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Brooke, Leah - Crescendo [The Leah Brooke Collection] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 35

by Leah Brooke

  “Nick, all the beading. This is beautiful.” She ran her hand over the blue and gold beads that circled her hips, and another that formed a band several inches wide around the hem.

  She couldn’t look away from her reflection, amazed at how wanton she looked, how seductive. She couldn’t stop swaying, enjoying the sensuous feel of the silky material against her skin. It shocked her that wearing only a skirt, even one held together by only a clasp at her hip, made her breasts feel even more exposed than when she’d been completely naked.

  Nick came to stand behind her, holding the other strip of material as he eyed her critically in the mirror. “Beautiful. The beads around the hem are heavy enough to keep the skirt from blowing up and exposing your pussy and ass to other visitors.”

  He wrapped what appeared to be nothing more than a strip of matching fabric around her breasts, beaded with the same blue and gold and with a smaller clasp that fastened between her breasts.

  Stepping away, he looked her up and down, spinning his finger in the air as he did at the hotel in Miami in a silent command for her to spin around.

  Being here, wearing what she wore now, she obeyed him more readily than she had before, the desire to please him even greater than ever.

  Nick smiled indulgently. “You look beautiful, darling. You won’t need shoes. We’re going to walk on the beach and talk a little.”

  Julianna stood rooted to the spot. “Nick, what if someone sees me?”

  A faint smile flashed. “That’s why you’re wearing one of the garments from the right side of your closet. The ones on the left are all transparent. Let’s go, little one. There are some things we need to discuss.”

  When he tugged her arm, she had no choice but to go with him. “Like why you want me to wear this outfit?”

  The cool tiles felt good on her feet as they made their way down the stairs. Once they got to the bottom, Nick turned, shocking her that even though she stood on the last step, she still had to look up at him.

  Reaching out to steady her with both hands at her waist, Nick bent and touched his lips to hers.

  “You’re wearing this because it allows me to get my hands on you easily. The other women will wear them because it affords their Doms the same easy access.”

  Staring up at him, Julianna placed her hands on his shoulders and smiled sadly. “Nick, I really like you, but—”

  “Excuse me?”

  Shrugging, she looked away. “This thing with you and Steve is incredible, but let’s be honest with each other. It can’t last. The two of you will be gone as soon as this job is over. Neither one of you trust me—”

  With a finger beneath her chin, Nick raised her gaze to his again. “I never said that.”

  “Steve did. Well, he didn’t trust me but says he does now. Anyway, you said yourself that you’re the kind of man who likes to dominate his woman, and I’ve already learned I’m not submissive.” She gestured toward the clothing she wore. “You shouldn’t be spending this kind of money on me, and we shouldn’t be going away together. I have a job to do. If you want to have sex—”

  Nick’s jaw clenched. “You really do try my patience at times. You’re a worrier. A planner—someone who has to organize every minute of your life. I respect that because I’m the same way. In your profession, I understand it.”

  The hands at her waist slid up to cover her breasts, his thumbs stroking over her nipples. “But off the clock, you have to let that control go. You have no say in how your day will be spent. You have no idea what you’ll be doing in the next hour or three hours from now. You’ll wear what I choose and go where I want you to be.”

  “Damn it, Nick. You can’t—”

  With a brush of his fingers, her top fell away, the clasp hitting the marble stairs with a clang. “I can. I have. For the next several days you’re my prisoner. I want you to experience what your life will be like with me.”

  Hardly able to believe what he was saying, Julianna shivered, looking around the foyer and the large living room to her right. “Nick, someone could see me like this.”

  “No one but me will see you this way, that is, until Steve comes in a few days.”

  Taking a shuddering breath, Julianna looked around again, the shyness of having her breasts exposed being replaced by arousal. As before, being half naked somehow made her breasts feel more exposed than if she’d been completely naked. It drew her focus there, making her nipples so sensitive and needy she would have done just about anything to have him touch them.

  “What will Steve think of this?”

  Nick’s grin stole her breath. “I think Steve will love this.” He bent to pick up the silky material at her feet and stuck an end of it into his pocket. “Let’s go for that walk. I want to show you where the resort is being built.”

  When he tugged her arm again and pulled her after him, Julianna tried unsuccessfully to pull away. “Like this? Give me my top back.”

  Nick paused, turning and raising a dark brow. “Excuse me?”

  Looking around again, Julianna covered her breasts. “Someone could see me.”

  Nick sighed. “I’m really going to have to work on your trust issues. I already told you that no one but me will see you. The others know where we’re going but won’t spy on us. And if you want your top back, you’re going to have to earn it. One more remark about being seen and you’ll lose the skirt, too.”

  With an arm around her waist, he led her through the house, through a solarium and to a pool area in the back.

  “Nick, this is beautiful. Can we go swimming?”

  Smiling indulgently, he patted her bottom. “Of course, little one. But first we have to talk.”

  Julianna paused, a little taken aback at being outside with her breasts exposed. The warm breeze caressing them felt so decadent it caused another rush of moisture to coat her thighs.

  “It feels good, doesn’t it, darling? Imagine how it’ll feel when you’re out here naked.”

  He led her down the steps to the beach, his large feet dark against the white sand. They walked to the water’s edge in silence before he spoke again.

  “I know what you need, Julianna. I know what you’ve been looking for.”

  Mesmerized by the silky decadence in his tone, Julianna leaned into him, the intimacy in it nudging her to confide in him. “It’s not that easy. I’m so messed up, Nick. I don’t even know what I want.”

  Turning her to face the water, he covered her breasts with his hands. “Will you trust me enough to show you?”

  To know what she’d been searching for all these years, she would do anything. “What if I don’t like what you do to me? Will you stop?”

  Nick turned her back to face him, wrapping his arms around her to caress her back. His dark eyes glittered with something, but it was as if a shudder came down over them before she could figure it out. “It depends on you.” He placed a finger over her lips to silence her when she would have spoken.

  “If you want me to stop because you’re uncomfortable or uneasy about what we’re doing, then no. Your boundaries need to be explored. If you tell me you don’t like something and your body’s telling me differently, then no, I won’t stop. But if you truly don’t like something, then yes, I’ll stop.”

  Gathering her hair in his big fist, he tilted her head back and smoothed a hand over her breast. “Part of what you need, Julianna, is to be taken. To be taken in a way that leaves you in no doubt how much you’re desired.”

  She gasped as the skirt fell away, his arms holding her and preventing her from retrieving it. “I don’t want to be forced.”

  She was naked! Out here where anyone could see her. She tried desperately to tamp down the hunger that raged inside her at being so defenseless, but her struggle with Nick, rubbing against him, just made her hungrier.

  He overcame her struggles with remarkable ease, his hands sliding over her nakedness. “Well, I guess we’ve learned something else. You like to be exposed.”

  “No.” Eve
n she heard the panic in her voice.

  Gathering her close, Nick rocked her. “It’s all right, little one. You don’t have to worry about being exposed to anyone but Steve and me. I’m selfish, and I don’t share.”

  “You want to share me with Steve.”

  “Yes, imagine that.”

  She stopped struggling, his thoughtful tone intriguing her. “You and Steve never shared a woman before? Really?”

  “Never.” Bending her back over his arm, he slid a hand down her body to her mound, sliding a thick finger into her slick pussy.

  “All of this has you aroused already. Trust me, Julianna.” His eyes darkened, becoming nearly black.

  “Trust me to please you. Trust me to show you what you need. Three days. Give me three days.”

  Julianna tightened on the finger inside, wanting his cock there more than anything. Swallowing heavily, she gulped in air and stared up at him.

  “Why, Nick? Why would you do this? Why would you take me away? Why would you walk away from your work to spend time trying to teach me something about myself?”

  Nick plunged his finger deep, his thumb rubbing over her clit. The tortured look of need on his face was like nothing she’d ever seen before. “Because, little one, that’s what I need, too. You’re everything I’ve ever looked for in a woman, and I didn’t even realize it. I need you to belong to me. I want you to give everything to me in ways you’ve never given yourself to anyone else. I want your complete and total submission.”

  Julianna gripped his shoulders, arching her back to offer herself to him. “Then, yes. Yes. For the next three days, I’m yours.”

  Nick withdrew his finger and plunged deep again, drawing a gasp from her. “I can do whatever I want with you, even if I have to overcome your struggles to do it?”

  “Yes. Take me. Whatever you want.”

  “Come for me.”

  Feeling his hot mouth close over a nipple as he fucked her with his finger and rubbed her clit, Julianna couldn’t deny him, crying out as the hot wave crashed over her.

  Her orgasm slammed into her with such strength she could do nothing but hold on to him as the hot sizzles raced through her.

  And she gave herself to him.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Grateful for Nick’s support as he led her back to the house, she started past the pool, smiling when he slid a hand over her naked hip and curling against him.

  Bending to brush his lips over her bare shoulder, he moved his hand to her ass. “Can you swim?”

  “Of course I can—Nick!”

  Laughing, he shoved her into the pool, stripping out of his shorts and quickly following.

  She tried to swim out of his reach, but he was a strong swimmer and easily caught her and supported her weight, bracing her against the side of the pool as he took her, making her come again with an ease that alarmed her.

  Holding her in his arms, he gathered her hair in a fist and tilted her head back, nuzzling her jaw. “You belong here, Julianna. You belong on this island with me. I built this house, hoping to use it as a getaway, but I seldom come here.”

  Straightening, he stared into her eyes. “I can imagine coming here far more often now—with you.”

  Her heart leapt in her throat, wanting more than anything to be with him, but she still had too many doubt about what he wanted from her to commit to anything. It would tear her apart inside to be a vacation fling for him, to be available on a whim. She respected herself more than that and knew that if she allowed it, she’d never find the happiness she so desperately craved.

  Smiling to hide her heartache, she slid her fingers through his hair. “Well, hopefully I’ll be coming here to work on the resort. I’d be spending quite a bit of time here. We can be together then.”

  Nick’s eyes narrowed as he tightened his hands in her hair. “That’s not what I meant, and you know it. I want you here, at the house. With me.”

  Not wanting him to see the yearning in her eyes, she looked away. She couldn’t stop thinking about Steve’s lovemaking the night before or the vulnerability in his eyes when he took her. “And Steve? What does he think of all this?”

  Nick’s brow went up. “When he gets here, we’ll ask him. In the meantime, I believe you’re mine to do with as I wish for the next three days, and I’m going to take full advantage of it.”

  Lifting her in his arms with an ease that never ceased to amaze her, he carried her from the pool, into the house and up the stairs to the bedroom she’d slept in the previous night.

  They showered together, his hands possessive as they washed her, not allowing her to do it herself.

  “You’re mine, remember? I can do with you what I want, and right now I want to wash you. Now spread your legs for me.”

  By the time they left the shower, she’d become a trembling mass of need again. “Nick, how can you do this to me?” She watched him cross the room, unable to look away from the sight of his naked butt. It was almost as muscular as Steve’s, but darker, and so gorgeous, she had the sudden urge to sink her teeth into it.

  Nick tossed a smile over his shoulder as he reached into the drawer for something. “Because you’re a very passionate woman whose needs have barely been tapped. In other words, perfect.”

  He turned from the dresser, holding what looked to be a chain with beads all around it, and something that made her take a step back. “Come here, Julianna.”

  The look of dark intent in his eyes made her take another step back. “Nick, that’s a—”

  “I know exactly what it is, Julianna. I had it made for you. We’re going to deal with this habit you have of slouching while we’re here.”

  Insulted, she glared at him. “I don’t slouch.”

  “You do indeed, especially around other women. We’re going to deal with that. Come. Here. You won’t be happy with the results if I have to tell you again.”

  Eyeing the butt plug with apprehension, Julianna forced herself to take a step toward him, and then another. “Nick, I don’t know about this.”

  “Julianna, your ass is where you’re the most vulnerable. There’s nothing that makes you more compliant or arouses you more than having your ass filled. Believe me, little one, your ass will be filled and fucked often. Go to the bed and bend over. I want both of your shoulders touching the bed.”

  Lifting her chin, Julianna couldn’t resist defying him. “What if I don’t?”

  Nick’s grin sent a chilling wave through her. “Then I’ll turn you over my knee, give you a sound spanking and shove it up your ass. We can do this the easy way or the hard way, Julianna. Your choice. But this is going up your ass one way or another before we leave this room.”

  In the process of taking another step forward, Julianna stopped. “You’re making me leave the room with it inside me?”

  The displeasure in Nick’s eyes made her tremble.

  “I don’t like explaining myself. Lose the towel. Bend over the bed right now.”

  Not trusting the look on his face at all, Julianna wondered what she’d gotten herself into. She dropped the towel and moved on shaky legs to the edge of the bed and, as gracefully as possible, bent over, finding the lure of the forbidden irresistible.

  She held her thighs squeezed tightly together against the rush of moisture that coated them. Embarrassed that he would see it, she buried her face in the covers.

  Hearing the rustle of material, she stilled.

  Having her ass in the air this way made her feel more vulnerable and defenseless than anything else, a fact Nick had apparently already discovered.

  “Keeping your thighs squeezed together won’t keep me from your ass.”

  Julianna moaned at the feel of the material of his trousers brushing against the back of her legs, telling her he’d already dressed. That meant he had no intention of taking her now and only wanted to play with her.

  Already aroused, her anger spiked at the thought of the frustration ahead. “Why can’t you just fuck me and be done with it?”<
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  The tube landed beside her face a second before a finger coated with the cold lube touched her puckered opening, making her gasp.

  “Because you and I have both had a lifetime of quick fucks that did nothing for either of us. You’re my plaything for the next three days, and I can do whatever I want with you, remember? You gave your word.”

  “I take it back.”

  “Too late.” The slick finger thrust inside her with a force that stole her breath.

  It took every ounce of willpower Julianna possessed to remain still, her breathing ragged as she fought to adjust to the invasion of her most vulnerable opening.

  “Shouldn’t I have a safe word or, oh, God, or something.” Her anus grasped at his finger, mortifying her.

  Nick slid his finger out as fast as he’d entered her, leaving her anus clenching at emptiness.

  “There’s no safe word for you. You’re not a submissive, remember?”

  Julianna whimpered, sucking in air as Nick started to press the butt plug into her. Chills racked her body as the unrelenting pressure forced the plug past the tight ring of muscle and into her ass. Her inner walls were forced to give way, to adapt to the huge plug as Nick shoved it several inches into her.

  “Nick, it’s too big. Oh, my God.”

  “It’s smaller than Steve’s cock, and you took that. It’s smaller than my cock, which will be fucking your ass later. You can take it. Just breathe so I can push the last of it into you. You still have the widest part to go, little one. Take a deep breath for me.”

  Julianna barely had a chance to draw a breath before Nick pushed the rest of the plug into her. Shaking violently, she struggled for composure, not only because of the thickness inside her ass, but to the fact that she was amazingly close to coming and didn’t want him to know it.

  Oh, God. It burned, filling her in a way she was scared she’d begun to crave. Now that she’d experienced this kind of sexual play, how the hell could she ever be satisfied without it?


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