Rough Daddy Dirty

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Rough Daddy Dirty Page 95

by Dick Daughters

  The cool edge of the shaver stroked his sideburns. "We'll get to know me now," Austin said. The light brought out the blonde strands of hair on his head and there was only one thing that came to mind. He looked angelic, so Austin felt guilty for thinking of things that he wanted to do with him that were not so angelic. Far, far from.

  Austin concentrated on James's hair as the razor swept across his cheek. James’ hand was ever so shaky, and too quick. He grabbed James's wrist before he could touch his face again. "Be careful." Austin made sure not to squeeze his wrist too tight and let go of James, but not before he brushed his fingers across his hand. James's hand trembled, so he must have felt it too.

  "Don't worry, I'll be careful,” James promised meekly.

  Austin's eyes followed his fingers as he grazed the razor across his chin. James covered his mouth and giggled, it was all consuming. "Your eyes follow me around like a kitten.”

  "A kitten?” Austin asked lowly, smirking. “I was hoping it would be more like a lion.”

  Bianca ordered James to take the accessories out of Austin's hair. Then handed James the keys. "Also darling, I need you to close the salon for me I'm going to a party tonight." James reached around his neck to take off is apron.

  Austin had to resist finding a way to make contact once more. Instead, he was called by another worker to rehearse a few poses and try out a hairstyle.

  After the workday was done and it was time to close up shop, Austin found himself antsy to catch James closing up shop. So he made sure he was the last one out of the door behind James. "So what do you do when you are not working at the salon?"

  James pointed to the pizza shop across the street. "I worked there."

  Austin smiled. "I have a second job too.”

  He spotted James looking at him from the corner of his eye but then he walked away from him towards his car. "Have to pay the bills somehow," James said.

  "What do you like to do for fun we are not paying bills?"

  James smirked. "I like to help wildlife.”

  Austin stepped closer and when James didn't move he stepped forward again. "What kind of animals? Lions perhaps?"

  "Very clever," James said. That cute blush warming his cheeks again. "I usually help orphan bears but I like to help all types of animals.”

  "What is your favorite animal?

  James opened his car door. “Bears.” That’s too bad, he was hoping he would say lions. Silly him.



  James placed the perfectly round chocolate chip cookies on the counter, wrapped in saran wrap. Then placed a cookie on a plate and poured a glass of milk. Marie folded her arms. "Would you like one?" James asked.

  Marie smiled. "You seem to be in a good mood lately these past few days.”

  James took a bite of the cookie, it still melted in his mouth. "There is a new employee at the salon, his name is Austin and he made these for all the employees last week. He gave me the leftovers to bring to you.”

  Marie picked up a cookie and nibbled. "Well, tell Austin I said thank you."

  She pressed the iron over his black pants. Making sure they were in top condition. "You’ll be in an even better mood when you start meeting more people."

  He took the iron from her. "I already meet plenty of people, at both of my jobs. Too many people."

  Marie wiped her hands on her apron. "That's not what I meant James. How long has it been since you left Nina? When have you gone out since then?”



  He counted each push up, Bella unpeeling a starburst from the corner of his eye. Ten more to go, and then he can work on his obliques. “Can you pass me my jump rope?” he asked.

  Bella picked it up. “Ew it looks so old,” Bella said, promptly tossing it to him.

  Austin stretched to the side. “That’s because I bathed it in the blood of a thousand virgins.”

  “Gross not funny, go get a new one.”

  Austin shook his head. “No way this is my lucky rope.”

  “A dirty, gross dollar store jump rope is not lucky…”

  He counted as the rope hit the floor. Once he was done he changed and went back into the living room to join Bella. She threw him a towel. “You’re glowing, and I don’t mean because of the workout sweat. Did you meet someone new?”

  Austin bit his lip and collapsed onto the couch. “Yes, I’ve been talking to this guy named James, Bianca’s assistant at the salon for a couple of weeks now.”

  Bella shimmied her shoulders. “OOhhh….”

  “God, please don’t do that…”

  After they spoke for a few hours, Bella left and he had to prepare to work an overnight shift at this accounting assistant job. He still needed money for his tuition and he didn’t want to put all his hopes into this fashion scholarship just in case he didn’t win it. His father told him before he died to always have a plan A, B, and C. Just in case A fucks you and B rubs it in. Maybe C will save you.

  A few days later, he finally was able to go back to his regular schedule of working his office job during the day, and the salon job on weekends and various weekdays. Austin looked in the mirror. “Is this shirt too tight?” he asked James. James tugged at the back and Austin felt a pinching. “Ouch.”

  “Sorry,” James said. He gave him another shirt to put on.

  Austin pulled at his sleeve. “This one is too tight too.”

  “The theme of the hair show is tight is right. Hold on.”

  James walked away again, and Austin couldn’t help but admire the peach shape of his little ass, he may have been lean but he had a nice backside. It looked… perfectly fuckable. He looked around and spotted a shirt that he didn’t try on. He waved his hand in the air in an attempt to get James’ attention, but he could only see the back of his head. “James,” he spoke, but it was useless since he was speaking in a regular voice. He called louder, this time using the voice he used at the gym. “James!” The models who were talking and the employees who were working stopped looking at each other and all focused on him.

  Holy shit. He didn’t intend for them all to stop everything they were all in some weird time machine. Bianca spun around and scowled. “No yelling in the stylist room unless you are me.” He apologized, but at least James was facing him. He walked through the crowd, ignoring the conversations they were having about Ciel Vert, his eyes focused on Austin.

  “I wanted to tell you that… I saw a shirt I hadn’t tried yet,” Austin said. This time sounding like the sheepish one.

  “Right, also you don’t have to yell next time to get my attention, just walk over,” James chuckled gently.

  An idea came to him, one he hadn’t thought of since his freshman and sophomore year of college. After he returned from trying on the last shirt he leaned his arm against the wall where James was about to leave. “Can you stay a little with me after you get off work?... There’s a cafe I want to go to, but going alone is…”

  James looked slightly surprised, but the smile that came onto his face said he was more than willing. Even if he was shy.

  “I never heard of American Sign Language, I only know Italian and French,” James murmured as he traced his fingers over the menu.

  “I had to learn it for my little cousin, cool right?”

  “That’s really sweet…”

  Austin made sure he had at least twenty dollars on him. He hoped that as he looked under the table that James was too focused on the menu to see him counting his cash. He coughed in hopes of getting James’s attention. “What do you like to drink at cafes usually?” Austin asked when James looked up from the menu.

  James unzipped his jacket. “I don’t usually go to cafes, but I drink hot cocoa.”

  Austin picked up the menu next to him. “I love coming to this cafe.” James combed his fingers through his hair, but Austin noticed a stray hair dangling from over his forehead. It took a lot not to reach out and tuck it back with the rest.

  “What do
you like to get from here?” James asked.

  Austin rubbed his sleeves. Aching to touch the strand of hair. “Coffee with lots of cream.” He made the American Sign Language signs for coffee and cream. “I was thinking that this would be a way for us to communicate with each other from across the salon.” He made the sign for salon and watched James to imitate it. Austin smiled when James failed to make a few of the signs he taught him during their time.

  After they finished their drinks, Austin reached out his arm towards James and finally swept the strand away from his face. James’s eyes widened, and his mouth barely opened. Probably not to actually speak, but in awe.

  “Sorry, I couldn’t resist.”

  James circled his finger over the top of his cup. “It-... uh it’s okay.” His face lit up in his signature red blush.

  Austin dumped their cups into the trash can. He couldn’t help but feel he fucked up big time. “Let’s go over what you learned so far,” Austin said. He secretly prayed to all the gods in existence that he didn’t fuck up so badly that he couldn’t at least get a decent date with James. James did great with signing the alphabet, he missed seven letters but Austin corrected him. “Bonus if you can understand this sentence,” Austin said. He signed it slowly.

  James wrinkled his nose. “Can you do it again?” Austin repeated it. “Does it involve something about lunch?” Austin nodded. James rested his elbows on the table. “I give up.”

  “It means will you go on a date with me for lunch?” Ok so he admitted, it was cheesy as fuck, but it was a last minute thing.


  He wanted to jump for joy, but he had to play it cool. “It’ll have to be in two days. So I’ll call you to set up a time?”

  James smiled and replied yes in sign language. “So how did you learn sign language?” James asked.

  “I hired someone to teach me. How did you learn French and Italian?”

  James turned his head to the side. There was a ten second pause before he spoke. “I learned it in private school…”



  He handed the cashier at the financial aid office five hundred dollars. He paid one thousand a month ago, so he needed two thousand five hundred dollars to pay the remainder of his bill. Education was a pain in the ass, but he really was determined to take his accounting exam and get a good paying career. Bella popped the gum in her mouth as they walked out the door. “I need your help. I have a date with James and I want to look my best,” Austin said.

  They drove to her house. He sat on a chair beside her bed as she threw some clothes onto her bed, a hanger hit his head. He rubbed his eye. “Are you trying to give me a black eye before my date?”

  “Beauty knows no pain,” she said. He just stared at her.

  She pressed one of the outfits against his chest. “I kept most of the stuff my ex-boyfriend didn’t wear in my closet, you can keep the outfit you decide to wear but I’ll be selling the rest. I think you both have about the same shoe size as well.” He went into the bathroom to change; the outfits weren’t a perfect fit but he still wanted Bella’s opinion on which one he should wear.

  “Describe what James looks like, I tried snooping around, but he doesn’t even have a Facebook, Instagram or LinkedIn. It’s quite annoying,” she said.

  “He has a cute smile with these bright blue eyes that light up the room,” Austin said.

  Bella picked up the hanger from the floor. “Is he Dwayne Johnson hot or Brad Pitt as Louis from Interview with the Vampire hot?”


  Bella rolled her eyes. “Be more specific,” she said.

  He raised his hands up and dragged them both through his hair with a groan before answering. “Brad Pitt as Louis.”

  She took away the second outfit. “Then choose this one.”

  Austin ran a finger through his dark wavy hair in Bella’s mirror. “But what about my hair?”

  “Just shower and be yourself you’ll be fine,” Bella said.


  Austin knocked on James’ door. Smiling at him as he opened the door. “I hope you like burgers, because I’m taking you to one of my favorite burger places.”

  James only wore a t shirt and jeans, yet he looked so cute. “It’s one of my favorite foods.”

  The drive was quiet, but he could smell the cologne James decided to wear it and it was awfully distracting. He parallel parked in front of the restaurant. And led him inside to get seated at a booth in front of a window that carried a nice view of the inner city. “I guarantee you that after you try these burgers you will never eat at another burger place again.” He picked up a long list from a box. “Basically, you build your own burger by checking off what you want, even the condiments. They bring some of the stuff for you to put on yourself, in case you’re picky.” He grinned.

  The server smiled and asked them about drinks. James ordered a rootbeer and Austin a sprite. “Fresh burgers coming right up.”

  Austin picked up the ketchup bottle from the basket of condiments. “It’s not much, but this place kept me out of trouble, this and boxing. There were times when I wanted to drop out of college.”

  “Tell me more about boxing, did you ever want to become a professional?”

  Austin shrugged. “No, but I have a boxing competition coming up. I’ll give you a ticket if you want to watch.”

  Quickly the server came back with their drinks and two plates of burgers and fries. As well as a larger plate filled with some extra condiments, lettuce, tomato, onions etc. They both thanked her but James looked back to Austin quickly with that look of adorable excitement. “Yeah, I’d like that…” James dipped his fry in ketchup. “The only thing I know about boxing is from movies.”

  “It’s nothing like that.” Austin stuck a fork into a pickle slice. “Want a pickle?” he asked, waving the pickle lightly.

  “No thanks, I don’t like pickles.”

  Austin placed the pickles on his burger. “How can you not like pickles?”

  James lifted up the ranch bottle. “It’s quite simple really, they’re not allowed on my burgers.”

  Austin stared at his burger. “How can you like ranch on your burger?...”

  “It’s simple, I just do…” James grinned.

  Austin felt James’s leg intertwine with his. There was an instant spark. But there was ketchup at the corner of his mouth. “You have ketchup on your lips.” James wiped a napkin over his mouth and thanked him. Austin felt his cock stirring without permission, but he couldn’t help it. James was amazing. “Can I touch your lips?”

  James blushed and smiled shyly. Nodding. So Austin leaned forward and ever so gently brushed his fingers over the plump lower lip of his mouth. How good these lips would feel wrapped around his cock. James closed his eyes, seeming to enjoy the touch to his lips as he leaned into it. “So soft…” He wondered what else was this soft on him.

  Austin’s stomach felt like it was going to explode, in a good way of course. He was so glad he didn't fuck up and make things awkward again when he asked James out. He looked at the open check in the center of the table. James was sipping the last of his rootbeer and he looked cute as hell. Austin put out a few bucks and placed it on the table. He didn't remember the last time he took a girl or guy out on a date. However, he did remember the last time he was dumped because he did not have enough money. He pushed the chair away from the table. "Are you ready to go?"

  James stirred the straw in his empty cup. "Definitely." Austin stood up but before he was about to put his wallet in his pocket James took out a crisp bill. "I'll pay my half."

  Austin rubbed his right ear. Did he hear that correctly? Austin folded the wallet that the check was in. "That won't be necessary."

  James put on his jacket. "It's fine really I really enjoyed our first date."

  Austin scratched the back of his head. He searched the restaurant and he's swept up the check and handed it to the waitress nearby. James handed the waitress a five. "Well
at least let me tip the server."

  James's face tightened, yet Austin could still see the dimple on his chin. "All right," Austin said.

  They made their way out into the dimly lit street. He watched as James rubbed his hands together. Austin took his warm right hand out of his pocket. "I can hold your hand while we walk back to the car?" His heart thumped in his chest, it was too late to back out now. If he opened his mouth to say nevermind or to try to take back what he said, then he was one hundred percent certain that his heart was going to fall into the street.

  Even under the dim light on the sidewalk, he could see James's lips widening. "Okay," James said. Austin grabbed his hand, it felt like he was holding an ice cube. He squeezed the hand, warming it as well as he could as he took James back to the car.

  When they arrived back at his place, he walked James up the stairs and stood with him for a quiet moment. They were both smiling. Austin felt his heart thumping so hard he could hardly hear the traffic over it. Those lips… soft. He stepped closer, leaning in to press his own lips against his cheek, whispering. “Thank you for going out with me…”

  James leaned into the kiss against his cheek, his eyes closing. “Thank you for taking me…” he whispered back, like it was a secret between them. Turning his head slightly, so has Austin began to pull back he’d bump their lips together. And once that first contact was made, it was impossible not to see it through.

  Austin leaned into James, gently… like he was willing to be pushed away. His hands softly came up, squeezing James’ sides as his lips pressed harder against him. Stealing a heated first kiss in front of James’ place. How badly he wanted to go inside, feel those warm lips wrapped around his cock. Fuck him until he was screaming his name. Why did James make him so crazy?

  A soft moan escaped James’ throat and Austin growled in response. Pressing their hips together, the mutual excitement became clear. Their cocks were hard, trapped behind denim as they ground together. “Sh-...should I stop?” Austin finally whispered. If James didn’t stop him, he’d take him over the first thing he got him bent over.


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