to a nurse about me. For a few seconds, I wondered why I was having such a boring dream. Then I came fully awake.

  “According to your son’s medical report, the nanites did a lot of internal reconstruction. Simple, though extensive, wear and tear from Boosting, it says. That kind of reconstruction puts a strain on the body, but it’s nothing a little sleep won’t fix,” the nurse said.

  “And you’re sure he’s just sleeping?” my mother asked.

  “Well, I was, Mom,” I said, my throat parched, “until you woke me up.”

  My mother, father, and sister all crowded around my bed, hugging and kissing me and generally making it hard for me to breathe.

  “You should pour him some water, ma’am. He hasn’t had a drink in two days,” the nurse said, smiling. “And do let him come up for air every now and then.”

  “We’ve been so worried about you, David!” Tears rolled down Mom’s cheeks. “You’ve been missing for nearly three years.”

  Dad clapped me once on the shoulder, a big smile on his face and tears welling in his eyes. Then my little sister pushed past him and promptly punched me on the arm.

  “You had Mom and Dad worried sick, lunkhead! So don’t go off and get lost again. Have you got that?”

  Yes, she and Callan were going to get along famously. I sat up to pull her into a hug and then found myself simply staring at her.

  “What are you staring at? Have I got something on my face?”

  I shook my head. “No, Sandra, I’m just wondering when my awkward baby sister turned into such a beautiful young woman.”

  “Mom, something’s really wrong with David. He’s being nice to me!”

  A slight cough sounded near the door. Harris stood there, watching the scene with a fond smile. Seeing my eyes on him, he snapped to attention and addressed me in Mordanian.

  “Her Highness only left your bedside to attend an appointment with a doctor.” Alarm must have crossed my face as he added, “I’m told it is a routine matter. Perhaps it’s associated with the implant she had installed yesterday. I’ve taken the liberty of informing her that you’re awake.”

  “Thank you, Harris.”

  Harris nodded and withdrew.

  “Who’s that?” Sandra asked.

  “Harris? He’s a marine from the world I’ve been on for the last two and a half years.”

  “He’s really cute. Does he have a girlfriend?”

  “I have absolutely no idea, but I will be more than happy to introduce you.” I looked past Sandra to my father. “Don’t worry, Dad, Harris is as honorable a young man as I’ve met. We can trust him with the brat.”

  Sandra punched me on the arm again.

  Rubbing my arm, I asked, “So, how did the three of you get here so quickly?”

  “The Scout Corps brought us on one of their fastest ships,” Dad replied. “We only docked at the station half an hour ago.”

  “Did anyone tell you anything about what had happened to me or where I’ve been?”

  “No, son, the people we talked with didn’t know anything except you’d crashed on some lost colony and had just resurfaced.” Tears welled up in Mom’s eyes again. “You can imagine how we felt when they brought us to a hospital!”

  “You always said you were going to find a lost colony someday,” Dad smiled. “Looks like you’re a man of your word, son!”

  Sandra flashed a wicked grin. “Yeah, yeah, so you found a lost world. Whoopee. I want to know if you found your spacebabe?”

  A lilting voice spoke from the doorway. “What on Aashla is a spacebabe?”

  Callan stood just inside the doorway, a fond smile lighting her face. Seeing Callan for the first time, Sandra’s eyes went wide. “Wow, David. You really did meet her.”

  “I’ve got to say I’m impressed, son,” Dad murmured. “That girl is beyond beautiful!”

  I sat up straighter in bed. “Mom. Dad. Sandra. This is Her Royal Highness, Princess Callan, heir to the throne of Mordan and, more importantly-”

  “Oh my God, are you serious? The spacebabe is a princess, too?” Sandra gave me a hard look. “You’ve got to be putting us on!”

  “Sandra, that was incredibly rude!” Mom blushed and attempted a curtsey to Callan. “Please forgive my daughter, Your Highness. She has been raised with better manners than that!”

  Callan laughed. “There are no apologies necessary. But the ‘spacebabe’ comment still intrigues me. What is that all about?”

  Dad stepped in with an explanation. “When David was a boy, a retired scout lived across the street from us. He was a nice old man who filled David’s head with stories of lost colonies, daring rescues, and a beautiful princess. Growing up, David swore he was going to become a scout, find a lost colony, have amazing adventures, and rescue a beautiful princess. Even if, to quote his seven year old self, it meant he had to kiss a girl.”

  “I see.” Callan flashed her lovely smile. “And am I supposed to be the beautiful princess?”

  Sandra turned an incredulous look on me. “She’s kidding, right? I mean, they do have mirrors on her planet, don’t they?”

  “Yes, we have mirrors, brat. But there’s one more thing I need-”

  Eyes dancing, Callan interrupted me. “And what about kissing a girl, David? Did that turn out to be as onerous as you feared?”

  It was my turn to grin. “Well, I’ve found it rather tolerable when I’m kissing the right girl.”

  Sandra was much quicker on the uptake than my parents. “Oh my gosh! Do you mean you kissed the spacebabe?”

  “Yes, brat, I kissed the spacebabe. Then I took it a step farther and I married the spacebabe!”

  Mom’s hand flew to her mouth and she dropped onto the side of the bed. Dad gave me a big grin and a double thumbs up. Sandra even relented and gave me a big hug.

  “I always said I wanted a sister. You done good, big brother!”

  Her eyes still dancing, Callan sat next to Mom and wrapped her in a big hug.

  “David is far too modest to say it, but he did more than just kiss me and marry me. He has saved my life more times than I can count. His courage and conviction in the face of overwhelming odds gave me hope when there was little hope to be found. His love and compassion gave me the strength to carry on when all seemed lost. My people love him almost as much as I do.” Callan kissed Mom on the cheek. “Thank you for raising such a son.”

  As Mom blushed, Callan took my hand in hers. “I only pray I can do half as well when our child is born.”

  I pulled back and looked into Callan’s eyes. “When?”

  “Yes, darling. I saw the doctor today to confirm it.” Callan guided my hand to her stomach. “You’re going to be a father.”

  I thought I could never be happier than I was on the day I married Callan. It turns out I could.


  Nothing which happened during the ensuing three weeks came close to matching the joy I felt seeing my family again and learning Callan and I were mere months from having a family of our own.

  My wife, Rupor, and the other Aashlander political representatives benefited greatly from their new implants. They all received diplomatic implants — which provided language translations, cultural traditions, and the governing laws of the Federation, but not Boost — and made good use of their newfound knowledge. An agricultural assistance treaty was hammered out, along with an agreement to provide naval patrols on the Federation side of the wormhole.

  Martin became a media darling, with the newsies playing up his “mischievous boy gone bad boy gone hero” story. Martin managed to pull me into the limelight, as well, and much was made of my adventures and my romance with Callan. I was never comfortable in front of the vid cameras and, after three dreadful interviews with me, the newsies decided to get all their stories from Martin.

  Megan’s music proved to be Aashla’s first export. A musician touring military bases happened to hear Me
gan performing traditional and original songs for our marines. He whipped out a pocket recorder and captured the rest of her performance on video. The musician asked permission to upload the performance to the net. Megan agreed, but only after conferring with Martin and Callan. Two thousand years of isolation from the rest of humanity resulted in a musical evolution far from anything found in the Federation. With trillions of people looking for new and different entertainment, Megan’s performance was an instant hit.

  Callan’s captivating beauty and animated interviews made her the face of Aashla. Newsies packed into her public appearances and vid cameras flitted all around her. Harris took it upon himself to organize an escort of armed marines for Callan, keeping the newsies at bay and clearing a path for her with bared teeth and, sometimes, bared blades.

  Two days after my family arrived on the station, Harris requested a formal introduction to Sandra. My sister couldn’t decide whether to be offended that Harris came to me rather than her or simply relieved that Harris finally picked up the signals she had been sending. Callan explained Mordanian dating customs to Sandra, explaining Harris simply followed the customs of his home world by approaching me. I had Martin advise Harris on Federation dating customs. Their first date went well right up until Harris got arrested for brawling.

  According to Harris, a group of drunken young men voiced vulgar approval of certain parts of Sandra’s anatomy. They refused Harris’s demands to apologize to Sandra and then compounded their error by questioning Harris’s parentage. Three of the men lay unconscious when station security took Harris into custody. According to Sandra, the offensive comment was nothing she hadn’t heard before, but Harris’s defense of her honor surprised Sandra and, according to Callan, pleased her no end.

  We turned Chapman and the pirates over to Federation law enforcement and recorded hours of testimony for use against them in their trials. Chapman made matters worse for himself, challenging Heidi’s Mordanian citizenship and the divorce granted by Callan. A judge ruled the matter lay outside of Federation jurisdiction and told Chapman he would have to argue his case in a Mordanian court. The day after the ruling, Chapman and the pirates were transferred to the planet below to await trial.


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