Brooke, Leah - Crescendo [The Leah Brooke Collection] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Brooke, Leah - Crescendo [The Leah Brooke Collection] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 7

by Leah Brooke

Gathering her wits, she pulled her hand from his and smiled politely, hoping her inner turmoil didn’t show. “Mr. Morietti.” Ignoring his searching look, she watched him turn to shake Ken’s hand, cringing at Ken’s boisterous greeting.

  “Mr. Morietti, Julie and I are old friends. We were just getting, uh, reacquainted, if you know what I mean. While it’s true she worked at Avante’s, let me assure you she’s not the one who put us on top.”

  A muscle worked in Steve’s jaw as he took her hand in both of his, sending pinpricks of electricity through her and making her stomach flutter. “Hello, Julianna.”

  His deep voice held a teasing quality that she could clearly imagine in a darkened bedroom. His eyes shone with the kind of confidence that would make him an excellent lover.

  Anger rose, hot and swift, blending with her arousal in an alarming way.

  When Nick murmured something to Ken, Julianna took the opportunity to lean close to Steve, careful to keep her voice low. “I don’t appreciate having my time wasted. If you and your friend are finished with your fun at my expense, I’ll be going.”

  Steve’s lips twitched as he reached out to stop her. “Miss Lovette, please have a seat.”

  Narrowing her eyes at him, she thought she heard him mumble under his breath, “Definitely a temper,” but couldn’t be sure. She picked up her bag, plopping down in the chair and holding it on her lap for something to do with her hands. She kept her gaze focused on Nick as he sat behind the big desk, uncomfortably aware of Steve’s stare as he stood by the window, never taking his eyes off of her. She listened with half an ear as Ken started talking about himself and dropping names of rich clients he’d designed for over the years.


  He’d never even met the majority of them until the work had been finished. She’d gotten those jobs and did the designs he took the credit for.

  Nick’s look of attentive interest as he listened to Ken amused her but didn’t fool her for one minute. Even though he sat showing her his profile, she could actually feel his attention on her.

  Testing her theory, she licked her suddenly dry lips.

  Without turning his head, he shifted his eyes, his gaze touching her lips, and then lifting to hers, holding her gaze. They stared at each other for several heart-stopping moments as the rest of the world faded away.

  She sucked in a breath that seemed loud in the room, but one Ken apparently hadn’t heard as he droned on. She felt stripped of all defenses, Nick’s laser stare cutting through them to the woman underneath with a speed that alarmed her.

  He wanted her. It was in his eyes, the need to take her and a promise that she would never regret it.

  She didn’t know what he saw in hers, didn’t think she wanted to know, but his eyes glittered brilliantly. An indulgent smile curved his lips, a smile that disappeared when he turned back to Ken.

  Steve didn’t even pretend interest in anything Ken said, instead watching her steadily, a half-smile on his lips that contrasted sharply with the stark need in his eyes.

  How could both of them appear to want her? How could she want both of them so badly?

  Ken’s voice droned on, but Julianna had long since stopped listening to him, too preoccupied with the way her body reacted to Nick and Steve’s attentiveness. Holding her case against her breasts to hide her beaded nipples, she fought not to squirm at the tingling between her thighs.

  God, it had been too long since she’d come and even longer at the hands of a man. Her vibrator gave her more pleasure anyway and didn’t cause any heartache.

  Great. Just when she’d given up on men, she found not one, but two who made her feel more desirable than any man she’d ever met.

  She’d bet anything that either one of them could give her an orgasm that would put her vibrator to shame.

  Avoiding Nick and Steve’s probing gazes, she slid a glance at Ken, who didn’t appear to be winding down anytime soon.

  Nick waved a hand, effectively silencing Ken, and picked up one of the folders from his desk. “I asked that Avante’s send the designer who would be working on this project. Since you’re here, I assume that would be you, Mr. Phillips?”

  Ken tapped his foot, wiping his palms over his trousers. “Yes. Of course, several other designers would be working with me, but don’t worry. I would be in charge.”

  Nick’s eyes met hers as he nodded. “Miss Lovette, I understand that you used to be one of the busiest designers at Avante’s—and one of the most respected. Why did you leave?”

  Julianna would love to have pointed at Ken and said “because of this jerk” but figured that wouldn’t sound professional. Instead, she slid a glance at Ken, amused at his look of discomfort. “I thought it was time for me to go out on my own.”

  Nick lifted a brow. “Giving no notice?”

  Damn. He’d done his homework.

  She wanted to wipe the smug grin off of Ken’s face but didn’t want to give too much away. If they thought she made impulsive decisions, they wouldn’t hire her. “It wasn’t impulsive, nor do I regret it. It didn’t interfere with the job I had been working on, and I didn’t leave until after it had been completed and approved. Mr. Phillips here can tell you that I never had a dissatisfied client.”

  She slid another glance at Ken, daring him to contradict her. Instead, he looked relieved that she hadn’t disclosed anything he would have to defend and nodded, glaring at her.

  It appeared she’d gotten her reference after all.

  Nick looked from one to the other and nodded. “I think I’ve learned all I need to know in order to make a decision.” He stood and extended his hand to Ken, who grinned and jumped out of his chair. “Thank you for coming in, but we’re going to hire Miss Lovette.”

  Ken’s grin fell. “What? You can’t hire her! She doesn’t have the resources or the experience to handle a job like this.”

  Steve gripped his arm to usher him to the door. “That’s not your concern. Thank you for coming in. Claire will show you the way out.”

  He opened the door, and Claire appeared as if by magic on the other side. When the door closed behind them, Julianna turned back to face Nick as he sat perched at the corner of his desk. Steve took the seat Ken had just vacated, turning it to face her.

  Now that she had the undivided attention of both men, she placed her bag on the desk and sat back, crossing her arms over her chest. “Okay, what’s this all about?”

  Steve grinned. “You haven’t been paying attention. We’re hiring you to redecorate the hotel. What did you think this was about?”

  Julianna’s heart raced. Could it be true? “Is this some kind of game? How long have you known that I was one of the designers?”

  Steve leaned back, stretching his long legs out in front of him. “Since you told us your name. You look beautiful today. Have your knees healed?”

  Julianna closed her eyes as his innocent question brought forth an image in her mind that wasn’t innocent at all.

  An image of her on her knees pleasing him.

  When the tingling between her thighs made it impossible to sit still, Julianna stood and moved to the window, putting as much distance between them as she could.

  Of all men, why them? Of all times, why now?

  Fate really had a sense of humor and must be enjoying a great joke at her expense.

  “Why are you hiring me instead of Avante’s? Or is this some kind of sick joke? What game are you playing? What exactly do you want from me? Why did you interview Ken and me together? If you’re hiring me for sex because of what you heard the other night—”

  Nick’s eyes flared, his tone jagged ice. “I don’t pay for sex. Ever.”

  He stood and removed his jacket, rolling back his sleeves to reveal tanned, sinewy forearms, lightly sprinkled with dark hair. “We hired you because we loved your designs and want someone who will work for us exclusively. It’s a big job, and we’d want you to be available at all times, not tied up with other clients. We set up interviews with both o
f you at the same time because we knew you’d walked away from that job and wanted to know why. We listened in on your conversation and now we know the truth. It was the most expedient way to find out.”

  Narrowing his eyes at her, he crossed his arms over his chest. “For future reference, I dislike explaining myself, Julianna.”

  Stunned, Julianna gaped at him, an involuntary shiver going through her at the threat in his tone. “You listened in? How dare you!”

  Steve stood and extended his hand. “It’s our office. Well, now it’s yours, but it’s our hotel. Come on so we can show you around.”

  Julianna tried and failed to avoid the hand he put at her elbow as he led her out of the small office, alarmed that her arm tingled the same way it had when Nick touched her. Her beaded nipples became even more sensitive, and as Steve stroked a hand down her arm, she couldn’t help but imagine the same stroke over the curve of her breast.

  She would bet there would be nothing tentative about his touch, or Nick’s for that matter. To be held, to be loved by someone with the knowledge and confidence she would bet they had…

  Once in the hallway, Nick and Steve flanked her as they led her back through the lobby and to the elevator, both men touching her arms and shoulders as they walked beside her, sending a riot of warm awareness everywhere their hands brushed.

  Once inside the elevator, she stared straight ahead, surreptitiously breathing deeply and savoring their wonderful scents, nothing at all like the strong cologne Ken used.

  Nick shifted slightly. “As long as you’re working for us, I want you to stay away from Ken Phillips.”

  Julianna clutched her bag tighter against her chest, indignant at the order and the tone in which he delivered it. “I don’t exactly socialize with Ken.”

  His eyes warmed with amusement at her tone. “See that you don’t. I don’t want him to know anything about what’s done at the hotel, and I don’t want him anywhere near my decorator.”

  Counting to ten, Julianna smiled coldly. “You don’t have to worry about that.”

  Nick chuckled. “You’re angry. Too bad.” When the elevator came to a stop, he raised a brow at her mutinous expression and gripped her elbow. “This is a professional issue. Personal issues are just that. Personal. They’re entirely separate, and one has nothing to do with the other.”

  Walking between them down a cluttered and dusty hallway, Julianna stared straight ahead, fighting the urge to pull away when Nick’s hot hand settled on the small of her back. “I find that hard to believe. Even getting this job feels too personal to me.” Inside, she still reeled. She couldn’t believe that she’d actually gotten this job. With what they’d be paying her, she could pay her bills, buy a car that actually ran, and rent office space.

  Steve pulled a sheet of plastic aside and led her through it. “Let’s just say that meeting you opened our eyes.” Turning, he gestured to the empty shell that still showed signs of recent construction. “The top floor will be ours. This will be your first project. We want a two-bedroom suite, each with its own full bath. There’ll be a large sitting area, a small kitchen, and a large office. Most of the reconstruction is already done. The men will be working their way down, tearing out carpeting and creating nothing more than shells. Once this is done, your office will be up here while the first floor is being renovated.”

  Julianna pulled out a notebook and started taking notes. “I’m going to need to measure everything and work up a design for this space.”

  She rattled off questions, writing everything down because they had her so flustered she knew she’d never remember a word of this later on.

  Being stunned to find the men she’d thought about all week owned the Crescendo, elated to get the job as their decorator, and absolutely amazed at her reaction to not one, but both of them left her more than a little dazed. She felt clumsy and distracted as she walked around, and couldn’t keep her mind on the job at hand. Deciding to come back alone a little later, she closed her notebook.

  “I’ll come back up once I get settled and take measurements. You’ll have preliminary designs tomorrow.”

  Nick nodded, his lips twitching. “I’ll look forward to seeing them.” Gripping her elbow, he turned back toward the elevator, his knuckles brushing the side of her breast and making her nipples tingle. There had been nothing demanding or possessive in his touch, but it sent a shock of need through her that weakened her knees.

  Once in the elevator, she tried to put as much distance between them as she could, cursing her own yearning to be held against him like the night at her apartment.

  Nick leaned back against the wall and studied her. “Once the upstairs is done, I want you to move in here.”

  Julianna gaped at him. “What did you say?”

  Nick’s expression went blank. “It’s a condition of the contract and isn’t negotiable. We want you on the premises. We’ll be staying here, too, whenever we’re in town.”

  Locking her knees against the wave of longing the images of them living in the same place conjured, she hugged her bag closer. “I don’t think it’s necessary for me to live here.”

  Nick lifted a brow, looking every bit the arrogant tycoon. “I do. I’m paying you a lot of money to work for me, and I expect my conditions to be met. If this works out, we’ll want you to work on the resort we’re building. Living here in the hotel is the best way for you to oversee the work and for us to talk about plans for the new resort. That’s professional. On a personal level, we’ve seen where you live and don’t like the neighborhood. Plus, we want to get to know you better.”

  Julianna stepped off of the elevator, flanked once again by both men, a little amazed to feel so small and feminine sandwiched between two such tall and obviously strong men.

  Although she didn’t sleep around, she’d been with enough men to know that strength of body didn’t always mean inner strength, and she’d usually had to choose between them.

  Nick and Steve appeared to possess both.

  In spades.

  “All this personal talk is making me nervous about accepting this job.”

  Steve’s hand on her lower back burned through her clothing as they walked across the ugly lobby. His goodbye the other night had kept her awake most of the night. His tone had been dark and sensuous while his eyes held regret, which made no sense to her at all. Walking beside him now, it puzzled her to see the same look there again.

  His warm breath caressed her ear as he leaned close. “You’re not going to let the chemistry between us scare you away, are you? Besides, with all the bills you have, you can’t afford to walk away.”

  Julianna stopped and turned on him, furious that he’d checked on her. Just about ready to give him hell for it, she sighed, angry at herself that she’d taken it personally. Of course they would check on her before they hired her. Clenching her jaw, she kept her tone cool.

  “That’s private.”

  Steve lifted her chin, his eyes fierce as they held hers. “We don’t hire anybody without knowing all there is to know about them. And…you intrigue us.”

  Not knowing how to answer that, Julianna stared up at him warily, puzzled that he glanced at Nick, a strange look in his eyes as some sort of silent communication passed between them.

  Nick took her arm again and led her back toward her office, pointing at the closed door they passed. “That’s Claire’s office. If you need something and we’re not around, let her know.”

  Julianna didn’t bother to tell him that Claire had already mentioned that when she flirted with Ken. Wondering how the woman would take it when she discovered that Julianna had been selected, she hid a smile.

  Nick opened the door to the room they’d started in, now her office, and gestured her inside. “Your contract is in the top desk drawer, along with your keys. Take it home and look it over. We’ll pick you up at seven for dinner. If you have any questions, we’ll discuss them then. Our card is attached with both of our cell numbers on the back.”

sp; Julianna felt as though she’d been through a tornado. Now that her brain had started working again, she could see they’d done their best to make the space look nice as well as functional, but with the old, worn carpeting and faded walls, they could have only done so much. Still, she appreciated the fresh flowers that made the dreary room appear less drab. “When do you want me to start?”

  Steve made himself comfortable in one of her worn chairs, frowning as he settled his big body in a chair much too small for him while Nick checked his phone, apparently sending a call to voice mail. Steve looked up, appearing to be a little preoccupied. “As soon as you sign the contract.”

  Julianna opened the drawer and picked up the folder containing the contract. “I’ll read this over and get back to you in the morning.”

  Steve started shaking his head before she’d even finished. “No. We want to know by tonight. We’ll pick you up for dinner. If having dinner with us is not acceptable, you’re not going to be working for us anyway. One of the conditions in the contract is that we have dinner together whenever our schedules allow.”

  Julianna plopped into her chair, absently noting it was new. “But why?”

  Steve came to his feet, leaning over the desk until his face was only inches from hers, his nearness, making her stomach flutter. “It makes a more relaxed atmosphere for discussing whatever needs to be discussed.”

  She had to fight the urge to lean closer and touch his lips with hers, wanting desperately to taste him, to feel his heat surround her.

  What kind of lover would he be? Would he be knowledgeable? Patient? Gentle? Rough? Would he make a woman feel feminine and desirable, or would she end up just feeling bereft?

  Coming to her senses, she swallowed heavily and stood, wincing when she banged her knees on her desk. Glancing away, she gathered her things. “Fine. I’ll see you at seven.”

  She’d agree to anything to escape, desperately needing the time alone to come to grips with her feelings.

  Rushing out of the office and away from their scrutiny, she hurried down the hallway and out the front door. It took three tries to get her car started, and when she reached the exit for the parking lot, she couldn’t help but glance back the way she’d come to see both of them standing in the open doorway.


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