Claiming Her Warriors

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by Savannah Stuart

  Claiming Her Warriors

  Savannah Stuart

  Claiming Her Warriors

  Copyright © 2013 by Savannah Stuart

  ISBN: 9780988617193

  Cover Art by Sweet ‘n Spicy Designs

  Digital Formatting by Author E.M.S.

  * * *

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. With the exception of quotes used in reviews, this book may not be reproduced or used in whole or in part by any means existing without written permission from the author.

  Chapter 1

  Planet Lumineta, 2236

  Brianna hurried into the medical building, thankful that it was only four blocks from where she worked. Her flat sandals made a soft scuffing sound as she crossed the tile floor into the main lobby. Unlike the long-destroyed hospitals from her home planet, Lumineta had what they called medical buildings.

  They were five-story dome-shaped buildings with skylights that flooded the structure with natural light. There was only one in each city on the planet because they weren’t in use much except for when the warriors were injured. Diseases were almost unheard of except for a few odd cases, as were injuries. And the Luminet people weren’t at war with anyone right now. They kept their world well protected.

  Before she’d made it to the information desk, a female healer wearing a sage green tunic and matching pants approached her. “Are you here for Aeron?”

  Brianna nodded, surprised the healer knew that. “Yes, how—”

  “Saroya told me she’d called you and I knew you’d be human like her.” The healer smiled gently.

  Saroya was Brianna’s best friend and one of the few human women rescued over twelve moon cycles ago. Like the other human females now living here, she would have been recognizable by her shorter height alone. But Brianna had red hair, a rarity in this place, so she stood out even more.

  She’d met Saroya on the long ride here from their now dead blue planet, and the two of them had been close ever since. Saroya was mated to Linc, another warrior and friends with Aeron a man who…well, a man who meant a great deal to Brianna even if he was frustrating.

  The healer pointed to one of the transport platforms. “He’s in room 515.”

  Before she could ask if Aeron was okay, the woman had turned and was walking toward another healer. Well, Saroya would have told Brianna if Aeron had been seriously injured, wouldn’t she? Her friend’s message had been brief but she hadn’t sounded too worried. Brianna’s heart rate jumped up a notch as she hurried to the transport platform. She placed her hand on the scanner then typed in the room code. Seconds later she was flashed to Aeron’s room.

  Blinking as the bright light faded, it took a moment for her to adjust to her surroundings. She’d been living on Lumineta for a while and she still hadn’t gotten used to their way of fast travel. It was only possible for short distances, but it was a little disorienting. As her surroundings came together she saw Aeron standing next to a bed large enough to accommodate his six foot seven inch frame. His back was to her and he was pulling his tunic over his head as if he planned to leave.

  She stepped from the round, raised platform, hurrying toward him. “What are you doing? You shouldn’t be out of bed.” Okay, she didn’t know that for sure, but he had a big bandage wrapped around his shoulder and under his left arm.

  He appeared surprised to see her. His blond hair was rumpled, but those green eyes were piercing and assessing as he raked a hungry gaze over her. It took him a moment to speak. “It’s just a training accident, I’m fine,” he said gruffly.

  Aeron’s expression softened as he watched her. Then, it was as if he changed his mind. “But maybe you’re right, I am feeling tired.” In a few fluid movements, he stripped his tunic back off and laid on the bed. Stretched out on his back like that he looked like a golden god. Like one of the Vikings from her history books. Muscular, toned, taut… Her eyes trailed the length of his long, lean body from chest to toe then she immediately felt guilty.

  When she met his gaze he was watching her with barely concealed lust. Like always—ever since they’d met. Burying what that evoked inside her, Brianna hurried to the side of the bed and perched on the mattress.

  “Saroya left a message that you were injured, but didn’t give me any details. What happened?” Unable to stop herself, her eyes roved over his chest and arms again. Other than the white bandage covering whatever had happened to him, he looked good enough to eat.

  “It was just a training exercise. No big deal.” His deeply spoken words drew her eyes back up to his face. He watched her intently and all she could think about was their last time together. It had been one moon cycle ago but the way he was looking at her now made her feel like it had happened yesterday.

  He’d made her come first with his hands, then his mouth, then… She couldn’t even think about that day. As she felt warmth spreading up her neck and cheeks she cursed her fair coloring. Thanks to being a redhead she was cursed with showing all her emotions.

  “I’m glad you came to see me though,” he murmured, that deep voice rolling over her like liquid sin. “I’ve missed you.” The words seemed to be torn from him, as if admitting that was difficult.

  She swallowed hard. “I’ve missed you too.” One moon cycle wasn’t that long, but it had sure felt like it. And after receiving that call from Saroya she realized that whatever issues she had with Lumineta’s custom of male-female-male joining, she had to get over it if she wanted to be with Aeron. If she had to mate with his brother too, well, they would make it work.

  When Brianna heard he’d been injured, her entire world had tilted on its axis. She didn’t want to live without Aeron.

  He appeared surprised by her words, but he moved lightning fast as he grabbed her hips and pulled her over his lap so that she was straddling his waist. “How much did you miss me?” The wicked tone she recognized was there along with his impressive erection pressing against the juncture of her thighs. Her nipples tightened and her inner walls clenched in anticipation of what she knew he could do to her body. Too bad they had so much clothing in the way.

  With the intention of moving off him, she placed her hands on his chest. He’d been injured and she didn’t want to make it worse. All that power thrumming under her fingers made her shiver and instead of pushing, she curled her fingers against him. “You’re hurt and—”

  “And you can make me feel better.” She wasn’t sure why it happened every time he spoke in that low tone, but it was like his words just wrapped around her, making her entire body tingle in awareness.

  “I don’t think you’re hurt at all,” she muttered, but didn’t make an attempt to move off him.

  Lust simmered in the depths of his electric green eyes. Eyes she swore could see right through to her soul. It was like Aeron was attuned to everything she was feeling. From the moment they’d met, the connection had been instantaneous. He’d been one of the warriors on the scouting mission that had saved her and the handful of human females from certain death over twelve moon cycles ago. Her planet had been near death’s door thanks to the wars and diseases that had ravaged it.

  It wasn’t like that on Lumineta. There weren’t any incurable diseases and no war. Unfortunately—or maybe fortunately—there was a much higher ratio of males to females here. At first she’d been terrified they’d be forced into matings, but women were treated with nothing but respect by everyone here. That didn’t mean Aeron hadn’t been persistent in his pursuit of he
r. Well, until recently. After they’d finally slept together he’d just assumed she’d jump into a mating with him and his brother.

  He’d completely freaked her out with his talk of ‘alternating nights’ between the two males. He’d meant it to soothe her fears so she could adjust to taking both of them at the same time, but the custom had been too much for her to handle so she’d pushed him away. And to her surprise—and shocking disappointment—he hadn’t contacted her for the last moon cycle. When he didn’t say anything else, she started to feel self-conscious and vulnerable. “So what happened?” She wrapped her arms around herself, but didn’t make a move to get off him. She enjoyed the contact too much, especially after being separated from him.

  He shifted slightly against the bed, making the sheets rustle underneath him, and shrugged. “We were training with live rounds and I got hit by a ricochet.”

  Immediately her arms dropped. “Live rounds?” They didn’t use the same type of weapons her planet had, theirs were more like lasers or something. She wasn’t exactly sure, but she’d seen some of their weapons slice through the hull of a space vessel.

  “It’s just a ricochet. They’re releasing me soon so you have nothing to worry about. I’m surprised you’re here though.” His hands weren’t on her hips anymore and even though she was still straddling him, she could feel him emotionally pulling back from her.

  Which made her flounder even more. She struggled to find the right words, to make him understand. “I want to make things work between us…if you still want me.” She’d been fighting the idea of mating with two men but deep down, it excited her. And that scared the hell out of her. Where she came from, that just wasn’t done.

  It was like her words unleashed something primal inside him. He abruptly sat up and wrapped his hands around her waist, pulling her tight to him. His bare chest rubbed against her covered one, his lips inches from hers as he watched her carefully. “Are you saying you want to be with me and Hauk?”

  Brianna didn’t know his brother well, but she cared for Aeron so much. And she wasn’t willing to lose him. “Yes, but I’ll need time to adjust to…your customs.” She couldn’t say the words out loud just yet. Some of her friends had embraced the idea of mating with two men so easily. She wished she could be like that, at least outwardly. The thought of having both men touch her, pleasure her…she grew wetter just imagining it.

  Aeron let out a low growl, his expression one of approval as he covered her lips with his. This was what he’d been waiting for from Brianna for what felt like forever. The petite woman had been driving him insane from the moment he and his warriors had rescued her from her dying planet. She’d been wearing rags and covered in soot, but nothing had been able to hide her outer or inner beauty. Even though she was a tiny thing, she’d been so damn protective of those around her, ready to battle any one of his men until it had been clear they’d been there to help. Yeah, he’d known the moment he’d laid eyes on the redhead that she would be his.

  It had taken a hell of a lot longer than he’d imagined to bed her, but once he’d gotten her underneath him, he’d figured things were perfect. Until he’d screwed things up by opening his big mouth. He was slowly learning that he couldn’t make any assumptions with human women. They were more emotional than his people.

  As she started grinding against him, he couldn’t bite back a growl of need. His cock ached to slide inside her wet heat. After having a taste of her, he knew once would never be enough. Aeron slid his hands down and bunched the long shift dress she wore up to her thighs. It clung to her curves in all the right places but right now he wanted it off her. When he’d first met her group of women, she’d worn what she called cargo pants and T-shirts. He preferred the shifts. Easier to slip off.

  Taking the time to savor the softness of her skin, he slid his hands up her thighs. She trembled and arched her back, silently begging him to move faster. And beg she would. He couldn’t erase the memory of her hot demands and pleading words when he’d teased her before. She wasn’t shy about what she wanted, something he loved about her. He could feel her hard nipples rubbing against his chest even through the material of her clothes. Though he wasn’t ready to fuck just yet, he needed to see her naked body.

  Slowly, he pulled the shift up and over her head, but once her hands were free, he drew her arms behind her back. Using the material, he quickly bound her wrists together. Her dark eyes widened and her breathing grew more erratic as she watched him. He could see the molten desire burning in her expression as she silently begged for more. Oh yeah, she liked what he was doing.

  “You trust me?” he asked before nipping her bottom lip between his teeth.

  She nodded, the pulse point in her neck going crazy.

  Right now he didn’t trust himself to go slow if she was roving her hands all over him. It had been too long. Just the way she watched him with clear hunger was enough to make him crazed. Add in her actual touch…he shuddered. He wanted to bring her pleasure, for right now to be solely about her. Aeron was going to make sure she was so addicted to him that she’d never think about leaving. He’d ease her into mating with him and his brother. Somewhere deep he didn’t even want to admit existed, part of him didn’t like the thought of anyone else touching this woman. Even his brother. It was primal, so he shoved it back down. Right now, he was the one holding her.

  Letting himself enjoy the view of her naked and straddling him, he fought to breathe. With creamy, ivory skin, she had smatterings of freckles dotting her luscious body. He tracked the generous curves of her breasts, her light pink nipples, the way her slim waist curved in, then flared. One of his hands flexed against her hip, needing to hold her still. Not that she was attempting to leave, but his most primitive side needed control.

  Something Brianna seemed to understand. The woman was intelligent, had a smart mouth and had no problem putting him in his place, but in the bedroom she didn’t mind him dominating her.

  “Make me come,” she whispered, her eyes flaring with what he could almost describe as a challenge. But there was no denying the subtle plea in her voice as she rocked her hips, rubbing herself over his covered cock. Her nipples were rock hard as she let out an almost inaudible moan.

  Her eyelids fluttered closed for a second as she stimulated her clit against his hard length.

  Reaching between them, he cupped her mound possessively. He slid one finger along the length of her wet heat, teasing her and testing her slickness. As he slid one finger inside her, Brianna’s eyes closed and she let her head fall slightly back. She was soaking and it was all for him. That knowledge surged through him.

  His cock throbbed, desperate to fill her, but he was going to make sure she got off first. He dipped his head, taking one of her nipples in his mouth. Gently he tugged the hard bud between his teeth. She gave a surprised cry that turned into a groan.

  Her inner walls clenched around his finger each time he pressed down on her sensitive nipple. He added another digit inside her, savoring the feel of her wrapping around him, and wishing it was his cock instead. In a steady rhythm, he began moving them inside her.

  As he sucked and teased one breast, he cupped the other, flicking his thumb over her nipple. He needed more damn hands. No, he needed his brother here so they could stroke her everywhere until she was shaking and begging them to come.

  “Aeron.” His whispered name on her lips made his whole body pull taut.

  Though he wanted to drag this out longer, he wanted to feel her coming around his fingers even more. Next he’d taste her. Using the heel of his palm, he grinded against her clit, giving her the friction she needed as he stroked his fingers in and out of her.

  The faster he moved, the harder she breathed until her inner walls started convulsing around him. Her climax hit so suddenly, her entire body trembling with the pleasure emanating to all her nerve endings. Her pussy clamped down on his fingers and when he pressed down on one nipple with his teeth harder than he had so far, she cried out his name
before her head collapsed against his shoulder.

  He left his fingers buried deep inside her because he loved the feel of them there. He’d touch her any way she’d let him. Though her climax had peaked, her inner walls still contracted around him every few seconds as she came down from her high. She nuzzled her face against his neck, nipping and kissing him.

  “You are way too talented for your own good,” she murmured against him.

  He started to respond when the transport platform flashed. Then Hauk was standing there, staring in surprise at the two of them.

  The same height as Aeron and only a year apart in age, they looked similar except for their hair. Hauk’s was darker and a few inches longer. But they both had the same bronzed coloring and build.

  Brianna stiffened against him as she looked over her shoulder. He could feel the tension humming through her when she turned toward his brother.

  Hauk’s green eyes, so similar to Aeron’s, widened then heated with lust as he looked at her. Wearing only flat sandals with straps that laced up her calves and nothing else, Aeron knew what his brother was seeing. A gorgeous woman with her hands bound behind her back who smelled of sex.

  Brianna might be nervous but the fact that she wasn’t attempting to hide herself told Aeron she was serious about what she’d said. She wanted to try things with both him and Hauk. That should make him happy.

  Instead, something primitive jumped inside him. Something that felt a lot like jealousy. Moving lightning fast, he ignored Brianna’s yelp when he quickly twisted then flipped her onto her back so that she was under him. And covered from sight. “Get the fuck out of here,” he snapped at his brother.

  Now Hauk looked really stunned. But he didn’t argue. Just stepped back onto the platform then left.

  “Aeron…” Brianna sounded nervous.

  When he turned to face her, she also looked confused. He wasn’t sure what was wrong with him and he didn’t want to waste time thinking about it either. After freeing her wrists, he moved down her body until his face was settled between her legs. He’d worry later about whatever the hell had just happened. For now, he needed to taste Brianna’s pleasure on his tongue. To somehow pacify himself that she was here with him.


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