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Duke Page 4

by Candace Blevins

  She didn’t find out much. They organized rides, supported several charities, and their bike shops seemed to be highly respected amongst those needing their services. There was a news article about them rescuing a schoolteacher from a gang rape a few years before, and two of the members had been arrested and stood trial for beating the tar out of the rapists. Apparently, the jury couldn’t find them totally not-guilty, but also didn’t have it in them to send the men to prison long-term for it. Their guilty verdict was for the misdemeanor portion and not the felony charges, and came with a ninety-day jail sentence, but the men had been out in six weeks.

  A deeper search brought up a bunch of racial bullshit. Some of the other clubs looked down their noses at Rolling Thunder because they welcomed all races. Gen shook her head at the language and switched to her email client. She sent a quick note to Tyler’s work address requesting he give her a call when he had a chance, making it clear it wasn’t urgent, she just wanted to pick his brain about something.

  She’d turned the laptop off and was reading a book when her cellphone rang, and she was surprised to see it was Tyler.

  “I didn’t mean you had to call me tonight.”

  “Not a problem. What’s up?”

  “What do you know about the Rolling Thunder Motorcycle Club?”

  “Please tell me you aren’t involved with them.”

  “I’m handling their land purchases, why?”

  “Okay, that’s not so bad, just make sure you aren’t seen out with them and you should be okay.”

  Keith had explained that once the club moved in and established a reputation, being seen with them meant safety, but until they were settled it could be dangerous. He’d said Gen should be okay when not in the rough areas of town, but made her promise him she wouldn’t go outside of the tourist areas of downtown without protection — and by protection, he’d meant him, one of his guys, or Isaac. Apparently, not even her brother qualified.

  She’d also discovered that once they bought the land and created the official charter paperwork, Keith was going to be the new president. The man in charge.

  Gen wasn’t surprised.

  “Too late for that, Tyler. I’ve been all over downtown with them, looking at property and making offers. They’re looking to purchase three tracts of land, and I’m handling everything.”

  “Well, at least you aren’t living alone. Mike won’t be much help but he’s better than nothing. You have your gun handy?”

  “Yes to the gun, no to Mike. I kicked him out.”

  “Good for you, but I don’t like the idea of you being there alone. I’m gonna call a friend and see if I can’t get some extra patrols by your house. No reason to think you’re in specific danger, but I’ll feel better.”

  “Keith kind of explained a few things, but I wanted to get your take on them. I can’t find out much about them online.”

  “Keith? I was briefed on the men coming up to get things started, and don’t…” She heard keys clacking and he said, “Oh, Duke? He introduced himself to you with his real name?”

  “No, I knew him already, from high school. He didn’t know it’d be me. Brain did the research and found a Realtor, and Keith didn’t recognize me until I called him by name.

  “Speaking as a friend, I’m going to tell you to finish the deal and then stay away from them. If you want to reconnect, wait six or eight months until they get past the gang wars we’re gonna see once they move in.”

  “Gang wars?”

  “Absolutely, and there will be collateral damage. If they pull it off, and I have every reason to believe they will, then a year from now, downtown Chattanooga will be safer and we won’t have multiple murders a week anymore. But it’s going to get worse before it gets better.”

  Another reason to keep Keith at arm’s length. She chuckled into the phone and said, “Thanks for the intel. My gun and I are going to curl up in bed and go to sleep now, I think.”

  “Duke’s a good guy who does bad things for mostly good reasons. But he still does bad things. He’s dangerous. Okay?”

  “Thanks for putting into words the feeling I had from him. From all of them, really. I’ll try to avoid being seen with them as much as possible while we finish up, and then I’ll stay away. I appreciate your input.”

  “Not a problem. Take care.”

  Gen had met Tyler through Cassie and Sam. He was married to one of their friends, and was often at Frisco’s parties. He’d apparently known Mike was an ass, and he’d only met him twice. Gen sighed as she realized she had to be the worst judge of character, ever, when it came to choosing boyfriends.

  * * * *

  Gen spoke with Brain and Keith on the phone another dozen times in the following weeks to discuss the various offers, but only saw them a few brief moments while she was gathering signatures. She normally would’ve let her assistant take the paperwork to them, but her assistant wasn’t armed and she was, so she handled it.

  She managed to get all three closings to happen in the same afternoon, so she saw both Keith and Brain then, but felt safe in the closing company office. Keith asked if he could have a moment when they finished everything, and the room emptied, leaving just the two of them.

  “You called your friend at Drake. Asked about us.”

  “Is that a problem?”

  Duke smiled, but it was sad. “Not at all, Beautiful. I’m glad you have people you can call. The point is, I like you, was gonna go after you, but I’ve suddenly discovered you’re once again off limits. Damned frustrating.”

  She smiled and asked, “Thought you were an outlaw who did whatever the eff you wanted?”

  “Love your smart-assed attitude, and it’s killin’ me I can’t follow you home and see what comes out of you once you’re naked and beggin’ for an orgasm.”

  Gen’s face flamed hot again and she stepped back, but he reached for her shoulders and kept her from moving farther away. “Not done talking. I do everything I can to protect innocents, and puttin’ you in my bed might put you at risk. Your friend Tyler had a talk with his boss, who happens to be a friend of mine, and Aaron pointed out I need to keep you safe, which means stayin’ away from you. I already knew it, but the reminder made me stop thinkin’ with my dick.” He slid his hands from her arms to her hands and tugged her a little closer. “When it’s safe, you’ll hear from me. I’m gonna want a date.”

  And he walked out of the room.

  Chapter Six

  Gen was downtown a lot, though not necessarily close to the property the club had bought for their compound. She drove by the bar quite a bit, as they’d decided to put it on the main road. Wise decision, because people searched for the bike shop, but the heavier traffic would bring in more paying customers for the restaurant and bar. Within six weeks, the club was up and running, with the parking lot packed during the day. She could only imagine how busy they would be at night, because she stayed away from that part of town after dark.

  One story hit the news about gunfire around the new “motorcycle gang” headquarters, with footage of what looked like a twelve foot wall completely around the block. They worked fast, apparently. She wondered what had changed inside the wall, but not enough to drive down there to take a look. A quick news search showed more had happened, she’d just missed seeing it on the morning news. She set up several Google alerts crafted to make sure she saw anything about them, and put it back out of her mind.

  But one of the phrases Keith had said played over and over in her mind.

  Beggin’ for an orgasm.

  This single phrase gave her hours of enjoyment with her trusty vibrator. What would it be like to have someone get you right to it and then back off, withhold it, and make you beg?

  The thought both pissed her off and made her go through all the ways it might be done. Over and over. She even started taking herself to the edge and then turning the vibrator down, counting backwards in her head from twenty, or fifty, and not turning it back up until she reached zero.

/>   She dove into her work, made a ton of money, spent time with her family, but didn’t go out. She had dinner with her friends, but went home when they hit the bars. She was seriously done with men.

  A little over six months after Rolling Thunder closed on their property, she landed her next huge paycheck. She’d had a lot of three to nine thousand dollar checks, but this one was for a little over forty thousand dollars and she wanted to celebrate.

  She had dinner with Bethany Tuesday night and told her, “We close on Thursday. I want to go out on the town Friday night. Huge blowout. My treat. If you can get away from work during the day, I’ll pay for the two of us to get massages, facials, and mani-pedis.”

  “I can pay my own way, but I’m game. My last appointment is at eleven so I should be out of there by twelve thirty.”

  “Cool. All of us, and maybe my brother’s girlfriend? I like hanging out with Cassie, Sam, Kirsten, and Viv. I barge in on Cassie when I’m having a crisis, and she’s always sweet, and lets her guys hold me through my tears. We should invite her, too.”

  “Where do you want to go?”

  “It’s been so long since I’ve been out, I don’t even know where the most happenin’ places are anymore. You figure out where to take me. I’ll get us a limo so we don’t need a designated driver, and I’ll take care of the tabs. Ya’ll just make sure I have fun and don’t fall in love with an asshole.”

  “I keep telling you, you’re supposed to fuck the assholes and leave them, then find a non-asshole for a relationship. You keep taking on the assholes as boyfriends.”

  “I’ve never had a one night stand in my life, Bethany. More power to you for being able to do it, but it just isn’t me. I tried once and then felt bad for being a cock-tease when I couldn’t follow through. I need to know who they are, love them. It has to mean something.”

  “It obviously doesn’t mean as much to them though, does it?”

  “Uncool, Bethany.”

  “Shit, it was. I’m sorry. Just, did you ever think maybe you’re putting too much emphasis on the romance, making sex more than it has to be? Sometimes, it can just be fucking. It doesn’t always have to be about making love.”

  Gen shook her head but Bethany kept at it. “You dated Mike nearly two months before you put out. Do you think for one minute he said goodbye to you with a hard-on and went home? No, he went out and found pussy. He was cheatin’ on you before you were intimate with each other, so when you finally were, it wasn’t a huge leap for him to keep cheatin’ on you.”

  “So, you’re saying it’s my fault the last three men I’ve dated cheated on me?”

  “No, that’s on them, not you. Just saying that your mom put this idea of how things have to be to get a man, and it may have been true a long time ago but it’s counterproductive now. Guys want to know if you’re compatible, they aren’t interested in playing games.”

  “Well, I’m off men for good, so it doesn’t matter. You gonna help me get shit-faced Friday night to celebrate, or not?”


  For some reason, Bethany’s use of the ‘f’ word made Gen think of Keith, which made her think of him making Gen beg him for an orgasm, which made her wish she didn’t have her gun so she could order a rum and Coke.

  * * * *

  Gen called Cassie on the way home and invited her to Operation Shit-Face. Cassie congratulated her on the sale and said, “Tyler has arranged for us to have a limo through Drake a few times when we’ve gone out. Get with him and see if they charge much more than another service. They probably do, but he has this thing about Viv not going out without someone to protect her, so he may pay for the driver and then you’ll just have the limo charge.”

  “I’ll call him if it means Viv can go, but I’m still paying for all of it. This is my treat.”

  “God, you’re as stubborn as your brother. Call Tyler. I’m about to call Viv.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Oh, now you’re being funny. Talk to you later.”

  Tyler immediately said he’d handle the limo, to which Gen said, “No, this is my treat. Just tell me how much.”

  “Here’s the thing, Gen. Because of my job, I have some enemies. Most of them know if they hurt someone who belongs to me, they’ll pay and it won’t be pleasant, so Viv’s probably safe. Her brother also has a dangerous job, and she’s felt the backlash from that once. We kept her safe but I had to take her out of town to do it. She doesn’t go out without her gun unless she’s with me or someone I approve of. If she’s drinking, she won’t have her gun, which means if she wants a girls’ night out without me, I have to provide protection. It’s fine.”

  Gen’s eyes watered at his words. Cassie, Sam, Viv — all were so lucky to have found their true loves. “You’re a good guy, Tyler.”

  “I’m actually another one of those good guys who has to do bad things, though my bad things are usually sanctioned by the government and not frowned upon. Still means I’m questionably a good guy.”

  Gen wasn’t sure what to say to that, so she asked, “Have things calmed down with Rolling Thunder? Not much shows up on the news.”

  “There are now days of peace interspersed with days of war. Things are better but I’m not sure they’re completely safe just yet. Probably safe for loved ones at this point, though — not like it would’ve been at the beginning.”

  “What changed?” Gen hadn’t been exposed to that world, and was curious. Or, that’s what she kept telling herself.

  “Someone the RTMC cared about got hurt. The MC made an example of the person responsible. It wasn’t pretty but it’s a lesson no one else wants to experience. Someone had to get hurt in order for them to make an example, though, and I wanted to make sure it wasn’t you caught in the middle. Glad you followed my advice.”

  “Actually, Keith told me Aaron had a talk with him after you talked with Aaron, and he was gonna think with his head instead of his… ummmm… yeah. And he said he expected a date once he was sure things were safe.”

  Gen didn’t think she’d ever heard Tyler truly laugh, but he took a few seconds to do so now, and then said, with a chuckle still in his voice, “Like I said, he’s a good man. Glad he saw the light and kept you safe. I’ll get with you tomorrow to let you know the driver’s name, and get the addresses to pick everyone up and drop them off.”

  Chapter Seven

  Later in the evening, Gen realized she should’ve checked with Bethany to see what bars her friend had lined up.

  The limo’s first stop took them to a cool spot downtown with a live band. Next, they went to a nightclub in a huge warehouse, with way too many people, and it was much too loud, but Gen was tipsy enough to enjoy it. She learned Cam was allowed to come on girls’ night out since he was gay, but there was a long discussion about whether he and Cassie had sex or not, and whether he could still call himself gay. The group didn’t resolve anything, but it was a fun debate and Cam didn’t seem bothered by it in the least. Gen worried at first, and tried to stop the conversation because she would’ve been mortified in his position. However, he hugged her and told her to chill, assuring her no one meant any harm and he was fine.

  The final edict from the girls was that Cassie couldn’t let loose properly while dancing with one of her men, which meant the rest of the group needed to keep him occupied. Dancing with him was a blast — he was a hot guy and a better-than-awesome dancer, and they could dirty dance with him without worrying he might expect it to lead somewhere.

  Cam ended up dancing suggestively with Bethany and Gen quite a bit at the second place, and by the time they left, Gen was three-sheets-to-the-wind but not quite shit-faced yet.

  Kent, their driver, told them he was going to make a quick stop to pick up “reinforcements” before going to the last place. Gen didn’t know what he meant, but was having too much fun to think about it.

  When they stopped, Kent got out, walked to another vehicle, stuck his head in the window a few minutes and came back alon

  “Tell me you didn’t just have to do a face-to-face check-in with my husband,” Viv demanded, and she was clearly pissed.

  Kent smiled at their reflection in the mirror. “I try not to lie to pretty women, so I can’t tell you that.”

  Viv threw her arms up and mock growled, and the group commiserated and then laughed, because they were all clearly safe, just having a night out on the town.

  Gen noted the vehicle followed them, but didn’t mention it to Viv. It wasn’t until Gen saw the glowing neon sign that she understood why Tyler was with them for the last stop.

  Gen whispered to Bethany, “Why are we here?”

  Bethany knew her friend had handled Rolling Thunder’s land deal, and she knew Gen had recognized one of the men from high school. She didn’t know anything else.

  “It’s one of the most happenin’ places right now,” Bethany answered. “Plus, you made a ton of money off these guys. Figured it was the perfect spot to end our night and land you completely and totally shit-faced.”

  As the women streamed out of the limo, Gen could see through the bike shop parking lot, across the street, and into the compound. They’d situated the driveway so they could keep an eye on their other properties, apparently. Gen could also see a huge bonfire behind the parking lot, towards the still-wooded area, and a lot of people with drinks in their hands. Looked like the RTMC was having a party.

  The inside of their bar wasn’t what Gen expected. She figured it’d be honky-tonk redneck, but the place had class. Rich, wooden paneling lined the walls, with gleaming motorcycle parts mounted to them as well as hanging from the ceiling. The bar along the side wall looked expensive, complete with a brass foot-bar and ornate carved pieces on the corners. The tables and chairs weren’t cheap and wobbly. No live band, but a nice sized dance floor and danceable music. Bethany had been right — it looked like the place to be.


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