
Home > Other > U-Turn > Page 23
U-Turn Page 23

by Maren Lee

“I’m not scared,” Ryan insisted.

  “Yeah, yeah. You had excuses for days. You were scared,” she teased. Nick and Hannah both cracked smiles at Katie ribbing their dad.

  “I’ll prove you all wrong! Let’s get suits on and get out there!” Ryan clapped his hands.

  Erica and Greg walked back in. “We good?”

  “Mom, we’re going parasailing with Dad and Katie!” Nick shouted in excitement.

  “Awesome. Glad it’s not me. Greg and I are going to lunch. I need Mexican food and margaritas, stat.”

  I hear you there, lady.

  “Uh, Erica. Can we chat out on the balcony first?” Ryan asked.

  Hmmmmm. Wonder what this is about? “I’ll go get my suit on.” Katie wandered into the bedroom and let out the deep breath she felt like she’d been holding for the last ten minutes.

  She rummaged through her suitcase looking for her more modest bikini. Thank god I brought one with full ass coverage. It was athletic. Bright red. Racer stripes down the side. She looked at herself in the mirror. It wasn’t quite as modest as she was hoping. She looked a little bit like a UFC ringside girl. Shit. Well, thank god for cover-ups. She threw on her white mesh cover-up. And shook her head. Mesh. Yeah… She definitely would have packed differently had she known his kids would be here. She headed over to the table under the window to grab her sunglasses.

  “She’s young, Ryan,” Katie heard through the open window. Oh no. I don’t want to eavesdrop on this conversation. But after that hearing that line, Katie couldn’t bring herself to shut the window.

  “She is,” he responded. “But she’s fucking perfect for me, so be nice. I don’t want anything to fuck this up.”

  Ugh. I love this man.

  “Seriously? A twenty-four year old is perfect for you? Ryan. I hate to remind you of this, but you’re forty-two. Your daughter is only eight years younger than her.”

  Fuck you, Erica. And to think, I was ready to be friends with you!

  “Erica, stop judging. Sometimes age isn’t the important thing. It’s the connection. She makes me happy.”

  “She’s gorgeous, has legs for days, doesn’t have a lick of cellulite, and probably doesn’t have any hair on that pussy I unfortunately witnessed you eating. Of course she makes you happy.”

  All true. But also, fuck off!

  “Uncalled for, Erica. She is gorgeous. She is young. But she’s worked her way under my skin in other ways. She’s kind. She’s wicked smart. She doesn’t let me get away with my shit. She’s such a hard worker. She loves her family. She’s hilarious. She hates pineapple on pizza and thinks I’m the antichrist for loving it. She’s super competitive in a way that annoys the shit out of me but also makes me laugh. I’m in love with her. I’m. in. fucking. love. with. her.” Ryan emphasized every word and Katie’s heart seized.

  “Wow. Okay. I just thought maybe this was a mid-life crisis. She does seem very nice. Say no more.”

  “Get used to her, Erica. The kids need to get used to her too. She’s it for me.”

  Oh my god. Katie inhaled.

  “Whoa. Like, you’re gonna ask her to marry you, Ryan?”

  Holy shit. Katie grabbed her sunglasses and walked away from the window. She didn’t want to hear the answer to this question. Ryan told her that if it would make her happy, he’d marry her. So she knew where his head was at. But she wanted it to be what he wanted. She wanted surprises. She wanted hearts and flowers and candlelight and romantic overtures that didn’t involve a baseball game. So, yeah, she was twenty-four.

  But she wasn’t going to fucking apologize to anyone for it.


  “What did you talk about with Erica out on the balcony earlier today?” Katie asked. They’d just had an amazing afternoon parasailing, eating fish tacos at a little shack on the beach, splashing in the waves, and laying in the sand. Just the four of them. Ryan was in fucking heaven.

  Shit. His daughter was walking in front of him, catching the eye of every young guy on the beach in her bikini. Fucking Erica. Why on earth she let their daughter wear a bikini was a mystery to him.

  “Ryan?” Katie brought him out of his thoughts.

  “Huh? Sorry. That swimsuit she’s wearing is not appropriate for public. Look at all of these jackasses checking Hannah out.”

  Katie laughed. “Jesus, Protective Dad Ryan cares way more about bikini coverage than Hot Boyfriend Ryan.”

  “Oh, I cared about that dental floss you were wearing the other day, but I decided as long as I had my hands all over you, no other man would think about looking at you.”

  Katie blushed and entwined her fingers in his. They continued walking along the beach. The sun, the crashing of the waves, the lull of people on happy vacations. He could get used to this.

  “So, to repeat my question,” Katie started. “What did you and Erica talk about out on the balcony?”

  Ah, yes. That.

  “Oh, I just wanted to talk to her about where everyone was going to stay. That condo is nice, but it’s not huge. So we have two options. We stay there with the kids and Erica and Greg can get a hotel room, or we get a hotel room and Erica and Greg can stay with the kids.”

  We talked about that and a few other things. One of those things being that I’m going to ask you to marry me and she better get fucking used to you.

  “What does Erica want to do?”

  “She said she’d talk to Greg today. I said I’d talk to you.”

  “I mean, kids in the next room kinda hampers our sex life, but Erica and Greg live with that on a daily basis. Maybe we should give them a break. That way, we don’t have to spend the money on the hotel room, and I can get to know your kids better?”

  Ryan stopped walking and pulled Katie to him. “I fucking love you. You know that?”

  Katie smiled and then got up on the tips of her toes. She kissed his lips softly. “I do know that. I fucking love you too.” She smiled.

  Thank fuck.

  “Don’t worry. This won’t hamper our sex life. You just have to be quiet. I have plenty of ways to gag you that I haven’t tried yet,” he winked.

  “Oooh. Sign me up!”

  Ryan laughed. Yeah…I’m gonna marry this girl.


  “Dad! Are you serious right now?” Hannah whined as Ryan pulled her away from an attractive young man with six pack abs on the beach.

  Katie watched and tried not to laugh. It was really hilarious watching Ryan in protective father mode. Katie’s mom would have a feminist field day with Ryan if she ever witnessed him on the beach with his daughter.

  “Serious as a heart attack, Hannah. You’re practically naked and that guy is way too old for you.”

  Oh no. Katie cringed and waited for Hannah to throw that back in his face.

  “Oh, you mean like you and Katie? Don’t think I haven’t noticed she’s way younger than you, Dad.” Yep. There it is. Fuck.

  “It’s different!” Ryan shouted. “That kid is probably old enough to drink and my sixteen-year-old daughter is not going to be taken advantage of by a fucking frat boy in Cabo.”

  “You’re such a hypocrite!” Hannah fumed and then stormed off toward the condo.


  Ryan looked at Katie and shook his head, silently apologizing. “I got this,” Katie offered.

  “Honey, you don’t—”

  “Shhhh.” She placed her index finger on his lips. “Let me help.” Ryan nodded, resigning himself to the fact that maybe he couldn’t fix this one on his own. Katie wandered off after Hannah.

  She spotted her when she got close to the building. “Hey, Hannah!” she shouted. Hannah turned around and sighed.

  “My dad really pisses me off sometimes.”

  I’m sure Ryan would tell her not to swear right now, but I’m not touching that with a ten-foot pole.

  “I hear you. Mine was exactly the same way.”

  They walked up to the third floor t
ogether. “What did you do when yours got overprotective?”

  Katie laughed. “My mom is kind of a super feminist, so she usually shut my dad down. But he was just looking out for me. I get that now. Boys are gross, and they don’t get much better as they get older. But your dad is a good man, so he’s just trying to protect you.”

  Hannah sighed. “I know. And I’m sorry for bringing you into it, but if I can’t flirt with an older guy, why do you get to do that with my dad. It’s obvious he’s a lot older than you.”

  Katie scrunched her nose. “I don’t think it’s that obvious. Your dad doesn’t exactly look like an old man. When I first met him, I thought he was in his thirties tops. He looks good.”

  “Gross. Please never say that again.”

  Katie burst out laughing. “I’m sorry. I am totally biased. Okay, so here’s the thing. When you’re an adult, age differences aren’t as big of a deal as they are when you’re a teenager. When you’re sixteen, older dudes who are hitting on you are fucking gross perverts.”

  “That guy could have been my age!” Hannah defended herself.

  “Honey, he wasn’t. He was at least a college boy. And college boys flirting with a sixteen-year-old girl in bikini, who is, by the way, a very pretty sixteen-year-old girl in a bikini, are allllll trouble. And not in a good way.”

  Hannah rolled her eyes. Katie couldn’t believe she was having this conversation right now. If she hadn’t grown up in small town Idaho, she probably would have been throwing herself at college boys when she was sixteen years old.

  Now she knew that college boys had nothing on hot, sexy, fit, experienced, established, forty-something divorced dads of two teenagers. Added bonus? He was always trying to one-up himself. Whether it was his own kinky self or he was just trying to keep Katie interested, she wasn’t going to complain. Oh, I’m interested. Not that he needed to even try at this point. She was in deep. Too deep to ever cut herself loose.

  “Whatever. I’m sorry I brought you into it. I see how you are with my dad and he seems so much happier than he usually is.”


  “Yeah, he’s a fun dad, but he’s got a broody side. I’ve been worried about him all by himself in Imminence while we’re in Helena. His job is scary and I know he sees depressing things. I’ve been doing research, because I wanna be a cop just like him.”

  That surprised Katie and she didn’t know why. Her mom would have smacked her if she’d been inside her head just now.

  “That’s so cool, Hannah. What’s your dad think of that?”

  “He’s had me in self defense classes and karate since I told him I wanted to be a cop when I was five. He may be protective of me out on the beach, but I could’ve taken that guy down. Easy.” She grinned mischievously.

  The door opened and Ryan came in. “Hannah-banana, I’m sorry for embarrassing you. But you know—”

  Hannah ran at her dad and hugged him around his waist. “I know, Dad. You were just protecting me. Sorry I threw Katie in your face. She’s awesome. I really like her and I like the way she makes you happy.”

  Ryan closed his eyes and wrapped his daughter up in a hug. The smile on his face made Katie a puddle of mush.

  Ryan-the-dad is so amazingly hot.


  Ryan looked over at his ex-wife and Katie sitting on log by a bonfire on the beach, nursing their beers and laughing over something, the firelight bouncing off of their faces in the darkness like it was telling a hilarious fucking joke.

  This is most surreal moment of my life.

  He took a swig of his beer and looked out at the ocean. He could barely see it in the darkness, but he could hear the waves pummeling the large rock formation off the shore.

  “Fun night,” Greg said as he walked up next to Ryan.

  It had been a fun night. He didn’t expect it to be horrible, but he also didn’t expect to have a really fun time with Erica and her boyfriend. He and Katie had made dinner for everyone at the condo. The kids watched a movie. The adults played Cards Against Humanity and drank until Katie and Erica decided it wasn’t a true beach vacation until there was a bonfire on the beach. So here they were.

  “Yeah, man. Great time,” Ryan offered, sincerely, clinking the neck of his beer bottle against Greg’s.

  “So…this is going to sound super weird…” Greg started.

  Oh god no.

  “But, you know, Erica doesn’t have a good relationship with her parents.”

  Ryan knew. Oh, Ryan knew. Not only were her parents shitty parents, but they were completely non-existent as grandparents. His parents picked up all the grandparent slack Erica’s parents didn’t even acknowledge they had.


  “Well, I’m gonna ask her to marry me…”

  Oh shit.

  “But, I have no one’s permission to ask. So I thought I’d ask you.”

  What the…?

  “Greg.” Ryan gave him a ‘you’ve gotta be fucking kidding me’ look.


  “I like you. But you’re a dipshit,” he said with a smile.

  “Hey, now.”

  Ryan laughed. “Ask the kids! Don’t ask me! I’m the last person you should be asking.”

  Greg shook his head and smiled. “I already asked them, asshole. I just… well, you and Erica have a great co-parenting relationship. You’re strangely still friends. I know you’ll be a part of our lives for a really long time, so you just seemed like the right person to ask.”

  “I’m glad you told me, but you don’t need my permission. Do whatever the fuck you want. You know you only actually need Erica’s permission, and I don’t know, man. She doesn’t seem to like you very much,” he teased. Erica was clearly head over heels for him.

  Greg laughed. “That is true.”

  “Kids cool with it?”


  Ryan slapped him on the shoulder. “Okay, then. Good talk, Greg. Sheesh. Please never do that to me again.”

  They laughed and wandered back over to their ladies.


  Katie always loved getting fucked from behind. It definitely was among her top three favorite positions. She’d never imagined it could be kicked up a notch, but Ryan was currently proving that it sure the fuck could. She was wearing the new pink beginner’s ball gag, so she had no way to voice her pleasure. She could still moan, but if she did, Ryan’s kids would hear it. That was the last thing Katie needed on her conscience.

  So there she was, gagged, her hands held behind her back, her face pushed down into the bed, as Ryan pounded in and out of her. The pleasure was fucking intense. The head of Ryan’s cock stroked her g-spot. She needed to fucking scream.

  Ryan bent over her back close to her ear and whispered. “You fucking like that dick, don’t you, dirty girl?” He grabbed her ponytail and pulled. Fuck. So good. The instant rush of pleasure came from her nerve endings in the top of her head and zipped straight to her core.

  He pulled his dick out and stopped.


  “That’s my girl, look at that pretty wet pussy. Come dripping all down your leg,” he continued to whisper.

  She moaned softly with the gag muffling her cries. Her body couldn’t hide her reaction to him.

  “How ‘bout you give me one more?” he asked quietly. He tugged on her hair again, pulling her head back and arching her back. He thrust his hips, pushing his cock back deep inside her while he held her hands at her lower back.

  That was all she needed. Her body came undone from the pressure and the sharp pull on her hair. Her muscles flexed around his hard shaft. She could feel him throbbing as her vaginal walls pulled on him. Ryan hissed as his balls drew up and he filled her on a quiet grunt.

  She loved the warmth of him bathing her from the inside.

  “You fucking slay me, baby,” he said as he pulled out. She hated the loss.

  He released her hands and unlatched the
buckle on the belt of her gag. Ryan fell to his side as she pulled the gag out and set it on the nightstand next to the bed.

  Katie curled into his arms.

  “We can do that again. Anytime. My jaw’s a little sore, but no more so than when I suck you off,” she remarked, quietly.

  “You are heaven-sent, I swear to god.” He kissed the top of her head.

  Katie giggled at the thought of heaven sending a nympho down to answer all of Ryan’s prayers.


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