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Freaksville Page 12

by Ashley Brooke Robbins

  “It wasn’t your fault.” Devin tries to take my hand but I snatch it away.

  “It doesn’t matter if it was or wasn’t. We just need to find answers now.” I growl, not meeting his eyes. “What do you know?” I ask Toby, who jerks.


  “How do we know he’s telling the truth?” Nicks asks, staring down Toby.

  “He is,” both Devin and I say at the same time.

  “How do you know?” Nicks asks, glancing back and forth between us with a smirk.

  “Because we do,” Devin replies without looking up from his notebook. We decided to make a list of possible suspects. For about two hours, we’ve all been sitting around the table, brainstorming.

  We still don’t have anything down.

  “I can’t do this anymore!” Toby bursts out, jumping to his feet, knocking his chair over in the process. “All I know is that just a few weeks ago, I was a normal kid. Starting high school, maybe about to get my first kiss. I was planning my future. And now I’m a vampire, something I didn’t even know existed. And you’re all asking me all of these questions that I don’t know the answers to, and I’m living here instead of at home. I’ve had to lie to everyone, saying my death was just some prank. My parents are having problems talking to me, and my friends are still calling me an ass. And I have to try and control this hunger, but I’m always hungry.”

  Devin offers his glass of red liquid to him, but he just shakes his head. Sighing, I get to my feet and Toby takes a step back but I hold my hands up, meaning I mean him no harm. “Things will get better,” I comfort in a soft voice, “This is coming from a witch who now sees the future.”

  “Right,” he replies sarcastically.

  He rolls his eyes but seems to have calmed down some. Then, taking a step closer to him, I lightly press my lips against his. He freezes but then he awkwardly kisses me back. “One thing to mark off that list,” I cheer after pulling away from him. “Guys, I think we could all use a break.” I lead Toby into the living room.

  “Can we make out?” he asks eagerly.

  I slap him upside his head. “Don’t push it, squirt.”

  Sitting down on the couch, I find him standing there awkwardly. So, I pat the spot beside me as an invitation. “You’re really just now starting high school?” I ask once he plops his butt beside me.

  “I was held back,” he mumbles.

  “Well, I think that’s a good thing,” I chirp with a broad smile. He gapes at me in confusion and maybe a little like I’m nuts. “Girls your age love older men. It makes you more interesting, I guess you could say. Makes you superior to them. Just don’t act like it or you’ll get a milk carton thrown in your face.”

  “Yeah, right,” he grumbles.

  “See, I could be a major smart ass here but I’m behaving, just for the record.” I smirk down at him where he’s now slouched down on the couch. “You’re good looking. You could really catch someone’s attention…as long as you stop going around attacking people.”

  He rolls his eyes at that last part. “I said I was sorry….”

  “It was a joke,” I snort, nudging his shoulder with mine.

  He’s quiet for a moment as he thinks over what I said, I guess. Or he’s just staring blankly at the TV screen while nothing’s running through his head. “Do you really think I’m good looking?” he mumbles after a moment.

  I take in his light-brown Mohawk with blue tips, dark-blue eyes, and olive-toned skin. Mixing them all together with the sweet personality underneath? “No, I was lying.” He slumps further down, taking me seriously. “I think I need to teach you the art of sarcasm, sweet cheeks.”

  “Huh?” He blinks a few times then realization comes across his handsome features. “Oh.”

  “So, what’s your reason for staying here?” When he frowns, I go on. “With your parents? How’re they not flipping shit that you aren’t home?”

  “Oh.” The confusion is replaced with what appears to be sadness. “My parents are always busy with work. They’re hardly ever home and, if they are, it’s not for long. I was out with friends when I was grabbed. My parents didn’t realize I was missing until they came home a few days later.” He shrugs. “It didn’t take much compulsion from Devin to convince them to let me stay with him.”

  “Oh.” I swallow. His parents sound like assholes.

  “They are.” He slouches further into the cushions. “Yes, you said that aloud.”

  “Well, they’re bastards for not constantly indulging in your awesomeness.” I bump my shoulder with his.

  “Is that a sexual innuendo?”

  I wrap my arm around him and yank him closer, “Yeah, I think we’re gonna get along.”


  ~ Fly, Birdies, Fly ~

  Oct. 5th

  Do you know what the exact definition of disaffect is? Disaffect—to alienate the affection, sympathy, or support of.

  I think that’s how I should feel because of Antonio’s betrayal. But…I don’t. He was forced into it. Blackmailed.

  Because of me.

  But then, at the same time, he killed some of my sisters. I am clearly conflicted about this, which is why I’ve been trying to keep myself distracted, trying. It hasn’t been working.

  We’ve still been sitting at Devin’s kitchen table, trying to figure everything out, for the past few days.

  I’m not ready to go back to school. That much is obvious when I keep getting notifications on Facebook with people telling me how sorry they are and I want to jab them all with pitchforks.

  So, I’ve been cooped up in this place for way too long, and I think I’m starting to lose it. Wait, have I ever actually had it? These are the thoughts that can cause someone to lose what she had left of her mind.

  No witty remark here—I must be truly losing it or sick.


  “How long has she been staring into space this time?” Devin mumbles to Toby, not knowing that I’m out of that daydream where I become the Incredible Hulk and start tearing down all of the buildings in town.

  “Twenty, maybe thirty minutes?” he whispers back.

  Without turning away from the window in the living room, I grab the pillow behind me in the chair and chuck it at them. Wishing to hit them both, but, of course, I don’t.

  “Missed,” Devin replies cheerfully.

  “Speak for yourself,” Toby grumbles rubbing his face.

  I can’t help but smirk. “Yeah, I’m okay, Devin,” I grumble.

  “I didn’t ask….”

  “Aloud,” I finish with another smirk pulling at my lips. “Might want to learn how to control that broadcasting. You’re always too loud.” Like Grandma Delliana used to say.

  “Are you okay though?” Toby asks quietly.

  “Yes, I’m fine. You can go ahead and go to school,” I murmur, answering his next question.

  “That’s kinda creepy,” he states before leaving the room.

  “That’s what I have to live with,” Devin calls.

  This time, the pillow goes right to his face.


  “Get up.” Devin nudges me awake. Apparently, I’ve been dozing on the couch again. I start to snuggle back in with my blanket and pillow, but he yanks them both away from me with a sharp tug.

  “Where are we going?” I quickly sit up, trying to mentally will his brain to explode but then pull back. It could actually happen and I might miss him. Like a little kid who’s woken from their nap.

  “Barns & Noble,” he replies in a very bored tone.

  “Seriously?” I instantly perk up. That’s like my second home.

  “No,” is his serious reply before leaving the living room.

  What the hell is he getting me into? And doesn’t he know not to tease a nerd? That might be the true cause of the futuristic apocalypse.

  “So, you’re still not going to tell me?” I ask grumpily as we make our way through the woods on foot. “Is this another undercover thing?” Because i
f it is, then I probably should’ve worn something a little different than my pj’s. For some reason, he wanted me out of the house before I could change into something decent. I asked why, got back a grunted response. Men. Now we’re just going through the woods in the middle of nowhere while the sun’s setting above us.

  He doesn’t answer, just keeps on going.

  “Is this where your secret sex chamber is?” I ask. “You are one kinky son of a—”

  “Why is everything about sex with you?” he grinds out in annoyance.

  “That time it was only used because I knew it’d get you talking….” I beam up at him. “Plus, I love your deep, raspy voice.” I growl and then smack him on his butt.

  He glares down at me, and I giggle like a school girl.

  His lip twitches but then he faces straight ahead once again. He wanted to smile at my normal insane behavior. What in the hell is he up to? “Have I mentioned that I hate surprises?” I mutter, carefully stepping over a fallen tree.

  “A few times,” he grumbles.

  “Why’re you so grumpy?”

  “Why’re you asking so many questions?” he retorts. Then a loud sigh escapes him. “Sorry, just…. It’s just bullshit. Sorry.”

  Stepping closer, I take his arm and wrap it around my shoulders. “All’s forgiven.” I chirp with a devious grin back up at him. “Plus you’re really cute when you’re grumpy.”

  “Don’t you realize what you’re doing to me?” He groans up at the multicolored sky.

  “Did you get a woody again?” I question, looking from him to the sky.

  Sighing loudly again he stops where he’s at and gazes at me. “I’ve lived long enough to know that when—” He stops, yanking a hand through his hair. “Life is too short to live in a world of bullshit.”

  “Doesn’t sound appealing,” I agree.

  “I think I’ve made it bloody obvious where I stand.” His jaw muscle twitches. Where’d that “bloody” come from, love? Without hesitation he tucks an annoying strand of hair behind my ear. Then he lets his fingers trail down my arm to my wrist. Oh.

  Oh. Nicks was right. Wait, I think I already knew this.

  Ha. Of course I knew that. I’m not a complete dumbass, most times. It was pretty obvious. For Goddess’ sake, he’s letting me stay in his apartment for four weeks. I don’t even want to deal with me for four weeks because I’m a nut-job witch. Adding in the fact that he hasn’t complained about the mess I made of the spare room. I saw his eye twitch. When we first met, he had no problem telling me I was being a slob.

  I was just hoping he wouldn’t bring it up. Because who in the hell would want to date me? Honestly. Once they really get to know what all goes on inside my severely messed-up head, they would run.

  “Um….” I mumble, feeling my face heat up. “I like pie. Don’t you like pie? Pie’s a great invention. I wonder who made it first? I like pie about as much as I like books. Do you like to read? I don’t think I’ve ever asked you that. Where are we going? Shouldn’t we be going wherever this surprise thing is already? Let’s go.” I ramble and start marching on down the dimly lit path. Then suddenly slam on the brakes when I see what’s in front of me.

  “We’re here,” he mutters from behind me.

  I slowly turn on my heel to face him and then glance back and go on like that for a little while. He just stands there with his hands stuffed into his pockets. “Are you completely whacko?” Did he bring me out to the cliff to kill me? After telling me he has more than friendly feelings for me? What kind of sick shit is that? Why would he do this?

  “I’m not some psycho who brought you here to chop you into pieces.” He takes a few steps closer, probably able to hear my knees knocking together. “You’ve been depressed lately and too focused on other things. Like finding the killer, Ant…. It’s not healthy, and you need a break.”

  “Most people would just take the friend out to a movie or something.” I start to take a step back, but he wraps his arm back around me. I turn and cling to him like a little kid. “You’re not expecting me to—”

  “Fly?” he finishes for me, and I nod. “Yes, I am. I don’t think you’d get wings if you wouldn’t be able to use them.”

  “People get legs and eyes and stuff, and sometimes they can’t use them. So, your logic is clearly hogwash.” I growl, hugging him tighter. No way in hell I’m moving or letting go.

  “Now, Nessa,” he murmurs, detaching me from him. Stupid, strong douche, “I think we both know I’ll jump with you still clinging to me. I don’t think you’d want to hurt another living thing, would you?”

  “Bastard,” I whisper.

  “That wasn’t very nice,” he replies, starting to take my jacket off, like I agreed to do this. Finally giving up on fighting him, I yank it off and throw it at him. “Ow,” is his sarcastic response.

  “Why’re you making me do this?” I whisper, feeling tears come to my eyes.

  “You can’t spend your whole life living in fear.” He stares down at me with his beautifully creepy eyes. “Now, spread them.” That could be taken in a very wrong way…I think but don’t say.

  So, so scared….

  Stretching them out—as usual—feels great, but I make sure to whack him upside the head with one. Then again, so he knows it wasn’t by accident. “So, are you expecting me to jump?”

  “No.” He gives me a very devious smirk and, before I can even kick him in the nuts, he’s shoving me off of the cliff’s edge.

  “You stupid, egotistical son of a freakin’ monkey’s ass!” I scream out, curling into a ball, waiting for a very painful death. A branch pokes me and then about ten more do and snap with the impact. Then I guess my wings catch an air pocket and I’m slowing down.

  Which makes me open my eyes.

  Then squeeze them tightly shut again. And then they’re open again, taking in the setting sun from this height and the trees and the…holy crap on a cracker. This is gorgeous. Finally, I’m a few feet off the ground and then land, not so gracefully on my feet.

  That was…pretty cool.

  “Ness?” he calls from somewhere close by. But it’s not up high so I guess he jumped down here. “Nessa?” I hear crunching leaves and snapping branches. “Nessa!” his voice cracks, and I finally decide to make my way where he is.

  He pushed me off of a cliff. I think the least I can do is make him pee his pants and scream like a girl. Taking a running start, I leap into the air and…and it takes me a few more times before I get it. Then I’m flying through the trees, below the treetops, but high enough where he won’t see me right away.

  “Nessa!” he bellows, clearly starting to freak out. After a little while, I finally see a blurred, dark shape which would have to be him running. He stops all of a sudden, looking in every direction. “Nessa….” he whispers.

  Aw…now I feel like a female dog.

  “Sup?” I drop to the ground behind him. He spins around, eyes wild, and then his arms are wrapped so tightly around me I can barely breathe. “I’m okay.” I murmur, awkwardly patting his back. His arms tighten around me, lifting me up off my feet, to his level. Then he pushes his face in my neck.

  Once he calms down, I gently pull away, and he reluctantly lets me lean away from him so I can see his face. “I think you should run.” I narrow my eyes. “Because I’m going to kick your—” I don’t even get to finish before he’s whooshed away from me. He taps me on the shoulder, and then he’s gone again.

  I do my running-leap thing and disappear into the trees up above. He freezes, staring up at where I disappeared to with a dreamy expression.

  Damn, boy’s got it bad.

  While he has his back turned, I creep up and then lightly tug on his ear before whooshing up again, giggling hysterically. “This is the most fun I’ve had in years.” I yell out, welcoming the breeze in my hair.

  We play this game a while longer. He doesn’t let me sneak up on him anymore, though. I couldn’t even if I wanted to. I was always giggling too hard


  ~ The Full Story ~

  Fishing out my journal while curled up under a warm blanket in my temporary bed has become kinda normal. Only, this time, I hear a loud thump from upstairs. Like someone dropped something. Then a louder bang, and then something’s lying over my legs….

  “Whaurt—” I sit up in bed, more than half-asleep. Until I see what the weight on my legs is. Two vamps fighting. On my bed, while I’m still in it.

  This isn’t awkward.

  Devin snarls, fangs out, and tries to buck Toby off. But Toby holds his own. I don’t see how, considering how pissed Devin is. “What is going on here?” I yell over their snarling. I’m ignored, of course. Until I slap both of them with pillows a few times. “Can I help y’all?” I screech and then hit them each one more time.

  “He was going to attack you,” Toby pants. In the dim light coming through my open door, I can see how pale he is. This must’ve really freaked him out. “I felt it again, that pull where I wasn’t me and then I tried to hurt you. I resisted it, but then I heard something in here and then I came in to find him standing over your bed.”

  I don’t know if I would’ve believed him if not for Devin, sweet, never hurt a fly, Devin, still snarling, attention dead set on me, trying to use me for a snack.

  “That’s so rude,” I yell, and hit him in the face with a pillow again.

  “I don’t know how to bring him back, and I don’t think I can hold him much longer—” he admits just as Devin bucks one more time, throwing him out of the door and down the hallway. Then he moves, fast as lighting, and pins me down on the bed.

  “You could so use a breath mint, honey,” I murmur calmly.

  “Shut up—” he starts, but I don’t believe in people being rude. So, I throw the burst of energy that was tingling down to my hands at him. He’s thrown off of me and onto the floor, where he starts convulsing. And where, apparently, my energy-ball thing follows him. It’s like a purple mist, crackling with energy. That’s new….


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