Riches of the Heart

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Riches of the Heart Page 18

by June Tate

  Lily awakened with a start. Standing before her was a young girl wearing a neat black dress. In her hands she held a breakfast tray. Before Lily could speak she said, ‘Morning, miss. Mr Teglia said I was to wake you.’

  Sitting up in bed, Lily asked, ‘Who are you?’

  ‘I’m Beatrice, the maid, miss.’ Placing the tray by the bed, she went to the door and opened it, returning with some towels. ‘These are for you, miss.’ Walking over to the window, she drew back the curtains and peered out. ‘Not a bad day. May rain later, though. Sky’s a bit dark over yonder.’ Turning towards Lily she said, ‘Mr Teglia said to be ready in two hours’ time.’ She placed a small clock on the table. ‘You’re going shopping.’ With an anxious look she added, ‘He don’t like to be kept waiting, miss.’

  ‘Right. I’ll remember that. Thank you, Beatrice.’

  When the girl had left, Lily stared longingly at the food, savouring the aroma before tucking in to the eggs and bacon, buttering the toast and drinking the coffee, luxuriating in its rich flavour. She stretched contentedly, like a cat. Later she lay in a hot bath, smothering herself with scented soap. If this was typical of her new life as Vittorio’s mistress, she was really going to enjoy herself.

  Exactly two hours later, there was a tap on her door. With trembling legs she walked across the room and opened it. Standing on the threshold was The Maltese. Lily felt unsure of herself. But she’d got into this situation and now she’d have to see it through. Putting aside her concern, she smiled cheerfully at Vittorio. ‘Good morning.’

  He, as usual, was dressed immaculately. He smiled back at her and, holding out his hand said, ‘Good morning, Lily. Are you ready for our expedition to the shops?’

  ‘Yes, I’m ready, but I’m warning you, Vittorio,’ she said with a cheeky grin, ‘I’ve very expensive tastes.’

  He looked amused. ‘You really are an extraordinary creature. Fortunately, I’ve more than enough for your needs. Come along, I can see we are both going to have a stimulating time.’

  Walking downstairs on Vittorio’s arm, Lily was aware that she was the centre of attention of many prying eyes. Doors were opened just a fraction, staff looked at her with interest, if unobtrusively. She looked straight ahead. Back stiff, head held high. After all, she was Vittorio’s mistress. Well, technically not until tonight, to be strictly accurate. But as far as anyone else was concerned … she already was.

  Outside a taxi was waiting. As Vittorio helped her into the car, Lily felt very much the lady. She sat back against the seat, watching the passing scene.

  The day exceeded all Lily’s expectations. Vittorio dismissed the taxi outside a small but exclusive gown shop. Gazing at the expensive models displayed in the window, Lily felt a surge of excitement. Was she really going to be wearing such wonderful clothes?

  As they entered the shop, she looked around the swish interior. It had wall to wall carpets which her feet seemed to sink into as she walked.

  ‘Sit there, Lily,’ Vittorio commanded, pointing to a tall velvet chair. As she settled herself into it, Lily fingered her coat, knowing it was shabby in comparison to the exclusive clothing hanging on the rails. But she held her head with pride. From now on, things were going to change.

  In an authoritative voice, Vittorio asked for the manageress. When she bustled towards them, he pointed to Lily and said, ‘I want this young lady taken care of. We want day dresses, costumes and several evening gowns. Money is no object here, you understand.’

  Lily’s eyes widened at the attention bestowed on her. So this was what it was like to be rich. She smiled across at her benefactor in delight as the manageress measured her and sent several assistants scurrying off in all directions.

  Vittorio sat in a chair, puffing a Havana cigar and watching as Lily emerged from the changing cubicle in one creation after another, deciding whether he liked it or not. Those he didn’t were quickly discarded.

  Inside the cubicle, helping Lily into yet another dress, the manageress said softly, ‘Your husband is a very generous man.’

  Looking at the woman with feigned innocence Lily said, ‘He’s not my husband.’ And hid a smile at the shock registered on the other woman’s face. ‘Wives don’t get all this – only mistresses.’ She thought the manageress was going to pass out with embarrassment. It added considerably to her enjoyment.

  Vittorio went along the rack of evening gowns and chose four. ‘Try these on, Lily.’

  She looked longingly at one in pale lemon that had taken her fancy. ‘Can’t I try that one too?’

  ‘No. I don’t like it.’

  The tone of his voice forbade argument.

  As Lily slipped a gown of beaded gossamer over her head, she thought of the gowns she used to try on alone at night in the back of Rachel Cohen’s shop, and wished with all her heart she could still be there. True, the gowns had seen better days and some of them had smelt musty from storage, but when she wore them, there was no price to be paid. What was it Rachel had told her? In life, no one does anything for nothing. What charge would Vittorio make against his generosity, she wondered. Would it be more than she was prepared for?

  Vittorio picked out an exquisite claret-coloured coat, trimmed with black fur, and one of the chosen dresses, made of soft brown velvet trimmed in beige satin, and told Lily to wear them. Then he ordered the rest of the purchases to be sent to the club that afternoon. As they were about to leave the shop, the manageress came hurrying out with the clothes Lily had originally worn that day.

  ‘What shall I do with these, sir?’ she asked.

  ‘Burn them!’ snapped Vittorio as he opened the shop door.

  Lily felt her cheeks redden with shame.

  From there, they went to a shoe shop, where Vittorio chose several pairs for her. On to a hat shop, the packages to be delivered. And then, to Lily’s acute embarrassment and that of the assistant who served them, they visited the lingerie department of the largest store in town. Lily chose several sets of underwear in soft pastel colours. When she’d finished, Vittorio chose even more, in black.

  Lily felt the anger rising inside her. How dare he humiliate her so. ‘I’m hungry,’ she said abruptly. ‘Good food was one of the things you promised me, so when do we eat?’

  ‘Something upsetting you?’ he asked caustically.

  ‘Why all black underwear?’

  ‘I find black sexually stimulating. The other colours don’t do anything for me. The black lingerie was to please me, not you.’ He looked at her, the corners of his mouth twitching with amusement. ‘After all, I must get some personal pleasure from today, surely?’

  She glared at him. ‘You’re not going to order my food too, are you?’

  ‘Don’t be ridiculous!’ His eyes twinkled. ‘Come on. You’re not the only one who’s hungry.’

  Walking into The Tivoli restaurant was another strange experience, but wearing new clothes gave Lily the necessary confidence. Many heads turned to look at her and her companion. The waiter led them to a table and, holding out a chair for her, helped Lily to be seated. When he laid a napkin across her lap, she smiled sweetly at him as if this was an everyday occurrence.

  She began to relax until Vittorio handed her the menu. Her fingers trembled as she held it. It was large and impressive, not like the simple one she’d been given when first she’d had a meal with Tom.

  ‘Would you like me to order for you?’

  She shook her head. ‘No, thank you. I can manage perfectly well.’ If this was to be her new way of life, she thought, she had to start as she meant to go on. She deliberately ordered the most expensive dishes.

  As she gazed at her surroundings, Lily knew she looked elegant in her new clothes. For once she felt as good as all the well-heeled clients sitting at the other tables. She experienced the first stirrings of the power that money could buy, and she enjoyed it. She couldn’t help but compare this moment to the time she had stood outside the fish and chip shop the night she first met Jim. The night she was near to

  She watched carefully to see which cutlery her companion used, having been somewhat startled at the array beside her plate. Finishing her lobster soup, she waited for the steak to arrive. It looked and smelt wonderful. Oh, if only they could bottle this aroma, she thought, I’d wear it behind my ears. She remembered to eat slowly, not wanting to let Vittorio know that for the past weeks she’d been living on bread and scrape and potato soup.

  ‘Have you enjoyed your day, Lily?’

  The quiet humiliation she had suffered still angered her. You’ll pay for the black lingerie, she thought. ‘You mean it’s over?’ she said innocently. ‘No more shopping?’

  He looked surprised. ‘I thought we’d covered everything.’

  Slowly she ran her fingers through her hair. ‘I seem to remember you mentioned jewellery, when you were trying to tempt me. I don’t want a diamond tiara, just a bauble or two to celebrate our new relationship.’

  He shook his head. ‘You’re in the wrong business, Lily. You strike a harder bargain than any businessman I know.’

  Nevertheless, there was a look of respect in his eyes. If I want to keep that respect, she thought, I must never let him think he’s got the better of me.

  As she sat opposite him, she mused that he might be the blackest villain around the dock area, but he was a fine-looking man, with his olive skin, powerful build and jet-black hair. Dressed in a tailored suit and silk shirt, he blended well with the upper crust. His air of power was like a force field around him as the waiters hovered nearby, ready to fulfil his every wish.

  Lily was consumed with curiosity about him. Who was he really, this man with whom she had made such a bargain?

  ‘Let me order the dessert,’ The Maltese suggested. ‘They have a speciality here that I’m sure you’ll enjoy.’ He called the waiter over and quietly spoke in his ear.

  Lily was intrigued.

  When the man returned he was pushing a trolley, on top of which, to Lily’s surprise, was a dish with a flame beneath it. ‘Crêpes suzettes, sir,’ he said and proceeded with the intricacies of the dish. When he flambéed the crêpes, Lily gave a cry and sat back in her chair.

  Vittorio watched with amusement.

  The waiter placed two pancakes on her plate and spooned the liquor over them. ‘Bon appétit, mademoiselle.’

  She tasted the dessert carefully, her expression one of pleasure as she ate it.

  ‘Is it nice, Lily? Do you like it?’

  ‘Mm, I do. It’s delicious! Could we have it again one day?’

  With a smile, The Maltese said, ‘Of course, if that is your wish.’

  ‘Oh it is,’ she said. ‘At least twice a week.’

  Whilst they ate their dessert, Lily said, ‘Tell me about yourself, Vittorio.’

  He looked surprised. ‘Why do you want to know?’

  Shrugging, she said, ‘Why not? I know nothing about you, only what people have told me. And no one can be that big a bastard.’

  His gaze held hers. ‘Don’t be too sure, Lily. Most of it is probably true.’

  ‘Tell me how you started, how you became so rich.’

  His expression didn’t alter. ‘All you need to know, my dear, is that I am. You will be well looked after, as long as you do as you’re told. Would you like some coffee?’

  ‘Yes, and a brandy, please.’ She felt as if she was going to need it, if only ‘for medicinal purposes’, as dear old Sandy used to say. This man gave nothing away. She wondered perhaps if it was because he had so much to hide. She determined she would learn as much about him as she could. Being his mistress ought to give her some advantage, and such information might come in useful some day. She pushed to the back of her mind the thought that such knowledge might lead her into danger, rather than be the means of her survival.

  After leaving The Tivoli, Lily was delighted when Vittorio took her into a jeweller’s shop. He bought her an expensive cameo brooch and a diamanté necklace with matching earrings. ‘To wear when you perform in the club,’ he said.

  There was an unexpected softness in his tone when he added, ‘I hope you like them, Lily, and the other things we bought today.’ She felt a pang of guilt. He did promise her all these things, but he need not have kept his word. She kissed him impulsively on the cheek.

  ‘Thank you, Vittorio. I’ve had a truly wonderful time.’

  He looked both surprised and pleased. He pulled her into his arms and softly covered her mouth with his. It was the briefest of kisses, but it had a profound effect on Lily. Her knees felt like water. She looked at him with surprise. ‘Why did you do that?’

  ‘Because I wanted to. Now let’s go.’

  That night, bathed and wearing a black negligée, Lily lay on the bed waiting for her lover. This, she thought, is where I start to earn my keep. She longed for Tom, to hear his voice, to feel his arms about her, his lips on hers. But it was not to be. She’d made her decision. Her dream of respectability was in ribbons for ever. But at least she was not on the streets.

  Smoothing the silk sheets, she looked with childish delight across at the new wardrobe Vittorio had installed for her, containing all her new clothes. The hat boxes on top of the cupboard, full of expensive creations. How generous he had been. She recalled the feel of his mouth on hers. Now he could claim far more. She suddenly felt nervous.

  The bathroom door opened and Vittorio, wearing a silk dressing gown, entered the room. Closing the door behind him, he stood and looked at Lily, waiting.

  She could almost hear her heart beating, it seemed so loud. She felt tense and apprehensive.

  Crossing over to the bed, Vittorio knelt beside her and stroked her cheek. Gently kissed her lips. Lily began to relax. She saw that around his neck he wore a gold chain, from which hung an exquisite ring. She held the ring in her hand. ‘What’s this?’ she whispered.

  ‘This belonged to my mother.’ There was great tenderness in his voice. ‘It’s my most valued possession, Lily. I always wear it.’ Slipping the straps of the negligée from her shoulders, he said, ‘Take this off.’

  She did as she was bid.

  His hands, soft and gentle, caressed her full breasts, playing with the pink nipples. His gaze studied her form, lingering on the soft and curly mat of her pubic hair. ‘You’re even more beautiful than I imagined. You have a body crying out to be loved. I know exactly what you want, Lily my dear, and it will also give me great pleasure to give it to you.’ He smoothed her hair. ‘You are such a wonderful mixture. Half-woman, half-child.’

  Vittorio was an accomplished lover. His deft fingers, slowly exploring Lily’s body, touched all the places that sent her senses reeling. She was responding purely from passion that had been aroused by a master. His kisses, at first gentle and searching, became more passionate and demanding. She responded willingly to them. His kisses covered her body, teasing, taunting. She moaned sensually as she arched her back, unable to stem her body’s response to him.

  ‘You are truly more than I hoped for, Lily,’ he whispered against her lips. His mouth crushed hers. His kisses were filled with fire. With raw lust.

  He slowly entered her and she cried out with delight.

  When he reached the zenith of his passion, he quickly withdrew, spilling his semen on her. His eyes, piercing and demanding, looked into her eyes. She instinctively knew what he wanted to be told.

  ‘Vittorio, that was wonderful.’

  He gathered her into his arms, kissing her neck, her ears, her mouth, until they both lay back against the pillows, exhausted and content.

  Who was this man? she wondered. Sandy had warned her against him, but as yet she’d seen nothing in Vittorio to fear. She realised that this was only the start of their relationship. How would it progress? she wondered. Whatever was before her, the choice had been hers, and hers alone.

  Chapter Fifteen

  The following morning, Lily awoke clasped in Vittorio’s arms, still confused about her reaction to his love-making. She was not in love with The Ma
ltese, but he’d stirred within her feelings she didn’t know she had. She looked at the sleeping figure beside her. His smooth olive skin shone and his dark hair was tousled. At this moment he didn’t look at all like a man who was feared by so many.

  Beside her, Vittorio stirred. He smiled lazily at Lily and drew her closer. ‘Good morning,’ he said, softly nuzzling her ear. ‘Did you sleep well?’

  ‘Yes, I did.’

  ‘So did I. Thanks to you.’ He ran his hand over her breast as he kissed her gently. Raking her hair with his fingers, he said, ‘I like your hair like this. It makes you look like a child.’

  Lily lowered her gaze. She’d been looking at his fine frame. The powerful build had not one spare ounce of flesh on it.

  Slipping his hand beneath the bedclothes, he stroked her soft flesh. ‘You are everything I’d hoped you’d be, Lily.’

  She looked puzzled. ‘And what is that?’ She felt his hand move between her thighs.

  ‘A little tiger.’ He gave a throaty chuckle. ‘I like it when you’re soft and naked in my arms.’ His finger slipped inside her. ‘And you are a creature of passion. I like that too.’

  She felt herself responding to his caresses. He kissed her. ‘Lily, you’re getting lovely and wet. You are a delight.’ He lay on top of her and she felt his erection. They made love, but this time it was gentle and slow, even more satisfying than before.

  When it was over, Vittorio sat up. ‘Much as I would like to stay in bed with you, I have things to do. Run my bath, Lily, whilst I sort out my clothes.’

  When she returned from the bathroom, she saw he’d laid out an outfit for her. She frowned. ‘What’s this?’

  With his back to her he said, ‘I’m having some important people to lunch today and I want to be sure you’re wearing the appropriate clothes. I particularly like this dress.’

  She sat on the bed, suddenly defensive. ‘And you don’t think I would know, is that it?’


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