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Freaksville Page 2

by Ashley Brooke Robbins

  I think he liked shocking me. The expression on his face didn’t give this away at all. Especially when he laid it on me his parents were dead and he was the only one left in his family.

  I guess I passed all of his tests because the next morning he picked me up and drove me to school. He’s been driving me ever since.

  “I can’t accept that,” I mumble quietly, coming back to the here and now once he jerks to a stop at a red light.

  “Idiots continuously slamming on the damn brakes,” he grumbles before sighing and glancing over at me, “What if it’s a birthday present?”

  “No,” I announce firmly, scowling over at him.

  He sighs and takes off once the light turns green.

  “But, seriously, thank you.” I gratefully lay my hand on his forearm.

  He gives me a very rare smile back, bringing sunshine into his vehicle of doom.

  “Where are we going?” I ask once I realize I have no idea where we are. He gives me his signature devious look before turning on his radio with one busted speaker that he’s never bothered to get fixed.

  “The freaks come out at night. The freaks come out at night….” plays through his good speaker, and I can’t help but snort at the irony.


  ~ Knock, knock. Who’s there? ~

  Glancing over at Devin one more time, I make sure he’s serious about this. Why is he trying to make me do this? He beams at me, eyeing the line ahead of us. Crossing my arms over my chest, I try to keep my teeth from chattering. It’s not really from the cold; it’s more from nerves.

  I hate places like this.

  After I asked three more times where we were going, he still didn’t give me an answer, but by that time we were pulling into the parking lot. And a loud gulp escaped me. We came down from the mountain I’m used to and into a small city. Something I’m not used to.

  I don’t like being around a lot of people, especially not all at once. When they’re all on top of you and shit? Hell no. But this bastard dared me to go into this club with him. I don’t even remember the name of the place. The point is, it annoys the hell outta me when someone says I can’t or won’t do something. And the expression on his face was insinuating I wouldn’t. Another hell no to that.

  Jumping when soft, warm material falls on my shoulders, I glance over at him in confusion. He just took his leather jacket off and put it on my shoulders, like some old sappy romance story.

  “I was messing with you. You don’t really have to do this,” he utters in my ear once we’re the next ones in line. Which makes me want to punch him in the face.

  Instead, I hand the bouncer my fake ID with a flirty smile and move right through the door without an ounce of hesitation. He’s not far behind me as we make our way through a long, creepy hallway lined with couples making out. Once I sense all of the energies in the room, I start to panic a little bit.

  What am I doing here? The room’s dark, aside from the glow sticks and people covered in fluorescent paint. The music’s so loud, the walls and floors shake and here I am…about to barf on their parade.

  Starting to hyperventilate, I cling to the wall, mentally grasping for that last bit of serenity. My knees would’ve buckled if he didn’t wrap his arm around me and hug me against him. Out of the way of another crowd of people who’re practically running down the hall and yelling loudly. I can’t even muster the energy to yell a “Shut the fuck up!”

  “It’s okay,” he breathes. I don’t even know how I’m able to hear him over this music but soon his voice is the only thing going through my head. “You’re okay, everything’s fine.” He continues running his fingers through my hair. Surprisingly calming me down even more, almost to a point where I’m Zen.

  Now wait a dag-blain minute!

  “What did you just do to me, Devlin?” I hiss, knowing he’s more than capable of hearing me. He wiggles his eyebrows without answering and takes my hand, leading us out into the mass of sweaty, glowing people.

  He tugs me to an empty booth, ordering me to sit down, which I refuse until I feel like sitting. “I’ll be back. Getting drinks,” he yells, which further proves my point that I shouldn’t have been able to hear him over this racket.

  So he did do something to me….

  I start to reach for his hand again, but he’s already turning back, like he already knows what I was thinking. “I know, I know, water for you.”

  I don’t know what exactly made him get the notion to go clubbing tonight and drag me along. At least it’s Friday and I have all weekend to do my homework. Leaning back in the soft leather seat, I quickly text my mom, letting her know where I am so she won’t worry. Too much, I mean.

  I let her meet Devin once he stopped testing me. We had dinner at my house, and my mom talked to him…but once we were alone in the kitchen, she informed me he’s a nice boy but he’s hiding something. In other words, she’s going to watch him like a hawk whenever I bring him around.

  Sighing, I decide to people watch; nothing better to do while waiting for my source of entertainment to join me once again. Viewing the room, it takes me a moment to realize some of the guys are ogling me.

  Once I meet their eyes, feeling myself blush then I quickly glance away, not really knowing how to feel about this. They’re probably only gawking because I’m not dressed like everyone else. I’m actually wearing some clothes that cover. Which would be plain jeans and a T-shirt that just so happen to be glowing right now…then I glance down at myself.

  Apparently the shirt I’m wearing is really thin and my neon-green bra is glowing through it. Lovely, I’m a freakin’ glow stick. Quickly snatching the jacket closer around me, I roll my eyes at myself.

  Popping my neck—which tends to freak even my football-playing friends out—I glare back to the people who’re watching me. I let loose, meaning my eyes are glowing brilliant silver with a pink ring around the irises. The gawkers quickly take special interest in their drinks and probably decide maybe they’ve had too much.

  Not really, they stare even more.

  “Well kiss a duck’s red ass—” I murmur under my breath, but someone slides into the other side of the booth. “Can I help you?”

  “Hope you didn’t mind,” the guy babbles. “I’m new around here and feeling slightly out of place.”

  “You’re not the only one,” I grumble.

  “What was that?” He eagerly leans forward. How he heard me over the music is a mystery.

  “Nothing.” I force a smile. “So, where’re you from?”

  “Florida.” He takes a swig of his beer.

  I grimace. Enjoying your horse piss?

  “You from around here?” He leans even closer to where we’re practically nose to nose.

  No, love, I’m from a region where we know personal space! Accompanied by how to brush and floss.

  “I’m sorry?” I try to look less pained than I feel.

  Clearing his throat, he glances around to where I’m assuming his friends are and then looks back at me, “Are you from around here?”

  Should I tell, should I not tell? If I mention it, it could bring up some issues but I’ve never been a fan of lying…. “Yeah, kinda.” I finally reply.

  “Kinda?” He laughs.

  “I’m from Westera,” I force out with really false innocence. “A small town on the mountain.”

  “On the mountain?” He frowns. “Oh, yeah, I think I’ve heard of the place. Although, I don’t really know much, maybe you could clear some things up for me?”

  “How so?”

  “There’s been some talk at my work about Westera. Have you heard any of the rumors?” When I just raise my eyebrow he goes on. “I’ve heard something about animal sacrifices. Um….” He fidgets with his watch. “Devil Worship. I think I’ve even heard of someone flying on a broomstick on Halloween. Have you heard about them?”

  “Of course, who hasn’t?” I have to yell to be heard when the music gets louder.

  “Oh, I know r
ight.” He’s sweating now. “Where did you get those contacts?” the guy asks eagerly. A little too eagerly…upon further inspection of this man…I notice the pen and paper he’s trying to hide under the table, and that his beer is actually root beer. Add in his overly eager, twitchy behavior? You have a very ticked witch. Narrowing my eyes at him, my suspicions are confirmed.


  “These? I ordered them off Amazon. Aren’t they pretty?” I beam, batting my lashes. “My boyfriend said they complement my cheekbones nicely.” Does that even make sense? Gag. “What do you think?”

  “They sure do,” Mr. Reporter says, quickly finding someone else to watch with those overly eager beady eyes.

  “What’s going on here?” Devin returns with our drinks. He slams his down on the table and frowns at the reporter. Maybe able to sense the needy disposition on him right away, unlike me.

  “I’m sorry, your name was?” I ask cheerfully.

  “Bill,” he answers stiffly, eyeing Devin. Naturally the reporter would suspect him of being one of those pesky rumors. Considering he appears to be a long-lost member of Motionless in White. Nothing against them, great music and, if they were in fact vamps, that’d be so cool.

  “Bill here was just asking me about my contacts.” Biting my lip, I carefully scoot over on the ripped leather seat and tug him to sit beside me. Not letting his hand go, I lace our fingers and beam up at him. Like we’re all in love. It’s very unlikely for me to fall in love with somebody. So, just acting like it, is really weird for me.

  “It was nice meeting you both, but I’d better get back to my friends….” He carefully gets his footing and makes his way back to his table. Which, I realize, is right across from us, where he can still easily watch us…great.

  “I hate reporters.” Devin gulps down some of his drink. Which is brown and in a tall glass. I suspect soda. Although I wouldn’t put it past him to get drunk, forcing me to drive him home because he knows I don’t support drinking and driving. Evil bastard.

  Since the reporter’s still watching, I snuggle in closer to him. From Devin’s shocked expression, I might’ve surprised him a wee bit. “Play along would you?” I hiss, wanting to deflect the reporter’s suspicions.

  “What’re you doing?” he asks quietly, gazing down at me like I’ve grown wings. It’s not weird at all. I’m just practically sitting in my best friend’s lap.

  “I told him you were my boyfriend.” It’s then I realize I didn’t directly say he was, but I did drag him into the booth and lace fingers with him.

  “Damn, Gilmore, twice in one day? I’m starting to think you have the hots for me.” He gulps.

  “I thought it was obvious.” I slowly run my fingers through his hair, letting my other hand trail down his chest to his stomach. Stopping right at the waistband of his pants, making his eyes glaze over. Seeing this reaction I can’t stop myself from kissing his neck. Once, twice…nibbling on his earlobe, he growls loudly. “Devin?”

  “Yes?” he hisses.

  “Are you enjoying yourself?” I yank his face close to mine.

  He nods.

  I barely let our lips touch when he grabs my hips and moves me on top of him where I’m straddling him. Under normal circumstances I would’ve yelped and punched him but we’re acting here.

  Improv acting, maybe I should be an actress….

  He gazes up at me, like we’re the only two in the room. I try to mimic the façade, hard to do when the table’s digging into your back. Grinning like he’s won the lottery, he moves some hair behind my ear. Resisting the urge to bite his fingers, I smile back. Like this isn’t bothering me or making me feel like a slut at all.

  I’m so happy…ha.

  “I don’t think I’ve ever—” I cut him off by leaning down and kissing him like his life depended on it. Which it kinda did, if you take a peek at the bigger picture. For example…say reporter dude writes a story about us suspicious kids and the town’s people research further? Some of my friends aren’t the best at lying. Eventually, it’d come out, and we’d all be dead.

  “If you say you love me, I’m really going to have to cut you,” I mumble against his lips.

  “Thank you, Devlin,” he whispers back, digging his fingers into my hips. Instead of laughing like I want to, I kiss him again. Pushing my fingers through his soft hair, I hear him let out a soft moan which nearly makes me stop what I’m doing. Especially when he strengthens the kiss and pulls me tighter against him, letting me feel that he’s…oh seriously dude?

  Not exactly knowing where this is starting to go, I take his hand and tug him to his feet. As I move out onto the dance floor, he follows along easily enough. Finding a spot where people aren’t all up against us is nearly impossible, so I just stop in the middle and face him. Lacing my arms around his neck, I jerk his face down to mine once again.

  His lips eagerly move against mine, and his hands aren’t too shy either once they find my hips. Trying to somewhat dance while making out and trying to make it all convincing isn’t the easiest thing in the world.

  Coming up for air, he starts kissing on my neck, which is good. It gives me the opportunity to glance around for the reporter. I don’t see him right away, and fear rushes through me for the first time tonight.

  Then I see him. He’d switched tables and is now talking with his friends, thankfully forgetting all about us.

  Once I come back to our current predicament, I realize he’s grinding against me. My face heats, and I grab his hand and lead him in the other direction of the reporter. In a back hallway, I snatch my hand away and spin around. “You seriously got a woody?” I hiss.

  “You’re a good kisser.” He shrugs, trying to hide his face. Knowing I’d see the pink tint to it.

  “Thanks…I think?” I grumble, still inspecting him. So are you….

  “Sir?” someone questions from behind us, making me jump about a foot in the air. Devin, on the other hand, stays composed. Asshole.

  “Yes?” he answers, not seeming surprised at all, but now I know I was right about him blushing.

  “You’re needed in your office,” the man replies, and I gawk at Devin in confusion. Sir? Your office? What is happening here?

  “I’ll be there shortly,” he replies, and the man nods once and leaves us alone again.

  “Care to enlighten me on what’s going on?” I cross my arms over my chest, only realizing I still have his coat on, when a puff of his cologne smacks me in the face.

  “I will soon,” he promises, gently taking my arm and leading me down the hall. After a few doors, he opens one, revealing a spacious room. A few people are in there talking. “Can you manage not to get us into any more trouble in here?” he asks, signature smirk back in place. “Nice bra, by the way.”

  I glower in reply.


  It’s been about thirty minutes since he left me alone in this weird room. I don’t like being around this much drinking. I think I’d much prefer the other room, where, if you move into the crowd, you’re going to be groped no matter what. The people in here seem stuck up, and there’s so much smoke. That better only be cigarette smoke.

  It might seem like I’m complaining, but, well I guess I am.

  That crackhead needs to hurry up before I either witch out and make someone start convulsing or do it the traditional way and punch someone in the face. I have no idea why I’m so angry at the moment. And, for some reason, my mind keeps stalling on the feel of his lips. They felt so wonderful, and he tasted like spearmint, and it was the most magnificent thing to happen to me.

  Har-har, kidding. It was weird and awkward to be so close to him. Plus his lips tasted funny. If he just drank blood and didn’t tell me before I tried to kiss his face off, then he is definitely getting a kick to the nuts.

  As soon as I came fully into the room, I chose a spot way in the back, away from everybody. Because I think I’ve had my fair share of people for today. I would swear off people altogether, but then I might go
nuts, and we don’t need a nuts witch out in Westera. That might get a little too crazy for the small-minded people there to comprehend.

  “Hey there,” a guy in a bright-blue suit says before sitting down in the chair in front of me. Like I’m giving off the, “Please do come over here and attempt to flirt with me because I definitely won’t jump across this table and rip your throat out with my teeth” vibe. Damn, where is this violence coming from?

  “Sup,” I force out, holding back a gag.

  “You seemed awfully lonely over here. Did your boyfriend leave you here all by yourself?” he asks, probably hoping to sound sympathetic. Instead it’s coming off as creepy as hell.

  “He’s my brother,” I reply in an extremely bored tone, “My girlfriend’s supposed to meet me soon.”

  “I know you’re lying. Mr. Gray doesn’t have any siblings,” he snaps, eyes narrowing.

  “Long, lost cousin?” I attempt to give a sheepish smile of innocence. He scowls, and I sneer right back. Something is very, very wrong here. If I wasn’t blinded by his bright suit when he first sat down, I think I would’ve paid more attention to his eyes. They’re black—like a sharks—and blank, like he doesn’t even have a soul.

  Warning bells ring, and I tighten my walls around me, like they’d actually protect me from a physical presence. My mom’s only been teaching me how to shield energies and “bad seeds,” as she calls them, meaning bad spirits. We get a lot of them, for some reason.

  All I want is to get away from this creep.

  “Maybe I should go lookin’ for him,” I chirp.

  “I think you should sit,” he replies in a stern voice, and that is the exact reason I stand and glare daggers at him. Wishing his beard would catch fire. It doesn’t, of course. “Fine then, I see I’m making you uncomfortable.” He starts to stand.


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