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Brooke, Leah - Crescendo [The Leah Brooke Collection] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 19

by Leah Brooke

  Nick took a step closer and dropped the pins onto the sleek coffee table, his eyes nearly black as he reached for her. “We’ll have to take care of that.” He flicked the clasp between her breasts, undoing it before she could react, his hold on her shoulder stopping her instinctive retreat. As the material fell away, each man reached out to cup a bared breast.

  Steve’s mouth covered hers, swallowing her moan as his warm hand closed over her breast, his fingers plucking at her beaded nipple.

  Lost in need, Julianna’s knees buckled, her moans growing louder as the hands on her breasts both caressed her hotly, but each with a different rhythm, a sharp reminder that two different men caressed her.

  As though she needed the reminder.

  Fire shot to Julianna’s center at Steve’s diabolical play with her nipple. He pinched lightly, rolling it firmly between his thumb and forefinger and sending jolts of need straight to her core. His touch burned with possession and a barely restrained, wild hunger she both feared and craved.

  He lifted his head and took her hand in his, kissing her fingers before placing it on his shoulder, effectively leaving her breasts unprotected and available for Nick to explore. Her breath caught at the flash of fire in his eyes a split second before his mouth covered hers again.

  When she would have lowered her other hand, Nick caught it in his and held it flat against his chest. She thrilled at the lean muscle beneath her hand, the heat from his body warming her cold hand as nerves overtook her.

  Nick ran his fingers over the sensitive underside of her breast, his expert touch sending her reeling. “Be still. I’d like to explore you a little before we leave.”

  She had a strong suspicion he knew exactly what the effect of speaking to her that way would be, but she couldn’t help but try to hide it. Keeping her knees locked, she pressed her thighs together, moaning into Steve’s mouth and struggling to remain still.

  She failed miserably, squirming as Steve’s kiss became hot and wild, consuming her in a ball of lust that raced out of control. Squeezing her moisture-coated thighs together did nothing to relieve the terrible ache, and she couldn’t keep from arching, dying to divert Nick’s attention to her throbbing nipples.

  Her knees buckled when Steve lifted his head and obliged her, using his fingers to stroke and pinch one of her nipples while Nick lifted his hand, depriving her of his touch at all.

  “I thought I told you to be still, Julianna. This isn’t about what you want, but my desire to explore you.”

  The light caress of his fingertips over the upper curve of her breast made her gasp and sent ribbons of sizzling delight to her nipple, making it throb in need.

  Steve smiled and rolled her nipple again. “Are you playing your Dom games with her, Nick? I’m going to play with her while you explore.”

  Nick bent low, brushing Julianna’s lips with his, keeping his caress light and fleeting. His eyes held hers steadily, the cool intent in them tightening her abdomen. “They’re not games to me. I take my pleasure very seriously, and I expect my woman to do the same. Now be still, Julianna. I don’t want to have to tell you again.”

  He cupped her jaw, staring into her eyes as he flicked a finger over her aching nipple, his eyes flaring at her cry. “You’re absolutely perfect for me, do you know that?”

  Her breath came out in pants as she waited eagerly for the next stroke, a stroke he denied her. Starving for the taste of him, she stared at his lips, a hoarse whimper escaping as Steve’s hand slid over her hip and to her bottom.

  She gasped when Steve pinched her other nipple, the jolt of electricity making her neglected nipple ache even more. With Nick holding her face up toward his, she couldn’t see, and therefore couldn’t anticipate what either one of them would do.

  The knowledge of her excitement at finding herself in such a predicament shone in Nick’s eyes.

  When Nick finally covered her lips with his, she whimpered again, unable to keep from arching her back, inviting his attention to her nipple.

  Nick denied her, keeping his strokes light as he caressed her breast with only the tips of his fingers, from the upper slope to the tender underside, but not giving her the satisfaction of touching her nipple at all. The sharp contrast between that and the pinch of her other nipple drove her lust higher and sharply defined the differences in the two men.

  Nick kissed her the way he had in the elevator. His punishing nips and retreats when she got demanding forced her to submit, remaining motionless and acquiescent in order to get her pleasure. He rewarded her with fire, taking her mouth in a kiss, raw and overwhelming, and manipulating her nipple with such purpose and expertise, she almost came on the spot.

  Whimpering continuously now, she shook uncontrollably as the rest of her dress fell to puddle at her feet. She thought she floated before she realized that Nick held her in his arms, carrying her to his bedroom. When he lifted his head again, his eyes looked blacker than she’d ever seen them.

  Nick laid her on his bed and leaned over her, his eyes raking her body. “Let’s get this out of the way now. I don’t want anything to interfere with our pleasure. Steve and I are both healthy. We want you. Badly. Is there anything you need to tell us?”

  Julianna gulped before she answered, wanting this more than she’d ever wanted anything in her life. Glad that he addressed something she should have, she shook her head. She wanted nothing to stand in their way. Holding on to each of them, she tried to get enough air in her lungs to say what she had to say. With her mind reeling, she found it difficult to get her thoughts together. “David insisted I give him a report. It’s in my purse.” Her words came out in a rush, between panting breaths.

  Steve leaned over her from the other side, his face inches from hers as he lightly caressed her breast again, his thumb stroking too lightly over her nipple. “Are you protected?”

  Julianna trembled, her breath coming out in harsh moans as they each reached for her thong. “Yes.”

  The sound of the material ripping and the sensation of the cooler air on her folds made her knees buckle and fall to the sides. She needed this so desperately, her body screaming for release.

  Nick leaned over her more fully as Steve raised her hands over her head.

  Steve’s lips caressed her jaw. “Do you want this, Julianna? Do you want both of us?”

  “Yes. Oh, God. Yes. Hurry.”

  Nick used the weight of his body to hold hers still. “Hurry is something we’re not going to do. Say what you want.”

  Julianna forced her eyes open, meeting his steady gaze and arching into him. “I want both of you to take me.”

  Nick’s eyes narrowed, going steely. “So you want a quick fuck? There are a dozen women downstairs I can get that from. I want more than that from you. You want more than that. If this is going further, you’re going to have to give me more.”

  With Steve holding her hands above her head and circling a nipple, Julianna couldn’t focus. God, she burned. Laid out for them like an offering, every inch of her skin quivered with excitement.

  “More? What do you want from me?”

  “I want you to belong to me.”

  Remembering what David had wanted from her, she stilled, a chill going through her. “I can’t do that. I can’t be an object.”

  Steve’s hand went from her breast to her hair. “Nick, let it go. Don’t expect something she can’t give you.”

  Nick’s hooded eyes stayed on hers, dark with need and possession. “You’re wrong. Julianna can give me exactly what I want from her. Can’t you, darling? Especially because she needs what I can give her in return. I don’t want an object, Julianna, or a fuck toy. I want you. I want your strength, your sweetness, your surrender.”

  The silence in the room became deafening as they both stared down at her, their eyes narrowed and intense. Every inch of her body burned and tingled, and she couldn’t hold still no matter how hard she tried. She didn’t remember ever being so excited or so nervous. She only knew she would neve
r forgive herself if she didn’t grab what they offered with both hands.


  Nick slid a glance at Steve, his eyes lit with anticipation. “Keep her hands where they are. One day she’ll learn to keep them there by herself, but our Julianna likes to be restrained.”

  Looking back down at her, his lips curved in a knowing smile. “She needs it.”

  Julianna’s eyes flew to Steve’s, the sharp bite of erotic fear at Nick’s words both alarming and arousing.

  Steve looked a little surprised himself, but the need in his eyes burned even hotter than before when his gaze lowered to watch what Nick did to her, his eyes following the movement of Nick’s hands on her skin.

  Nick moved slowly down her body, nibbling and kissing along the way, sensitizing her entire body to the lightest touch.

  Several sharp cries escaped as he found every susceptible place on his journey and gave each his rapt attention. She shifted restlessly against Steve’s hold as Nick made his way down her body, gasping for breath and begging him to take her, the thrill of Steve watching the entire time adding a decadent element she’d never even dreamed would excite her so much, and she didn’t know if she’d ever be able to get used to it.

  Shaking with need, she closed her eyes, just letting herself feel.

  Nick moved back up and ran his teeth threateningly over the curve of her breast, sending a chill of panic and dark need through her. “Be still.”

  Be still?

  Gripping Steve’s hand, she squeezed her eyes closed, trying her best not to move. She lost the battle when Nick’s teeth scraped lightly over the nipple he’d been teasing, the pleasure so intense it bordered on pain. Crying out, she dug her heels into the mattress, lifting herself in her need to get closer, but Nick slid his hands to her ankles and pushed, ridding her of her leverage.

  Nick’s knees between hers prevented her from closing her legs to relieve the terrible throbbing of her clit, and when she writhed and moaned in frustration, he stilled. He lifted his head, not touching her anywhere except where his legs held hers parted, his eyes hooded as he stared down at her.

  Opening her eyes fully, she shifted under his stare, uneasy and so aroused, she twisted restlessly. “Oh, God. Please don’t stop. Please.”

  Nick’s features appeared to be set in stone as he looked down at her. “I told you to be still. Every time you move, I’ll stop. You’re going to have to learn some control, Julianna.”

  Julianna whimpered, the need inside her making any sort of control impossible. “I don’t know how to do this. Please, I can’t stay still.”

  Nick’s brow went up. “Then you won’t get your pleasure.”

  “Please. I need—”

  Nick’s lips twitched, his eyes tender as they moved over her face. “I know what you need, Julianna, probably better than you do. Now, be still, little one.”

  Julianna squeezed her eyes closed again as he lowered his head, desperate now for his touch. Everywhere. Anywhere. However he wanted to touch her. On fire now, her pussy clenched frantically as Nick’s mouth closed over a nipple. Fighting with everything she had to stay still, she whimpered as the pleasure grew into something so overwhelming she couldn’t help but fight it. Pitiful sounds of need poured from her even as she fought Steve’s hold.

  Steve held strong.

  When she realized that she couldn’t break free, she fought harder, the dark need inside her hoping he was strong enough to prevent her escape. Something about struggling against him excited her even more, turning her into a desperate creature of need she hardly recognized. She burned everywhere, every inch of her skin tingling with warmth. She needed to be touched.

  She just needed.

  Nick stilled again. And waited.

  She thought herself knowledgeable about sex, but nothing in her sexual past could even come close to comparing to what she experienced now. Not used to being overwhelmed, she discovered another layer of vulnerability she hadn’t been aware of—one born of being an eager student beneath the hands of a master.

  She’d suspected but hadn’t really known.

  She did now.

  Nick waited until she settled, his cool patience making her even more aware of his control. Once she stilled, he bent his head slowly, as though prepared for her to move again. His warm breath over her breast made her shiver, but she forced herself to remain still, having already learned that only by doing so would she get what she so desperately craved.

  He closed his lips around a nipple and sucked hard, pressing it to the roof of his mouth, the sharp pain and pleasure combining and creating sparks of heat in her clit. Holding her nipple there, he used his knees to spread her legs even wider.

  Julianna’s cries and deep moans filled the room as she frantically gulped in air, focusing on remaining as still as possible with the shudders that racked her body. The sharp pull on her too-sensitive nipple sent white-hot shards of pleasure shooting through her body, all of them seeming to concentrate themselves in her clit.

  When Nick released her nipple, the sensation didn’t stop as she’d expected. The blood flowing back into her nipple made the ache even worse and she held her breath as he moved to the other. Expecting the same thing, she groaned deeply, clutching Steve’s hand as Nick closed his teeth around her other nipple. Scared to move, she waited breathlessly to see what he would do.

  When he began to nibble at her, she jolted at the feel of his sharp teeth nipping at her, crying out hoarsely as a series of mini orgasms raced through her.

  * * * *

  Steve watched in amazement, his cock so hard it hurt. He’d been with a lot of women in his lifetime and had never once seen one come from just having her nipples played with.

  Moving slightly, he cursed again and gave up trying to shift the material of his pants enough to get comfortable. He released Julianna’s wrists and slid off the bed to start undressing. Quickly pulling off his tie, he grabbed her wrists again and used the silk to tie her hands to the headboard.

  When her eyes flew open, the panic in them almost had him loosening the tie, until another of her hoarse cries erupted.

  Just the sounds she made had him fighting not to come in his damned trousers.

  He knew, of course, about Nick’s proclivity for dominating a woman in bed, but he’d never imagined it could be like this.

  He’d never really understood the appeal until now.

  Watching Julianna this way turned him inside out. Throwing off his clothes, he moved back to the bed to lie beside her as Nick worked his way to her abdomen. From his position beside her, Steve saw her stomach muscles quiver as those erotic sounds she made continued, increasing in both frequency and volume. He could see her determination to remain still and wondered how long she could last.

  Just imagining doing to her what Nick now did had a groan rumbling in his own throat. He didn’t even want to go down to the damned party now. He wanted to spend the rest of the night right here making love to her and exploring every damned inch of her body.

  Even if everything else was fake and she worked for Munson, her response right now was very real. He’d bet every dime he had on it.

  He couldn’t take his eyes from her, needing to absorb every nuance of her reaction, things he might normally have missed.

  He didn’t miss them now, each shift of her body, each sound she made, each breath she took raised his own level of excitement until he couldn’t even let his cock brush against her without trembling.

  He held his breath as Nick slowly worked his way down to her mound, licking his own lips in hunger for a taste of her.

  Steve had never cared if the women he fucked were bare or not, but he never wanted Julianna any other way. He wanted her bared completely for as long as this lasted, wanted the smoothness of her naked mound, but most of all wanted nothing hidden from him.

  Knowing she would be more sensitive there, he found himself holding his breath as Nick licked and nibbled her mound and her sensitive inner thighs, a groan e
scaping when her breathing quickened.

  Kneeling between her smooth thighs, Nick looked up at him and smiled, tightening his grip on her as he touched his tongue to her clit.

  Julianna jolted as though she’d been touched by a live wire, her hoarse scream making his cock jump. She fought his hold, but Nick had obviously anticipated that and held her firmly.

  Her entire body shook so badly, her cries so desperate, that Steve started to fear for her.

  Until she opened her eyes.

  Her gorgeous blue eyes had gone dark with a need more intense than he’d ever seen before. Tears trickled down her cheeks and into her hair. Her hands fisted above her head, and her luscious pink lips had become even more swollen from her teeth sinking into them.

  He’d been around the world and seen a lot of things, but he’d never in his life even imagined anything as beautiful as Julianna looked in that moment. He craved her, yearned for her in a way that had actually become painful.

  At her jolt, Nick immediately lifted his head and moved from between her thighs to stand at the foot of the bed.

  Julianna looked down at him pleadingly. “Nick, please. Don’t stop. I’ll be good. I won’t move again. Pleasepleaseplease.”

  Nick smiled sardonically, the atmosphere in the room becoming even more sexually charged. “I don’t know, Julianna. You don’t seem capable of obeying me. You can’t stay still, even with your hands tied.”

  “Please! One more chance. I’ll be good.”

  Steve considered himself a good lover, but he could never remember a woman wanting him as badly as Julianna appeared to want Nick right now. He’d never seen a woman so aroused it made her cry. His best friend had been right all along about what Julianna needed, and it seemed she found it with Nick.

  Where did that leave him?

  He couldn’t walk away from her, not after seeing her like this. Images of the way she looked right now would keep him awake at night. He had to have her, had to be a part of what she and Nick shared.


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