My Abuelita, 10, 30
My Best Friend Is as Sharp as a Pencil, 11, 73
My Father Is Taller Than a Tree, 22–23
My Little Grandmother Often Forgets, 8, 32–33
My Little Train, 120
My Mei Mei, 28
My Name Is Sangoel, 76
My Name Is Yoon, 74
Myers, Christopher, 13, 34, 35
Myers, Walter Dean, 13, 34, 35
Naden, Corinne J., 5, 48
naive art style, 15
Nakagawa, Chihiro, 126–127
Nash, Scott, 128
Nelson, Kadir, 8, 92, 156
Neubecker, Robert, 11, 43
New Year at the Pier, 56
Newman, Lesléa, 53
Nguyen, Vincent, 113, 114–115
A Nickel, a Trolley, a Treasure House, 169
Night Running, 91
Nine Animals and the Well, 9, 130–131
Nishizuka, Koko, 155–156
No Laughing, No Smiling, No Giggling, 174
Noah’s Mittens, 153
Noble, Trinka Hakes, 72
Nolen, Jerdine, 156
Not Afraid of Dogs, 34
Not All Princesses Dress in Pink, 4, 44–45
Noyes, Deborah, 64–65
Numeroff, Laura, 65
The Nutcracker, 134–135
A Nutty Nutcracker Christmas, 135
Ó Flatharta, Antoine, 7, 98
O’Brien, Anne Sibley, 11, 20
O’Brien, Patrick, 6, 127, 127
O’Callahan, Jay, 127
Oh, Brother!, 11, 27
Old Mother Bear, 68
Oliver, the Spaceship, and Me, 15, 129
Olivia Forms a Band, 26
O’Malley, Kevin, 6, 127, 127
On a Windy Night, 138
Once Upon a Baby Brother, 42
Once Upon a Saturday, 32
One City, Two Brothers, 159
One Fine Trade, 161
One of Those Days, 36
One Potato, Two Potato, 143
One-Dog Canoe, 141
The Orange Shoes, 72
Ormerod, Jan, 81
Osborne, Mary Pope, 156, 156
Osborne, Will, 156, 156
Otis and Rae and the Grumbling Splunk, 6, 60
Our Corner Grocery Store, 54
Out of the Deeps, 59
Palatini, Margie, 112, 157, 160
Papa and the Pioneer Quilt, 81
Papa Small, 103
Paschkis, Julie, 144
Paul, Ann Whitford, 161
Paula Bunyan, 155
Paye, Won-Ldy, 111
Payne, C. F., 84
The Pea Blossom, 157–158
Pearson, Tracey Campbell, 41
Pecan Pie Baby, 44
Peck, Beth, 70–71, 169
Peggony-Po: A Whale of a Tale, 98–99
Pelletier, Andrew T., 128
Pelley, Kathleen T., 53–54
Pemba Sherpa, 102
The Pencil, 107–108
Pendziwol, Jean E., 98
Pericoli, Matteo, 170
Perkins, Lynne Rae, 65
Perl, Erica S., 72
Perry, John, 174
Pete the Cat: I Love My White Shoes, 122
Peter and the Wolf, 129
Pfister, Marcus, 171
Phelan, Matt, 8, 66
Picasso and Minou, 170
picture books, definition, 1–4
The Pied Piper’s Magic, 14, 151
Pieper, Christiane, 10, 99
A Pig Parade Is a Terrible Idea, 9, 109
Pig-Boy: A Trickster Tale from Hawai’i, 154
Pinfold, Levi, 128
Pink, 28
Pink Me Up, 4, 27–28
Pinkney, Andrea Davis, 98–99
Pinkney, Brian, 98–99
Pinkney, Jerry, 3, 152, 157, 161
Pip in the Grand Hotel, 12, 91–92
Pirates Don’t Change Diapers, 124
Pitzer, Susanna, 34
Piven, Hanoch, 11, 73
plot, 8
Plume, Ilse, 152
point of view, 8
Polacco, Patricia, 72, 128–129
Poole, Amy Lowry, 157–158
Pop’s Bridge, 84
Postier, Jim, 24, 25
Potter, Giselle, 7, 51, 156, 156
Potter, Mélisande, 147–148, 148
Pratt, Pierre, 30
Prelutsky, Jack, 9, 73
Pretty Salma, 161
Priceman, Marjorie, 14, 144
Primavera, Elise, 73–74, 74
The Princess and the Pea, 145
Princess Grace, 45
Princess Hyacinth, 119
Prudence & Moxie: A Tale of Mismatched Friends, 64–65
The Quiet Book, 55–56
Raccoon’s Last Race, 142
Radunsky, Vladimir, 41
Rain School, 75
Rainstorm, 121
Raj the Bookstore Tiger, 53–54
Ramadan Moon, 54
Ransom, Jeanie Franz, 34–35
Rapunzel, 145
Raschka, Chris, 9, 14, 31, 99, 129, 129
Raspberries!, 127
Ravishankar, Anushka, 10, 99
realistic art style, 15
Recorvits, Helen, 74, 74
The Red Book, 174
Red Nose Studio, 103
Reed, Lynn Rowe, 15, 129, 174
Rennert, Laura Joy, 110
Rescue Bunnies, 112
Rex, Adam, 7, 108
Reynolds, Aaron, 4, 130, 130
Reynolds, Peter H., 171
Ribbit Rabbit, 66
The Ride: The Legend of Betsy Dowdy, 14, 144
Riley-Webb, Charlotte, 49
Ritz, Karen, 35–36
Roasted Peanuts, 60
Robbins, Jacqui, 8, 66
Robert, Na’ima B., 54
Roberton, Fiona, 41
Robin Hood and the Golden Arrow, 158
Rockwell, Anne, 98
Rodman, Mary Ann, 74
Rodriguez, Edel, 130, 130
Ron’s Big Mission, 5, 48
Root, Kimberly Bulcken, 89
Root, Phyllis, 155
Rosen, Michael J., 36
Rosenthal, Amy Krouse, 36
Rosenthal, Marc, 125
Rosie and Buttercup, 19
Roth, Susan L., 99–100
Rubel, Nicole, 7, 75
Ruby Sings the Blues, 50
Rumford, James, 9, 75, 130–131
The Runaway Bunny, 126
Russell and the Lost Treasure, 132
Russell the Sheep, 132
Russell’s Christmas Magic, 132
Russo, Marisabina, 75–76
Ryan, Candace, 66
Rylant, Cynthia, 37, 38, 145
Saaf, Donald, 119
Saint Francis and the Wolf (Egielski), 152
Saint Francis and the Wolf (Langton), 152
San Souci, Robert D., 158
Sanders-Wells, Linda, 37
Sandford, John, 140
The Sandman, 116–117
Santore, Charles, 10, 158
Sarcone-Roach, Julia, 66–67
Say, Allen, 10, 100
Scanlon, Liz Garton, 100–101
The Scarab’s Secret, 104
Schachner, Judy, 131
Schertle, Alice, 9, 101
school as theme, 69–77
Schwartz, Howard, 101
Schwartz, Joanne, 54
Schwarz, Viviane, 131–132, 174
Scieszka, Jon, 171
Scotton, Rob, 132, 132
Scow, Alfred, 55
The Secret Message, 149–150
Secret of the Dance, 55
The Secret Plan, 66–67
Seen Art?, 171
Segal, John, 11, 67
Seibold, J. Otto, 134
self-referential picture books, 173–175
Selick, Henry, 132, 133
/> Sergio Makes a Splash!, 130
Sergio Saves the Game!, 4, 130
setting, 8
Shannon, David, 7, 39
The Shape Game, 169
shape in art, 11
Shark and Lobster’s Amazing Undersea Adventure, 131–132
Shark vs. Train, 109
Shaw, Hannah, 134
Shea, Bob, 39
Sheth, Kashmira, 39–40, 40
Shields, Gillian, 7, 40–41
The Shivers in the Fridge, 123
Show Way, 91
Shulman, Lisa, 160
A Sick Day for Amos McGee, 135
Sierra, Judy, 134, 134
Silent Movie, 81–82
The Silk Princess, 10, 158
Sís, Peter, 67
Skinny Brown Dog, 119
Skippyjon Jones Lost in Spice, 131
Slavin, Bill, 58
Sleeping Bobby, 156
Small, David, 51, 109–110
Smith, Chris, 159
Smith, Cynthia Leitich, 55
Smith, Lane, 39, 119, 171
Sneaky Weasel, 134
Snoring Beauty, 156
Snow in Jerusalem, 86–87
Snow Party, 138
So, Meilo, 7, 98
Solheim, James, 43
Solomon, Heather, 162
Song of Middle C, 53
Sophie Peterman Tells the Truth!, 11, 43
Soto, Gary, 68
Souhami, Jessica, 159
Sourpuss and Sweetie Pie, 31
space and perspective, 12
Spalding, Andrea, 55
Spiegel, Beth, 74
Spinner, Stephanie, 134–135
Spirin, Gennady, 141, 159–160
Spiro, Ruth, 171
Squashed in the Middle, 24
Squires, Janet, 160
Stanley’s Wild Ride, 58
Stead, Erin E., 135
Stead, Philip C., 135
The Steel Pan Man of Harlem, 151
Steel Town, 9, 104
Stein, David Ezra, 9, 41
Stemple, Heidi E. Y., 4, 44–45
Stevens, Janet, 135–136
Stevenson, James, 174
Stevenson, Robert Louis, 41
Stewart, Joel, 131–132
Still My Grandma, 33
Stock, Catherine, 76
Stohner, Anu, 11, 136, 136
Stone Soup, 151
A Story with Pictures, 174
Stringer, Lauren, 9, 101–102
Stryer, Andrea Stenn, 102
styles of art, 14–15
Sullivan, Sarah, 42
Swamp Angel, 149
Swanson, Susan Marie, 10, 42
Swarner, Kristina, 101
Sweet, Melissa, 160–161
Swiatkowska, Gabi, 74, 86
Swift, 12, 83
Sylvada, Peter, 14, 56, 57, 90
Taback, Simms, 161
Tate, Don, 48
Taylor, Dan, 7, 40–41
Teague, Mark, 136
Tell the Truth, B.B. Wolf, 134
Ten Days and Nine Nights, 28
The Terrible Hodag and the Animal Catchers, 140
text, functions of, 6–7
texture in art, 12
Thank You, World, 10, 96, 97
Thanking the Moon, 11, 52
That Book Woman, 5, 51
That New Animal, 30
theme, 9
There Are No Cats in this Book, 174
There Was an Old Monkey Who Swallowed a Frog, 162
There Was an Old Monster!, 162
There’s a Wolf at the Door, 140
There’s No Place Like School, 9, 73
This Is the House That Jack Built, 161
This Jazz Man, 129
This School Year Will Be the Best!, 76–77
Thompson, Carol, 24
Thomson, Bill, 171
Those Shoes, 13, 69
The Three Pigs, 5, 175
The Three Snow Bears, 141, 142
Thunder Rose, 156
Thunder-Boomer, 24
Tommaso and the Missing Line, 170
Too Many Toys, 7, 39
Tortuga in Trouble, 161
Tougas, Chris, 171
The Toy Farmer, 128
trends in topics, 4–5
Trouble Gum, 11, 23
Truck Driver Tom, 102–103
Trudy, 23
Trueman, Matthew, 153
Tsunami!, 12, 150
Tunjur! Tunjur! Tunjur!, 153–154
Turtle Girl, 24, 25
Turtle’s Race with Beaver, 142
Tusa, Tricia, 10, 20, 42
The Twelve Dancing Princesses, 145
Twenty Heartbeats, 169
Two of a Kind, 8, 66
Uegaki, Chieri, 19
The Ugly Duckling, 145
The Umbrella Queen, 5, 49
Uncle Peter’s Amazing Chinese Wedding, 8, 33
Under the Quilt of Night, 91
Underwood, Deborah, 55–56
An Undone Fairy Tale, 174
U’Ren, Andrea, 143
van der Sterre, Johanna, 21–22
van Leeuwen, Jean, 81
Van Wright, Cornelius, 86–87
VanHecke, Susan, 161
Vega, Denise, 31
A Very Big Bunny, 75–76
Viorst, Judith, 42–43
Wait! No Paint!, 175
Waiting for Winter, 125
Wallace, Nancy Elizabeth, 171
Walrod, Amy, 63
Wanted: The Perfect Pet, 41
Ward, Jennifer, 162
Wardlaw, Lee, 43
Water Boy, 124
The Water Gift and the Pig of the Pig, 52
Watt, Mélanie, 5, 76, 174, 175
Way Up and Over Everything, 154
Wayland, April Halprin, 56
The Weaver, 7, 119–120
websites for authors, 14–15
Weeks, Sarah, 11, 43
Weiss, Mitch, 145, 146
Wellington, Monica, 102–103
What Do Parents Do? (When You’re Not Home), 34–35
What Pet to Get?, 40
What Will You Be, Sara Mee?, 11, 20
Whatley, Bruce, 149–150, 175
What’s the Big Idea, Molly?, 62
Whelan, Gloria, 14, 56, 57
When Dinosaurs Came with Everything, 109–110
When I Was King, 19
Where Is Tippy Toes?, 32
White, Lee, 8, 113
The White Nights of Ramadan, 54
Who Made This Cake?, 126–127
Whoosh Went the Wind!, 113, 114–115
Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Book?, 173
Why Do I Have to Make My Bed?, 21–22
Wickstrom, Thor, 171
Widener, Terry, 9, 104
Wiesner, David, 5, 171, 175
Will and Squill, 59
Willems, Mo, 10, 68
Willey, Margaret, 162
William and the Night Train, 20
Williams, Karen Lynn, 76
Willoughby & the Lion, 117
Willoughby & the Moon, 117
Wilson, Henrike, 11, 136, 136
Windows with Birds, 35–36
Wingerter, Linda S., 52
Winter, Jeanette, 103
Winter, Jonah, 5, 9, 103, 104
Winter Is the Warmest Season, 9, 101–102
Winters, Kay, 76–77
Winthrop, Elizabeth, 24
Wojciechowski, Susan, 136
Wojtowicz, Jen, 137
Wolves, 174
Won Ton: A Cat Tale Told in Haiku, 43
Wonder Horse, 93, 96
Wong, Janet S., 44
Woodson, Jacqueline, 44, 91
wordless picture books, 3
Would, Nick, 104
Would I Trade My Parents?, 65
Yaccarino, Dan, 137, 173
Yang, Belle, 58
Yatandou, 14, 56, 57
p; Yates, Louise, 70
Yelchin, Eugene, 43
Yerxa, Leo, 104–105
Yolen, Jane, 4, 9, 44–45, 138
Yoo, Taeeun, 49
Yoon and the Christmas Mitten, 74
Yoon and the Jade Bracelet, 74
You?, 41
Young, Ed, 12, 28, 105, 150, 169
A Young Man’s Dance, 33
Young Zeus, 150
Zahares, Wade, 47
Zelinsky, Paul O., 123, 149, 149
Zen Ghosts, 126
Zen Shorts, 126
Zen Ties, 126
Ziba Came on a Boat, 11, 92, 94–95
Ziefert, Harriet, 138, 138
Picture Books for Children Page 23