Uncomplicated: A Vegas Girl's Tale

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Uncomplicated: A Vegas Girl's Tale Page 11

by Dawn Robertson

  I pulled her under me and deepened the kiss, thrusting into her with a fervor we both craved and needed. Her pussy clenched around me, squeezing me like a fist as she came hard while gasping for air. I groaned, a tingle shooting down my back as I spilled my seed deep inside of her. At that moment I realized that we could have just made a baby. I didn’t know how long it took. I didn’t know if it would work right away. But, there was always hope.

  At first it was a game but then I thought better of it. Yes, I thought of stealing her pills and I did but the guilt took over, so I had to return them. But she actually wanted a baby with me. Me. Mathis Verlinden. Maybe I was hanging out with Jennifer’s Bible thumper parents too much, but I would forever be grateful to the God almighty for placing this woman unexpectedly in my life.

  “How did you want this handled?” my brother asked me as I placed my feet on my desk.

  Again insomnia took over and I had trudged out of bed at four something in the morning. I stifled a yawn. “Legally.”

  Yan chuckled. “Now why would you think I’d handle it any other kind of way?”

  “Because you’re like me, fucker,” I bit out.


  Although we just started talking again after all of these years, so many issues had to get resolved but right now the biggest one was Jude, and keeping my wife safe. “What do you know about him?”

  I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose and leaned back in my chair. “He’s a rich daddy’s boy. Silver spoon jammed in his face from the time he was born. Has lots of money but doesn’t know what to do with it. He wants to ruin my career but I’m damn determined not to let that happen.”

  Yan scoffed. “Anyone with a brain would know that you haven’t gotten all of your money from just owning clubs. An ex-whore of a wife is not going to faze them.”

  I really was starting to hate that word. There had to be something much classier than whore. “Either way, he said he’d go after Jenny whether I liked it or not. I don’t care what he does to me, Yan. It’s her I care about.”

  “You know. I followed the business section of your life for years now__”

  “You did?” I asked, momentarily surprised by my brother’s admission.

  “Yes. I know we have our differences but you’re still blood,” he mumbled. “Anyways, I never would have pegged you for a man that would settle down so quickly.”

  “Neither would I, until I met her. It’s corny but it was meant to be.”

  “I get that. Not saying I want it for myself but what the fuck ever. So, Jude…” I smiled at my brother’s quick change in subject. “Jude needs to leave my wife alone. Whatever happens, I want it done quickly and legally, Yan. No messes. I don’t want to have to clean up after you.”

  “Is that how you’ve stayed out of jail all of these years?”

  I smirked. “Nothing can be traced back to me.”

  “You do realize that you’re on a phone. These fucking things can be tapped like a cheap hooker on the strip.”

  I laughed. “I’m good. I have a computer genius working with Dean.” “A computer genius? You have a fucking nerd working for you?”

  Wouldn’t Lucas Crane like to know that he’s being called a nerd? “That doesn’t matter. What’s important is that we need to keep Jenny safe from Jude.”

  A small gasp sounded from the door.

  I jumped up and turned to find Jennifer standing at the door to my office.



  I quietly stood outside of Mathis’ office listening to his conversation. I knew I shouldn’t eavesdrop on my husband, but the moment he left our bed in another one of his bouts of insomnia, I couldn’t help but follow. His conversation with Yan was friendly and carefree until I heard his name. Why were they discussing Jude?

  Since the night I saw him over their business dinner, his face haunted me. His normal devilish look across the table made me know exactly what he wanted from me. Nothing more than my body, which was how it had always been between us. I wanted more for ages, but not any longer. I never knew what I was looking for until Mathis steamrolled into my life.

  As their conversation continued and their plans hatched, I gave away my presence when I let out an audible gasp. Shit!

  “Yan, I gotta go. I will get back to you in a couple of hours.” Mathis disconnected the line and turned, stalking toward the cracked door where I hid.

  “Jenny?” his voice was strong and commanding. Almost as if he was pissed off that I caught whatever he was plotting. I should be the one pissed, not him. He had no right to be angry.

  “Mathis,” I growled in reply.

  “I’m not sure what you heard. But hear me out,” his clipped tone was soothing now. Almost as if he was pleading with me. “Let me tell you first, since that dinner, Jude has contacted me a number of times. All of them regarding you. Threats trying to get leverage over me to have you for another night. This isn’t about business, it is about him fucking you again, and the mere thought of it has me fucking seeing red, Jennifer.”

  I wanted to laugh in his face. Leverage over him for a night with me?

  “Well, Mathis. First off that’s not gonna happen. He will never get another night with me. He was a client, nothing more.” I tried to continue but he cut me off.

  “Are you sure he was only a client?” His jealousy was written all over his face.

  I was completely taken off guard at his question. What would give him the thought that there was ever anything more than a professional relationship between us? “Why would you even think that, Mathis?”

  “I saw the way you looked at him over dinner. The way he looked at you. There was more.” He was angry, jealous. I loved it when he was jealous. It got me all fuckin’ hot and bothered. I would never tell him that though.

  “Mathis. I thought once upon a time that he would sweep me off my feet. I didn’t know him, I didn’t know how much of a vile asshole he was, either. I don’t want him. I don’t want anyone but you. How many times can I tell you that? What else can I do to prove that to you? I’ve given myself to you in every damn way I can, Mathis. Please, believe me already!” I was pleading with him by the time I finished. I crossed the room and cradled his face in my hands. Our eyes stared into each other’s souls, but neither of us wanted to make the first move.

  “I’m sorry, Jenny. I’m so sorry.” His lips pressed gently against mine and his kiss apologized for ever questioning my commitment to him. It may be fresh and new but it was as strong as two people could be connected.

  “Stop worrying, Mathis. If I had known, I would have pulled out my client file on Jude.” I shrugged it off, knowing I had more dirt on Jude Emerson than he could ever have on me, or Mathis combined. “It is a non-issue, Mathis. I keep client files on every single client I have ever taken on. I have dirt on every last one. Shit they would never want to meet the public eye, including pictures. I will handle this. Have Dean get me a security detail for the day and I will pay Jude a visit.” Before I could finish my sentence he was cutting me off again.

  “I will come with you.”

  “No, Mathis. Before you go getting all fuckin’ caveman on him. You won’t come. This is something I have to do alone.” I watched his internal battle wage.

  He was trying to talk his possessive self down and do what we both know is the right thing.

  “Yan, my brother will go with you as your security detail.”

  “That is fine. Now baby, come back to bed with me.” I gave him a wink and throw a little extra sway into my hips as I walked away.

  My palms were sweating, my heart was racing, and I felt like I wanted to vomit.

  Yan stood by my side, as we flew floor-by-floor in Jude’s building. I didn’t want to confront him, I honestly wished he would just fucking go away.

  The elevator came to a stop and the doors opened with Jude standing front and center. His floppy blond hair I once found attractive disgusted me. I no longer cared for his surfer-esque
charm. I compared every inch of him to Mathis in my mind. His eyes were too pale. His smile was too bright. His charm wasn’t charm at all. It was cocky-douchebaggery. The way I once fawned over him disgusted me. I disgust myself thinking about the hours I fantasized about being under him again as he used my body for nothing more than his own pleasure.

  “Jenny, always lovely to see you. I must admit, I was more than excited when you called.” His hand rubbed his hardening cock through his pants and I wanted to punch him in the dick. But that would involve actually having to touch him, which I had no plans of doing.

  “Save it, Jude. I’m here on business. I fear you have violated a big stipulation in your client contact. I have contacted my lawyer about this, but I am here to give you a bit of a chance before I release this information on you.” I waved the brown file folder in the air.

  His demeanor changed from cocky to concern.

  “Jude, you should have known this would be coming. My husband has told me how many times you came to him with your empty threats. What is your problem? After all these years we have worked together, why would you now decide to be like this?” It was an honest question. We had always had a flawless partnership. He had always treated me with respect, which was why once upon a time I could have pictured being his Mrs. Emerson. Shitty to think about now and I know all-in-all it would have never actually happened. But, I couldn’t help but wonder why he stooped to this level.

  Yan continued to stand off in the distance, watching every movement Jude made. Giving privacy, but also being his brother’s keeper. I knew everything that took place would be reported back in detail to Mathis. The fact of the matter remained, I had nothing to hide. I was there for one reason and that was to get Jude Emerson to leave myself and my husband alone. For good.

  “I don’t know, Jenny. All these years. I just...” His fingers ran through his blond locks and I couldn’t help but see how conflicted he looked. Hurt almost. I wanted to pity him, but I couldn’t. “I thought that would’ve been me one day. You know. Me and you, a shitty Vegas wedding. I know I never acted like I wanted more, but I kept coming back to you as a client because it was the only way to have you. All those other women over the years never compared to you. Especially Lily. Seeing you with her that night made me realize how much it was you I wanted.”

  I wanted to run because I knew this wasn’t going the way I thought it would. I expected a fight with him, but all I saw was a broken little boy. Hurt because the favorite toy he liked playing with was broken. Unavailable. No longer his. The big kid on the playground stole it.

  “I’m sorry, Jude. I am genuinely sorry, but you can’t act like this. You can’t threaten my husband or me. You are lucky I chose to come to you. Had Mathis come, this would have been much more painful. But, Jude... I won’t come again. This is over. If you make good on any of the promises you made to Mathis, I will release these pictures. This file will go to every last business associate of yours, and your fathers. Don’t mistake my pity for weakness, Jude. I give one chance. That is all.” As I turned to walk back toward the elevator, I stop. “And Jude?”

  He nodded in my direction as his shoulders slumped and his hands dug deep into his pockets.

  “I’m not out of the business. I got new girls. I could set you up with my newest. I think she would be just your style.”

  Like that, Yan and I made our exit and, I could see the wheels turning in Jude’s head as the steel elevator doors closed.

  “Good Job, Sis.”

  The first words Yan ever spoke to me. Sis?



  “Where’s your beautiful wife?” Yan asked me as we headed to my dining room table.

  I cracked open two beers and handed him one of the brown ice cold bottles. “With her friend, Nora.”

  “Is this Nora single?”

  I smiled and sat across from him. “Not at the moment.” I didn’t know what her relationship was or if you could even call it a relationship, when it came to her and Dean. I did know though that whatever it was, it was solid. For the moment anyways.

  “Hmm…too bad. She’s a hot little thing,” Yan said as he took a swig of his beer.

  I did the same and placed the bottle in front of me. It was weird sitting there, at my table, talking, when we hadn’t seen each other in over fifteen years. The past couple of days we had bonded over helping Jenny with Jude but other than that, we never really talked about what our true issue was. “Why are we here?”

  Yan’s gray gaze met mine and he sighed before drinking the rest of his beer. “I…I’m an asshole and fucked up when we were kids.”

  I scoffed. “Well, our dad didn’t make it easy for either of us.”

  “This is true but…” he huffed. “This is going to make me sound like a fucking pussy but I’ve missed you.”

  I choked. If I was drinking something, it surely would have been spit out all across the table. “Excuse me?”

  Yan rolled his eyes. “Don’t act so surprised, jackass.”

  “Well I am. You’ve always hated me. Ever since we were kids.”

  “I didn’t hate you. I hated our father for always comparing us. I joined the fucking military because of that dick head. I still have nightmares over the shit I’ve seen,” he explained, his voice going gruff.

  I had no idea. No idea at all. The revelation hit me, punching full force into my face as I stared across the table at my brother. A man who I hadn’t seen or had a proper conversation with in as long as I could remember. Until now.

  “I’m sorry. I am. For everything. I shouldn’t have blamed you.”

  “Why now? Why after all of this time? You should have come to me sooner.” I didn’t want to second guess his motives but, I learned way too quickly that most people would do anything to get what they wanted.

  “You have every right to be suspicious.”

  “You’re damn right I do. Are you working with Antonio to try and sabotage me? Cause if you are, this shit just got real.” I didn’t want to believe it. I was done with the drama and so over people trying to destroy my life.

  Yan shook his head and shoved a hand through his black hair. “No. Antonio isn’t either. He was just fucking with you.”

  “Did you know that it was me he was meeting with for the business lunch that day?”

  “Yes, I knew but when I saw the love you had for Jenny, I realized right away that I couldn’t go through with the plans to take your business from you,” he said in one breath.


  Yan smiled. “I like your wife. She’s good for you. She keeps you in line. Now I know more than ever, that I don’t want to ruin you. I need…” I frowned.


  “I need my brother and my sister in-law. You’re the only family I have left.”

  My heart swelled. It would take time. It had been way too many years to bond instantly, but we were brothers. Blood. We couldn’t deny that. “So what are you saying?”

  Yan huffed, fidgeting in his seat. “You’re going to make me fucking say it, aren’t you?”


  “Fine. I want back in your life so we can bond like normal brothers and shit,” he grumbled.

  I cupped my ear. “I’m sorry. What was that?”

  His jaw tensed. “I said, I want to be part of your life again.”

  I laughed. “I know. I just wanted to hear you say it again.”

  “Asshole,” he mumbled but a twinkle of amusement flashed in his gaze.

  I smiled and sat back. So this was what being happy was about. I had a wife, my brother finally was speaking to me again and so far, my businesses were legal and going well.

  Everything with Jude had simmered down a notch. It had been a couple of days since Jennifer went to see him. I didn’t know what she had said. Yan had given me the run down on the conversation that took place between her and Jude, and that she handled that shit well. She had him eating out of the palm of her hand by the time she was th

  I was fucking proud of my wife and the way she dealt with her problems. She was my rock. My solid. My center. She was the part that was missing my whole life. I was addicted to her like a junkie to their drugs. She was my drug. My high. And this addiction? I never wanted to kick it.

  That night, I sat at my desk, writing up a spread sheet for Jennifer’s clientele when she strolled into my office carrying a handful of shopping bags. I smiled and pulled off my glasses before rubbing my aching eyes. “I bought some things for you, Mathis,” she said, placing the bags on the floor before sitting in my lap. Her fingers rubbed the tension out of my temples, making me sigh.

  “Did you now? What kind of things?” I asked, leaning my head back against the seat.

  “Lingerie, whips, chains, a strap on.”

  I raised my eyes brows. “Lingerie? Don’t you have enough?”

  She laughed. “You’re fine with a strap on but worried that I bought too much lingerie?”

  I chuckled. “I’m all for trying anything once.”

  Jennifer shook her head. “I was trying to be funny.”

  “I know, love.” I kissed her arm and clicked a couple of keys on the computer, bringing up a different screen than the spreadsheet that I was working on. My wife started telling me about her day. About the shopping extravaganza she went through with Nora. About Nora and Dean. All kinds of useless shit, but listening to her ramble on was probably the highlight of my day.

  “I think she’s in love with him. Of course, she falls in love with every guy she dates, but whatever. I really like Dean and I think he’s good for her.”

  I smiled. I could listen to her speak for hours. Her feminine but husky tone washing over my skin like melted chocolate. Her eyes danced around excitedly, telling me about her day when they landed on the screen of my laptop. Her words trailed off, her mouth opening and closing.

  I grinned. “What’s wrong, love?”

  She pulled the lap top closer, her gaze moving across the screen. “Is this…are we…what…Mathis.”


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