Punishing Me (Shaft on Tour #6)

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Punishing Me (Shaft on Tour #6) Page 18

by Cat Mason

  He smiles, those dimples on full display as he nods. “Chocolate Chunk Brownie cookies. Found out the other day from Chase that Jasmine begged her to find cookies that her Vegan best friend could eat with me while we were on tour so neither of us would be lonely.”

  Excited, I tear into the box. Grabbing a cookie, I bite into the chunks of dark chocolate and pieces of brownie. “Mmmm,” I sigh, leaning into his body and the pillows behind me. “She’s right,” I say, shoving the rest of it into my mouth.

  “Don’t tell her that,” Dominick warns with a chuckle. “They’ll be no livin’ with her if you go fillin’ her head with that ‘Jazzie’s always right’ nonsense.”

  “What can I say?” I ask with a shrug. “They do make everything better and they definitely don’t taste like feet,” I laugh, remembering her very opinionated stance on cookies over pepperoni pizza at Happy Hut.

  “Gotta agree with her there,” he laughs, swiping a cookie for himself. Not bothering to taste, he shoves the entire thing into his mouth. “Yep,” he says, swallowing. “Kid can pick ‘em like no one’s business.”

  Putting the box on the bed, I straddle his lap. My fingers slide into his hair as I stare into the eyes of the man I gave my heart to when I was just seventeen years old. The ups, the downs, the heartbreak of eight years, it has all brought me to a place that I never thought I would ever truly reach.

  His eyes soften, his hand gliding over my hip as he stares right back at me. “There’s that look,” he whispers, pressing his forehead to mine. “What the hell do you see when you look at me that makes your whole face light up like that?”

  I smile, feeling the blush fill my cheeks. Brushing my lips over his, I kiss him softly before pulling back. His eyes open slowly, blinking as he focuses on my face. Staring into the blue eyes that open brighter for some reason when he smiles and flashes me those dimples, I answer honestly. “I see the man who loves me.”

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Times Are Changin’


  Four Months Later:

  “The horses,” Jazzie says, grabbing for her glass of chocolate milk. “They were in the backyard when I got home from school. I got to ride one wearing my princess dress and everything. There was even a Prince Charming. Oh,” she sighs, hugging her cup to her. “It was the really realest bestest day of my life!”

  “I bet,” I say, grabbing a slice of own little veggie pizza. Minus the cheese, of course. “You’ll have to show me the video when we get back to the house.”

  “I now call this Shaft meeting to order,” Hunter says, slamming his fist down on the table in the party room of the Happy Hut. “Let’s get the business out of the way so that we can get to the fun stuff. There’s a Skee-ball machine callin’ my name and a kid tellin’ me she is gonna put a hurtin’ on me.”

  “Kid cheats,” Dominick grumbles beside me, making me laugh.

  “Own your loss, punk,” Jazzie fires back, glaring at him from my other side.

  Being our first weekend home, now that the tour is over, Jasmine said we needed to party. Who were we to deny her? Without another word, Hunter called up the Happy Hut and rented the whole damn place out for the day for a private party.

  “You know, you don’t have bang on the table, shithead?” Henry asks, shifting his beautiful little girl, Kara, in his arms so she can sit back against his chest. “We are all here. So say what you’ve gotta say.”

  “There have been a lot of things changing around here,” Hunter says, winking at Chase. “We’ve gained family members. And thanks to my mad reproductive skills, have another coming in the near future.”

  Chase smiles, placing a hand over the baby bump starting to become more prominent on her small frame. She is glowing, everything about her shows just how excited she is for the baby. Jasmine is too, especially learning from Hunter and Chase that her new baby brother, more than likely, won’t be interested in her princess stuff at all.

  “After a long discussion on tour,” Camaron interrupts Hunter before he breaks out into song about his aero-dynamic sperm. Again… “Along with long talks with everyone in our circle and the label, we have decided not to renew our contract with the label when it comes up.” She smiles at Aiden, “With none of us wanting to be away from home as much as the hectic tour schedule they had us on, and Aiden and I also wanting to start a family of our own, we all agree this is best.”

  I can’t say I was surprised to hear from Cam that she wanted a baby. She had a very hard time coming to terms with everyone around her starting a family. As much as she loves Aiden, it was hard for her because she was afraid that in trying to flip the page they were on in their life, she may lose him. Funny enough, Aiden was a bit disappointed finding out that is was Chase, instead of Camaron, hiding a pregnancy. He immediately agreed that she go off birth control and they begin planning their family. Of course, this meant the moment she threw the pills away, control freak Anal Annie instantly began his organization and planning out of every detail and scenario.

  “We aren’t going to stop making music,” Gray adds between bites of pizza. “Which is why we have decided to start our own label.”

  “Evil Wiener Productions!” Hunter whoops, throwing his fist in the air. “Shaft will continue to produce music that kicks ass. Along with the solo stuff Ireland has been working on.”

  “It’s not anything anyone has done,” Aiden says, “It’s just that we need to move forward and do our own thing. I also like the idea of having all the control back in our court.”

  “Of course you do,” everyone says in unison.

  “Construction will start on a proper studio and workshop as soon as we tear down that old shower house. This way we can record at home. There will still be travel, though not for a while. When we do go back on the road, our tours will be broken down into smaller dates with a lot of smaller venues, balancing out the huge arenas that lack the intimate feel the guys have admitted to missing. The great thing is that with this label being all ours, we can set the schedule so that it isn’t overwhelming on our family.”

  Dominick leans into me at Camaron’s mention of the shower house. His lips brush my ear. “I’m going to want to visit my sex shanty before it comes down.”

  My stomach flips at his words, already counting down until everyone is asleep tonight.

  I can’t say that I haven’t found myself waiting for that other shoe to drop. There are times I catch myself scrutinizing things and letting shit from the past eat at me until Dominick notices and reels me back in. He is quick to remind me that if the other shoe ever drops, he will be quick to put it on my foot and let me kick his balls up into his eardrums with it.

  I have yet to have to do it, and most days am sure I won’t need to, but it is good to know he is prepared to take a cock kick if he jacks shit up.

  “Yo, kid,” Dominick says to Jazzie, “Time for the sweet stuff.”

  Without a word, Jazz jumps from her chair and bolts for the cookie counter where Marina stands waiting. She says something before stepping around the counter and helping Jasmine carry over a tray with a cookie sandwich big enough to be a hubcap on my car.

  “Ireland look!” Jazzie screams, trying to walk faster, but Marina steadies her.

  Dominick shoves our plates out of the way. Pushing his chair back, he drops to one knee beside me just as the girls place the large cookie sandwich in front of me. “Looked on Google for days to find a Vegan cookie recipe that even came close to those cookies we ate on the night you finally let me back in. Marina helped me get this shit right.” Taking my hand in his, he entwines our fingers. “Ireland, I love you. I believe I have since the first moment I laid eyes on you, even if I didn’t realize it then. The last few months have been the happiest in my entire life. You have taught me that love isn’t about being enough for someone. It’s admitting you’re nothing without them.”

  “I told him,” Jazzie interrupts, shoving between us. “If he’s gonna give you a ring, he has to give you a coo
kie too.”

  Looking over at the cookie, I laugh at the words written on it in white icing: Say yes, ya big buncha crazy.

  My hand flies up to my mouth, a tear slipping down my cheek as I blink rapidly at Dominick. Moving Jazz to his knee, he holds up a ring with a bright purple stone. Everyone around us are laughing, crying, or cheering, but none of it matters to me the moment I see the smile spread on Dominick’s face when I nod.

  “Are you sure?” Hunter asks, laughing. “He isn’t even paper trained.”

  “Yes, actually, I am.” Flipping Hunter off over my shoulder, I hold my other hand out for my fiancé to put on my ring. Jazzie yanks a chunk free of the cookie and runs like hell. Taking Dominick’s face in my hands, I smile at him, seeing the blue in his eyes soften like it does every time he smiles at me. “I’ve never been so sure of anything in my life,” I reply, then I kiss my man.

  No, my life is not a romance novel or some chick flick come to life where nothing ever goes wrong. I don’t want predictable and boring. I want real. Dominick and I argue, and sometimes I want to smack him in the head with a shoe, but we also make up. This generally leads to totally fucking hot make up sex, so it’s not a bad thing to get a little worked up.

  No matter the problems we may face, at the end of the day, we go to bed loving each other with everything we have because that is what we promised we would do. Dominick says I have taught him things about love, but it goes both ways. I’ve learned that you can overanalyze everything about your entire life, in fear of being hurt, and miss out on something really great or you can take a chance and embrace the things in your path which could lead to you finding everything you’ve ever wanted.

  Months ago, in a hotel room in Philly, Dominick Bradford told me he loved me and asked me for a chance to prove it. After over eight years of dreaming to hear those words, I shook off the fear and put my faith in the man who still held my heart. It was and will always be my biggest gamble. I bet all I have on him that night, and I win again every time he smiles at me.

  Dear Reader,

  First, and foremost, the biggest thank you will always be to you.

  Nearly three years ago, a group of crazy rockers invaded my thoughts and took over my brain as if they owned me.

  Because they do… I firmly believe that they always will.

  Throughout the entire Shaft on Tour series, and the many places my boys have taken me, I have had an overwhelming amount of support. None of the last few years would be possible without each person who has taken a chance on the craziness that makes it from my head to the page.

  The emotions of officially ending this series have been bittersweet, I love each of these characters as if they were real and standing beside me. At several times while writing this book I questioned being able to even type the words ‘the end’... So, as you may have noticed, I DIDN’T!

  Please believe me when I say that this is NOT ‘goodbye’. A simple ‘goodbye’ would never do them justice. This is ‘see you later’. There is so much in the works, and soon, all will be revealed.

  It has been a hell of a ride and the best is yet to come!




  My Original Shaft Groupies- Jenn and Chelsea you get me when no one else does. My riddles aren’t always easy to decipher when I’m lost in my own head. You let me ramble and work my shit out. Thank you for always being there. Love you ladies hard!

  Asli- Thank you for fixing my crazy grammar and your feedback. You’re also a hell of a waitress. I hope the guys tipped ya big!

  Mel- You are a fucking rockstar! I couldn’t be happier with this cover. You take a few ideas I spit out and run with it. You make awesomeness and I can’t wait to see what’s next!

  My Super Hero Betas- Thank you for listening to me ramble and reading over and over when I decide to change shit ten times. OH! And thanks for not stabbing me in the eye when I leave you with a scene cliffy. I know, I know, it happens WAY too often.

  Drue- The woman who manages to keep me managed. HA! I can’t help laughing because that is a task at times. My scattered brain is a mess and you manage to keep me from getting to lost and have no problem handing the weirdest things I throw at you. I have yet to figure out how you manage to do all you do in a single day for all of us and manage to get sleep, eat, and take a breath in there somewhere. Truly, you must be superwoman…

  Mo- Woman, fill your glass, it’s time to toast! To hilarious texts and phone calls just when I am about to lose my mind. To margaritas, mixed with extra tequila, in scenic Yuma, where the spiders drop from the porch like rain and scare me shitless. To phone screen licking and adoration of book cover models, and wild children who leave us laughing and shaking our heads at the things they manage to do and say. Thank you for being a great friend who is ready to remind me to keep going when I am positive that I can’t or to pull me from my funk when I haven’t been away from my work and need to take a break. Even if it’s just to giggle and get some puppy snuggles. There is nothing we can’t do. This is our year to prove it!

  Miss Mia- The wild child that never ceases to surprise me. My Jazzie, the girl who will climb a tree fort in a princess dress and heels better than most boys in jeans and sneakers. You’re way too young to read this book, or even just this paragraph, but it’s here for once you are thirty-five and your mom and dad allow you to date and do all the adulting. You rock! Your sass, contagious laugh, and the infectious smile that lights up the darkest room and has the possibility to warm the coldest heart. You may be tiny right now, girl, but you’re ‘tude is larger than life and I hope the world is ready for all the greatness you will continue to bring to it. All the crazy things you say and do just earn you the top spot in everyone’s heart as their favorite little person. It says things when you can wrap six-foot-tall men around your finger and melt their grouchy little hearts. When I think of Jasmine, I will always see you. XOXO.

  T- My mister, the dude who got the girl. Yes, I called you dude. I know how you love that. If the last year has taught me anything, it is that every struggle has its reason and purpose. Every war we fight, has its potential casualties, and possible prize. What we have now cost us a lot. We learned. Separately, and together, we figured out what works and what didn’t. For all that we have lost, what we have now, and will gain, will be so much better. It has been worth every step, no matter how shaky the ground became beneath our feet. Thank you for supporting me, for being there when my emotions are all over the place over fictional characters, and understanding that I just need to go through it.

  I could thank McDonald’s for sweet tea and wifi when the damn weather decided to knock out mine, and the pizza place for feeding my kids when I was crunching at the end of this deadline and was positive that if I stopped to cook the world would end…

  Hey, it could totally happen...

  Punishing Me Playlist:

  Rather Hate Than Hurt – Hinder

  Wasting All These Tears – Cassadee Pope

  Please Forgive Me – Bryan Adams

  Apocalyptic – Halestorm

  Gives You Hell – All-American Rejects

  Wish You Never Met Me – Papa Roach

  Cookie – R. Kelly

  Bleeding Out – Imagine Dragons

  Pillowtalk – Zayn

  A Man I’ll Never Be – Boston

  Like I Am – Rascal Flatts

  Criminal – Framing Hanley

  Familiar Taste of Poison – Halestorm

  Crazy on You – Heart

  Make You Miss Me – Sam Hunt

  Born To Be Wild – Hinder

  Hear Me Now – Framing Hanley

  Other Books From Cat Mason:

  Artistic Pricks Ink:




  Kittery Serials:


  Into the Flames:


  Co-authored with Katheryn Kiden


  Cat Mason, Punishing Me (Shaft on Tour #6)




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