Fire's Embrace [Chronicles of the Shifter Directive 6] (Siren Publishing Epic Romance, ManLove)

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Fire's Embrace [Chronicles of the Shifter Directive 6] (Siren Publishing Epic Romance, ManLove) Page 5

by Scarlet Hyacinth

  It was with great relief that he watched the two guests slip into their room. Once they were gone, he leaned against Rachen and groaned. “Well, that was painful.”

  Rachen chuckled, his hand combing through Alwyn’s hair and making him shiver with delight. “I thought it went quite well.”

  “I agree,” Hareem said. “Their apprehension toward being here is normal. They’ll warm up to you more. Caelyn will certainly appreciate having another sprite here.”

  Except Alwyn wasn’t sure he even was a sprite. He didn’t say it, though. They were all aware of his doubts and were working to figure out whether there was some truth to them or not.

  As they started to walk away, he did his best to convince himself that Caelyn’s arrival was a good thing. His mind kept returning to the way Caelyn had looked at him. He couldn’t help but wonder if Caelyn knew something he wasn’t saying, and what it would mean for Alwyn.

  * * * *

  Inside their new room, Caelyn plopped down on the bed. “My feet hurt,” he complained, beckoning Graham closer with a pout.

  Graham chuckled and sat down, too. He gathered Caelyn’s legs in his lap and started to massage his feet. Caelyn closed his eyes and melted against the pillows, allowing himself to relax. Even if he’d done his best not to show it, ever since he’d stepped on Draechenburg soil, he’d been expecting the worst, remembering their last visit, when he had almost lost Graham and their unborn child.

  “We could have stayed in Eternelle,” Graham pointed out. “No one forced us to come here.”

  “No, but I don’t regret it,” Caelyn replied. After a small pause, he opened his eyes and fixed Graham with a glance. “Did you notice?” he asked.

  “I could tell something wasn’t right, but I can’t put my finger on it.”

  Caelyn released a heavy sigh. “I really hope I’m mistaken about this. I hope I’m just seeing things because of being in Draechenburg again.”

  “But you don’t think so, do you?” Graham inquired.

  Caelyn shook his head. “No. Still, I can’t be certain. I’ll try to spend more time with him, get a better feel of what he’s like. It’s too soon to tell. Besides, I’m likely way off. There’s no way Ferradul Cyraltin would have done something like I imagine. The amount of magic needed for it would be…I really can’t even compute it.”

  “Let’s just not make any rushed judgments,” Graham told him. “Most of all, we can’t take any chances. If there’s any danger involved in investigating this, we’ll just leave. But in the meantime, we can’t tell the draechen about this.”

  Caelyn shuddered at the idea. “Believe me, I don’t have any plans of sharing this information until it’s absolutely necessary. I don’t look forward to telling Rachen Tersain that his mate might not exist at all.”

  * * * *

  All of her life, Eanera had known she had Jenarra’s help and affection. Her faith had supported her no matter what, even through the pain of acknowledging that the man she loved would never be hers. Jenarra had comforted her and promised her a bright future for Sari when Sari’s marriage had first been announced, not in actual words, but more like in a feeling.

  Now, however, all Eanera could sense was dread. Jenarra hadn’t sent her any visions since she’d been possessed by the Ancient Horror, and Sari’s episode had taken her completely by surprise. She remembered all too well how affected she’d been when she’d first had a vision. And Sari was pregnant now, out of all things. He risked losing the baby.

  She was probably being quite transparent, because her son-in-law chose to address her concern. “Your Holiness, Sari wants me to assure you that he’s all right,” Karein said as they walked through the palace.

  “Is that true?” Eanera inquired. “Sari is liable to try to coax us into believing his condition has improved, just so that we wouldn’t worry.”

  Karein hesitated. “To a certain extent, it seems so, but I’ll still feel much better when you look him over.”

  Regardless of Karein’s obvious concern, he didn’t appear to be desperate, and that soothed Eanera a lot. She found that she was able to breathe a little better. Still, she was very relieved when they finally reached the quarters Sari shared with Karein.

  As she walked inside, she found Sari lying on the couch, browsing through a book, looking irritated and disinterested. When they entered the room, Sari’s gaze instantly shot up and met hers. “Mother,” he said simply, beaming brightly.

  Eanera rushed to his side so quickly that it surprised even her. In a flash, she joined him on the settee and reached for him. “Oh, Sari, I’m so glad you’re all right.” She hugged him tightly and kissed his forehead. “When I heard what happened…I didn’t even know what to think.”

  “I have to say, I completely agree,” Sari replied. “I don’t know what to make of what I saw. Help me?”

  Eanera listened as Sari recounted his vision, not missing a single detail. It was, of course, a message from Jenarra. That much seemed obvious. A threat existed that involved Alwyn Cyraltin in some way and that would affect all of them. It didn’t take a genius to figure that out. But how did Karein abandoning Sari for Caelyn fit into the picture? Why had the werewolves changed form and the dragons hadn’t? And what about the children…Why had they disappeared?

  “What do you think, Mother?” Sari asked when he finished the tale.

  Eanera carefully considered her reply. “I think there’s something terrible coming our way, and you have to be very careful with handling Alwyn Cyraltin. What you saw him do is clearly symbolic, but if he isn’t stopped, he will destroy this family, one way or another.”

  “We believe there might be a second Alwyn out there,” Karein piped up, “and that he is the one Sari saw. Our Alwyn suspects he isn’t the real son of Ferradul Cyraltin and the Great Krite might have backed up his position here through a very powerful illusion.”

  That would make sense, but it didn’t feel right to Eanera. She wasn’t satisfied with that explanation. Something niggled at the back of her consciousness, but she couldn’t tell what it was. “Don’t discard any possibility just yet. You have to investigate both Alwyns equally, in spite of your brother’s affection toward your guest and the help he provided with the Ancient Horror.”

  Karein eyed her with a knowing look. “You instructed Caelyn to analyze him. You had a feeling about him.”

  “I did,” Eanera admitted, “but it could be nothing. My abilities haven’t been very reliable lately, at least in regard to the visions.”

  Sari immediately analyzed her from head to toe, concern shining in his eyes. “Are you not feeling well?”

  “I’m fine,” Eanera answered, waving off his words. “Jenarra knows how to choose the recipient for this gift. It could be just that She believes you would benefit more from the vision.” Or maybe Eanera’s mind hadn’t fully recovered from her near-merging with the Ancient Horror. She couldn’t be sure, but she didn’t want to tell Sari that. “But I’m still a healer, and I can still see you shouldn’t be up and out of bed. You need to rest.”

  “But, Mother…” Sari started to protest.

  “Don’t argue with me, dear child,” she told Sari. “You know as well as I do that this is important for your baby.”

  That effectively silenced Sari. He got up, but Karein didn’t let him take a single step. He took Sari in his arms and carried him into the sleeping quarters. It always pleased Eanera a lot to see them together, since half the time, the draechen practically looked worshipful of Sari. It was one of the reasons why Eanera simply couldn’t understand why Sari’s vision foretold their separation. Not to mention that Caelyn was very happy with Graham, and Graham lavished Caelyn with as much affection and care as Karein did with Sari.

  She made a mental note to give it more thought and joined her son on the bed. Taking his hand, she allowed her healing powers to flow over him.

  She found with relief that, other than some fatigue, there was nothing amiss with her son. That was another sig
n that the vision had come from Jenarra. If it hadn’t, a shock of that magnitude could have easily triggered an early birth, or worse. Sari might have lost the baby. He could have gotten hurt himself if a condition like eclampsia appeared.

  As it was, Sari’s child—his son—was healthier than ever. He responded to her magic with a shy touch of his own, the distinctive traces of draechen power combining with that of fae energy. When she withdrew, Eanera was smiling.

  “You were right, dear child. You’re absolutely fine, and so is your son. He’s already showing promising signs of having strong magic.”

  Karein looked gobsmacked. He had been holding Sari’s hand tightly, obviously expecting bad news. Now, he gaped, as if he couldn’t quite believe what Eanera was saying. “Are you sure?” he finally croaked out.

  “Positive,” Eanera confirmed. “I wouldn’t make any mistakes regarding my son’s and grandchild’s well-being. It seems that the vision didn’t affect Sari’s physical condition.”

  The draechen stared at her, to which Sari chuckled. “Sit down, Karein. You look like you’re about to fall over.”

  It was true. Karein appeared to be moments away from fainting out of sheer relief. Eanera could tell now that he had been actively trying to suppress his dread and concern, for Sari and possibly Eanera’s benefit. The difference between the Karein who had greeted her and the one who plopped down on the bed and kissed Sari passionately was staggering.

  A smile still in place, Eanera abandoned the bed and left Sari to spend some time alone with his mate. They clearly needed some privacy, judging by that kiss and the moan Sari let out. A healthy sex life could only benefit Sari during his pregnancy. Eanera had denied herself that due to her vows, but Sari had no reason to do the same.

  As she left her son’s quarters, though, her thoughts returned to Sari’s vision. Why did it suddenly feel like this brief moment of happiness in Sari’s life was among the last ones they’d get? Eanera rubbed her arms, the feeling of dread returning with a passion. She had to do something. But what? What could possibly stop Sari’s vision from coming true? For once, Eanera didn’t have any ideas, but she did know where she needed to begin. With Alwyn Cyraltin.

  Chapter Four

  Alwyn curled on his bed, lying down with his head on Rachen’s chest. When they’d returned from greeting Caelyn and Graham, they’d simply retreated to Alwyn’s quarters and curled together like this. They hadn’t even touched sexually, although naturally, Alwyn felt tempted.

  It was just that, every time he made a move to reach for Rachen, something stirred inside him, reminding him of the countless uncertainties in his life. Rachen caressed him gently, keeping everything platonic and above the waist. It was almost painful, because Alwyn knew how much Rachen was holding back.

  Suddenly, Alwyn felt very frustrated. “Do you love me, Rachen?” he heard himself ask.

  Rachen’s hand stilled in his hair. “Of course I do, baby. Why are you asking me that?”

  Irritated with his own lack of self-confidence, Alwyn finally pulled away. What in the world was he doing? So what if he wasn’t truly Alwyn Cyraltin? Rachen didn’t mind. It was only a name, after all. Okay, when the illusion faded, it could become a problem, but Alwyn had faith that Rachen wasn’t only after his looks. Was he?

  “Do you love me for me, or because I look like this?” He pointed to himself, knowing that the only reason he managed to continue this conversation was because Rachen hadn’t called him by his supposed name. “What part of me calls out to you?”

  For a few moments, Rachen just looked at him. Alwyn’s heart fell, torn between a million emotions, but then, Rachen finally spoke. “When I first met you, my dragon sensed you were my mate, and yet, I wasn’t sure. It felt like an uncertainty that simply couldn’t let me get close to you. I felt you were meant to be mine, and at the same time, you weren’t.”

  Alwyn frowned at Rachen. “If you’re trying to cheer me up, you aren’t really succeeding.”

  He tried to seem sulky and irritated, but he couldn’t fully mask the hurt. Rachen shook his head and reached for his hand. “I’m not explaining myself right,” he said as he squeezed Alwyn’s palm. “Just listen, okay? I kept doubting and asking myself what you truly meant for me. At the time, I thought it was because of my own problems with my identity, but now, I wonder. Because when we spoke that day, on the cliff, when you confessed that you might not truly be Alwyn Cyraltin, I looked into your eyes and I knew. I saw the truth, my truth. You are my mate. You, not Alwyn, or whoever else might call himself by a certain name. I could see it, clearer than anything I’ve known in my existence.”

  Alwyn’s breath caught. “Do you mean that?”

  “Oh, baby…” Rachen kissed his knuckles, then smiled. “Of course I do. I would be lying if I claimed you weren’t also more beautiful than I ever imagined someone could be, but after all the time we’ve spent together, you have to know it’s not just that.”

  It was true. Rachen and Alwyn had spent months together, and the sexual attraction between them, while considerable, hadn’t been the one governing their interactions. Rachen called out to Alwyn in a way nothing and no one ever had. At the same time, he unbalanced Alwyn, making his temper sharp and thrusting him on a roller coaster of emotion. Distantly, Alwyn wondered if this was how he was really like. He was beginning to grow increasingly convinced that there was something lying beneath this façade of a sprite. To think that Rachen accepted it, that he was willing to love Alwyn anyway, was almost too much to process.

  He had been so shy when he’d come here, but now, all of that seemed like stupidity. Arousal and need swelled inside him, bright, hot, more intense than the doubt that consumed him. He pounced on Rachen and pressed his mouth to that of the draechen.

  This time, his lover seemed to have expected Alwyn’s assault. Perhaps he was getting used to reading Alwyn’s cues. Either way, he immediately took control of the kiss, thrusting his tongue into Alwyn’s mouth.

  The dragon’s hands tore at Alwyn’s clothing, and the sound of ripping material fueled Alwyn’s increasing lust. Rachen’s tongue invaded his mouth, tasting him, awakening the real him, making the boundaries between reality and deception blur. When he touched and kissed his lover, their identities ceased to matter. They were simply two mates, two men who desired each other more than anything.

  Alwyn couldn’t help it. He clawed at Rachen’s garments savagely, his need for the dragon so intense it seemed to stop his breath. When they were both naked, they were finally forced to pull away to breathe.

  They stared at each other, panting, their bodies trembling with unsatisfied lust. In that moment, Alwyn knew exactly what Rachen had meant when he’d spoken about seeing truth in Alwyn’s eyes. The same thing was happening to him. In a world filled with uncertainties, when Alwyn didn’t even know who he was anymore, he could trust Rachen to always be there for him. He could believe that Rachen would love him, no matter what.

  In his heart, Alwyn knew that it was unfair to make promises he couldn’t keep. He knew that he shouldn’t be pursuing a relationship with Rachen when he could very easily be dangerous for Rachen’s family. But Alwyn was tired of being rational. He wanted to follow his heart for once. And his heart, his instincts, and of course, his body told him to get a move on and mate Rachen.

  “Yes,” he gasped out. “Yes, I’ll be yours.”

  It was an answer to the offer Rachen had made just the day before, and Alwyn got the reply he’d been hoping for. Rachen kissed him again, this time with so much ferocity that the word kiss simply didn’t seem to fit the action. It was a claiming, not at such a profound level as the one both of them craved, but a promise of it, a hint of what would soon come.

  Alwyn kissed Rachen back, and their tongues dueled in a dance of passion as they explored each other’s bodies. Soon, the touches grew bolder. Unable to keep himself in check, Alwyn reached for Rachen’s dick, and as his fist enclosed the other man’s prick, Rachen groaned into the kiss. Alwyn had tast
ed Rachen, and he remembered all too well how much he’d enjoyed that, how right it had felt to pleasure Rachen. Now, though, he needed more. He craved to feel Rachen inside him, to have his mate claim him in every way.

  Rachen was obviously of the same mind. Between kisses, he gasped out, “Lube. Where’s the lube?”

  Alwyn didn’t have any lube. He’d never thought he would need some when he’d come here, and the last thing on his mind had been to procure it. In hindsight, that hadn’t been very smart of him, given the attraction between him and Rachen. Too late to fix that mistake now. Perhaps he had some hand cream or something…but he couldn’t for the life of him remember where he’d put it.

  His frustration must have shown, because Rachen said, “It doesn’t matter. We can think of something.”

  Judging by Rachen’s smirk, the draechen had already come up with an idea, one that foretold future pleasures for Alwyn. That expression was Alwyn’s only warning as the draechen pushed him down and took Alwyn’s dick in his mouth.

  Pleasure exploded over Alwyn, impossibly beautiful, impossibly intense. Wet heat engulfed Alwyn’s swollen cock, plunging him in an abyss of lava. Alwyn clenched his fingers in the blanket, trying to anchor himself, to contain it and not allow it to get the better of him. But he simply couldn’t control it, couldn’t control the rising passion, the overwhelming urge to move, love, fuck, take, and be taken. Groaning, he started to shove his dick into Rachen’s mouth, desperate for more. He spread his legs, offering everything he was and had ever been to his mate.

  His true self, the one Rachen identified as his mate, rose up out of him, ready to be one with the dragon. It was the perfect moment for Alwyn to identify it, but right then and there, he couldn’t bring himself to care. As Rachen bobbed his head up and down his dick, Alwyn moved with him, fucking the draechen’s mouth. Rachen didn’t seem to mind. If anything, he appeared to be enjoying this as much as Alwyn was. He groaned around Alwyn’s dick, and the vibrations awoke every nerve ending in Alwyn’s body, even ones Alwyn hadn’t been aware of. He writhed under Rachen, lost in the sensual torture, not even knowing which way was up anymore.


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