by mjafarian
مراجع و منابع
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Since now, cost, distance, time, and other objective data have played an important role in location theory as objective functions in the location models. However, they are not sufficient in facing with real world. One of the most important parameter in order to make applicable models is considering qualitative aspects which are called subjective data and they have not been considered seriously. As decision makers’ opinions are one of the most effective subjective data in the location decision, it will be a significant issue to present new models which are considering decision makers’ opinions. In this paper, we present a two-phase algorithm which is able to quantify decision makers’ opinions via fuzzy theory in first phase and construct a multi-objective model by inserting the quantified opinions in a basic distribution centre location model and solve it with LP-metric method in second phase. Finally, a numerical example is expressed for illustration of the proposed method. Also, five more numerical examples are created in order to give more details.
KEYWORDS: Distribution centers location problem, multi-objective decision making (MODM), fuzzy AHP.