Lovers' Lies

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Lovers' Lies Page 18

by Shirley Wine

  What was he suggesting?

  That he’d have to buy access to his son.

  He was obviously confusing her with some-one else. His ex-wife?

  Not wanting to get into such loaded territory she settled on the least contentious. "I’m not pregnant."

  "You can guarantee that, can you?" The edge in his tone increased her annoyance.

  Victoria huffed out a frustrated breath, jumped up from the sofa and paced across to the window aware all the time of his silent presence and goading question. At last she turned.

  "No," she admitted bleakly. "It’s too early. But you have to know I would never deny you access to Connor or, if I’m pregnant, another baby."

  "And just how would I know that?" He asked with ruthless precision. "After the unscrupulous way you dumped Davina out of my life, you expect me to trust you?"

  The accusation was unanswerable.

  "Look," she gripped her hands together. "I know I should have told you about Connor at Darkhaven. But that’s all that you can hold against me, Keir. I’m not responsible for some other woman’s sins."

  A grim smile did nothing to ease her tension. "Not necessary. You have enough sins of your own,"

  The mocking words scored her heart.

  It would be an uphill battle to earn his trust. She’d always known that. After all Keir had learned from his cradle women were not to be trusted. The people who should have nurtured him had found it far too easy to betray a young child’s trust. And Muriel, Davina and now her actions were enough to confirm women only lived down to his low expectations.

  Such ingrained distrust was not easily overcome.

  She wiped her damp palms surreptitiously on her skirt praying for patience and wisdom. She would need a good dose of both to win this battle.

  One thing she was certain of, was that she refused to settle for less.

  "When can we collect Connor?"

  Keir watched her through half closed eyes, his expression unreadable. For long moments she thought he wasn’t going to reply. "Do you want me to bring him home? So you don’t have to run the gauntlet of the media scrum?"

  Victoria huffed out an impatient breath.

  She was no coward. It was more than time he realized she was no hot-house flower that needed coddling and protecting.

  "Connor’s my son, Keir. I’m going with you to bring him home from hospital," she said with vehement emphasis. "I refuse to give Davina or her objectionable father, the satisfaction of thinking they’ve got me running scared. I’m tougher than that."

  A hint of approval softened his austere expression and she knew she’d made the right decision.

  "That’s the spirit. The hospital is expecting us and will notify security." He turned to leave and paused in the doorway. "Wear something to set them on their ear, Victoria."

  That sally came from the man she’d known. Perhaps the future wasn’t hopeless. Would Connor’s innocence work its magic on his father and soften Keir’s scarred heart?


  Victoria’s agitation grew when she saw the phalanx of reporters and cameramen waiting outside the hospital entrance.

  It was obvious someone had leaked the news that Connor was being discharged.

  Squaring her shoulders, she gripped her son's hand tightly, grateful for Keir’s silent bulk at her back. A group of security men stood just inside the doors.

  "Ready?" Keir looked at her across Connor's head.

  She stiffened her spine and nodded.

  The pack outside grew restive. Keir signaled the security guards and they moved forward forming a protective shield.

  "Who are all those people, Mommy?" Connor asked looking up at her.

  As she looked into her child's innocent eyes, her heart broke a little more. No child should have to face this.

  "They’re just nosey cameramen Connor," Keir’s mater-of-fact tone was reassuring. "They think we’re zoo animals."

  "Like monkeys?" Connor laughed, the sound so infectious Keir and Victoria couldn't help smiling. "They think we’re monkeys?"

  "Yes, just like monkeys." Keir chuckled. "Just shows how silly they are doesn’t it?"

  "Monkey men! Monkey men!" Connor chanted pulling them toward the doors. "Come on Mommy."

  Victoria took a deep breath, wishing she could find something amusing in this on-going blaze of notoriety. Keir’s arm slipped around her shoulders and he gave her a squeeze. The silent support boosted her confidence.

  She gripped Connor’s hand and stepped through the door to face the screaming pack.

  "This way, Ms. Scanlan."

  "When’s the wedding?"

  "Is this your son, Donovan?"

  A cacophony of noise assaulted them. The throng pressed forward, the barrage of flashlights almost blinding them.

  Keir swept Connor up on one arm, tightening his other arm around her shoulders.

  The noise, the pushing and shoving mass, had Connor cowering against Keir’s chest, his stuffed monkey clutched in a death grip, joyful laughter silenced.

  Fury gripped Victoria.

  No child should be subjected to such frightening behavior.

  These reporters were worse than a pack of animals, preying on the weak. One sidestepped a security guard, thrusting a microphone in Connor's face. "How do you like having a daddy, Connor?"

  "Touch my boy and I’ll shove that thing down your throat." Keir was pure lethal menace. "Do you get your kicks out of scaring little kids?"

  The man took a hasty step back. Security guards surged forward shoving him back beyond the cordon.

  In that moment Victoria decided she'd had enough. When press harassment impacted on and frightened her child, she would fight back.

  How she didn't know, but she would find a way to put a stop to this persecution.

  The security guards formed a protective shield so they could reach their car. As she was getting into the car Victoria caught an intrusive question Keir totally ignored, one strident voice penetrated the din.

  "Donovan? Can you confirm the rumor that this scandal is impacting on your position at Donovans?"

  Victoria’s gaze swung toward the voice, her frown deepening.

  Had she misheard?

  Was that man implying Keir’s position with the family firm was threatened by the adverse publicity being generated by the Strathmore scandal machine?

  The relief when they were safely enclosed in the car was enormous. Keir strapped Connor in the booster seat between them and signaled the chauffeur before leaning across and catching her hand.

  They left the mob behind

  "They’ll soon get tired of it."

  Victoria's glance was scathing. Was Keir just prepared to wait it out?

  "Isn’t there anything we can do?" she asked frustrated. "This is not fair. Was that reporter right? Is this circus affecting your position at Donovans?"

  Keir hesitated and shrugged. "Let me worry about my job"

  His hesitation was all the confirmation she needed and determination mingled with anger.

  Somehow she intended to put a stop to it.

  "Would issuing a statement help?"

  "Saying what?" There was a harsh undertone in his voice. "The only thing to put a stop to all this would be to announce our marriage. And you’ve already turned down that option."

  Guilt spiked

  Victoria clenched her hand until the knuckles gleamed white. She stared at them, chewing on her lower lip.

  Was that the reason behind Keir’s very offhand proposal? She looked up at him, wary. "Would that make a difference?"

  "It would certainly weigh heavily with Donovans’ board."

  The weariness in the bleak admission had her taking a ragged breath. The boulder of guilt that had taken up residence in her gut, grew heavier.

  Why did I ever listen to Logan and Piper? And precipitate this whole nightmare.

  If Keir was asked to resign—it was untenable.

  "Don’t let it worry you."

can it not worry me?" she asked vehemently laying a hand over his. "What I can't understand is why Donovans are coming after you."

  "It's three-fold," he said dryly. "There's the scandal surrounding my parents¸ my divorce and now the board has learned I have a son I have to all intents and purposes, walked away from."

  The dry observation was far from reassuring.

  Guilt crowded on guilt.

  No matter how she worried it, Victoria could see no easy way out. No way to put an end to the whole unsavory mess.

  Connor moved restlessly in his seat and gratefully Victoria turned her attention to him.

  "I want to get out," he said plaintively, playing with the seat straps.

  "It won’t be long sweetheart. We’ll soon be home." Even as she spoke Victoria was surprised at how easily she’d accepted living in Keir’s house as being their home.

  Was it time she put aside her scruples? Accepted that their future lay together forging a family unit?

  After the break-in at her apartment and the on-going notoriety, she knew she, on her own, could never ensure Connor's safety.

  Just thinking of encountering the pervert who’d broken into her house brought her out in a cold sweat.

  Keir amused Connor for the rest of the drive leaving Victoria prey to her tortured thoughts.

  As the car drove through the electronically controlled gates, the burden of notoriety slid away. Without realizing it, a relieved sigh escaped. Here, she knew both her and Connor were safe from the intrusions of the outside world.

  Never before had she felt the need of the protection the very wealthy automatically surrounded themselves with.

  And for better or worse, Victoria knew neither she nor her adored child could slip back into the blessed anonymity they’d once known.

  Thanks to Davina Strathmore and her father, they were instantly recognizable and as such, were prey to every weirdo around.

  She glanced up at Keir, a tremulous smile lightening her troubled expression.

  It was more than time she put aside her own thoughts and considered this whole nightmare from his perspective. She leaned across Connor and laid a hand on Keir’s. He raised an eyebrow in question.

  "I’m sorry I’ve caused you so much grief."

  The apology escaped before she realized she intended to give it.

  His expression revealed no emotion.

  She glanced away, discomforted. No apology could lessen the impact caused by her ignoble actions.

  When the car stopped beneath the portico, she released Connor from his booster seat. The chauffeur held the door for them to alight.

  "This isn’t home." Connor’s lower lip trembled ominously. "You said we were going home."

  Heart sinking, Victoria knelt in front of the distressed child. Although she’d tried to explain, she'd known Connor didn’t understand.

  "You and I are living here in your daddy’s house now," she said, taking his hand and leading him into the spacious foyer.

  Keir crouched down beside them, his whole attention on the little boy. "You remember those monkey men? And the awful noise they made?"

  Connor nodded, his little chin wobbling as he looked from one to the other.

  Victoria’s heart ached for his bewilderment.

  How was she meant to explain to a little boy that he couldn't go back to the home or the life he’d always known? That he was no longer safe?

  "You and your mother are living here with me because the high fences around my home keep them outside. We need to keep you safe."

  "Stop Keir," she said quickly, laying a hand on his arm and scooping the trembling child close in a hug.

  She didn’t want Connor terrified. She needed to explain the situation in a way that wasn’t frightening.

  "We’re living with your daddy so we can learn how to be a real family. Would you like that?" She watched Connor absorb this, relieved when he nodded. "Your daddy has a room here for you, and some new toys. Do you want to see it and show Monkee?"

  She uttered a silent, heartfelt thanks to whatever gods were looking over them, that Connor had taken his beloved Monkee with him to Daphne's.

  Had he lost the old bedraggled toy, it didn't bear thinking on.

  Connor looked from one to the other, his face lighting up and much to her relief the distraction worked. "Okay."

  Together they all went up the stairs. Keir opened the door into the nursery he’d prepared for Connor.

  Connor held back, overwhelmed. Victoria crouched down, her hands firm on his shoulders.

  "Where's my bed?" His bottom lip jutted ominously.

  "Your bed was old and worn out, so your Dad and I bought you a new one." Victoria held her breath. Would Connor accept the changes?

  She glanced up at Keir. He was leaning against the door frame, silently watching them. She gave him a grateful smile.

  "Let's show Monkee your new bed?" She smoothed a lock of hair back from his forehead. "And later you can come and see my new room."

  "You have a new room too?"

  "I do indeed."

  She stood and coaxed Connor forward willing him to begin exploring. The room was simple in layout and the furniture sturdy enough to withstand robust play.

  When they'd discussed it, Victoria was insistent. "Keep it simple and don't go overboard with toys."

  Keir had frowned at that. "I can afford to give him the very best."

  "I know you can. That's not the issue. He's only five, Keir. And there's already enough change we can't avoid, a new home, new clothes and furniture. If you add to all this, a mountain of new toys, he will be overwhelmed."

  "You don't want me to give him toys?"

  "A few at first, and then you're free to add more once he's settled."

  To her relief, Keir had listened.

  She'd ordered books and toys online and had tried her best to duplicate, as near as she could, what Connor had lost.

  "What's in this?" Connor looked at the big parcel Keir had left on the bed.

  "It's a present from your Dad."

  "Can I open it?"

  "Of course." She glanced at Keir. "Why not ask your dad to lift it onto the floor and get him to help you open it."

  Victoria held her breath, giving a relieved sigh when Connor ran across to Keir, caught his hand and towed him toward the bed.

  The re-emergence of Connor's natural exuberance, his impatience as Keir lifted the heavy box onto the floor, filled her with an overwhelming relief.

  Keir crouched beside Connor and big gentle hands helped the little boy open the parcel.

  When they peeled the box lid back, Connor let out a screech. "Look Mommy, a truck."

  Keir helped the little boy lift the dump truck out of the box.

  Connor pushed it over to her and she ruffled a hand through his hair. "Why don't you say thank you to your Daddy?"

  Connor didn't hesitate. He ran over and leaped at Keir, hugging him. "Thanks, Dad."

  As she watched Keir close his eyes and hug his son, Victoria felt a surge of compassion for all he had been denied.

  Connor bounced away and picked up his old bedraggled monkey, showing his faithful companion everything, his previous tearfulness forgotten.

  Relief lightened her heart. Connor would settle here. And for the first time in the past crazy two weeks, peace stole into her heart.

  Here, in this wonderful house her baby would be able to explore and grow and have fun in the safety and security that was every child’s birth-right. She glanced at Keir and was startled to see his hungry, avid expression as he watched the little boy and sorrow clouded the happy moment.

  Her resentment and anger she felt over her father’s deception, deepened.

  She caught Keir's hand and twined her fingers through his. He glanced down at her startled.

  "I’m sorry." She squeezed his fingers in hers, realizing for the first time the absolute rightness of sharing this moment with the father of her child.

  "About what?" He quirked an expre
ssive eyebrow.

  "That you’ve been denied Connor’s early years," she said, in a soft under voice. "I tried so hard to find you when I discovered I was pregnant."

  For long fraught moments he studied her, turbulent emotion shadowing his dark eyes. She met that searching gaze her own unwavering and knew a searing relief when he nodded.

  That acceptance warmed clear through to her soul and she decided in that moment to accept Keir’s proposal. Surely time and propinquity would bridge this awful chasm between them.

  "You were right, Keir. Now Connor’s here, we do need to think about the future. I don’t want to confuse him."

  His dark eyes narrowed and she had the uncanny sensation he was probing her soul. "Is it only him you don't want to confuse?"

  The loaded question had heat flooding her cheeks. Keir steered her toward the inviting window seat. She sat down unsure her shaky legs would hold her up as the enormity of the situation gripped her. Was she crazy to consider joining her life with this man who was essentially an intimate stranger? She was keenly aware of his intense scrutiny.

  "It’s obvious Connor and I can’t return to our old life." She chewed her lower lip finding this exceedingly difficult.

  Keir smiled grimly and shook his head. "That’s been a given from the moment this story broke in the press."

  Victoria wanted nothing more than for the whole sorry episode to disappear, but couldn’t turn back the clock. It was far too late to wish she’d leveled with Keir after their first meeting at Darkhaven.

  Connor raced a toy fire engine across the floor, running it up and into her lap. "Vroom—vroom—look Mommy."

  "It’s a super one isn’t it?" Victoria stroked a hand across his hair, gentling on the patch that had been shaved for his operation. Already new growth bristled under her touch. Connor was now okay and she knew she would deal with the devil himself to ensure her child’s safety.

  In two weeks her world had been reduced to a morass of fear and uncertainty. Her privacy invaded, her home broken into and her personal possessions violated.

  Only here, inside the fortress of Keir’s home, did she possess a modicum sense of safety. As Connor scooted away cross the rug she looked up at Keir. "I’ve changed my mind."

  He studied her intently. "You’ll marry me?"


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