Claiming Her Warriors

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Claiming Her Warriors Page 4

by Savannah Stuart

  “Goddess, I’m sorry for the way I acted, sweetheart. I know I was an asshole, but you’re coming home with us. We want to take care of you.” There was such a desperate note in his voice, it pierced right through her haziness.

  Not enough that she could find her voice though. A big part of her was truly glad they’d come for her, but she was so confused right now. She tried again to speak, but failed as a blanket of darkness covered her.

  Chapter 6

  “Why the hell did you yell at her?” Aeron growled at Hauk the second they’d shut the guestroom door at their house. After gathering Brianna’s belongings and her medication they’d returned with her. She’d been asleep the entire time, but he hadn’t wanted to risk the remote possibility that she overheard them.

  He and Hauk were still edgy with each other, but once they’d heard Brianna was hurt they’d cleaned the blood off themselves, changed and gotten to Linc’s as quick as possible.

  Guilt punched through Aeron at the worried expression on his brother’s face. They’d always been close. Exceptionally so. Taking their first mate together had just come naturally. Even after their mate had died they’d occasionally shared women off-planet.

  Hauk shrugged, the action stiff and jerky. “I didn’t mean to. I’m worried about her. She’s small, not like our women.”

  Aeron scrubbed a hand over his face. “I am too.” And he was the one battling guilt over the barbaric way he’d acted. He stared at the closed door for a long moment, then forced himself to meet his brother’s gaze. “I’m sorry I attacked you at the Samio. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. It will not happen again.” Okay, that might be stretching the truth, but at least he didn’t want to pummel his brother at the moment.

  A slow smile split Hauk’s face, telling Aeron everything would be okay between them. Maybe not today, but they’d get past what he’d done. “You love her.”

  Aeron immediately started to shake his head, but stopped, frowning. He cared for Brianna, of that there was no doubt. And he didn’t want anyone else touching her—though he could deal with it if it was his brother. And he didn’t want any other male even looking at her. He knew that was an impossibility, but it was how he felt just the same. The thing was, he knew what love felt like. He’d felt it with Namari. It had been safe and settled and he’d loved coming home to her every night. She had created a wonderful home for the three of them. He and Hauk had mourned her for years, but life had moved on. What he felt for Brianna was…consuming. “I don’t know what I feel.”

  Hauk just rolled his eyes and nodded toward the living room. “Let’s call the peace officers again.”

  Another wave of slow burning anger started to build as he thought about someone hurting Brianna. When she’d been asleep in his arms he’d been tempted to lift her shift to see her bruising but hadn’t wanted to violate her privacy like that.

  “If we find the culprit, I don’t want to let the authorities deal with them,” he said quietly as they strode away from her room.

  The glint of determination in Hauk’s eyes told him that his brother felt the same.

  * * *

  Brianna frowned when she heard Aeron and Hauk walk away from the door. She’d woken up as they’d reached their place, but hadn’t let them know. She was still drowsy, but coherent enough to hear their conversation. Looking around she saw they’d brought everything she’d taken to Saroya’s. Maybe she should be mad, but Brianna was glad they cared.

  For a moment she considered trying to get up, but gave in to the pull of sleep. Brianna wasn’t sure how much time passed, but when she woke up again it was dark outside. Hauk or Aeron must have come in to her room while she was sleeping and opened the skylight covering because she could see one of the moons bright and clear through the glass.

  Feeling incredibly rejuvenated, she got out of bed to find she wasn’t sore at all. After brushing her teeth and taking a quick shower, she went in search of the two frustratingly sexy men.

  When she found them, they were sitting at the island in the middle of the kitchen hunched over a vid screen. “We’ll kill the fucker when we find him,” Hauk murmured.

  Aeron grunted an agreement before tensing, as if he sensed her. He turned to face her and Hauk did the same, his back ramrod straight. At the same time they both reached for the hand held vid screen and slammed it down on the counter.

  “What are you guys watching?”

  They stood and Aeron took a step toward her, raising his hand as if he wanted to touch her, but he stopped himself, letting his arm drop to his side. Ignoring her question, he asked, “How are you feeling? We weren’t sure if we were supposed to wake you to eat, but you looked so peaceful so…”

  Hauk cleared his throat, looking as nervous as Aeron. “Are you hungry? We cooked.”

  Okay, they seemed to be getting along again. That had to be a good sign. “To answer both your questions, the meds worked so I feel great and I’m starving.” Her voice was raspy from sleep, but what she really wanted was to see that vid screen. Especially since it was so obvious they were trying to hide it from her. Hauk practically jumped to attention as he went to get her food from whatever was simmering in the pot on the stove, but Aeron still hovered in front of her, looking worried.

  Before he could say anything, she interrupted. “Will you get me some water?”

  As he moved to get her a glass, she snagged the vid screen and sat at the counter. A video was still pulled up so she pressed the octagonal shape that signaled play.

  “Brianna—” Aeron started, but she cut him off with a glare.

  Hauk started to say something too, but she gave him the same look before returning her attention to the screen. There was no volume but she could easily make out what it was. She immediately realized that it had been taken from a street camera near her attack the night before. There were different angles showing a tall, hooded figure running away, but no face shots. There was no visible video of Brianna being attacked because that area had been swathed in darkness. But then the man and woman arrived and led her into the lighted area while they called the peace officers. “Where did you two get this? And is there more or is this it?” she asked as she set the screen down with shaking hands.

  The attack from the night before had been playing in her head over and over but seeing it on video made her shiver.

  Hauk gave Aeron a look she couldn’t read as he set a bowl of stew in front of her. The rich, spicy smell teased her nose and made her stomach rumble. He sat on one side and Aeron on the other, both hovering like mother hens, just watching her.

  “Uh, are either of you going to answer me?” She took the spoon Aeron handed her and tried to ignore what his presence did to her. What both of them did to her. Especially when they were watching her with barely concealed hunger. They were definitely toning it down, and she knew it was because she’d been hurt, but she could see it there beneath the surface. Something told her it was impossible for them to completely hide their need. And she really didn’t want them to.

  “We got the video from a friend who owed us a favor,” Aeron finally said after an eternity. When he spoke, it was like the words had been ripped from him.

  She set her spoon down. She was definitely going to need more details than that. “A friend?”

  Hauk put the spoon back in her hand. “Eat.”

  Brianna glared at him and dropped it again. “Tell me what you two are planning, then I’ll eat.”

  They got into a staring match until finally Hauk sighed in defeat. “You’re too stubborn,” he muttered.

  “Told you,” Aeron said, barely audible enough for her to hear, but there was slight amusement in his voice.

  She turned back to look at him. “One or both of you better start talking or I’m out of here.” And she really didn’t want to leave. No matter what had happened with Aeron the night before, she felt safe with the two brothers in a way she never had with anyone else. Life on the blue planet had been hard. After all the wars and diseases
, they’d lost so many natural resources, most forms of transportation, and about seventy-five percent of the planet had been wiped out. Women had been treated like property and forced into hiding if they wanted to survive—until Luminet warriors had saved her and her small band of females. Almost all those feelings of helplessness had dissipated until last night when she’d been attacked. Now that sensation had come bubbling up to the surface and she hated it. Being here with them helped ground her, but the fear still lingered inside her, clinging like a vine.

  “Shit, you’re shaking,” Hauk growled, hauling her into his arms before she realized what he intended. Not that she was inclined to argue. Just like his brother, he had an earthy scent, but there were subtle differences. He reminded her of the forest in winter. Fresh and crisp.

  Brianna settled in his lap, curling up as his muscular arms wrapped protectively around her. Instant relief flowed through her. She kept her gaze on Aeron though, looking for any signs of possessiveness. But he just moved into her vacated seat and reached out to cup her cheek. He seemed concerned, not angry.

  As he stroked his thumb against her cheek, she turned her face into Aeron’s hold. After the way he’d acted before, she needed to know he was still the same sweet man she’d fallen for. His gentle touch turned her insides to mush. “Okay, we’re going to come back to this business with the video and what you two only think you’re going to do about my attacker—because you will be letting the authorities handle this—but I want to know what happened to change things. I’m not complaining but last night you acted like you wanted to kill your brother. And you were pissed at me.” She directed everything at Aeron as Hauk snuggled her tighter. She loved the feel of being held so carefully in his strong arms. Yeah, she could definitely get used to these two infuriating men. Way too easily.

  “She’s bossy too,” Hauk murmured against her hair.

  Aeron just smiled, lust heating his gaze as he nodded his agreement.

  Witnessing that hunger from Aeron lit the pilot light on her own need. It had been building, but seeing it so clear from him now made her entire body tremble. “Are you two going to start talking or what?” She’d meant her question to be demanding, but it came out as barely a whisper as she felt Hauk’s hand begin to slowly slide up her hip, then waist—and cup her breast.

  The feel of him holding her so intimately had her inner walls clenching in silent hunger. Just the sensation of having one man touching her and the other watching made her shiver in awareness.

  “I don’t think you want to talk.” Aeron’s gaze went molten as Hauk began slowly strumming his thumb over her hardening nipple.

  After her quick shower she’d slipped on another shift, but hadn’t put on anything underneath. She could just imagine how obscene her breasts looked, peeking through the material. Wait, what had he said… Okay, she didn’t want to talk. That much was true. Even though they really probably should.

  When Hauk’s other hand cupped her other breast in a purely possessive manner, she lost the battle of what she should do and decided to go with what she wanted. She’d had the scare of her life last night and now had two incredible men who wanted to please her. And more importantly, Aeron didn’t seem to be bothered that his brother was touching her at all. She really wanted to talk about his behavior from before, but it could wait.

  Everything but the feel of what they were doing to her right now could freaking wait. Especially when Aeron was watching his brother’s hands on her breasts, his own breathing ragged.

  She wasn’t sure how far she wanted to take things, but knew they’d stop if she started to feel uncomfortable. Twisting slightly so that she was sitting on Hauk’s lap and facing Aeron, she’d leaned forward only a fraction before he took over and kissed her. His hands were in her hair, cupping her head, and his mouth was dominating hers in the most sensuous way. His kisses were nothing like yesterday. Yes, he was demanding, but there was no anger emanating off Aeron as his tongue stroked against hers.

  And Hauk…the man had her trembling and he was barely doing anything. One of his hands still cupped her breast, slowly teasing her nipple in such a maddening way she couldn’t help but squirm against him. Every time she did, she felt his hard cock rub at the small of her back. At least he was affected too because she felt ready to light on fire.

  She clutched at Aeron’s shoulders, trying to steady herself. He seemed content to just kiss her, which was fine because she wasn’t sure she could handle too much sensory overload right now. Or maybe she was lying to herself because the need for release was building inside her at warp speed. Still, the thought of being with both of them at the same time was intimidating even if it was thrilling. She wondered if they’d both be rough, or gentle, or maybe one would be tender while the other…too many scenarios raced through her mind.

  Hauk’s other hand started pulling at her shift, slowly bunching it higher until she had to sit up so he could tug it completely to her waist. As he did, she pulled back from Aeron a fraction. His gaze fell to her bare legs and mound. She had a strip of red hair covering her, something he already knew, but as he stared his breathing grew rapid, unsteady.

  Before she could move to kiss him again, he knelt between her spread legs. “She smells amazing,” he said to his brother.

  Aeron’s words made her face flame, though she wasn’t sure why. He’d said a lot dirtier stuff to her while they’d made love before but the fact that he was saying them to Hauk was incredibly hot.

  “What does she look like?” Hauk asked huskily, his breath warm against her neck before he nipped her earlobe between his teeth.

  “Pink, perfect and wet.” As Aeron said the words, Hauk’s teeth pressed down harder on her lobe and he groaned, the sound reverberating through her.

  She couldn’t even think about formulating a response, because Aeron decided the time for talking was over. He went straight for her clit. He swiped his tongue over the pulsing bud before sucking on it. The sharp action took her off guard. Her back arched and she immediately tried to close her legs, but he pressed his hands against her thighs, keeping her spread for him.

  Each stroke against her clit had her groaning. The first time she’d been with Aeron she’d learned that Luminet males had definite differences from human ones. They were taller, generally bigger, their bones were denser, but the really big difference was the ability to elongate their tongues. She’d heard about it even before Aeron, but actually feeling it…She moaned nonsensical words as he dipped his tongue inside her.

  And Hauk was making her just as crazy. “What does it feel like?” he murmured as he kissed his way down her neck and across her shoulder. The straps of the shift were thin, so she was getting the full force of his tongue across her bare skin. It shouldn’t feel so erotic to have him kissing her shoulder, but it was pushing her closer and closer to the edge.

  Brianna was pretty sure she wasn’t supposed to answer, because he followed up with more questions, some dirty, some not so much. This talkative side to Hauk had her growing even wetter, especially when he said, “Come on his tongue. Let him taste you.”

  Hauk increased the pressure on her nipples, his thumbs working her breasts in rhythmic little flicks that were about to send her into complete and total overload.

  Aeron’s tongue slid against her slit, up and down, then in and out, teasing her until she was panting, her body primed for release. But she needed a little more stimulation.

  As if he read her mind, Aeron moved one of his hands from her inner thigh and tweaked her clit with his thumb and forefinger. Not exactly gentle, he lightly pressed down on her before he began stroking her sensitive bundle of nerves with the perfect amount of pressure.

  And she lost it. The climax that had been building slammed into her full force, the pleasure spiraling through her in waves. She was vaguely aware of Hauk pressing down on her shoulder with his teeth. Not enough to hurt, but the unexpected action sent another orgasm surging through her until all she could do was collapse against Hauk.
His chest was hard and muscular and the scent she’d now grown to associate with him wrapped around her like an embrace.

  Aeron’s hands slid up her thighs and held possessively onto her waist as he stood and bent toward her. Though she could barely move, he kissed her again, soft and sweet. She could taste herself on him, something that was just plain hot.

  Eventually he pulled back, his green eyes burning with need. She reached for him, wanting to wrap her fingers around his covered cock, but he redirected her hands and put them around his neck. Aeron pulled her from Hauk’s lap and as he did, she felt Hauk pulling her shift down, covering her.

  “What are you guys doing?” Confused, she turned to look at Hauk over her shoulder. There was no way they could be done. Her orgasm had taken the edge off, but she wasn’t nearly ready to stop and she wanted to make sure they found pleasure too.

  The need in his eyes was just as potent as Aeron’s. Smiling, he gave her a soft kiss as Aeron said, “You are going to eat, then we’re going to talk.”

  That snapped her back to her senses. Well, sort of. Her knees were still weak so she was grateful when Aeron sat her back on her original seat at the counter. “What about…you guys?” They couldn’t just mean to get her off, then stop. Could they?

  Hauk just grunted and shifted uncomfortably as he picked up her bowl and went to warm it up.

  She could see Aeron’s cock jutting against his pants so she knew he had to be uncomfortable, but he just sat next to her. “Tonight isn’t about us, sweetheart. You need to get used to both of us first.”

  Her lips pulled into a thin line. Sometimes Aeron liked to make assumptions and it drove her crazy. Even if she did want some time to get used to both of them, it didn’t mean they had to stop altogether. She wanted to give them pleasure too. “I—”


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