Always & Forever

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Always & Forever Page 9

by Scarlett Avery

  “All right, boys. Enough kidding around. We have a very long day ahead of us so we better get started if we want to take on Paris and put the Ellison brand all over this city.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” both Logan and Walker chime in together.

  “Funny.” Kayla rolls her eyes at her two siblings before turning her attention to me. “Ciara, please have a seat. We’re very eager to share our vision with you since you’ll be an integral part of our growth on this continent.”

  * * *

  We started talking shop at two o’clock right after a quick, but delicious lunch and we didn’t stop other than to take a few quick breaks until seven. I’m exhausted from scratching notes and thinking of potential designs, but the excitement running through my veins at the prospect of working on such prestigious projects fuels me so much I could race downstairs and run a marathon.

  Logan and Walker left a few minutes ago to make it on time to a dinner with prospective new clients and Kayla and I are still sitting at the boardroom table bouncing ideas off of each other.

  “Honestly, we’re both so pumped up by our future plans, I’m sure we could keep going until the wee hours of the morning, but I’m sure if you don’t get out of here soon, Mr. von Henningsen will come after me.” Kayla grins with complicity.

  “You know, you’re totally right, especially since Nikolaj and I agreed this morning we’d reconvene at our place to talk about our wedding.”

  “Oh, lucky you. I can’t believe after all this time you were finally able to find the one.”

  “I know, right? Me of all people? As my sister loves saying, who would have thunk?” I shake my head, thinking of how Sofia reacted when I announced the big news. “As unlikely as all of this may be, I really feel like the luckiest girl in the world. I know it sounds cliché, but I just can’t imagine my life without him,” I confess, lowering my gaze to my notepad.

  “Between you and I and these four walls, I’m totally jealous. I have the absolute worst luck with men, and contrary to my brothers who are aiming to still be single in their eighties, I really want to find that special someone.” The longing in her voice is so obvious.

  “I know this sounds corny, Kayla, but he’s out there. Trust me. It’ll be when you least expect it. Look at you, you have so much to offer.”

  “I hope you’re right,” she says, lowering her eyes. I frown. She’s sharp as a whip in business, but her personal life doesn’t seem to satisfy her. “Well, enough about me. Since I had to leave Germany so early yesterday morning to fly back to close these deals, we never connected over lunch. I was never able to find out how your wedding preparations were coming along. Only a few more months to go.”

  I’d rather not talk about it.

  “Oh, you know. There’s so much to do.” I’m trying to be as casual as possible, given my breakdown this morning.

  “I’m sure. I mean we’re talking about a New York wedding and another one in Copenhagen. Wow. How are you dealing with preparing a wedding in a different country when you’re bouncing from New York to Paris to Berlin? You must have a kickass wedding planner or two.”

  “It’s quite the affair,” I reveal with a frozen smile on my face, hoping she doesn’t see how all of this is eating at me.

  Let’s not air our dirty laundry in front of the client.

  “Nevertheless, you must be extremely excited.”

  How can I tell Kayla I just want to marry my prince without sounding ungrateful or self-absorbed?

  Since the cat is already out of the bag, I take a chance and open up as opposed to pretending that everything is okay. “I can’t wait to be Nikolaj’s wife, but I could do without the rest.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “How much time do you have?”

  “Really? That bad? I’m not in your position of having a gorgeous hunk waiting for me at home who can’t wait to find out how my day went, so you can talk to your heart’s content because I’m listening.” She smiles warmly and places her hand on top of mine.

  “I don’t know if this makes me a horrible bride for not being totally enthralled about all these long lists of details that never seem to end, but I’m not.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that, Ciara.”

  “Yeah. I know money is no object for this wedding since both my dads had to fight Nik off to foot the bill, but still, it’s all too much for me. Nikolaj and I were talking about this exact topic this morning.”

  “I know we’re not BFFs, but I think we’ve been sharing more personal details about each other every time we hang out. Maybe I can help? I’m a great listener and I do own several hotels around the world, you know?” She grins, squeezing my hand.

  Oh, what the heck.

  “All right, but we’ll need some more strong coffee for this.”

  “How about some expensive French wine instead?”

  “You’re so on.”

  Over the next hour I lay on the table most of the concerns I shared a few hours ago with Nikolaj before he left for the office. It’s a funny thing, because it’s so out of character for me to be this candid with a client—let alone my most important client—but sometimes the perspective of someone who’s impartial is exactly what you need.

  “Holy smokes, Ciara, you weren’t joking when you said it was too much.”

  I shake my head, fully aware this short conversation won’t solve my problems, but grateful she was willing to listen. Other than Nikolaj, I haven’t shared any of this with my family. Harley knows bits and pieces, but she still doesn’t know the full story yet. Kayla is the second person on earth to know how tormented I am.

  A long silence stretches between us and Kayla ponders for several minutes before speaking again. “What if you could elope and take your close family members with you?”

  Huh? This doesn’t even make sense. “I’d ask what you’re smoking and demand you share.” She bursts out laughing. “As dreamy as that sounds, it’s an oxymoron and I can’t see how you can make that happen.”

  “Well, I have a feeling I’m about to become your new best friend.” Her expression is unreadable, but knowing her, she’s up to something.

  “Start talking, woman.”

  “Let me get some more wine first. I’m pretty sure we must have some leftover desserts from lunch. If we’re going to do this, let’s do this in style.”


  Chapter Five

  I hadn’t planned on spending the weekend in the South of France, but Kayla had me in such a frenzy after she shared her brilliant idea with me, what else was I going to do? When I got home after my meeting with her, I couldn’t wait to share the good news with my fiancé. I was talking a mile a minute and I couldn’t even catch my breath. I was so excited by the idea I could have the wedding of my dreams without causing any family drama and I could bypass both Tanner and Anton, I jumped at Kayla’s suggestion that my fiancé and I join her to visit one of her newest lavish renovations.

  Nikolaj and I dropped everything and boarded his jet and an hour and a half later we landed at Nice Airport. After an hour-long drive in our rented convertible white Benz through some of the most magnificent and colorful scenery I’ve ever seen on our way to meet up with Kayla, I’m standing jaw-dropped in front of an historical building in the city renowned for being the world capital of perfume. The ride from the street down a long graveled driveway surrounded by manicured greenery should have been a warning of things to come. I mean this looks like the sort of regal residence you’d see while flipping the pages of Unique Homes or Upscale Living, but nothing could’ve prepared me for the impressive estate stretching in front of me. Kayla should’ve given me a heads-up instead of being so tight-lipped about this eye-popping splendor.

  “Oh, my God, oh, my God, oh, my God,” I pant with my hand blocking the beaming Provence sun. Even with my designer shades, I have to squint to take in the beauty that stands before me. I’m so taken by emotions I have to hold on to Nikolaj so I don’t faint. My head is t
ilted so far back, it wouldn’t take me much to tumble backwards. “Honey, do you see this?”

  Nikolaj stifles a laugh. “Darling, I’m standing right next to you. I do see it,” he mocks.

  “Sue me for being this enthusiastic, but I want to make sure I’m not dreaming.” I know I’m being dramatic here, but come on. This is insane.

  “By the emphatic way you’re squeezing my hand, love, I’d say you’re very much awake.” He grins.

  “Your fiancé is right. This is as real as can be.”

  Holy shit. “Kayla, did you really acquire this?”

  “Yup.” She beams. “A lot of French blue-bloods who inherited these old châteaux in the South of France couldn’t handle the maintenance fees. Most of them live in big cities, and even for those who choose to live in smaller towns, they can no longer justify this sort of extravagance any longer. I kept seeing all of these magnificent buildings in private auctions and two years ago I convinced my brothers to bid on this baby,” she says, pointing in front of her.

  “You do know we’re talking about a big-ass castle in Grasse, the city renowned for its endless fields of colorful flowers, pioneering the perfume industry, sitting on the dreamy French Riviera and last but not least, being the birthplace of drop-dead gorgeous French actor Gilles Marini?”

  “I’m fully aware of it.” She winks.

  “Am I the only one who noticed the grand fountain on your property?”

  “Your reaction is priceless.” She chuckles.

  “I believe it’s her way of saying she really likes your property.” Nikolaj is taking evil pleasure in teasing me.

  “I don’t know if my brothers were a hundred percent behind me when I initially shared my vision, but their competitive nature played in my favor. When the bidding started, they were determined to win at all costs. We’ve been in renovation mode since we bought the place two-years ago, and it’s nearly ready.”

  “You transformed this old castle into a hotel?” Nikolaj asks.

  “It’s far more than a mere hotel. We’ve morphed this old ruin into what’s soon to become the premier destination for wealthy brides-to-be looking for an upscale way to elope.”

  “I’m sorry, but you’ve lost me.”

  “Yeah, Kayla, you’ve been quite evasive since you first mentioned this. How is it possible to bring your family along when you’re eloping?”

  She smiles. “People usually run away from a traditional wedding for one of two reasons. One, they really don’t want any close family or friends around when they tie the knot. Two, they don’t want to drown under all of the little details or deal with the family feuds that often erupt. It’s usually a time laced with emotions.”

  “You’re right.” I nod in agreement.

  “I still don’t get it.” Nikolaj frowns, perplexed.

  “I believe you and Ciara fall in the second category?”


  “But let’s face it, although close, Jamaica or Vegas won’t do for a woman like the one you’ll soon marry, Nikolaj, and who wants to burn good money flying twenty to fifty of their closest relatives all the way to Bora Bora, Fiji or Tahiti for their big day? Heck, I don’t think I’d do it. The jet lag alone makes me cringe. The South of France is perfect and it’s only a six-to eight-hour flight. If you catch the red-eye you won’t even see the time fly by. Not to mention, show me a girl who wouldn’t love to get married in a castle. Once you come to us, we take care of everything from getting your guests to our property all the way to the floral arrangements and everything in between. We even take care of sending out the invitations.”

  “Isn’t that what a wedding planner is supposed to do?” Nikolaj is drilling Kayla while I soak in the unbelievable view.

  “They have to survive and as such, they usually take on a number of clients at the same time. When we work with you, you’re our sole priority. Basically, we offer an elegant hands-free wedding experience. And the best part is, the quaint size of this castle prevents your wedding from turning into a glorified business event.”

  “Kayla, this is brilliant beyond words,” I cheer.

  “Wait until you see the inside, then you’ll really be dazzled. Follow me, there’s so much more to discover,” she says, extending her arm in front of her, inviting us to her magical wonderland.

  As we climb the granite stairs leading to the massive wooden door adorned with what seems to be original cast-iron doorknockers, I can’t help but feel as if I’m about to walk into a palace. When I step inside, I freeze. I try to blink myself out of my stupor enough to steady myself, but I can’t. My fiancé notices my reaction and he wraps me in his arms. I lift my chin and meet his gaze to try to express everything that’s stirring inside me, but the words fail me. I’m too overwhelmed.

  “Come on, baby,” Nikolaj whispers in my ear, giving me courage to step forward. My legs are still wobbly and I lean a little more on Nikolaj and allow him to guide me. Wow, this is unimaginable.

  For the next hour Kayla gives us the grand tour. I do my best to take it all in, but it’s all so much. Every time I lock eyes with Nikolaj’s, I can tell he’s as bewildered as I am. To say this is decadent luxury at its best would be the understatement of the century. Kayla’s château offers an incomparable experience—from the black and white marble floor in the entrance, to the chevron-pattern floors in each one of the thirty guest rooms that resemble the floors we have in our Paris apartment, to the intricate moldings on the ceilings, the double doors and the walls, to the palatial black wrought-iron staircase leading to even more greatness, to the floor-to-ceiling marble bathrooms, to the plethora of period paintings. When Kayla takes us outside it’s like walking through a miniature version of the King’s gardens at Château de Versailles. There’s even the type of large pool you’d expect to see in Ibiza. Everything about this place screams prestige and affluence.

  After a breathtaking expedition, we stop at the entrance right underneath yet another superb light fixture.

  I flash Kayla a side smile and dare to ask the question that’s been on my mind since we walked in. “Are you sleeping with another lighting designer?”

  “What makes you say that? I’d never cheat on you.” She laughs.

  “I’m glad to hear I don’t have to worry about your professional philandering.” I wink.

  “Nah, you and I have a good thing going on. I wouldn’t dream of looking at another. As far as I’m concerned, it starts and stops with you,” she adds flirtatiously.

  “Ladies, let me know if I should step out and give you a minute. I’m just a man and the way this conversation is going it has my head spinning with naughty ideas.”

  We all laugh.

  “It’s obvious these are originals,” I say. “No one makes these anymore. Certainly not to this extent.”

  “You know your craft well, Ciara. I’m very impressed. The light fixtures that were hanging here before we started the renovations were indescribably hideous. We were planning on securing your services once we had completed the core of the work, but one of the guys found all of these pristine chandeliers with the most perfect Swarovski crystal teardrops in dozens of boxes in one of the storage sheds in the backyard. They were brand new. We hired a few local artisans to clean them up and we made sure they weren’t a fire hazard and voilà. They may not be your designs, but I think they do the place justice.”

  “I couldn’t agree with you more.”

  “You’ve done an incredible job at maintaining the character of this castle,” Nikolaj says.

  “We had to. You can’t find this type of architecture anywhere in the world. Its exclusivity is our competitive advantage.”

  “No doubt.” Nikolaj nods. He’s visibly impressed.

  “As you can see, we still have a few finishing touches we need to take care of and we still have to bring in the furniture, but we’ll be ready to receive our high-end clientele in a couple of months—which, I believe, coincides perfectly with Ciara’s wedding date.” Kayla grins f
rom ear to ear.

  “Kayla, we were struggling to find a viable solution on our own, but this exceeds anything we could ever have come up with. I’m all in as long as my beautiful and charming fiancée is as well.”

  Kayla turns her attention to me. She grabs both of my hands into hers and tilts her head until our eyes meet. “What do you say, Ciara? Would you be willing to be the first bride who gets married at Château de Balzac?”

  I inhale to steady my voice. “Are you kidding me? If Nikolaj is on board, that’s a resounding yes for me.” I beam, unable to contain my excitement.

  * * *

  “Yippee!” I’m standing in our convertible Benz screaming my head off and waving my hands above my head as Nikolaj zooms down a deserted road bordered by plush lavender fields on our way from Grasse to Cannes. Damn, there’s nothing like the French Riviera.

  Before leaving Paris, we both decided to make the most out of this trip, since we spent so much time apart in the last month.

  “Ciara, you need to sit down or else we’ll get pulled over by the cops, and the French police aren’t nearly as accommodating as the men in blue in New York City.” Nikolaj is tugging at my dress, pleading with me to behave.

  “How can you ask me to curtail my happiness?” I swat him away, but his hand closes around my wrist, pulling me down until my butt lands on the passenger’s seat.

  “I’m merely asking you to put a seatbelt on before unleashing your exhilaration.” He looks at me from the side before returning his attention to the road.

  “No matter what you say, you can’t rain on my parade. You know as well as I do what we just witnessed is beyond belief.” I scowl, buckling up.


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