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Freaksville Page 14

by Ashley Brooke Robbins

  “That was rude….” I search around for an escape route, like I could actually get these straps off me.

  “I wouldn’t try using your little powers on me. That hasn’t worked for years. Your mother always keeps many useful things in that attic. Saved me a trip and money.” His deranged laughter sends chills down my spine. “Anyway, you’re probably wondering why you’re here right now, and what I could possibly need with you. A little witch. Well, that is very simple, my dear—”

  “Do you just like to hear yourself talk?” I yell out, fighting against these damned things.

  “Yes, my voice was said to be very musical at one point.” Damn it! These bindings around my arms and legs get tighter every time I strain to be free of them. “I bet you and your vamp brothers haven’t uncovered my identity yet. You never were good with mysteries.”

  You would be guessing right. I know this fool, though. From the way he talks…but who is it?

  He walks in, and my heart sinks down into my butt. Blinking a few hundred times doesn’t change the truth. “Billy.” Anger boils through me, but I take slow, even breaths and keep my poker face on.

  “Nessa.” He nods with a twisted, demented smile. “I was so hoping you wouldn’t figure it out so I could see the surprise on your face….” He trails his fingers across my cheek. Not creepy at all. When he starts to trace my lips I chomp down on his fingers. He yells out, struggling to get away from me.

  Thinking pit-bull thoughts because that’s what I am, I bite down harder, tasting blood. Then, out of nowhere, blinding pain shoots through the back of my head, and everything goes dark.


  ~ The Escape ~

  As the fog in my head clears, Billy’s freaking out. Yelling, kicking things over, and punching the wall. A brick lies beside me, covered in blood. He hit me with a brick? Bastard can’t even handle a girl biting him. I always thought he was a wuss.

  “Oh, good, you’re awake.” He sneers, cradling his hand. “Now I can tell you about how you’re going to die.”

  “Great,” I whisper, sarcastically cheerful, feeling ever so delighted to see my teeth marks in his still bleeding hand. People might wonder why he has it, and could maybe, just maybe lead to them solving the murders.

  “I was going to let you go easily, but now?” He gives a mad-scientist kind of cackle. “Now, it’s going to be fun…for me.”

  Shocker. Psycho has someone fight back, he loses a little bit of control, and then he has a hissy. And now said person is going to be tortured. What a wonderful ending to the story. At least it’s not asparagus. Asparagus. Devin. I’m going to miss that weirdo…and then the guys. I love those weirdos, too.

  “Hey, you do realize that my mom—your wife—is going to know and she’s going to—” a burning, stinging sensation spreads across my arm, shutting me up.

  “Your mom will find out that you’re gone, but she won’t find your body. And she won’t know about me. I’ve kept it secret for how long now?” Cue evil laugh again. “You can’t guess how many times I’ve wanted to cut your pretty, little head off.” He forces my face in his direction. Narcissistic jackhole. “And your mom?” His hot breath is in my ear. Gross. “She was just a nice lay.”

  Hissing loudly, I head-butt him. That really wasn’t such a good idea when my head’s already hurting but, hell, I’m going to die anyway. The least I can do is put some bruises on him.

  He probably knew I wouldn’t go down without a fight, therefore the straps, smart cookie. Why does he have to be so smart?

  “Well, it’s getting late. I better be going now.” He wipes the blood from his knife on his pants. He’s been slicing up my legs and my arms. Just getting a taste of torturing me, I guess. “Wouldn’t want your mother getting suspicious, would we?”

  “Tootles,” I snort, sinking back against the cold, wet metal.

  “Nighty night. I’ll see you bright and early tomorrow morning.” He practically bounces up the steps. When he slams the door shut behind him, darkness surrounds me.

  “One Mississippi, two Mississippi, three Mississippi….” I mutter into the darkness. Around the twenty-fourth Mississippi my eyes start getting watery. I barely make it to thirty, forget about forty.

  Tears stream down my face, but I don’t try to stop them anymore. I never would’ve guessed Billy was the murderer. He was the dad I never had. But then again maybe I was too blinded by appreciation for his presence to really see the signs. But, even now, the only real connection to the crimes is that he’s close to me. That’s what made it all so brilliant.

  Maybe this time the villain will win.


  “Wake up.” Freezing cold air blows against me, and I blink a few times to get my eyes to focus. The sun peeking through a tiny, grimy window near the ceiling lets me know that this wasn’t just a bad dream. Wonderful.

  “Get up.” Cold air brushes over me once again. I shiver and glance around, trying to see into the shadows of the huge room, but I still don’t see anyone. Then I nearly pee on myself when someone appears right in front of me. “Get up.”

  “Racheal?” I blink once again, this time in disbelief. “How—”

  “Get. Up.” She glares at me.

  “I can’t get up.” Is she blind? “How in the hell are you here right now? You’re—”

  “Dead?” she finishes for me. “Yeah, I’ve kinda noticed. Now get up before he comes back.”

  “I can’t.”

  “Why not?” A bored expression replaces the glare.

  “Because—” I gesture to the straps then realize I just gestured. Meaning I can move my hands, and the straps are now on the floor. “Oh.” I practically feel her face palm.

  Jumping down from the table, I run up the steps and burst through the door. You’d think he would’ve locked it. Not taking the time to ponder that, I race through the other rooms I come to until I spot Racheal in front of a door. Bursting through it, I sigh in relief when I see green, green grass, the trees and then…a ten-foot-tall fence.

  Racheal flashes to a big, gaping hole in the fence and I practically dive through it. I then take off toward the woods, briefly glancing over my shoulder. The old prison? His dungeon is the old prison?

  It’s on the back side of the mountain. They closed it down after some inmate went completely nuts and killed everyone he could get his hands on. Which started a riot, and shit just got bloody. Seems like the perfect place for Billy.

  “Shit,” Racheal curses from somewhere behind me. “No. Don’t stop, keeping running!” So, I do. He probably just pulled up in his truck.

  I run as fast as my legs will carry me, feeling like he’s right behind me, breathing down my neck. I race through the unfamiliar woods, knowing home is extremely far away. And that the closest house isn’t for miles. I don’t know why I didn’t think about this sooner.

  Then I pass over the stream separating these woods from Dead Man’s Woods. That riot back at the prison moved to the woods, which is exactly why it was given the name. There were so many people killed on this ground, I’ve always been terrified of it.

  Just like the rumors, the fog thickens and moves closer to me. Shaking, I just keep running, ignoring everything I start to sense. Ignoring the screams, the cries, and the yelling. Once I finally block the rest out, the only thing left is the rumble of approaching footsteps.

  No! I quicken my pace, ignoring the cramps in my legs. Wait…I can fly out of here. Just as I’m about to pull my wings out, I’m tackled, knocking my head on a rock. The world spins.

  “Nice try.” Billy laughs, binding my hands behind me.


  I’m going to die. This finally starts to sink in when he drags the knife across my bare thigh for the twentieth cut. He stripped me down to my bra and undies when he brought me back. If that wasn’t humiliating I don’t know what is.

  As I gaze at the ceiling, there’s another slice on my thigh. Isn’t there a major artery there? Maybe I’ll finally bleed out.
I can finally get out of here and visit my family…. My blood’s been pouring out of me for what feels like an eternity. I wish I’d told the guys I love them, hugged my mom one more time. Actually made a change in the world. And the main thing—asparagus or not—told Devin I love him. Goddess, I love that old fart.

  I didn’t realize it earlier, but apparently, she—Racheal—somehow managed to heal my previous wounds. I don’t know how, and I don’t know where she disappeared to. I lost track of her after I was deep in the woods. Maybe she used up all her energy trying to save me, I just wish I could’ve thanked her. Hell, maybe we can have tea parties on the other side or something.

  A phone rings, making me jump out of my faraway daze. He looks at it with a sneer and goes over to the door. “Hey, honey,” I hear before he walks up the stairs. Mom. I know right away. At least I still have some of my gifts working unless that’s just a natural instinct. Do normal people feel this, too? Apparently, before he left, he forgot to add some magical shit to keep ghosts out, which is the only reason Racheal was able to get to me. Maybe his mojo stuff has worn off.

  Maybe he cares some about my mom and will let her live. And, if he tries to hurt her, maybe I can protect her from the other side. I know I’m gonna try.

  I know it’s stupid to let yourself fall asleep—or pass out—with major blood loss, but I can’t fight it anymore. I don’t have the energy or motivation.


  Something cold and wet jerks me awake. Billy still holds the bucket, grinning. He really just threw ice water on me.

  “Rot in hell,” I snarl and let my head rest back. “Why can’t you just let me die in fucking peace?”

  “Because you’re a rodent, an abomination to the world, and you don’t deserve to die in peace.” He throws the bucket to the side. “Where were we? Hmm, right. Now, you might feel a slight pinch.” He slides the blade across my wrist. At this point, I don’t feel the pain anymore. I just feel the cold.

  “And what’re you?” I whisper, too weak to get my voice any higher. What’s the point?

  “Your worst nightmare.” He laughs his Mad Hatter laugh again. Except I actually liked Johnny Depp as the Mad Hatter. This tool can eat shark shit and die for all I care.

  “Sure, sure, but I mean, really? I’m gonna die. Who in the hell am I going to tell?” I want my damn questions answered.

  “Fine,” he growls, sprinkling salt into my wounds. I just clench my jaws shut. He will not get the satisfaction of hearing me scream. “I’m a Pru-Naunt. It’s from a forgotten language, even more forgotten than Latin. It means light and dark. There’s a dark coven and a light one, deep into the Appalachian Mountains, where humans can’t reach. Of course there’s some morons who’ve tried and died because of it. We live on top of cliffs for that reason, to keep them out. There’s woods separating the two covens. Sometimes there’s blood tainted with the other side’s magic.

  “When you’re born, the master at your coven tastes your blood. They’re able to tell which side you belong to. If you’re not on their side, they wait until you’re thirteen—when your powers develop—to see if you’ve changed at all. If you haven’t, then they let you loose into the woods separating the covens. If you escape the dogs and make it to the other side, then you live.”

  “You’re dark,” I murmur without opening my eyes.

  “I could be light.” He growls, seeming offended. “Why do you automatically assume that I’m dark?”

  “Because you’re an ass,” I retort, and he stabs the knife into my stomach. I don’t flinch. You would need to really feel for that. I just feel pressure. That really can’t be good. When he yanks it out and throws salt in there I just chuckle, not even caring that I taste blood.

  “Proving you know nothing,” he snarls readjusting the buckets underneath me.

  Speaking of…. “What’s with the buckets?” I ask, spitting blood on him just for spite. “Have an Elizabeth Bathory mind-set? I don’t think it’ll keep ya young. You’re lookin’ a little gray. Might need some Just For Men.”

  I don’t think I deserved that slap.

  “Shut up,” he hisses into my ear. “The Dark side are the good guys. The Light are the ones you want to watch out for. Me? I’m neither. I do my own thing, and soon I’ll be in command. With your blood, I can build an army, considering what you are.” I giggle hysterically, not even knowing what he’s talking about anymore.

  Apparently I’m getting loopy from blood loss. That’s not expected at all. Ha. After giggling about nothing for what feels like hours, I just stare up at the ceiling. After a while I don’t hear Billy rambling anymore. I don’t feel his sick, disturbing presence anymore either.

  At least my mom will be safe. My eyelids droop.


  “Nessa, Nessa, Nessa, Nessa!” someone yells, shaking me violently. “That’s it. Look at me,” he whispers, wiping my tears away.

  “Sup, Devin.” Painfully turning my head, I see the guys holding Billy, punching him. “Come here often?” He hugs me. He is the huggiest person ever. Damn. “Make sure nothing happens to my mom, okay?”

  “No, we’re both going to make sure nothing happens to your mom. Because you’re going to be fine, I can carry you back now, and you’ll be fine. Okay? Okay!”

  “You haven’t told the guys.” It’s obvious when he doesn’t talk with an accent. Or maybe he’s talking with an accent now. I’m too tired to think about this now. Goddess my head hurts.

  “No, you can tell them for me when you get better.” He yanks the straps off with a sharp tug. “I’m sorry, sweetheart. They wouldn’t come off easily. We need to go now.”

  “I’m dying, Devin.” Isn’t it obvious? “It’s too late.”

  “No, it’s not!” he bellows. “Now is not the time to argue with me.”

  “It’s always the time to argue.” I sink back toward the darkness but he squeezes my hands tightly.

  He strokes my cheek, “What about asparagus?”

  “What about it?” Just let me go, I’m so bloody tired. Ha, I’m hilarious. “You hate asparagus endings.” Tears pool into his beautiful eyes. “You can’t die because then you’ll be an asparagus ending.”

  “An asparagus ending would be, the heroine—being me, this time—making a miraculous recovery and ending up with the guy she loves in the end and everything’s hunky dory.”

  With the last bit of energy I have left, I lean up and plant my lips to his. Wrapping his arms around me carefully, he kisses me back. Pushing my fingers through his hair, I remember his reaction last time. Then our tears mix, and I pull away, resting against him.

  At least this will be a peaceful death.

  “No, open your eyes Ness.” He shakes me again. “Baby, please, open your eyes. No. No, breathe, you need to breathe!” Something starts to happen. Instead of cold, I feel warm and it’s like I’m floating over my body. I can still hear him yelling at me and threatening me, but from far away and it doesn’t matter anymore. But then he says something that makes me freeze. “I bet you can’t survive this. No one could, especially not a Witch.”

  He really just went there…

  Coming back to myself I open my eyes and lean up to where he’s kissing my hand. “Watch me.” I hiss and he jerks in surprise and so do I. But not at me suddenly coming back to life but at the burning feeling running through me. Starting in my belly and spreading.

  What the hell?

  “Back up,” I say, and he just keeps on kissing me, my hand, then my arm but I shove him back. “Get back!” I scream at the sudden pain running through my body. It’s not like the cuts. This is much, much worse. It feels like my whole body’s on fire, and it keeps getting hotter. Then I’m hovering in the air, and bright purple light shines throughout the room.

  The pain ends, and I’m filled with sudden relief and peace. And, at the same time, all my questions are answered. I’m finally me. Ugh, there’s that asparagus again.

  I land on my feet and see that everyone’s stari
ng at me, the guys in wonder, and Billy in horror. I’m all healed up and my wings are out.

  “No.” Billy shakes his head, back and forth, back and forth. “I thought it was just a rumor. They’ll never accept you. No one will.”

  Silently I walk over to him and place my hand on his mouth. “Silence.” He tries to talk but I hit him over the head with a brick. “Fucker.”


  ~ The Life of the Abomination ~

  Nov. 1st

  After my transformation the night when I almost died, I found out the truth about everything. Apparently my mom was lying to me about why dad left. He didn’t leave because of my being a Witch. He left because he couldn’t handle the fact I’m part Witch and part Pru-Naunt. One day he couldn’t handle the fact that I’m a mutant, a freak, any more so, bye.

  I’ve always known that I’m a freak but now it’s confirmed. But, I’m okay with it. It just means I’m extremely unique.

  I couldn’t stay mad at my mom. She was just trying to protect me, after all. But now she knows I’d rather have the truth than bullshit. I might’ve yelled that a few hundred times. And my dad? I can hate that prick all I want. He left us, after all.

  So it turns out all of my sudden powers coming at me full force were because of Billy’s spell thing he did. He made it to where my gifts were blocked but when he left? Boom an explosion of fairy dust.

  And Pru-Naunt are a rare type of warrior, very, very rare today. They used to protect their land in secret. But they’ve—we’ve?—slowly been dying off.

  We tracked some down and took a road trip to Georgia. They let me hear the truth. Well, some of them did. Others tried to keep their mouths shut. Either way, they didn’t want me. Billy was right. I’m a freak to them, and to the humans. So, I just told them the truth. That I’m not interested in being one of them, I just want to learn how to control my powers and protect the people I care about.


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