and training for nonordinary states, 205–6
See also STER
death of, 67
disintegration of, 126
inflation of, 202–3, 208
and music, 142
and neurobiology, 111, 113, 114
and psychedelics, 124, 126
repurposing of, 201–2
Einstein, Albert, 98
Eipmetheus, 221, 222
The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test (Wolfe), 189
electronic dance music (EDM), 30, 67, 85
electronic festivals, 142
Eleusinian Mysteries, 2–3, 168
Eleusis, 3, 19, 155
Eliade, Mircea, 57
elites: spreading of ecstatic culture by, 165–74
Ellie (AI), 100–102, 104
Ellison, Larry, 219–20
embodied/disembodied cognition, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 111, 152, 175
“emergent” leadership, 105–6
and neurobiology, 97, 100–102
See also specific emotion
empathy, 96, 97, 152, 193, 198
Empire State Building: Jones art at, 143, 144
“End of the Line” experience, 131
end of the world feeling, 204
endorphins, 20–21, 24, 42, 45, 85, 141, 217
enlightenment engineering, 146–48
and Altered States Economy, 30
See also type of entertainment
entrepreneurs, 171, 172, 174, 204
Equinox Gyms, 195
Erhard, Werner, 79–80, 81
Erowid. See Teafaerie
ESADE Business School (Spain), 105–6, 112
Esalen, 77, 78–79, 81, 82, 93, 168, 190, 192
Esalen (Kripal), 79
eschatothesia, 204
EST (Erhard Seminars Training), 79–80, 81
everyday lives: dissemination of innovation in, 174–78
“everything/nothing” dialectic, 217
evolution, 117–19, 134, 215
“experience economy,” 195
Extreme Technology Challenge (XTC), 172–73
facial expressions: and neurobiology, 96–100
Fadiman, James, 49–50, 126
Falling Whistles (Summit project), 171
fats, 212–14
FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation), 183, 192
Fermi, Enrico, 131
Ferriss, Tim, 50, 159
Fifty Shades of Grey (James), 85
film: and Altered States Economy, 30–31
Firechat, 167
The First Earth Battalion Operations Manual (Channon), 190, 191
in advertising, 195
and Altered States Economy, 29
benefits of, 43, 74–75
and Carhart-Harris research, 126
categories of, 23–24
and consciousness, 4–5
Csikszentmihalyi research about, 42, 43
definition of, 4, 23
and Google, 27, 28
Navy SEALs and, 25
and neurobiology, 108
and neurotheology, 108
neurotransmitters in, 42
and Pale of the Body, 57
psychology and, 90
and sex, 85
and solving wicked problems, 46–50
and technology, 74–75, 136, 149
transcranial magnetic stimulation and, 48
See also Flow Dojo; Flow Genome Project; group flow; specific topic
Flow (Csikszentmihalyi), 42
Flow Dojo, 148–53
Flow Genome Project, 4–6, 46, 135
Fly Ranch (Burning Man site), 163
food industry, 212–14
Ford, Henry, 80
Fortune magazine: and Task Force Delta, 190
caves in, 140, 143
churches in, 141
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 192
French Revolution, 68
From Bitcoin to Burning Man and Beyond (Hirshberg), 167
Funktion-One (Andrews company), 139, 140, 142, 143, 157
Channon’s views about, 190
predicting the, 96
and timelessness, 41
See also precognition
G Pause (Google mindfulness training), 27–28
gambling, 30
gamma waves, 47–48
Garcia, Jerry, 189
Gates, Bill, 205
genetics, 133
Geneva Convention, 182
geography: and pharmacology, 118, 119, 123, 134, 153
Ginsberg, Allen, 77
God Helmut, 59
and altering mental states to enhance performance, 6, 23, 27–28, 32
and Burning Man, 19–22, 27
CEO hiring at, 18–22
communal vocational ecstasy at, 20, 21, 27–28
and ecstasis, 18–22, 23, 25
Flow Dojo and, 149–50, 152
and flow states, 27, 28
and marketing, 197
mindfulness training at, 27–28
See also Brin, Sergey; Page, Larry
Google Doodle, 19–20
Googleplex (Mountain View), 6, 23, 27–28
Gore, Al, 35
Graham, Martha, 47
Grateful Dead, 189
Great Awakening, 179
churches in, 141
revolution in, 1–2
Green Berets, U.S., 190–91
Gregg, Melissa, 64–65
Griffiths, Roland, 59, 87–88, 120
Grof, Stanislav, 23, 67, 124
group flow, 11, 23, 103–4, 105–6, 138, 147, 171
Group Genius (Sawyer), 11
gut instinct, 98
Gutenberg, Johannes, 73–74, 75
Hagel, John, 43
hallucinogens, 50, 116. See also specific hallucinogen
Hamelin (Germany) pipers, 65–66, 67, 69
Hanfstaeng, Ernst, 69
Harper’s Magazine: Sandia “super mule” article in, 184
Harris, Sam, 57–58
Harvard Business Review: Tolbert comments in, 93
Harvard Medical School: lifestyle change study at, 42
Harvard University: happiness course at, 175
Harvey, Larry, 160
hashish, 34
head trauma, 60–61
heart rate: monitoring of, 104, 147, 151, 197
Heaven’s Gate suicides, 67
hedonic calendaring, 213–16
Heifetz, Ron, 114
Hell Week, Navy SEALs, 13, 19
Hells Angels, 189
Hemingway, Ernest, 216
heroin, 29, 62
Hessel, Andrew, 133–34
Hill, Napoleon, 80
Hirshberg, Peter, 166–67, 168
Hitler, Adolf, 69
hocus-pocus, 73, 74
Hofmann, Albert, 3
Holiday, Ryan, 205–6
Holy Ghost: Mormon belief in, 53, 54
hope: importance of, 222
Horgan, John, 58
horseback riding, 60, 61
How We Got to Now (Steve Johnson), 141
Howl (Ginsberg), 77
Hsieh, Tony, 161–62, 163, 170, 210
Hua, Vanessa, 159
human condition, 216–18
human potential movement, 76, 77–81, 191
Hunt, Graham, 135, 136
Hurricane Katrina, 164–65
Hurricane Sandy, 165
Huxley, Aldous, 3, 199
HyaSynth Bio, 133
hydrocodone, 133
Hyperloop, 161
Hyperspace Lexicon, 130–31, 204
hypnosis, 108
ibogaine, 116, 122
iFly (Metni company), 138, 150
imaging technology, 101, 107–8, 109, 124, 125, 194. See also brain imaging
IMAX, 30
immersive experience design and
training, 148–53
immersive/visionary art, 142–45, 149, 150, 157, 198
In Over Our Heads (Kegan), 39
individualism, 68
information technology, 185–87, 199, 216
innovation. See creativity
intellectual community: spreading of ecstatic culture by, 168–70
intelligence community
and Burning Man, 191–92
“spooks” of, 187–93
See also CIA; FBI
International Business Times: Downer comments in, 116
International Foundation for Advanced Study, 49
intoxication, 115–19
Intoxication (Siegel), 116
Iraq War, 89, 191, 193
Ismail, Salim, 21
isolation tanks, 26–27, 79
It’s Not About Now, 203–5, 208
It’s Not About You, 202–3, 208
Jacobsen, Annie, 182
James, E.L., 85
James, William, 44
Japan: Fukushima disaster in, 165
jar analogy, 95
Jeep: marketing of, 196
Jerusalem Syndrome, 202–3
Joan of Arc, 54–55
Jobs, Steve, 50
Johnson, Samuel, 137
Johnson, Steven, 141
Jones, Android, 142–43, 144, 145, 150, 157, 198
Jones, Shaun, 103
Journal of Occupational Therapy: and Rogers PTSD study, 89
Journal of the American Medical Association: meditation study report in, 112
Jung, Carl, 168
Kabbalism, 109
Kardaras, Nicholas, 196–97
Kegan, Robert, 38–39, 92, 93, 175
Kelly, Kevin, 198
Kerouac, Jack, 77, 189
Kesey, Ken, 66, 188–89, 192
ketamine, 26, 207–8
Kidman, Nicole, 96, 97
Kill House, Navy SEALs, 14, 15, 25
kinetic training gear, 150–52
kitesurfing, 138, 171, 172, 173
Korean War, 182
Kornfield, Jack, 203
Kotler, Steven
Ellie (AI) and, 100
The Rise of Superman by, 5, 25, 135, 136, 150
Kripal, Jeff, 79
Kurzweil, Ray, 177
kykeon, 2, 3, 74, 188
Lafley, A.G., 47
The Lancet: Nutt studies in, 63
Landmark, 80
Lanier, Jaron, 103
Las Vegas, Nevada
Consumer Electronics Show in, 157, 173
Downtown Project in, 161, 163, 210
Lascaux caves: Jones art at, 143
lateral thinking, 45, 117–18
Law of the Instrument, 111
Lawrence, D.H., 168
leadership, “emergent,” 105–6
accelerated, 27
and revising tactics and conventions, 219–22
and solving wicked problems, 50
Leary, Mark, 37, 38
Leary, Timothy, 33, 68
Leonard, Adam, 27–28
Lilly, John, 26, 27, 183–85, 186, 187, 193, 200, 207–8, 217
Lilly, Toni, 207, 208
Lincoln, Abraham, 212
Lindstrom, Martin, 194, 197
Loftus, Elizabeth, 41
longitudinal research, 92
LSD, 3, 26, 49, 62, 63, 66, 121, 122, 125, 176, 187–89
Ludwig, Hans, 209
Luhan, Mabel Dodge, 168
lysergic acid (LSA), 3
Mad Men (TV show), 77–78
Magic Leap (company), 145
magic mushrooms, 62, 116
Mai, Susi, 171–72
Main Street: dissemination of innovation on, 174–78
MaiTai Global, 171–73, 174
Manchester Guardian newspaper, 63, 125
Manson, Charles, 67
Mao Tse Tung, 69
MAPS (nonprofit research), 123
Marcinko, Richard, 14–15
Marcus Aurelius, 206
marijuana, 29, 62, 116, 119, 133, 176
Marine Corps, U.S., 22, 191
marketing: and dangers/misuse of ecstasis, 181, 182, 193–99, 200
Markoff, John, 18
Maroon 5 band, 52
Martin, Jeffery, 148
Martin, Roger, 47, 92
Maslow, Abraham, 43, 92–93, 111, 113
The Master Switch (Wu), 185, 186, 187, 199
The Matrix (movie), 36
“May the Force Be With You,” 191
McKinsey (consultants), 49
MDMA (drug), 61, 62, 88–89, 121, 124, 176, 211
and Altered States Economy, 30
See also specific organization
and altered states to altered traits, 92
as archaic technique of ecstasy, 57
brain and, 20
and Carhart-Harris research, 125, 126
and categories of ecstasis, 23–24
and Ecstasis Equation, 212
as ecstatic technique, 24–25
enlightenment engineering and, 146–47, 148
in everyday lives, 175
and Google, 27–28
hedonic calendaring and, 214
human potential movement and, 79
and military, 5
neurobiology and, 108, 109, 112
neurofeedback and, 25
neurotheology and, 108, 109
“orgasmic,” 82, 83, 200
Pale of the Body and, 57, 60
pharmacology and, 128
psychology and, 90
and PTSD, 89
and sex, 85
and solving wicked problems, 47–48
and stealing kykeon, 5
STER and, 36
technology and, 136
and Trojan Warrior Project, 190
See also mindfulness
melatonin, 129
memory, 41, 44
menticide. See brainwashing
mescaline, 49, 120, 122, 168
methamphetamines, 29, 62, 63–64
Metni, Alan, 137–38, 150
Mevoli, Nick, 206, 207
Meyers, Richard, 122
Michaels, Michael “Danger Ranger,” 158, 162
MicroDoseVR (Jones project), 145
Military Review: Alexander article in, 190
military, U.S.
and biometrics, 96, 104–5
and brainwashing, 182–85
and dangers/misuse of ecstasis, 181, 190, 199, 200
and meditation, 5
and neurobiology, 96, 104–5
and precognition, 104–5
See also DARPA; Defense Department, U.S.; specific branch
drug altering of, 115–34
and neurobiology, 112
See also consciousness; mind-body relationship; mindfulness; subconsciousness; unconsciousness
mind-body relationship, 97–106, 190–91
Mind Gym, Navy SEALs, 26–27, 190, 192
mindfulness, 27–28, 50, 175, 191
Minority Report (movie), 103
MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Media Lab at, 46, 103, 104
synergy Strike Force at, 166
Mithoefer, Michael, 88–89
MK-ULTRA (brainwashing project), 187–89, 193
Molchanova, Natalia, 206–7
molecules: making of, 132–34, 145
and Altered States Economy, 28–32
See also costs
Monson, Thomas, 52
Moore, Geoffrey, 174
Mormons, 53–54, 126–27
Moses, 127–28, 129, 130, 131
Moskovitz, Dustin, 170
Moss, Michael, 212–13
motion-tracking fitness, 26
and flow-peak performance relationship, 5
and intoxication with drugs, 116–17
for use of mind-altering drugs, 176–77
/> See also effortlessness
mountain bikes, 138
movie stars: motion-emotion of, 96
MRI. See imaging technology
Mullainathan, Sendhil, 40
Murphy, Michael, 78–79
music, 139–42, 145, 149, 204, 214. See also dance; singing
Musk, Elon, 159, 160, 161, 162, 184
mysticism, 23–24, 55, 108, 110, 128, 129, 153, 189, 200
narcotics, 57. See also specific narcotic
National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), 183, 184, 207
National Institutes of Health (NIH), 26, 176, 213
National Security Agency (NSA), 183
Natural-Born Cyborgs (Clark), 56
Navy, U.S.
and precognition, 104–5
protocols of, 14–15
switch of, 105
See also SEALs, U.S. Navy
NBC, 185
near-death experiences (NDEs), 87–88, 89–90, 108, 208
Necker Island (Branson hideaway), 173–74
net neutrality, 186
artificial intelligence and, 100–102, 104, 111
benefits/purpose of, 74, 95, 96, 111, 153, 178, 179
biometrics and, 96, 104–5, 111
and cognition, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 111
consciousness and, 112, 113
and depression, 96, 97, 100–101, 112
ego and, 111, 113, 114
emotions and, 97, 100–102
in everyday lives, 175–76
facial expressions and, 96–100
as force of ecstasis, 74, 95–114
and imaging techniques, 101, 107–8, 109–10
and mind-body relationship, 97–106
mysticism and, 153
and neurotheology, 106–10, 111
and OS (operating system), 112–14
precognition and, 103–6, 111
relationship between psychology and, 95
and religion, 99–100, 106–10, 111
and self, 101, 102, 108, 110
and subconscious, 111
and transcendence, 74
and UI (user interface), 112–14
and Altered States Economy, 29
and hedonic calendaring, 215
See also specific chemical
neurofeedback, 25, 27, 49, 60, 74–75, 112, 147, 157, 190
neuromarketing, 193–99
neurotechnology. See technology
neurotheology, 106–10, 111, 157
New York magazine: Glaxton comments in, 97
New York Times, 18, 40, 77, 82, 110, 119, 182
New Yorker, 59, 82, 148
The New Yorker: Siegel article in, 148
Newberg, Andrew, 106–7, 108–9, 110
Newsweek: “PSYOPS: Cruel and Unusual” article in, 191
nicotine, 64–65
Nietzsche, Friedrich, 69
Nike, 6, 103–4
1984 (Orwell), 199
Nisargadatta, 217
Nixon, Richard, 68
nonordinary states of consciousness (NOSC)
benefits/accomplishments of, 158, 162, 171, 174
Channon’s views about, 190
characteristics of, 23
and community, 171
definition of, 23
as escape from human condition, 217
and everyday lives, 181
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