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Brooke, Leah - Crescendo [The Leah Brooke Collection] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 41

by Leah Brooke

  Julianna slowed her steps, in no hurry to go back. “Why is my family here? I thought this party was by invitation only.” The sharp tug at her nipples reminded her to stand straight. She always felt so inferior around her family, but she hadn’t realized until that moment that she slouched when the subject of family came up.

  Steve’s brow furrowed when she gasped. “Nick’s right. You do tend to slouch when you feel threatened. I thought we’d mastered that. Interesting.”

  He ran a hand down her back again and lightly pinched her bottom, putting his hand back at her waist as they approached the terrace. “We invited them. We thought it best. Now be a good girl and smile nicely.”

  Angry that they hadn’t warned her, she looked up in time to see Gabriel and Kelsey walk through the door. “You invited them. You go smile at them. I’m going to go talk to Kelsey.”

  * * * *

  Steve watched her go, unable to look away from the sight of her tight ass swaying. Knowing she had a plug filling that gorgeous ass kept him hard as a rock all night. She had to be one of the most generous and passionate women he’d ever met and made every other woman he’d ever been involved with pale in significance.

  He’d started to take a real liking to Nick’s games.

  Making his way through the crowd, he couldn’t hold back a smile when he got a good look at Nick’s irritated frown, one that he didn’t bother to hide as he disentangled himself from Erica’s wandering hands.

  As Steve approached, he noticed a man and woman standing at Nick’s other side, beaming at Erica.

  Nick looked up, glaring at him, his eyes promising retaliation. “Steve, this is Ray and Liza Desmond, Julianna’s mother and father.”

  Ray Desmond stepped forward and offered his hand. “Stepfather. Erica’s my real daughter.” He looked back over his shoulder to smile indulgently at Erica, whose sophisticated dress barely covered her breasts. “She’s a real beauty, isn’t she?”

  Steve opened his mouth to defend Julianna, whose beauty was like a breath of fresh air, but snapped it closed when Nick spoke first.

  Nick’s lips thinned in distaste. “She’s beautiful all right, but a little clingy, don’t you agree?” He lifted Erica’s hands from his sleeve and looked up at Steve. “Is Julianna okay?”

  Liza Desmond stepped forward and clutched Steve’s arm. “Is something wrong?”

  Relieved to find someone who cared about Julianna at least a little, Steve smiled warmly. “Julianna’s fine. She had a little trouble and was getting ready to handle it herself, but Mike, Craig, and I were there. She’s over talking to her friend Kelsey right now and will be over in just a few minutes.”

  Erica sniffed. “Trust Julianna to find trouble.” She sidled her way over to him, leaning slightly to the side to give him a peek at her breast. “Is that why you left so suddenly? I could have told you that she could take care of herself. She fights like a man—does almost everything else like a man, too. She can’t even walk in high heels.”

  Ray laughed. “More like a son than a daughter. She’s really good at fixing things. I sure miss having her around the house. Strong, too. I never worried about her being out at night. I remember one night she got a flat tire. I didn’t even bother to go change it. I knew she could fix it herself.”

  Nick’s face hardened. “She won’t have to worry about doing things like that anymore. We’ll take care of her. And I see nothing remotely masculine about a strong woman. Clingy, simpering women bore me. They’re a dime a dozen. Julianna saved my life. Saved both of us. She managed to escape a kidnapper and came to my rescue with a knife, a flashlight, and a cell phone. She’s the most remarkable woman I’ve ever met. Ah, here’s our darling now.”

  Erica spun toward Nick, her eyes snapping with fury. “Our? What do you mean our? Are you saying what they printed in the papers was true?”

  Ignoring her question, Steve removed her hand from his arm and reached out to Julianna as she approached, hiding a smile to see that Gabriel and Kelsey were both pulling her along. “There you are, baby. I missed you.”

  He bent to kiss her hair, sliding a possessive hand around her waist to hold her close and nodding his thanks to Gabriel.

  “Doesn’t she look stunning tonight?”

  Gabriel inclined his head. “She’s absolutely glowing. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Julianna so happy.”

  Steve pulled Julianna aside as introductions were made all around. Bending slightly, he touched his lips to her ear. “You really are stunning. I can’t wait to get you alone after the party. That little clasp holding your dress on has been teasing me all night.” He tugged at a strand of crystals, smiling when she moaned softly and leaned into him. “Stand up straight, darling. Your sister’s watching you.”

  Julianna smiled up at him. “Kiss my ass.”

  Steve laughed, and hugged her, ignoring the glances cast his way. “With pleasure, baby. Anytime.”

  Nick reached for her, and determined to show her family that he and Nick both cared for her, Steve handed her over, sharing a conspiratorial look with his friend.

  They knew she thought tonight was the end, but in the next several hours, they hoped to convince her that their life together had only just begun.

  * * * *

  Exhausted after dealing with her stepfather’s and Erica’s snide remarks and her mother’s name-dropping, Julianna walked into the penthouse suite with Nick and Steve, her throat clogged with tears at the knowledge that this would be the last time.

  Steve had already removed his tie and cuff links in the elevator and now shrugged out of his tuxedo jacket. “I’m changing out of this monkey suit for the flight. I can’t stand it anymore.”

  Julianna smiled, blinking back tears at his hurry to leave, and looked away. She’d assumed they’d be together one last time before they went their separate ways.

  Nick chuckled. “Hurry up. I want to get out of here.”

  Absorbing the blow, Julianna involuntarily hunched forward, gasping at the sharp tug to her nipples.

  Nick wrapped an arm around her waist. “Come on, little one. Let’s get you out of that.”

  Whirling, Julianna closed her eyes at another sharp tug and snapped at him. “Stop calling me that! I’ll take it off myself.”

  She strode into the same bedroom Steve had gone into, wishing she’d had the foresight to move her bags into the other room. The sight of Steve standing next to the closet wearing nothing but a pair of jeans, the top button left open, sent a wave of longing and sadness through her that hurt like hell.

  His broad, muscular chest just invited her to explore, his wide shoulders and huge biceps made her fingers itch to dig into them.

  Aware that Nick walked up behind her, she looked away from Steve and started into the room, a glitter to her left capturing her attention. Pausing, she turned, her eyes widening in disbelief at what she saw.

  On the bed lay one of the most beautiful things she’d ever seen. Aware that Nick and Steve looked on, she approached the bed slowly, trying to hold back the sob in her throat that threatened to choke her.

  It was an outfit like one of the things she wore on the island, but more ornate than any of the others. Done in cream and gold silk, it had more beading than the ones she’d worn there. Beads of crystal and gold sparkled from everywhere, not just a band bordering the top and skirt.

  Fighting tears, she lifted a hand to her mouth and looked up to see them both standing there watching her, a look in their eyes that had never been there before.

  Nick smiled and stepped forward, holding out a hand to her.

  “I told you to trust us. You didn’t really think this was the end for us, did you, little one?”

  Her eyes darted from one to the other, not quite sure she understood, not daring to believe. Putting her hand in his, she swallowed a sob.

  “I don’t understand. W-what are you saying?”

  Steve came to stand beside Nick and took her other hand, reaching up to wipe away a tear. “I love
you, Julianna.” Shaking his head, he grinned, lifting her chin and bending to touch his lips to hers. “That doesn’t seem like a strong enough word, but there it is. It snuck up on me, but I’m not about to let you go.”

  Nick lifted her hand, brushing his lips over her knuckles, the tenderness and love in his eyes stealing her breath. “I love you, darling. I want to spend the rest of my life loving you.”

  A sob escaped before she could prevent it, and then another. Pressing her lips together, she finally managed to get them under control. Could this really be happening?

  “How can you both love me? Are you sure?”

  She pressed her lips together again and looked away, blinking back tears, and staring at the beaded silk, not quite understanding its significance.

  Nick drew her toward him, forcing her to meet his eyes, and reached out to unclasp the front of her dress, letting it fall to expose her breasts. “I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life.”

  Steve moved behind her and tugged it over her hips to puddle at her feet, smoothing his hands over the curve of her ass. “I’m positive. I need you, Julianna. I can’t even imagine living without you now.”

  After unscrewing the rings, Nick held them and slid the back of his hands up to her shoulders and released them to fall down her back. He slid his hands up farther and into her hair, tilting her head back. Using his thumbs to wipe away tears she’d been unaware of shedding, he stared into her eyes, rubbing his chest against her tender nipples.

  “I love you. You love me. Say it to me. I saw it on your face that night we were kidnapped. I want to hear you say it. I need to hear you say it.”

  Drawing a shaky breath, Julianna smiled tremulously, her eyes filled with unshed tears. “I love you. Of course, I love you. How could I not love you? But how can—”

  He cut her words off with a kiss that curled her toes.

  Wrapping her arms around his neck, she stiffened when Steve’s arm came around her waist and he lifted her, his lips on her shoulder as he worked the plug out of her, tightening his hold on her when she moaned and shivered.

  “We want you to belong to both of us. Forever.”

  Nick lifted his head, running his thumb back and forth over her swollen lips, steadying her when Steve lowered her to her feet. “We want to marry you, Julianna, and make a home with you on the island.”

  Steve slid his hands over her mound and parted her folds, his fingers unerringly finding her clit. “We both want you to marry us, and since you can’t marry both of us, we’re going to marry you the only way we can.”

  The slow drag of his fingers through her folds made it difficult to concentrate and became even harder when Nick cupped her breasts and ran his thumbs over her nipples.

  Nick smiled when she moaned and gripped him tighter. “The island belongs to us, and so we make the rules there. Our law states that a woman can be married to more than one man. Both are her legal husbands there. So, my darling, we’re leaving for the island tonight, where we’ll be married and have our honeymoon.”

  Steve slid a finger into her pussy. “That’s your wedding dress. You’ll be wearing it when we leave here.”

  Nick loosened his pants and sat at the edge of the bed, drawing her with him. “Are you going to marry us? Are you going to belong to both of us? Of course, we’ll have to travel to the hotels, but our home will be on the island.”

  Kneeling between his thighs, Julianna wrapped her arms around his waist and pressed her face against his chest, wishing he was naked. “I can’t believe this is really happening. Of course I’ll marry you.”

  Straightening, she reached back for Steve. “Both of you. But I need you to be sure. I couldn’t take it if you changed your mind.”

  Nick cupped her breast. “I won’t change my mind. You’ll be ours forever. We’ve got a whole new wardrobe ordered for you, things like you wore there before. That way we can always get to you easily.”

  Remembering how it felt to be dressed that way, Julianna smiled teasingly, her heart soaring. “Are you going to insist on having your way with me while we’re there?”

  Nick raised a brow and worked his cock free. “Not just there. Always. Are you going to marry me or not?”

  Licking her lips, she eyed his cock hungrily. “Nothing would make me happier.”

  With no warning, Steve thrust his cock deep into her pussy from behind. “Are you going to marry me, too?”

  “God, yes. Please move, damn you.”

  Steve withdrew almost completely and thrust deep again. “Suck Nick’s cock, Julianna, and I’ll move.”

  Meeting Nick’s eyes, she bent and licked his cock from base to tip, silently thanking him for lightening the mood before she made a fool of herself. “And if I don’t?”

  Nick’s brows went up, his eyes lit with challenge, and she could see the effort it cost him not to take over. “I believe she’s challenging your authority, Steve.”

  Realizing how much fun she could have with this, she flicked her tongue over the head of Nick’s cock again, rocking her hips.

  Steve’s fingers went to her clit and began stroking, slow, teasing strokes that threatened her sanity.

  Digging her nails into Nick’s thighs, Julianna closed her eyes, her breathing heavy as she got lost in the feel of Steve’s focused strokes to her clit. Although she couldn’t rock on his cock the way she wanted to, just the feel of his cock filling her helped drive her closer and closer to the edge.

  Losing herself in sensation, she laid her head on Nick’s thigh, clenching repeatedly on Steve’s cock and parting her legs wider, pressing her clit against his rough finger.

  Suddenly, he stopped.

  Her eyes popped open and she lifted her head, meeting Nick’s amused gaze. “Steve, damn it, don’t stop.”

  “Suck, Julianna.” Steve’s harsh tone reminded her of the night he’d taken her ass. Shaking, she looked around for the lube and the condom.

  Nick cupped her cheek. “No, he’s not taking your ass tonight. I am. As soon as we’re on the island and married, we’re both taking you. Now, be a good girl and suck, and you get to come before we leave. If not, you don’t.”

  Steve pinched her clit and released it. “Now.”

  Julianna cried out and threw herself onto Nick’s lap, wiggling her bottom at Steve. “Make me come.”

  Keeping her eyes on Nick’s, she licked the pearly drop from the head of his cock, thrilling at his taste. It gave her such a feeling of power to be the reason behind that tortured look on his face.

  She smiled up at him, licking all around the head of his cock but not taking it into her mouth, clenching on Steve’s cock and hoping to entice him to move. Her ass still tingled from the plug, making her clench even more, her breath catching at the jump of Steve’s cock inside her.

  If possible, it felt larger than before, so hot and hard as it stretched her.

  Steve’s hands tightened on her hips as he withdrew again and surged deep.

  “That’s it, baby. Keep sucking. Make Nick come.” His fingers slid over her clit again, holding her still when she jolted and clamped down on him again.

  “Son of a bitch. She keeps clamping down on me like she’s trying to squeeze the life out of my cock.”

  Thrilling at his ragged tone, she sucked Nick deep and used her tongue on the tender underside beneath the head.

  Nick’s hands tightened on her hair. “She’s trying to make us both come before she does, but she’s not doing it because she’s obeying. She’s doing it to try to gain control.”

  Steve’s thrusts came faster, his finger sliding over her soaked clit with every stroke. “We’ll just have to make her surrender.”

  Moving her head over his cock, Nick met her eyes and smiled. “Oh, yes, she’ll definitely surrender.”

  Their firm hands on her and the rough timbre in their voices never failed to arouse her, but knowing that they cared for her, really cared for her, added an element that had been missing before.

  She co
uldn’t help it, but the need to try to wrench their control from them grew with each stroke of Steve’s cock in her pussy and Nick’s in her mouth. She wanted to prove to them that she was woman enough for them, that she could give as good as she got.

  She shouldn’t have been surprised that they’d noticed. They always paid attention to her, seemed to notice everything about her.

  It was heady stuff, to have that kind of attention focused on her, and it made her love them even more, and she wanted to give them the same attention. She needed to prove to them that she was strong enough to love both of them.

  Savoring the flavor of Nick’s hard, thick cock, Julianna sucked gently, using her tongue to explore every inch of it. He guided the slow bobs of her head over it, and she smiled inwardly when his hands tightened in her hair and he began to groan.

  “Damn, she’s good at that.” Nick pushed her hair to the side, staring into her eyes as he caressed her cheek. Smiling, he fisted her hair in his hand. “It appears our Julianna likes to play, too.”

  Something inside Julianna warmed at the approval in his tone.

  Steve slid a finger through her folds again, circling, but not quite touching her clit, and, with a groan, increased the speed and power of his thrusts. “This is gonna be a hell of a honeymoon.”

  Nick smiled, his jaw clenching when she began to suck harder. “A hell of a life.”

  Julianna smiled around his cock and began to suck even harder, clenching on Steve. Each time she started to feel confident about her rhythm, Steve started to manipulate her clit again and made her falter.

  It became a battle of wills, one that quickly raged out of control.

  All the tension that she’d felt all day, the sadness that she’d never see them again had melted away, to be replaced by a joy she’d never known, and let something inside her free, something wild and uncontrollable.

  Even through their dominance, their love shone through, allowing her to let go as she never had before. Little pinpricks of electricity burst free all over her body, made stronger by each of Steve’s strokes to her clit.


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