Omega's Triplets (Hell's Wolves MC Book 3)

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Omega's Triplets (Hell's Wolves MC Book 3) Page 11

by J. L. Wilder

  He lifted her into his arms and sat her on the counter beside the mixing bowl, and she raised her hips so that he could shimmy her pants down her legs. She expected him to undo his own belt buckle next, but to her surprise, he dropped to his knees before her and wrapped his arms beneath her thighs to taste her. She gasped, arching into his mouth, grinding her hips into his face. It was pleasure like she’d never known—and yet, simultaneously, her desperation to have him inside her only mounted.

  Even as she came, holding a hand over her own mouth to stifle her screams, she was aware of a deep dissatisfaction. It had been wonderful, but it wasn’t what she really wanted. It wasn’t enough.

  He looked wild as he rose to his feet, and she saw that, at some point, he had indeed unfastened his belt and freed himself from his pants. Now, arms still locked around her thighs, he pulled her forward and buried himself within her.

  It was like finding an oasis in the desert. She wrapped her arms around his neck and let him have his way, leaning back and arching to meet his thrusts, gyrating her hips against him for more friction. She hooked her ankles behind his back and pulled him deeper, wanting more, wanting every ounce of all he could give her.

  She lost track of time there, wrapped around him. Maybe they were only there for ten minutes, but to Maddy, it might as well have been forever. This was what her life had been about, had been for. This was what she had been born to do. Now, she was finally home. The bliss she felt mirrored what she’d experienced with Mark, but today, there was no fear. The fear had heightened things for her, in certain ways, but today, she felt more capable of understanding what was happening and how wonderful it was.

  Harley cried out as he came. She pulled his head down to her shoulder to quiet him and felt him bite, felt his tongue pressed against her skin. It was enough to spur her to a second orgasm, and she gripped his waist with her thighs and sobbed aloud with the pleasure of it.

  The hallway light turned on.

  “Shit!” Harley pulled back from her and fastened his jeans. “Shit, fuck, get dressed.”

  She yanked her pants up just in time. A split second later, the kitchen door opened. Mark stood in the doorway staring at them.

  “Hey,” Harley said.

  “We’re making a cake,” Maddy tried.

  But Mark’s eyes said it all. He knew exactly what they’d been doing. He shook his head slowly, turned, and walked away.

  Harley slid down to sit with his back to the cabinets. “Fuck,” he moaned.

  She knelt beside him and rested a hand on his shoulder. “You didn’t do anything wrong,” she said. “He did the same thing. He can’t be angry.”

  But Harley shook his head. “We were jerks to him,” he said. “We gave him hell for what he’d done. And then, I turn around and do the exact same thing. Of course, he’s angry. Anyone would be angry.” He sighed and rubbed a hand over his close-cropped hair. “This just keeps getting worse.”

  “Do you wish we hadn’t done it?” Maddy asked.

  “No,” Harley said quietly. “God help me, but no, I don’t wish that at all. This was one of the best experiences of my life, actually. And you’re right, I do feel like I’m going insane. I do feel like I can’t control myself.”

  She nodded. “It’s like gravity.”

  “Do you wish we hadn’t done it?”

  She shook her head. “I just wish I understood why this keeps happening to me. And if it’s going to continue.”

  Harley nodded. “I think it’s time we did a little research.”

  Chapter Eleven

  “It’s called imprinting,” Jamie said.

  “How come we’d never heard of it before?” Mark asked. He sounded even gruffer than usual, if such a thing were possible, and Harley had the sense he was trying to suppress some emotion for the sake of this conversation. Harley and Mark hadn’t spoken since their encounter in the kitchen. Harley knew it was probably his responsibility to approach his brother and try to smooth things over, to apologize for his own anger when he’d learned that Mark and Maddy had been together. To admit that he’d been a hypocrite.

  Instead, he’d gone to Jamie.

  Jamie had listened with a sort of tired acceptance as Harley explained everything that had happened. Harley had expected a confrontation of the sort they’d had with Mark, but to his surprise, Jamie had just nodded and said he’d expected something like this to happen.

  While Harley had tried to digest that surprising statement, Jamie had gone to get Mark.

  And now, here the three of them sat, staring uncomfortably around the room at each other, and Harley was struck all over again by just how much distance had grown between them since the Death Fangs’ auction.

  He missed the bond he used to have with his brothers. Always before, it had felt like they were sharing one mind. It was true, perhaps, that Jamie was the brains and Mark was the muscle and Harley...well, he supposed he was the heart. But it had always felt like they were part of the same organism, in a way, helping one another to thrive.

  Now, it felt like they were working in opposition to each other. Like each of them was acting on his own interests, with no regard for how it might affect the others. And Harley felt as though something deep and fundamental was broken.

  Mark wouldn’t even look at him, for God’s sake.

  “It’s really rare,” Jamie said now. He pulled down the book from which he’d been reading and handed it across the table to Mark, who hesitated slightly before taking it. “Most omegas don’t experience it. I could only find one recorded instance in the Hell’s Wolves’ history, and that was several generations ago. It caused a big brouhaha back then too, because the omega was supposed to mate with the alpha of another pack before she imprinted on the alpha of ours. Of course, once the imprinting had taken place, the two couldn’t resist each other.” He looked at Mark and Harley with a touch of asperity. “I suppose that comes as no surprise to the two of you.”

  “If it’s so rare, how come it happened to us twice in two days?” Harley asked.

  “I don’t know,” Jamie admitted. “That’s the part that doesn’t make sense.”

  “Are you sure it is this imprinting thing?” Harley asked. “Maybe it’s not that at all.”

  “No,” Mark said, looking up from the book. “This is definitely it.”

  “Let me see that,” Harley said, taking the book from his brother.

  “Right here,” Mark said, pointing.

  Harley read:

  The imprinting of an alpha onto an omega is a rare occurrence and should not be considered a prerequisite for a successful mating and breeding. However, when an imprint does occur, the emotional and physical bonds between alpha and omega have been demonstrated to be significantly more powerful and, at times, all-consuming. Imprinted alphas report feelings of inevitability and loss of control, and, indeed, there are no recorded instances of an imprint occurring where copulation did not follow either immediately or within a matter of days.

  It is unclear, at this time, how omegas experience this bond—

  “Why isn’t it clear how omegas experience it?” Harley asked, looking up.

  “Because no one bothered to ask any omegas, probably,” Jamie said, a note of disgust evident in his tone. “People objectify them.”

  “People like the Death Fangs, sure, but—”

  “Not just the Death Fangs. Even good people make the mistake of thinking of omegas as a means to an end,” Jamie said. “Even we did it. Remember? And it’s built into the way we talk about them. We say our omega.”

  “We say our alpha too,” Harley pointed out.

  Mark spoke up, “We say our alpha the way we say my boss or our parents. It’s a completely different sentiment. Only the words are the same.”

  Harley turned back to the book. It is unclear, at this time, how omegas experience this bond, but it is clear that the imprinting has an effect on them, as they have been reported to be much more eager to mate with alphas who have imprinted upon th
em than with any other potentials. “You’re right,” he said. “Nobody asked”

  “So,” Jamie said, taking the book back and replacing it on the shelf, “you both imprinted on Maddy.”

  “It didn’t say anything in there about two alphas imprinting on the same woman.”

  “So, maybe you’re the first,” Jamie said, shrugging.

  “How could that happen? And why?”

  “I can only guess.”

  “Guess, then,” Mark said, his voice a growl.

  “Okay,” Jamie said. “I guess it’s because you’re both alphas of the same line, in the same generation. Just like the alpha gene was split, the ability to imprint was split. I guess that you’d probably have to imprint on the same woman, or on no one at all. I don’t think it would have been possible for you to split up in that regard.”

  “You keep saying you,” Harley said, “but we’re three. Three alphas of the same line in the same generation.”

  “What’s your point?”

  Jamie wasn’t stupid, Harley knew. No doubt, his brother already knew what he was getting at. But apparently, he was going to make Harley say it. “Why aren’t you including yourself?”

  “Because I haven’t imprinted on her,” Jamie said.

  “Why not, d’you think?”

  “I don’t know. It’s not like I haven’t been around her.” Jamie shrugged mildly. “Maybe it’s because I’m closer to my human side than either of you. Less in touch with the animal. Maybe it’s not in my nature to imprint.”

  It wasn’t an insult, not exactly. But Harley felt burned all the same. His brother had no way of knowing how hard it had been for him to give in to Maddy in the kitchen. How painful it had been to realize his body was overcoming his rational mind, and that he had no choice but to act. But hearing Jamie now, it felt like his brother did know all of that, and like he was deliberately trying to rub it in. I’m the one who does research, and you’re the one who gets naked and fucks in the kitchen like a dog. That’s what he was saying, wasn’t it?

  But before Harley could raise an objection, Mark was on his feet.

  JAMIE STUMBLED BACK slightly as his oldest brother advanced on him. The look in Mark’s eyes was pure wolf. Though Jamie knew that Mark would never hurt him, it was intimidating to be approached by someone with such an animalistic expression.

  And though Jamie would never have wanted to hurt Mark, he felt the fight or flight response trigger inside him. He had to run out of this room, right now, or he had to make Mark stop.

  He heard a cry of dismay just before he launched himself at his brother. Harley must have seen his muscles tense, must have realized what was about to happen. Then again, maybe he hadn’t seen that Jamie was going to spring at all. Maybe he had been upset at the thought of Mark attacking. That had definitely looked like it was going to happen.

  But then, he couldn’t think anymore. He was colliding with Mark, and though Mark had been poised to attack as well, he hadn’t anticipated this. Not from Jamie. No, not from me. Never from me, the good little human who holds down a job and pays all the bills and never gets into trouble. Not from me, the one who looks for answers in books while my wild brothers get to bed our omega.

  “Bastard!” Mark rolled over, pinning Jamie, easily, to the floor and driving a knee into his stomach. Jamie gagged, feeling, for a moment, as though he might throw up, but he got his hand around Mark’s neck and applied pressure until Mark rolled off him. Jamie took the initiative, rolling over onto Mark and pressing his jaw up with the heel of his hand. Mark flailed his feet for a moment, then Jamie felt one ankle lift up and lock around his own neck.

  “Jesus Christ!” Harley screamed. “Stop it, before you kill each other!”

  But Jamie couldn’t stop. He was tired of being the calm one, the rational one. He was tired of being the only one around here with any sense of empathy or human decency. His brothers had gone and imprinted on the girl who was supposed to be here for all three of them, who was supposed to bear all their children together. That had always been the plan. But had Jamie protested? No! Jamie had been kind. Jamie had been understanding. Jamie had helped them figure out what was happening to them.

  And then, Mark had attacked him anyway.

  It had broken something in Jamie. He’d wanted to forgive his brothers for the things they’d done lately. He’d wanted to patch up the holes between them. He’d meant to try. But he was the only one who hadn’t done wrong, and here he was being attacked.

  Fuck them. Fuck them both.

  He reached out and raked his nails across Mark’s cheek, opening several deep cuts. Spilling blood.

  There was a howl—was it Mark or Harley?—and a moment later, the pressure on his neck was gone. Jamie jumped to his feet. Mark was struggling in Harley’s arms, trying to break free. Harley was holding on with everything he had.

  “Get out of here, Jamie,” Harley said. “Go.”

  “You’re taking his side again? Really?” Jamie wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. Blood. Was it his or was it his brother’s? He couldn’t be sure.

  “Don’t start,” Harley said, and then let out an oof as Mark lurched against his hold again. “Stop it, Mark, Jesus. He’s had enough.”

  “I’ve had enough?” Jamie heard his voice rise in pitch. “You think I can’t take him?” They think I’m pathetic. Just a weak little human. But I’m as big as they are. I’m as strong as they are. And I’m probably smarter than either one of them.

  “I think, if this keeps up, you’re both going to beat the living hell out of each other,” said Harley. “And I don’t know how you can accuse me of taking his side again when I just got into it with him yesterday and you were the one talking me down.”

  “We should take him together!”

  “Right. Two against one. Let’s definitely do that.”

  “Bring it on,” Mark growled.

  “Shut up, Mark. Jesus, you started all this. Charging at him like that, I don’t know what you were thinking.”

  “You do know what I was thinking. It was on your face too. I saw it.”

  “You didn’t see anything.”

  “You’re as sick of it as I am!” Mark bellowed. “He thinks he’s the only one with a conscience around here. He thinks he’s the only one with any sense. He thinks he didn’t imprint because he’s too civilized, because only an animal would do that. He said it himself.”

  Jamie waited for Harley to speak again, to defend him. To tell Mark that wasn’t what Jamie had said at all.

  But Harley said nothing. He looked down, and his hold on Mark relaxed.

  Mark shook him off and pushed roughly past Jamie and out of the room, slamming the door behind him.

  Jamie looked at Harley. “You know that’s not what I think.”

  “I don’t know what anybody thinks anymore,” Harley said. “I know we have the thing we’ve always wanted, and we can’t enjoy it. That’s what I know. I know I had the most intense experience of my life with Maddy, and all it’s done is drive us further apart. And I knew that would happen, but I did it anyway.” He shrugged. “Maybe you’re right. Maybe I am uncivilized.”

  “I didn’t say that. Mark said that.”

  “Okay, so maybe Mark’s right,” Harley said despairingly. “Does it matter?”

  UNDER ORDINARY CIRCUMSTANCES, Mark would have gone for a run to burn off the anxious and angry energy pent up in his body after his fight with his brothers. Today, though, reaching out for his inner wolf felt too indulgent, and he hated to think of the satisfaction he’d be giving Jamie if he did it. Jamie was probably talking to Harley right now about how sure he was that Mark had run off somewhere to shift. Mark could imagine the smug look on his brother’s face. That’s all he does, is run away and shift. Can’t keep a job. Can’t keep his hands off the girl. He’s a dog.

  They used to like his aggressiveness. They used to like his ability to sense a shift of mood in the air. They used to honor him for it. Now, they acted like it was a
liability, and all because of what had happened at the stupid auction.

  Which everyone really ought to be over by now, Mark thought angrily. Okay, so he’d tried to force them into going along with his plan to kidnap someone. But whether they agreed or not, the fact was that it hadn’t worked. They hadn’t kidnapped anyone. Maddy had come to them willingly.

  Maybe he’d go for a walk anyway. Maybe he’d just go out as a human. He could do that. He had the strength for that.

  No problem.

  And for about twenty yards into the trees, he was right. It was no problem at all. Everything was fine.

  Then, he caught her scent.

  He thought about turning back, but he was already tracking, already moving toward her. Could you do this, Jamie? he thought. Could you pick up a scent like this, in human form, and follow it with no effort at all? Could you find her in the woods the way I can? He didn’t think so.

  She was sitting on the ground, her back to a tree. “You were shouting,” she said.

  “I told you not to leave the house.”

  “I was afraid. The Death Fangs...when they yelled, it meant...”

  His voice softened, just a little. “Did they hurt you?”

  “Sometimes. Not badly. Other girls had it worse than I did. And I knew you and Harley and Jamie wouldn’t do anything,” she added. “It just reminded me. I just wanted to get out of the house.”

  He nodded and sank to his knees beside her.

  This time, he didn’t even try to resist. What was the point? He wouldn’t be able to do it, he knew, and besides, he needed something to help drive the fight out of his mind. He took her in his arms and pulled her down to the ground.

  There in the dirt, they removed each other’s clothes. As he stripped away her shirt, he saw a bite mark on her neck. Harley. Harley had marked her, claimed her as his own. Well, two could play that game. He kissed his way along her neck, then bit down as he entered her.


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